On Sunday morning, after Klein got up, he found that the Backlund map on the coffee table in the living room had several places circled, and they were not too far apart. This must be the clue left by Sharon, the preparation site for the upcoming battle. So, he followed the prompts and spent the whole morning carefully familiarizing himself with the surrounding environment, figuring out what buildings there were and where the nearest church was.

In the afternoon, when he became free again, he went to the Cragg Club again. As soon as he entered the lobby, he saw Alan Kress, a surgeon with a cane who had been unlucky recently, slowly coming out of the cafeteria.

"Alan, how are you doing lately? Has your luck gotten better?"

"At least it's not so unlucky!" A heartfelt smile appeared on Allen's face, which looked naturally cold. "I followed your suggestion, went to the church, and told the bishop what happened. While praying, I actually fell asleep. But I seemed to feel that the goddess had given me a state of peace and tranquility. Since then, my fortune has been normal! Praise the goddess!"

He drew a crimson moon on his chest.

According to my experience, it should be a certain Sequence 7 "nightmare" that put you into a deep sleep, and then the Nighthawks who are good at rituals quickly set up the altar, prayed to the goddess, and neutralized your bad luck... Klein raised his eyebrows The corner of his mouth said: "This is really great!"

At this time, Allen glanced at him and said: "Sherlock, I have always felt that your belief in the God of Steam and Machinery is not pious enough. Why don't you convert? Look, there is an example of me here, believe in the goddess!" "

Isn't this making things difficult for me? Hearing Allen's request, Klein almost drew a crimson moon on his chest, but in the end he resisted the urge and responded to the other party very seriously:

"Perhaps some of my performance caused you to misunderstand."

"But I have to tell you, faith is something that is decided and will not be changed."

Allen immediately raised his arms and made an apologetic gesture: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood your piety. I shouldn't have made fun of your faith."

"Okay, differences in beliefs do not prevent us from being friends."

Klein put away the expression he had just faked and smiled:

"This statement is not true in Fusac and Feneport. They can only accept one belief."

At this moment, Klein noticed another person slowly walking out of the restaurant. The other person's hair seemed to be longer, and the dark brown hair had already touched his shoulders. An angel should be able to control his own body, but he actually lets his hair grow freely?

His lips seemed to be moving slightly, as if he was talking to himself.

Klein said hello: "Mr. Edward."

Edward turned his head after hearing this, with a smile on his face. Dr. Allen was not familiar with Him, but they were both from the same club and had met Him several times, so they nodded to each other to show goodwill.

Thinking that he still had something he was curious about, and it was no secret, Klein changed the subject casually: "Did you see Will Auceptin again later? He was the one who had one of his legs amputated, and said that you Children who will have bad luck.”

Edward did not join their conversation. In Klein's opinion, High Sequence was not interested in such ordinary extraordinary events.

"No, I haven't seen him since he was discharged from the hospital." Allen shook his head affirmatively, feeling a chill for no reason.

Edward glanced at him silently, then looked away.

What a pity. The Nighthawks can find him based on the address registered in the hospital, but I can't intervene rashly... Of course, the child might have moved away long ago... But it has nothing to do with me... Klein chatted with Allen After a few words, the other party left first because of something else. Edward then turned his head (he had been staring at the corner in a daze just now) and asked curiously: "Did something happen to Mr. Chris?"

"Mr. Allen's luck strangely worsened after he performed an operation on a child." Klein briefly summarized the cause, process and results of the incident, and also tried to obtain some high-sequence reasoning from his fellow villagers. "I suggest He went to the goddess’s church to pray.”

Edward nodded and said to him pleasantly: "This method of handling is the most orthodox and simplest. His luck has been affected. It may have nothing to do with the child. It is most likely due to the negative effects of the extraordinary items in the destiny pathway. . After all, it is normal for children to have high levels of inspiration, just because that sentence created some psychological implications."

Klein felt it made sense and put it behind him.

At this time, two more acquaintances came in at the door, one was Mrs. Mary, a member of the Kingdom's Air Pollution Investigation Committee and a shareholder of Coim Company, and the other was Mrs. Summer, Klein's landlord. They all wore relatively light skirts and looked much younger.

They saw Edward from a distance, and also saw the great detective Mr. Sherlock who had a good chat with Edward.

Edward, on the other hand, seemed not to notice the two ladies and passed them by without looking back. Mrs. Mary hurriedly covered her face with a feather fan and was about to come forward to talk. She hesitated to speak, and felt embarrassed by the other party's simple and rude disregard. She quickly pulled Mrs. Summer into the hall. Klein smiled and went to say hello to them.


"It's the mercury snake," said the King of Decay, "Will."

"I know that He will not change his name. This name is an important part of His humanity. When it appears together with luck, there is a high probability that it is because of Him." No one saw that Edward Vaughan had just left the club. , the smile on his face disappeared without a trace, and turned into a kind of frightening indifference. He muttered words as if he was talking to someone. He stood on the street like a rock separating the flow of people.

"What a surprising piece of information."

"Will was allowed to run away so easily. It seems that Ourolius has nothing to worry about now."

"The True Creator has not taken the initiative to communicate with me recently." Edward looked for the back of Alan Kress in the crowd, but he had been gone for a while and had long since disappeared.

It was daytime now, and it was too strange for him to take the initiative to find someone in the other party's clinic. What's more, it was still unclear what role this person would play in Will Asceptin's reboot: "I didn't tell the story about Medici either. Tell him. He has been mentally unsound recently, and pollution is gradually eroding his memory and consciousness. Oh, he also discovered it, but attributed it to misfortune and misfortune. This is also the conclusion after his judgment has been affected."

"Let's do this for now. When His judgment ability is weakened to a certain extent, I will take the initiative to exert influence."

The Decline King's tone is still as dull as dead water. Only certain things can cheer him up: "It's almost time to take action. I recently went to the East District to take a look. There is a certain point in the decline of the human race. arrive."

"Natural disaster or man-made disaster?"

"Man-made disaster."

"Ha." Edward couldn't help laughing, "Demons have never been a race that enjoys killing each other, but humans are different..."

Before he finished speaking, an oncoming person in the deserted path suddenly bumped into him with great force. But Edward didn't move. Instead, he was staggered. Edward touched his pocket and found that his wallet was missing. At the same time, the ragged man quickly put something into his pocket without looking back. Run deeper.

"...Where are you going, sacrifice?"

Edward stood there and spoke to his back: "You sold your life to me, and your internal organs will be used for divination."


A moment later, Edward arrived in front of a townhouse in the eastern part of Backlund according to the divination results. People walking around are generally neatly dressed and equipped with hats and walking sticks. Occasionally, one or two ladies are seen wearing skirts made of expensive fabrics and jewelry made of gemstones. Obviously, this should be a residential street for the middle class.

After a preliminary survey of the surrounding environment and geography, Edward put on a smile and asked nearby residents about the residence of the Aucetin family. He looks gentle and noble, and his elegant words and deeds always make people like him easily. After only ten minutes of investigation, he has collected all the current impressions of the neighbors on the Ascetin family.

There are four members of the Ascetin family, including the businessman Mr. and Mrs. Ascetin and their two children, one older and one younger.

The eldest son has reached an age where he can help his parents in business. The younger son did not go to school because of his frailty and stayed at home. After the birth of their youngest son, the business of the Aucetins became better and better, and their lives were no longer tight. Therefore, he raised his son who was in poor health as a lucky star, met all his requirements, and even hired a tutor to teach him.

But for some reason, my youngest son developed a strange tumor on his leg. He had to undergo surgery to amputate the leg, and spent a lot of money to finally cure it. The Aussetins also made enough money, and the family of four hurriedly moved to a better city.

It takes ten minutes to investigate and only two hours to listen to the parents’ families. By the time Edward finally sent away these enthusiastic neighbors, it was already dark.

"Do you want to catch up and have a look?" Edward said to himself, "Will Auceptin will definitely not be indifferent, and there will be no gains."

"He will seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Whether you go or not is a part of today's destiny. We can just wait for His next move." The Declined King replied, "His illness is cured, which should mean that he successfully escaped. The pursuit of Ourolius. So it is unknown whether he will continue to hide with his current identity or whether he will find another home and restart."

"Anyway, it is impossible for Destiny Path to become a true god before the end. Waiting for that "opportunity" is enough to kill them. Not to mention that there are Rings of Fate outside and many gods eyeing their source matter, so the fight between Ouroleus and Will is nothing to worry about. "


"Keep an eye on Dr. Allen." Edward thought, "I remember that he has a wife and children, and he is still young."


In the East District, in the principal's room of the Ernst Charity School, Maria took advantage of the evening sunshine to flip through the files she had compiled over the past few days. On them were the names of boys and girls, most of whom were under the age of 20. This section of the East District Main group of people missing in time.

There are more and more people.

Enraged by the huge losses, Kapin began arresting people wantonly in the East District. The scope of targets expanded, and revenge was almost indiscriminate. During this time, even homeless people did not dare to walk alone on the road.

Be patient, Mary, be patient, and you will save them.

After having fun with Mr. Z, the Pilgrimage Sect received a share of 6,500 pounds, which is a huge amount of money. This year, the leader may not need to allocate funds, and the East District can also renovate and expand facilities.

Considering the future cooperation, Mr. Z originally wanted to give more, but for some reasons (Aurora Club's best employee assessment) he tearfully accepted the 3,500 pounds of funds and a huge amount of merit worth 10,000 pounds. It is said that Mr. Z laughed so much that his mouth burst into tears, and a serious civil war broke out in the Aurora Society the night he returned.

In this regard, Maria could only say: Thank you Mr. A for not choosing the battlefield in her workhouse because she was worried that her merit would be deducted.

And: I hope Mr. Z is okay.

Of course Mr. Z was fine. A ball of flesh was kneaded into plasticine and then kneaded back into a human form. Not only was he fine, but he happily sent a thank-you letter after returning to the Aurora Club, along with the Backlund private detective price list that Maria had requested. ——Maria decided to ask the detective for help. Because private detectives are better at hiding, disguising and investigating than themselves, they are pervasive and they are not familiar faces to Kapin. They can handle simple investigations, provided they have the ability to get close to Kapin's home.

Maria needs a rough layout of the building. Don't expect to find secret passages, but internal rooms, corridors and pathways to basements are a must, as are vents and sewers.

This matter could no longer be dragged on like this. She planned to sneak in alone, summon the Angel of the Abyss inside, and then wait for an opportunity to leave with the abducted children. Somewhat risky, but no choice.

Essinger Stanton... is suspected of being a mid-sequence Extraordinary, suspected of possessing more than one extraordinary item, and has made great contributions to the investigation of previous demon cases... He is a good choice! But it’s too expensive…

Detective Stuart, Detective Kaslana... also contributed to the case, and their prices are very affordable, but they seem to be ordinary people who know nothing about the extraordinary world... Kapin has the support of the nobles behind him, Maria sighed. She didn't even know that there were several extraordinary beings hiding in the house. Of course, it was impossible to drag ordinary people into the trap.

Detective Sherlock Moriarty... is also someone who participated in the investigation of the case. He has a certain reputation in Backlund's detective circle. There is too little intelligence information, so he is not sure whether he is an Extraordinary, but the price is very suitable, and he got Ai Singer Stanton's strong guarantee...

Maria quickly read the form, delineated several goals in terms of combat effectiveness and economic ability, and decided to visit tomorrow.



The day is even more tiring. (sad

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