Lost contact.

The team sent to Tingen and responsible for the divine descent lost contact.

When I got the news, I was staying in the underground church of the Aurora Society's stronghold in Backlund. Except for the occasional person who came to pray and suddenly exploded into pieces, it was quiet enough here for me to write. The listener knelt on the ground and reported to me. His body was shaking violently, as if he was about to collapse into a puddle of flesh and blood in front of me.

I did not respond immediately. I finished writing the next line with a classical quill pen and carefully added a full stop. Then I put down the manuscript paper and the pad on my knees and turned my face to him:

"What happened?"

From his confusing answers, I pieced together the general process: First of all, I knew that this divine descent was actually a deception. The requirements for using human women as the maternal body to conceive the offspring of gods were extremely high, and it was very difficult to complete the ceremony. So the Son of God is actually a smoke bomb, and the real container is the members responsible for the ceremony. They knew nothing about it, but they would be extremely honored, so none of us said anything.

Of course, for me, smoke bombs and back-ups are the same. It would be best if the Son of God could succeed in one go.

But now, a problem arises.

The two members who performed this ritual were missing. There was no reply for three days. They were probably dead. And Z, who is responsible for this matter, has not yet sent a report or asked for help. This is unreasonable.

This is also my fault. Strange, I should have been "looking" there, but I didn't know when I withdrew my gaze, because I felt that this divine descent could not fail. Why? What is it that affects me?

I recited the honorable names of my allies and listened attentively. The chaotic words rushed into my mind with the knowledge of the danger of corruption that was enough to make low-sequence people outside the path of ordinary people and shepherds explode in an instant. I skillfully isolated them and threw them into the filthy abyss of my consciousness. Thinking of those traces of twisted destiny, I thought about it for a while and confirmed that there was really something terrible hidden in that small town. Then, based on the past failed experience of divine descending, this thing is very likely to be...Adam .

"——I understand, please step back."

After a moment of silence, I said to the still trembling listener: "Go tell the manager of the sealed artifact that I want to withdraw an extraordinary item of at least Sequence 5 from the "Apprentice" path. "


About ten minutes later, I got the sealed item I wanted. An item that meets my requirements and corresponds to the "Traveler" sequence takes the form of an emerald ring. It does not have the characteristic of being alive and can carry out teleportation at very short intervals. The negative effect is that when worn, it will have a strong aggregation ability and cannot accurately locate the destination. It will also be accompanied by uninterrupted screams of blood and blood in the mind. The negative effect is also Quite a lot.

The cry of blood, the desire to gather... I knew in my heart that most of these were the letters of surrender brought by the "Secret Saint" or Mr.

Abraham. I remember that Mr. Door is still in the hands of the Mother Goddess.

And Roselle, although I also polluted Him quietly, the little bit of pollution I had hidden could hardly outshine the fallen Mother Goddess who had never restrained her hands. Watching Russell being swallowed up by the red moon, I could only sigh in despair. I secretly hinted to him the coordinates of my body and hinted him to go there, but this guy always acted out of common sense and ran straight to the moon, becoming a prop in the hands of others.

If it falls into my hands, it will at best fall into eternal numbness and chaos. The Mother Goddess is not as kind-hearted as me.

good. So let’s go to Tingen now to see what’s going on. I put the ring on my finger and poured my soul into it - indeed, I couldn't clearly imagine the destination in my mind. So I randomly chose a direction, opened a blue "door" in the air, and stepped in.

My vision suddenly changed, and I came to a not-so-wide street, surrounded by low-rise houses. Wastewater flowed on the street, and corpses and garbage were piled up in the corners. This is the East End, where despair breeds. There was no one around. I roughly estimated the distance and spirituality, and prepared to open the door and leave. Suddenly, spiritual fluctuations occurred in the alley ahead. A light door opened out of thin air, and a familiar figure ran out in panic.

"What's going on?!" Miss Forse Wall shouted desperately, "We are still in the East District, why are we only separated by two streets?!"

There was also a petite woman who came out of the door with her. She was holding a three-edged thorn in her hand. After glancing in a certain direction, her whole body was shaken as if she had been struck by lightning, and she was dead. Staring in that direction, his body stiffened into a stone.

"It's over." The little woman squeezed out the words through her teeth. "He saw us. Qilingos and I made eye contact."

Miss Forsi's face turned pale in an instant, losing all color. She looked at the bracelet with only two stones left on her wrist, and reached out to pull it off - then she saw me. Her expression flashed with shock, fear, and struggle, and she blurted out: "Why are you here?"

This gathering came too fast. My eyes glanced at the bracelet on her wrist, and I understood. Then he smiled and asked like an ordinary person who happened to be passing by and knew nothing about the coming danger:

"Good afternoon, Miss Wall, and the unknown lady. I am collecting inspiration in the East End. Can I invite you to afternoon tea?"

twenty one

Forsi's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a pinhead. She had no time to explain. How could she explain the horrors of the extraordinary world to an old-fashioned gentleman who lived a normal and calm life? She gritted her teeth, pulled off one of the last two stones on the bracelet, and shouted, "Come here quickly!"

"Please believe me, Mr. Vaughn!" She said at the fastest speed in her life, "I will explain to you later, follow us now!"

Judging from the confused expression on his face, Mr. Edward seemed to be still out of the situation, but he still walked towards them quickly. The distance between them was only four or five meters, and an adult could walk there in just a few steps. Forsi ignored her heartache and left only the last stone. She raced against time to open the door, but at this moment, she was already so nervous. The ultimate Xio suddenly exclaimed, turned around suddenly, and pushed her towards the door that was not yet fully formed.

"You go first!" The little arbiter's expression was one that Forsi had never seen before, "Qilingos is already here!"

Forsi's eyes widened in disbelief and she looked at the sky. She found that Edward, who was only two steps away from them, also raised his head and looked in that direction. She saw a scene that instantly chilled the blood in her body to freezing point. The cruel and murderous pirate general stepped on the window sill and used the ability of "Wind Blessed" to glide toward them like a big bird! He had a bloodthirsty smile on his face, and his body was light and strong, like an eagle preying on its prey, like a vulture swooping down. He looked at their death struggle with contempt and aloof, his eyes filled with the ecstasy of determination to win.

"Forsi, leave quickly!"

"No, no! Hugh, you come with me—"

Forsi's legs were uncontrollable in fear, and her thoughts seemed to be at a standstill. Her fingers tightened on Xio's clothes, trying to pull her into the door together. At this moment, she felt her body rising into the air, and before she could be confused, she saw Xio follow suit and see Edward Vaughn, who had already arrived in front of them, holding one person's back collar in one hand. , throwing them together into the newly completed door with incredible strength.

"...Wait!" After falling into the brightly colored tunnel, Forsi's brain that had stopped started to work again. She saw the figure of Qilingos gliding in the gap behind Edward Vaughn. , but she could do nothing but cry out in despair:

"No!! Wo——"

twenty two

Qilingos saw clearly that the woman was not a "traveler", but she held an extraordinary item of traveler status. Although there is still one last stone, it is enough for him to complete the planned murder and escape calmly.

He licked his lips, and the bloodthirsty and crazy smile on his face further expanded. He had already seen the scene of torturing the two people and then tearing them apart.

With the help of the wind, he crossed the distance between two streets and alleys in just a few seconds and arrived directly in front of the door. Qilingos stretched out his hand and decided to feed the middle-aged man who was hindering his plan first to the "squirming hunger", and then calmly snatched the magical item. But at this moment, his spiritual intuition suddenly issued a shocking warning, and then fell into dead silence the next second. Zillinges was astonished. The hand with the "Wriggling Hunger" on it was less than an inch from the gentleman's back.

The gentleman slowly turned around.

Qilingos suddenly couldn't move.

How is this going? ! The pirate general was shocked: the distance of an inch and the time of less than a second seemed to have been stretched infinitely, but this man who had never been in his eyes did not change at all.

"If you die here, Miss Wall and her companions will definitely suspect me. ...But you look like you taste good."

"I have work to do and you're interrupting me."

Edward Vaughan looked at him calmly, without mockery or contempt. His irises and pupils were black, looking misty and without light, accurately reflecting Qilingos's frightened expression. His standing posture is straight and elegant, with his chest raised and his head raised, and he walks slowly and proudly, like a well-designed and meticulous doll. His gaze stayed on Qilingos's "squirming hunger" for a second, and then fell into silence, seeming to have a brief thought, and a terrifying light like lava flowed from the depths of his eyes. He raised his cane and tapped the gem-encrusted top on Qilingos' chest from a distance.


From His mouth spewed blasphemies from the abyss.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qilinges felt as if he had been hit hard. His entire sternum was sunken, and all the bones in his body made a heartbreaking twisting and cracking sound. His face turned red in an instant, blood spilled from the gaps between his teeth, his skin cracked, his limbs were crooked, and the broken flesh and blood instantly soaked through his clothes. Then, as if he had been hit by a battering ram with full force from the front, he was blown away like a cannonball, collapsing the roof of a dilapidated bell tower a few hundred meters away, and sending up a thick plume of smoke.

Edward Vaughn turned his back and sensed that the flow of time returned to normal. He stepped into the brightly colored tunnel in front of him. The blue door gradually closed behind him, just blocking the scene when Qilinges flew out. At this time, Miss Forse's short "Mr. Vaughan" had not yet read the second word. Then, her unspoken words were stuck in her throat, and she watched in disbelief as the other party, after protecting the two of them, entered the door with all his limbs intact in the last half second.

"That's great, that's great..." She was about to cry without tears, and was trembling over the fact that the elder almost lost his life because of her.

"Don't be afraid, ladies, we are safe." Edward comforted them softly, with a look of relief on his face, "It is a gentleman's duty to protect women and children. We are all fine."

"...Now, do you want to go sit down at my house, drink a cup of tea, and explain to me what is going on?"



*Thank you everyone for your recommendation votes! What a surprise! Thanks!

*Edward: Hey, this looks delicious...an item from the Shepherd Path? Could it be that he is an ally's subordinate and can't eat it? Then get out.

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