Edward kicked away the corpse lying in front of him and looked down at his students in front of him. The tall young man huddled under the tree, covering the huge wound on his abdomen with one hand, frowning, and his lips were bloodless. The fingers were blue and white from the cold, and they looked stiff, but they still didn't let go, pressing against the abdomen to prevent the internal organs from flowing out. In the cold winter, there was neither frost nor snow on Richard's body, and a trace of white mist leaked from his mouth. He was the only living thing that still had warmth.

The corpses scattered around were frozen solid, and the snow fell into their torn limbs or their eyes widened unwillingly, and did not melt away for a long time.

"..." Can't even maintain the state of a puppet?

After watching quietly for a few seconds, Edward put up a spiritual wall around him, put his cane on Richard Ernst's shoulder, and turned the body lying on its side. He saw the wounds on the young man's body constantly healing and tearing, and blood gushing from his abdomen. His eyes were dull, and his dilated pupils were staring at a certain point in the void. His breathing was chaotic, and his face was covered with cold sweat and blood stains. He seemed to be immersed in a dream that he could not wake up from.

It's Rune. thought the devil.

He knelt down, half-kneeling on the ground, raised Richard's head, straightened his face and said, "Look at me."

"Wake up." Edward looked into the other person's eyes, "It's so embarrassing, Richard Ernst, you are actually trapped in a nightmare dream?"

The name recited in this tone made the possessed Richard react somewhat. His godless pupils reunited with difficulty, and he mobilized the last bit of his extraordinary ability to break through the demonic barrier, but he lost control because of his poor condition. signs. His pupils stood up, his fangs grew out, the knee joints of his legs twisted backwards strangely, clumps of gray hair sprouted from his cheeks, and at the same time, his body became partially weakened - he trembled violently, and passed After a while, these curses gradually faded away from him.

He took a deep breath and finally regained his human appearance. The calamity on his body still continued to tear apart his wounds. Richard, who had not recovered from the huge physical and mental damage, closed his eyes, then looked at his teacher, and defended himself angrily:

"No." He said, "I didn't... embarrass you. I seriously injured a demigod from the Church of the Night and killed his followers."

"What did you dream about?"

"I... dreamed..." his voice was hoarse and intermittent, "I dreamed that the Highland Kingdom was destroyed... people became slaves... a dream exactly like the current world... it was too real, and now the Highlands can no longer hold on. I went down, so I didn’t realize I was dreaming.”

"That is indeed what will happen." Edward showed no emotion. "You saw it in advance and you are mentally prepared."

...Richard closed his eyes and fell slumped into Edward's arms. After a few minutes, he regained some of his energy and continued to utter a sleepy voice: "...Teacher, I feel confused. Si'a is leading the splintered rebels to carry out terrorist attacks on colonial officers and soldiers, and The Church of the Bound God led by the princess is actually indifferent. Teacher, is my struggle really meaningful?"

"No. Well, if you cannot resist independence in the next hundred years, then the history books will record you as ignorant indigenous remnants who go against the trend of history." Edward answered this question.

"You don't have to be so direct..."

"You no longer need to help the Death Church clean up the Seven Gods believers who lurked in, because just now, the Bailang royal family was destroyed."

Richard's breath paused. He opened his eyes.

"Emperor Balam is dead. His crown was collected by Lun as trophies. Only the eldest princess Shia Palenque Eggers of the Royal Eggers family fought her way out of the siege with the help of her personal guards. Now Balam's throne is The playthings of the generals of the Northern Continent were stolen. They scrambled to plunder them. They even scraped off the gold leaves in the palace and took them away. The fire in the capital has been burning for three days. So you don’t have to rush there. The journey will take at least another three days. Wait. If you go over, you can probably only help them clean up their charred bones."

"...The Balam Empire has been destroyed..."

The mixed-race colonists in the southern continent murmured to themselves, with unconcealed sorrow on their faces: "Will the Highlands become a puppet regime?"

Edward was silent, and then spoke. The cruelty in his words made Richard unable to breathe: "Why support the Highland Kingdom?"

"In terms of area, the Balam Empire's territory is more than twice that of yours. In terms of historical background, the Highland Kingdom has only been established for more than a hundred years. It cannot be compared with the Church of Death, and its overall strength is far behind. The Highland royal family cannot Controlling such a large territory and so many people is easy in reverse. We should destroy the highlands, then let Balam annex you, and then support the puppet regime of the Balam Empire. The Eggers royal family is considered dead. There are many spineless and weak nobles."

"..." The scarred Richard pursed his lips tightly, saying nothing, and finally closed his eyes again tiredly.

Edward Vaughn obviously doesn't care about this. There is nothing in this world that he really cares about. He narrowed his eyes and stared at his student. This time he saw the stacked threads of fate again. If it was still a spider web thirty years ago, now it may be regarded as a sparse cocoon. It's just that these lines are decreasing one by one, because the people whose ends are connected to the southern continent are dying one by one.

The Angel of the Abyss looked at these intermittent lines for a long time, and then the expression on his face settled into a smileless sneer.

But His voice was still calm, making it difficult for people to tell his true thoughts and feelings: "This time I don't come for the Highland Kingdom. My destination is the third largest city of Balam. I want to complete my ritual."

"Your ritual..."

Richard, who was sleepy and had a splitting headache, recited it again in a half-asleep state without thinking at all. Then he suddenly struggled in horror, broke away from the teacher's arms, and forced the broken arm with his hands regardless of the wound on his abdomen. Support your upper body with your arms:

"You're going to Mudelon!"

"There...the permanent population there is 600,000!"

"Yes. I am going to spread filth, spread fear, and bring the majesty and judgment of the governor of the Northern Continent." Edward stood up, lowered his eyes from the top, and spoke slowly, his voice was cold and calm, "You can let They run away before tomorrow morning comes."

Richard subconsciously looked up at the sky, only to see that he had been unconscious for a long time, and the sun had already set above the sea in the west. He took a breath and gritted his teeth to push his body to stand up, but failed three times in a row. He needed to rest and refresh himself. Now he might not even be able to defeat a mid-sequence Beyonder. Tearing pain shot through his whole body, every cell was wailing, blood flowed into his eyes and scabbed, the organs in his abdomen fell heavily, intestines fell from between his fingers, and Richard could only arch his back. , kneeling on the ground in pain again.

"...I can't...I can't let them..."

"The filth of human nature...greed, fear, selfishness, cowardice. You let kind people degenerate into doing evil or die, let evil people be killed by greater evil or their own conscience, and make people's faith shattered and hope extinct. …until the last man dies for his own sins…”

Seeing that his voice was getting weaker and weaker, and he was about to faint from the pain, Edward added unsteadily: "Then, sin will flow in these cities forever, establishing hell and abyss on earth."

Killing is boring. To a high-level demon, a lack of artistry is like cooking a piece of meat without seasoning it.

Inducing the depravity of human nature is the right thing to do. Provide a sufficiently closed space and some sufficiently attractive conditions to spread terror, maliciously drive up prices, spread rumors, sow discord, and maximize the freedom of people in an extremely terrifying environment. Feel free to do evil.

Build an isolated city that denies all goodness and virtue and only desires and sins run rampant. If you want to give food to others, people will break into your home and snatch the food. In the end, your whole family will be dead on the street, and you will be accused of being stingy. If you are a general guarding the city, no matter how tenacious you are, your soldiers will make wrong judgments in panic and despair after rumors spread. In the end, you will be killed by the rioting people and soldiers, even if you die heroically, Less than. Then they killed each other, and the filth flowed into the ground and spread far away, and the dead could never rest in peace.

"Three massacres... In fact, you didn't kill anyone yourself... but all of them died..."

Richard spat out a mouthful of blood as soon as he said a word. He felt that his head and feet were as heavy as stones, and the sound and light were getting further and further away from him. But he managed to stand up and staggered towards the distance. His footprints were deep and shallow, each one filled with blood.

"Thank you for your kindness, even if only one can escape..."

Edward looked at him, neither stopping nor helping.


When the sky darkened slightly, Garland De came back from outside. He set up Sharf's residence and identification.

However, as soon as he opened the door of the almshouse converted from his old church, he heard the faint sound of conversation coming from the basement.

He was greatly surprised. The underground warehouse was usually only used to store some supplies, equipment and medicines. Most of the people who went to get things hurried in and out. Why was it so busy today? There seemed to be many people talking to each other?

He walked around the hall to the basement stairs with ease, and happened to bump into the nurse who was carrying a bag of bread and vegetables upstairs. Garland reached out to the caregiver and asked, "What happened down there?"

Seeing him come back, the nurse suddenly felt like he had met his savior. He smiled bitterly and sighed: "He's not the young man you brought here, sir."

Garland De frowned: "What trouble has he caused?" Is this little fat nobleman still domineering in my territory?

"Well... Well, you'll know when you go down and take a look. It's not a bad thing." A look of dumbfounding appeared on the nurse's face, but he was busy distributing food to everyone, so he didn't talk to Garland De.

Garland De walked down hesitantly. As soon as he arrived at the door of the underground warehouse, before he entered, he heard someone's annoyed voice.

"Wrong again! This is already the fifth time. Why did you make such a simple assembly wrong five times? You can't be a mechanic like this."

Garland De was surprised, this voice... seemed to be that craftsman? What is he doing here?

He pushed open the door and saw fat Charlotte Maxwell walking back and forth in the warehouse, like a ball rolling everywhere. During this period, he kept instructing other workers to repair old and broken equipment, holding a stack of documents in his hands. He rolled up his sleeves, and there was a lot of grease on his clothes. The cloak he used for camouflage was now dirty. He looked like an ordinary technician, different from the overly curious and unafraid person he had just arrived in the afternoon. The little fat nobleman who is still a bit willful is completely different from the other two.

It seems inappropriate to say guidance. Under Garland's gaze, after Sharf watched a young worker's work for five minutes, he suddenly slapped the apprentice on the shoulder and said in a strange and disbelieving way: "You are wrong too! Oh my God, is this Simple question, but none of you know how to adjust it? Do you think this precision adjustment shaft is installed like this?! Look here, here, and here..." He pointed hard back and forth in several wrong places to fix the semi-finished product. Parts were flying around, "The places that should be tightened are so loose, and the adjusting shaft is stuck so tightly! Do you have a grudge against the user - do you want him to be crushed to death by the beam while working?"

The technician apprentice, who was about the same age as Sharf, rubbed his forehead in frustration, took a deep breath, and tightened the screws again and again.

It was really a bit bullying for a mid-level craftsman to do this. After all, there was no Extraordinary among this group of people... Garland was hesitant to speak, but he didn't feel angry. Sharf saw that the apprentice knew his mistakes and could correct them, so he reluctantly let him go. He picked up the document in his hand and read it line by line... Within a few seconds, he clicked his tongue again: "One-fifth of the medicines in use have expired. ?You dare to use expired ones for patients?"

Several nurses and teachers looked at me and I looked at you. One of them stepped forward and said, "The expired medicines we use are all within one month of expiration, and the potency of them has been verified..."

"But it's expired?"

"There's nothing we can do about it." Another nurse with medical experience couldn't help but say, "The equipment we use are all old products that have been eliminated by churches and factories, and the medicines we use are discounted in stores because they are close to expiration or have already expired. To deal with the backlog, we..."

Sharf frowned and tsked twice, not knowing what to say for a moment. The caregivers wiped their tears quietly, and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point. Fortunately, Garland De, who was standing at the door, coughed in time to relieve him. When Sharf saw him, he naturally pushed the document into someone else's hand and said with a familiar tone, "My arrangements." alright?"

"It's been arranged. You...the adult has paid a sum of money for you and bought a house. I'm just responsible for the identification. You can stay here tonight." Garland De handed over a few documents and read them. Touching the other party's dirty clothes and hands, I felt that my prejudice was slightly reduced, and I couldn't help but be a little more friendly, "Thank you for coming to help. Bayam has a lot of special food that you can't eat in the Northern Continent, so I'll treat it as a pick-up for you tonight." Dust off.”

"Okay!" Sharf beamed, "I came here to kill some time because I felt bored. My great-great-uncle said that I should learn to support myself when I go outside... I want to eat barbecue and drink fruit drinks."

"By the way, what kind of house did my great-great-uncle buy me?"

Garland glanced at the document and answered from memory: "Just near Bayam Commercial Street, there is a private villa imitating Intis architectural style, with three floors and 20 rooms, equipped with A gardener, a coachman and a team of servants cost more than twelve thousand gold louis.”

The currency of Intis is similar to Rune, which is more than 9,000 pounds when converted. The caretaker thought for a moment about his workhouse, about the damp food and the children receiving two meals a day, and sighed softly.

"Great-great-uncle didn't arrange a cook for me? How nice it is."

Sharf didn't feel the fleeting heaviness on Garland's body at all, and he was as cheerful as any young man traveling for the first time: "I see that you are also in a tight situation, do you have a chef here who can cook? I can hire you temporarily for a short period, and the salary is good. If you are tired of eating Titus food, just know how to cook foreign food or maritime-style food. It would be better if she is a beautiful girl. I can offer you a higher salary. "

Facing the gatekeeper's eyes, which seemed to send him off to meet the eternal blazing sun, Sharf shrank his neck: "...It doesn't matter if she's not a pretty girl."



*This is a detailed supplement to Lao Ai’s “Filthy King” promotion ceremony.

*And I have to complain to everyone about our silly squad leader.

This guy started out as stupid and pretentious, and now he's become stupid and useless. The graduation certificate from the college came out too late, so we in the dormitory planned to go on a graduation trip, so we finished the things and sold all the old books and clothes (that's why we are so busy these days). I am leaving this afternoon. I packed my luggage yesterday. In the evening, I suddenly learned that those who leave school early need to apply for "entrusting others to help with graduation affairs". Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the graduation certificate will be sent back smoothly.

This moment made us all confused. We went to ask the class monitor what was going on and whether she was the trustee of the whole class. This fw just said this and she didn’t accept the entrustment (this person really had to poke her to move). Suddenly, the student ID cards that were collected for registration were not issued, and some people had already left but she still refused to issue them. Previously, she even lost the internship certificates of the entire class, causing everyone to rewrite them.) We had an urgent discussion in our dormitory for a while, and the final conclusion was that the one who was farthest away was the one who went back. The local guy and I returned to school after returning from the graduation trip, and helped five close classmates and roommates who had no idea about it and left early. Individual procedures. In other words, we who could go home to catch big fish on the 26th will have to stay on campus for another half month.

We have already discussed how to find an opportunity to punch the squad leader twice.

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