Sect Leader, Please Respect Yourself, I’m Really A Gentleman

Chapter 200: Li Shengzi Who Loves Talents Like Fate

All eyes were on Li Yangping.

He is tall and straight, with a handsome face, cynical on his face, and the star flashes in his eyes.

Li Yangping is here.

This man's name is really too big.

The son of Devil Dao, Devil Dao carries the handle, the title of the town, the first genius in all ages.

And what he has done since his debut is also shocking.

As soon as she came, she violently beat the first arrogant of the right way, and almost shattered Wei Ziying's Dao heart.

Another person swears to his death against the tide of war beasts.

Become a cultivator at the age of nineteen...

Tianjiao of the same age was overwhelmed by this pile of things.

But the distance between him and them was too far, and he couldn't even raise his hatred.

It's hard to beat it in a lifetime.

When the gap is too big, there is no jealousy, it's all admiration.

In particular, everyone is no better than Li Yangping, and he has a lot of balance.

The people became agitated.

Li Yangping is a special existence, especially for the people in Weiyang City.

This is where Li Yangping was born and raised.

In the past, Li Yangping was also a blockbuster at the Weiyang City Exam Fair, and his name spread throughout the Chinese mainland.

"This is the Son of the Nether Hall?"

"A little handsome, I love it."

"Yeah, you can't tell that it is the Son of Devil Dao without saying it."

"I thought Young Master Pian Pianjia came from somewhere."

"In the face of Li Shengzi, I also want to become a disciple of the Netherworld Palace."

"Dream you, the Nether Palace is a top class, only geniuses can enter."


Many children from aristocratic families are also talking quietly.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Yangping stepped into the air.

Slowly fell on the high platform, glanced at the seven people who stood up, and said, "Oh, everyone is here."

Zheng Ruchun was the first to speak. "Li Shengzi finished breakfast?"

"I didn't expect you to be quite smart..."

"Zheng Holy Maiden didn't have breakfast? I'll take you with me next time."

Zheng Ruchun flushed, and said shyly: "Okay, you decide the time."

"Zheng Ruchun!"

Seeing this scene, Song Jianli scolded with a cold face: "This is the Fairy Trial Conference, not your Acacia Sect."

She believed this woman very much before, but now she realized that the demon girl was hitting her man's attention?

Zheng Ruchun didn't pay attention to it at all, but smiled: "What does Song Jianshou's remark mean? The Nujia is talking to Li Shengzi, and he is not talking to you righteously."

Song Jianli: .....

Song Jian jumped violently away from his eyelids, wishing to hack to death with a sword.

But with so many people, she can't scold this demon girl to seduce him, right?

Zheng Ruchun obviously knew it too, so he dared to yell confidently.

Wei Ziying also said coldly next to him: "The Fairy Trial Conference is about to begin, please also Zheng Holy Maiden to respect yourself."

Zheng Ruchun's face was overwhelmed, and she grievedly said: "Li Shengzi, they all bully the slave family."

Not only Zheng Ruchun looked at Li Yangping, but also Wei Ziying and Song Jianli looked at Li Yangping.

Li Yangping: ...

What's the matter with this Shura field?

So He Ximu said: "Okay, the Fairy Trial Conference is about to begin, let's watch this first."

After speaking, he took the lead to sit in the position.

The others were not good to say anything, and followed suit.

Seeing Li Yangping sitting down, the royal family and Sect disciples followed suit.

Elder of Wenren Royal Family whispered: "Princess, it's time to announce."

Wen Ren nodded towards Tao, "Okay."

Then he stood up slowly, just to announce the start of the Fairy Fair.

While talking, staring at Li Yangping.

Thinking of kissing him impulsively...

He blushed with shyness when he heard the people's court.


Amidst the announcement of Wenren Chaodao, the Fairy Trial Conference officially kicked off.

According to the list that has been counted a long time ago, these aristocratic children took the stage to test their talents one by one.

And Sect chooses whether to include them in Sect according to their talents.

If it is valued by more than two Sects, then this child has the right to oppose the election.

Decide which Sect to join based on your own preferences.

"Child of the Zhang family, come on stage."

The faces of all the family children were nervous.

It's about the future, so I can't help but get nervous.

Jackie Chan or adults are watching this.

The rest of Sect's person in charge also looked at it seriously.

Only Li Yangping's eyes were erratic.

If anyone with sharp eyes looks at him, he can see that he is in a bad situation.

Sitting on the left is Wei Ziying and on the right is Zheng Ruchun.

Originally, Wei Ziying and Zheng Ruchun had a rift.

At this moment, the two women looked at each other, and the killing intent was pervasive around them.

Li Yangping, who was caught between them, was miserable and was in dire straits.

I don't know who arranged the seats, not only didn't separate the two ways.

It also connects these eight positions into a straight line.

Zhengdao and Devil Dao sit in rows.

Li Yangping, who was tortured by murderous intent, couldn't stand it anymore.

He regretted, why did he come to be in charge of this trial conference,

At this time, Zheng Ruchun leaned into his ear and whispered: "Li Shengzi, the slave family accidentally angered Song Jianshou, will you vent your anger for her?"

Li Yangping rolled his eyes, "Did you deliberately?"

Zheng Ruchun narrowed her mouth, and Chu Chu said pitifully, "The slave family just wants to talk to Li Shengzi."

"say something?"

Why hadn't he noticed it before, this demon girl just watched the excitement not too much.


Wei Ziying coughed and interrupted: "This is the Fairy Trial Conference, please don't make any noises."

He gave Li Yangping a fierce look.

Li Yangping scratched his head awkwardly.

Seeing her extremely cold look again, a smirk appeared, quietly sitting in the big hand, and grabbing her little hand.

Wei Ziying:! ! !

Wei Ziying was stunned, feeling the warmth of her palms, her pretty face flew with red clouds, and she said in a low tone, "Li Yangping, what are you doing?"

Li Yangping said earnestly: "This is the Fairy Trial Conference, Chief Wei, please keep quiet."

Wei Ziying: ...

Had to give him a white look.

With so many people, especially Sect deacon behind, how dare this brave guy to secretly grab his hand?

What if someone saw it?

Wei Ziying panicked, her cheeks hot.

But I can't bear to let go...

Li Yangping raised his eyebrows at her, just about to continue making fun, only to hear the voice of the system in his mind.

【Post a task. 】

[As the saint son of the Nether Palace, I naturally want to do my best for Sect, and ask the host to recruit talents for Sect. 】

Li Yangping was stunned, "There are still tasks?"

I saw a panel emerge in front of my eyes.

In addition to this task, there is a progress bar below.

It seems to be the degree of completion of the quantity and quality decision,

A full progress bar means that the task is complete.

It also means getting the best task rewards.

The corner of Li Yangping's mouth raised slightly, "It seems that the Fairy Trial Conference is the right one."

It can also contribute to the Nether Palace, and can also complete tasks to get rewards.

Not bad.

At this time, a serious voice sounded from the high platform.

"Wang Ziyue, talent is top grade."

A young girl in between is standing on the test bench, with her right hand on the test stone, which emits a bright light.

Suddenly Sect was restless.

Especially the first-rate and second-rate Sects began to fight.

"I want it from Iron Sword Villa."

"My Wu Bianzong can accept you as a direct disciple."

"Don't grab it, it's my Ice and Snow Sect."

"I am Zhao Guangzong..."

The top grade talent is already pretty good.

It was also the first top-grade talent in this Fairy Fair. All Sects did their part and began to fight for it.

Li Yangping turned his head and glanced at the deacon in the nether hall.

Deacon instantly understood the meaning, and said, "I want it in the Nether Palace."

The restlessness stopped instantly.

The first-rate and second-rate Sect children looked at the high platform together.

I saw Li Yangping sitting on a chair, and Lang Lang, the Nether Temple behind him, spoke.

"No one has any objections?"

The Sect disciples' complexion instantly changed. They are only first-rate and second-rate Sect, how could they have won the top class of Nether Palace.

But isn't it true that the top-tier bulks don't look down on top-grade talents?

The talents of the entire Shenzhou Continent are divided into low-grade talents, mid-frequency talents, top-grade talents, high-grade talents, overclocking talents, and sacred talents.

The most common ones are the upper, middle and lower talents.

Generally, high-grade talents are likely to enter the top bulk, while the super-grade talents can attract competition from the top bulk.

At that time, Li Yangping was tested for his sacred talent, and he almost made the top big fights.

But the sacred talent is extremely rare, and only Li Yangping has been the only one for so many years.

And other special physiques are also the targets of the top-level bulk.

Such as pure yin divine body, sword bone...

These are not comparable to ordinary talents.

For the first-rate and second-rate Sects, these special talents are not what they can imagine.

So their goal is top-grade talent.

The top-grade talents are not appreciated by the top-notch, and it is also important to them.

Wenren royal family Elder glanced around the crows in silence, and asked: "Prince Yue, high-grade talent, is there anyone else who wants it?"

The surroundings are extremely quiet.

Even the top bulks didn't speak anymore.

The first-rate Sect and the second-rate Sect, who were vying for the excitement just now, did not dare to say anything.

This is the person that the Saint Child of Nether Palace wants.

Who dares to ask someone in front of him?

Elder of Wenren Royal Family saw no one talking, so he said: "In this case, Wang Ziyue will worship the Netherworld..."

"and many more."

I saw the little girl raised her hand weakly, and said carefully: "I am from the royal family of Fengtian City, Zhang Wanli of the Heavenly Dao Sect is my cousin..."

Elder was stunned.

He really didn't know that this little girl had such a relationship with Heavenly Dao Sect.

In this case...

That should worship Heavenly Dao sect.

So he turned his head to look at Zhang Wanli and asked, "Do you want your cousin to join him in the Heavenly Dao Sect?"

Zhang Wanli, who was inexplicably named:...

Nodded directly and said: "She is my cousin, of course..."


At this time, Li Yangping coughed quietly.


Zhang Wanli was silent for a moment.

Oops, forgot there is this evil star.

Looking at Li Yangping cautiously, he saw the old sage Li Yangping there, and when he saw his gaze, he grinned at him.

Zhang Wanli wanted to call his mother to help me in an instant.

Li Yangping is now his shadow.

Ever since he was beaten up, hearing Li Yangping's name made his calves feel weak.

Not to mention that this person is actually in person.

Seeing Zhang Wanli come to an abrupt end, Elder couldn't help but continue to ask: "What does Chief Zhang mean?"

Zhang Wanli retracted his gaze, coughed, and said, "Since Ziyue has been favored by Li Shengzi, she naturally joined the Netherworld Palace."

"My cousin can't interfere."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the little girl and said, "Ziyue, since I joined the Netherworld Palace, I must cultivate hard."


The bewildered Wang Ziyue nodded.

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