Song Jianli came to him at this time.

Looking at the gate of Immortal Cave, he suddenly started to be dazed.

Li Yangping asked curiously: "Song Jianshou, what's wrong with you?"

Song Jianli shook his head, "I thought of my previous experience."

"What experience?" Li Yangping was even more curious.

Song Jianli glanced at him and said, "This is my most impressive experience of entering the secret realm."


Li Yangping was taken aback for a while, looking at Song Jianli's serious expression, he seemed to understand something.

Obviously Song Jianli said that it was the secret realm at Demon Mountain.

It was in the secret realm of Mount Demon that the two people met.

From the indifference at the beginning, to the acquaintance and love in the back...

That was the secret realm, the two people had a good impression.


Seeing Song Jianli, Li Yangping coughed and changed the subject: "Since the secret realm door has been opened, let's go in first."

Seeing the embarrassed and unnatural Li Yangping, Song Jianli had an imperceptible smile in his eyes, and he nodded, "Listen to you."

So taking Li Yangping's hand, the two walked towards the gate of Immortal Cave.

Stepping in, the figure disappeared in place.

The three of Bai Ziye looked at each other.

Finally, I chose to follow up.

Although True Qi has not yet recovered to its peak, Song Jianli and Li Yangping have entered.

You can't fall behind too much.

Otherwise, what if the chance is robbed by the two of them?

Finally, until now, the Demonic Beasts all retreated.

How is it possible to give away the chance of secret realm to others?

The last figure approached behind the gate of Immortal Cave.

The formation stopped working, and the gate gradually closed.


The moment I entered, the first thing I saw was a bottomless corridor.

It's dark, without any light.

Li Yangping and Song Jianli held hands and didn't know how long they had been walking forward.

Just reached the end of the corridor.

However, everything in front of them made them a little puzzled.

The palace in front of it was not luxurious, but rather dilapidated.

Even many parts of the palace collapsed.

There are many dark red blood stains on the walls and the ground.

It doesn't seem to be a palace here, it's like a battlefield.

But what is surprising is that there are many bloodstains here, but not a single body.

So this blood comes from and?

Song Jianli frowned and said, "It looks so strange here, there is a feeling of battlefield."

"I don't know what the hell is doing here."

Li Yangping said: "This is the Dragon Palace."

"What, Dragon Palace?"

Song Jianli was stunned, "How do you know this is Dragon Palace?"

Li Yangping pointed to the top of his head, "It's written on it."

Looking in the direction of the finger, I saw two words written on the broken door: "Dragon Palace."

The handwriting is crooked and squeezed, and it still has a decadent atmosphere. At first glance, it is a plaque from many years ago.

Although the name is awe-inspiring, it feels a bit funny.

This plaque seems to be falling...

At this time, Bai Ziye and they also arrived here.

After seeing everything in front of them clearly, they were also a little dazed.

Obviously, I have never seen such a special secret realm.

Bai Ziye glanced at the protector, the two looked at each other and then left in one direction.

No matter what special secret realm is here, they have spent a lot of effort to get here.

How could it be possible to stop them from seizing opportunities?

Zhang Wanli glanced at the back of Bai Ziye's departure, and finally struggled again and again, choosing a line of defense that was completely different from that of Bai Ziye and the others.

Li Yangping froze in place, Divine Sense spreading around.

After he had completed the layout of the palace, he led Song Jianli in one direction.


Song Jian obediently followed.

The two of them stretched out along the corridor, all the way to the palace.

The corridor was extremely quiet, and I couldn't see my fingers.

There are many statues around.

And they were all guards in armor.

He is tall and riding a steed.

Holding a weapon in his hand, his expression is solemn.

Li Yangping's eyes flashed, looking towards the surrounding statues.

In the eyes of Pozuotong, these statues are obviously not ordinary statues.

I was about to say something, but I heard a click.

Song Jianli's expression shook, it turned out that he accidentally stepped on the floor.

Triggered to the organ.

The originally gloomy surroundings flashed in an instant, and there was a booming sound.

The doors at both ends of the corridor also slowly closed.

In an instant the corridor became a closed space.

Li Yangping frowned, "Is this another test?"

Song Jianli held Li Yangping's hand, feeling a little uneasy.



Li Yangping looked around, and saw that the sculpture that was originally acting seemed to be alive.

At this moment, they all looked at them in unison.

These statues shone with a light blue halo, making people feel creepy.

Li Yangping frowned: "These statues... this secret realm looks strange."

After speaking, the statue understood.

Wrote countless weapons attacking them.

The huge pressure surged, almost a few packs of air.


Li Yangping shot Sword Qi all over his body, and finally transformed into a huge palm.

Grab the weapons of these sculptures.

They abruptly contained their actions.

No matter how powerful these sculptures are, they can't break free.

Li Yangping twisted his eyebrows: "These sculptures turned out to be distracting?"

All the other sculptures also moved.

Shot at the two.

The horse flies up under the crotch.


There was a huge roar.

There are more than a dozen statues in this long corridor, all of them attacked.

It blocked their front in an instant.

The weapon looked towards them.

The momentum is amazing.

As Li Yangping’s eyes flowed, the golden Sword intent spouted out,

All these statues were split open with a sword.

However, the statue is not a human being, so naturally there is no feeling,

Therefore, continue to attack without fear of death.

Li Yangping frowned, "Sister Song, these things are strange, you have to be careful."

"I know."

Song Jianli nodded.

Directly carrying the sword to greet a statue.

Glue it together.

Sword Ray flickered and looked at the statue's neck with a sharp sword.

Hear a boom.

The statue fell to the ground.

Li Yangping smiled, and no longer hesitated.

Flying Sword Qi cut towards the statue.

However, the more he fought, the more surprised.

These statues look like ordinary stones, but they are not.

It turned out to be an extraordinary material inside.

It's not even just hard.

Even Sword Qi can hardly be arbitrary.

Their bodies can absorb a certain amount of Sword Qi...

Not only the movement is not stiff, but the power is also extremely large,

Li Yangping tried to attack with spirits.

But to no avail.

These statues have no brains, how can they be supplied,

No matter how you attack, it is nothingness.

It seems that these statues are not alive, they are just driven to attack...

Although they are unable to develop the agricultural skills and Taoism, their own power is also a threat to the distraction period.


The corners of Li Yangping's mouth raised slightly.

"But that's it."

After all he leaped up.

Hunting in white, the recommendation flashes in his hand.

Countless Sword Qi is like a surf board.

Spreading around him with him as the center.

A huge tornado formed.

The tornado reached a height of tens of meters and passed directly to the top of the head.

There is also a whistling sound.

The terrifying Sword Qi is about to split the surrounding air.

"Go to hell!"

The statues can't handle these pressures at all.

It was cut directly by the sharp sword.

The hard skin is full of cracks.

Song Jianli stood behind Li Yangping and was not affected.

Looking at Li Yangping at the center of the tornado, Nan Nan couldn't help but said, "It's too powerful."

After a while.

The tornado stopped.

Countless residual value short legs fell, and it hit the ground with a huge sound.

The entire promenade was in collapse.

Li Yangping's whereabouts.

The look was solemn, without much expression.

Song Jianli walked to his side and whispered: "Sister Li, you are too strong, you can actually use Sword Qi to condense into a tornado..."

"These sculptures are actually cut apart by you."

Great sword, golden dragon, palm, tornado...

Sword Qi can be transformed into countless shapes in Li Yangping's hands, which shows that Li Yangping is extremely proficient in the use of Sword Qi.

This terrifying control made Song Jianli willing to bow down.

Li Yangping smiled: "It's just a little trick."

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