
"Why hasn’t Uncle Ma woken up yet?"

"Could it be that the spell that bewitched him was not cast by this pig demon, but by another pig demon?"


"There must be a more powerful pig demon at Uncle Ma's house!"

Zhou Yihang thought carefully while looking at Uncle Ma who was still squatting on the ground picking wild vegetables.

At this time,

Xiao Jin suddenly said,"Master, although this pig demon is weak, it has already formed an inner elixir. Maybe I can seize special abilities through visualization!"

Inner elixir!

This pig demon has this?

I read too many novels in my previous life, and it seemed that only big demons had inner elixir or something.

Unexpectedly, this pig demon also had an inner elixir.

There was no one around, and Zhou Yihang was not afraid that others would discover the secret between him and Xiao Jin.

After summoning Xiao Jin, he immediately visualized the pig demon.

Soon, a clear visualization picture of the pig demon appeared in Zhou Yihang's mind.

Then, the pig demon's body quickly turned into sand, and in less than a minute, the body disappeared.

As a quail egg-sized light yellow inner elixir turned into golden light and poured into Zhou Yihang's brow, the pig demon completely disappeared from this world.


After a series of thunders sounded in his mind, Zhou Yihang smiled after checking his body.

"Not bad!"

"36 more acupoints were opened!"

However, what puzzled Zhou Yihang was that, unlike the acupoints opened by the zombie talent that could harden him, he did not find out what the acupoints contributed by the pig monster were used for.


"These new acupoints seem to form a whole with the acupoints activated by the martial arts classic!"

After Xiao Jin's doubtful voice sounded in his mind, Zhou Yihang hurriedly checked and found that it was true. The 38 newly opened acupoints were all located next to the acupoints required by the martial arts classic.

Moreover, the energy transformed by the inner elixir in the new acupoints and the spiritual power obtained by practicing the"Martial Arts Classic" have great affinity.


"What's going on here?

Zhou Yihang was confused. After studying it for a while, he had no clue.

"Well then!"

"After all the pig monsters are dealt with, I will come back to study them when I have time!"

Uncle Ma's family is still in danger, and Zhou Yihang has no time to study them for the time being.

"Little Immortal Zhou!"

"You must save Uncle Ma... Woo woo woo!"

After injecting a ray of spiritual power into Uncle Ma's body, Uncle Ma immediately woke up.

And everything that just happened immediately appeared in his mind.

Of course.

He also immediately understood that the down-and-out young man in Renjia Town, who was said to be a eunuch, was an incredible master.


I didn't know him before, I didn't expect that he knew me.

That's right.

Who made the predecessor so famous in Renjia Town.

Parents died suddenly, the family collapsed!

Gained the favor of the eldest lady of the Ren family.

Was rumored to be a eunuch.

Good news doesn't go out, bad news spreads thousands of miles, these things are all big news that can make me famous!

"Uncle Ma!"

"Calm down and explain the situation to me first, so that I can save your family!"

Zhou Yihang asked, pulling away Uncle Ma's hand that was hugging his legs.

"I tell you, I tell you!"

Uncle Ma burst into tears:"Damn it, I don't know what happened, the old sow in my house suddenly turned into a goblin!"

"A few days ago!"

"I got up early at two o'clock in the morning and was about to catch a fat pig to kill, but the old sow suddenly went crazy!"

"Not only can he speak human language!"

"Moreover, he was extremely powerful and had various means at his disposal. He immediately controlled my entire family!"

"I don’t know what happened!"

"After the old sow turned into a monster, other pigs also turned into monsters one after another!"


"The thirteen pig monsters have become the masters of my house!"

Thirteen pig monsters!

Damn it!

This is a great opportunity for me!

Zhou Yihang's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly:"Uncle Ma, what is the situation of your family with that fat pig now?"

Uncle Ma cried and said:"My whole family is now locked up in the pigsty, with iron collars around their necks. Anyone who resists will be beaten and kicked by the pig monsters!"


"Not only did we have no clothes to wear, but we also had to eat the leftover slop from the pigs!"

"Woo woo woo……"

"The food they give us is much worse than what I used to feed them. It’s okay for adults, but my poor grandchildren are starving now!"

That’s good.

As long as we rescue Uncle Ma’s family, we can start killing people!

Zhou Yihang felt relieved.

He asked again:"Besides locking you up, does the pig demon have any other means?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Although we are in a daze most of the day!"


"Because they need people to help them dress, bathe, sleep, etc.!"


"We have some time every day when we are awake!"

"To prevent us from leaking the news"

"The old sow said that she had placed some kind of ban on my three grandsons and one granddaughter!"

"Even if we call in experts, we can't break this restriction!"

Thinking of this.

Uncle Ma shivered as he spoke, and it was obvious that he had suffered a lot during this period!

Damn, a bunch of pig demons still need to wear clothes, they really think they are human! They obviously hate humans.

But after gaining intelligence, they actually learn to enjoy like humans, isn't this a split personality!

Zhou Yihang felt funny about these monkeys in human form.

"do not be afraid!"

"I have a way to deal with the restriction!"

Zhou Yihang patted Uncle Ma on the shoulder and said with a smile:"Uncle Ma, wait here, I will go to rescue your family!"

Zhou Yihang was not bragging.

Because whether it is a secret technique, a restriction, or even a curse.

As long as it is performed, it involves acupoints and energy.

Without these two things, all secret techniques and restrictions are castles in the air.

The pig demon swore that others could not break its restriction because it believed that humans could not master its abilities and could not possess the spiritual power of the pig demon.

However, he met Zhou Yihang. As long as he killed it and visualized it, all the secrets of its practice would be copied immediately.

"Good, good, good!"

"Thank you, Xiao Qin!"

Although Uncle Ma was worried about the safety of his family, he was still clear-headed and knew that he would only cause trouble if he went there.

There were many such things in TV dramas in his previous life. For example, the heroine, who obviously had no ability, insisted on following the hero into danger, and was finally caught by the villain to threaten the hero.


Seeing Zhou Yihang tapping the ground with his toes, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air.

Uncle Ma thought about it, stood up and quickly ran towards the charity cemetery where Uncle Jiu was.


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