The chirping ghost sounds rang in my ears, and the sinister wind blew, as if I was falling into a hell. He Ping saw it clearly this time. All the things flying out of the ancestral hall door were white silks of different lengths.

"...Is it Bai Ling?"

Bai Ling seemed like a living creature, or like a snake flying all over the sky, gathering, dispersing and dividing. It emerged from the middle layer of darkness. In an instant, it turned into a large dense white shadow and swept over.

“This number is really too much!!”

He didn't even have a chance to use the "Miluo Sword", and a large piece of white silk flew in front of him.

There was a "crack" sound, like the sound of a bonfire exploding, and several paper puppets held lamps and released cursed flames. Suddenly, green flames shot into the sky, and several groups of green fireflies burned in response. Before Bai Ling could fly close, she was The air burned.

A large piece of green phosphorus will-o'-the-wisp flew out from the white paper lantern, and the eerie flame color was as bright as melted green glass. The plaque of the ancestral hall also reflected a layer of green color when it was illuminated by the firelight.

In the sedan chair, He Ping's pupils were also reflected in a faint green light.

His ten fingers were seen hanging in the air, and the fingers were moving countless slender strings that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, just like pulling the strings of a piano. Those thousands of thin wires extended into the void, controlling several paper objects. They each took different actions.

The paper puppets look funny, but their movements are not rigid. Their movements are tacitly coordinated, advancing and retreating, just like a play that has been rehearsed countless times.

The twists and turns of the white silk that flew through the air could not escape the erosion of the cursed spirit fire. Instead, they continued to dissipate and become thinner under the light of the green flames. The sound of "sizzling" burning embers seemed to be mixed with unwillingness. Murmured curses and dark curses.

Right in front of the ancestral hall, more and more countless white silks were either burnt or exploded in the air, turning into countless butterflies flying in the air, or flying suddenly, cutting into the ground, or hitting the paper. The "armor-covered spiritual light" on my body made a subtle "crackling" sound ring in the air.

The white silk is light and soft, but driven by a strange force, it flies and swims in the air, like a snake, but the front end of the white silk gradually turns dark red, like blood oozing out, and like fire, it radiates It means burning heat.

It's just that the "armor-covered aura" is even better. After the paper puppets activated the aura, in addition to greatly increasing their strength, they were also given indestructible defense, able to resist these strange Bai Ling head-on.


There were a lot of densely packed white silks, some of which had already approached the paper sedan behind. He Ping lowered the curtain and let the white silks shoot through the sky and cover the sky.

In front of the sedan, a faint white light suddenly lit up. Bai Ling, who could pierce and split wood and stone like rotten soil, seemed to have hit an invisible copper wall.

The restriction formed by the armor-clad aura is so dense and thick that it is almost impregnable. This is also the uniqueness of the paper puppet technique. As long as the sacrifice is successful, the energy of each paper puppet will be connected together, as if it has become a whole.

The "armor-covering aura" of the paper puppets is created by this kind of puppetry. A single paper puppet is not strong, but twenty-five paper puppets gather together and the energy is connected together. To penetrate this layer of defense, they must not be destroyed It is impossible to completely eliminate the Qi machine.

On the other hand, the armor-covered aura of these paper puppets can also be blessed on the paper sedan. As long as He Ping sits in the sedan, he will be protected by the "aura".

"It's such a pity. I don't know why this armor-covering spiritual light is only effective against dead objects. If it can be directly applied to my body, how strong will the defense be...?"

He Ping was also helpless about this. He suspected that this "armor-covered aura" was not prepared for people, but that the defensive effect of the aura would not work on him until he became a living puppet.

Just as he was meditating for a moment, the many white silks outside were cleared away by the paper puppets. However, inside the main entrance of the ancient ancestral hall, the light became darker and darker, and there seemed to be some white figures floating in the shadows.

He Ping knew that those white figures were all white damasks fluttering among the beams. These white damasks all looked too worn, and some of the damask ribbons were soaked with tiny spots that looked like plum blossoms.

"...The soul-killing blood silk formation?"

He Ping was thoughtful.

In the past, he had heard about a heretical "ghost formation" from Wuyousheng, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the layout of this ancestral hall.

"What did Wuyousheng say before... There must be great power hidden in the 'Hunting Soul Blood Silk Formation', and it can drive away ghosts with power and use ghosts to conquer ghosts. The technique is even similar to the puppetry technique of the Immortal Puppet Sect." Similar approaches but similar results..."

——Wait a minute, is it possible that there really is no host in this Wandering Soul Village and this ancestral hall, and it is an empty formation where "ghosts" are used to refine ghosts.

"It's clear that no one is in charge of this formation, yet it's so powerful!"

Suddenly, a sense of horror arose in He Ping's heart. His chest seemed to be oppressed by a huge boulder, and he couldn't breathe. He suddenly raised his eyes and saw a figure in black holding an umbrella in the main hall of the ancestral hall.

He could not clearly see the face of the figure in black, but he could vaguely see the gray hair peeking out under the rotating black umbrella.

The long black dress hem reveals the shriveled black cloth shoe tips. The soles of the shoes lightly stepped on the ground, closing the distance bit by bit.

The white silk ribbons in the hall vaguely transformed from white figures into the figures of women. They are slender and graceful, with their chins and necks hanging on the hanging white silk ribbons, and their feet hanging in the air, swaying slightly.

What's weird is that from He Ping's perspective, he can only see those white shadows, his feet hanging in the air after hanging himself, and it's impossible not to see more... just countless figures hanging on the beams in the hall, overwhelmed. The sound of "creeping" made by the roof beams and the densely hanging women's embroidered shoes really made people's scalp numb.

The figure of the woman who hanged herself was as shadowy as a phantom, or like white smoke. The figure under the umbrella stepped forward slowly, and those illusory white figures were immediately broken, and they were all sucked into the body by the figure in black.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier in the hall of the ancestral hall. These figures had nowhere to escape. When they were sucked into the bodies of the umbrella-holding figures, they seemed to be shaking slightly, as if they were in great pain.

Every time the figure in black absorbs a white shadow, its form changes from dim and hazy to becoming more and more real.

On the other side, He Ping also felt the pressure increase greatly. The air around him seemed to become heavy, and the pressure in front became as thick as a wall, making it difficult to get close... He was also slightly shocked in his heart, knowing that he had been hit by the "sucking soul blood" The formation of "Aya Formation" is locked.

"I understand, it's not that there is no one in charge, but there is a ghost hidden at the eye of the ghost formation, and the ghost will preside over the formation. The 'Sleeping Soul Blood Silk Formation' is the main formation, and there is another one in the village ghost domain outside. Virtual formation. This formation is extremely fierce. Anyone who enters the village will be devoured by the ghosts. Even if he escapes, he will hit the main formation of the ancestral hall and will definitely die!!"

However, He Ping's expression remained calm, except for his faint black eyes, which shone coldly under the green flames of the lantern.

"But, can such an empty formation with no one in charge be able to stop me?"

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