Seeking Immortality

Chapter 17. First Night (1).


As this terrifying roar sounded, the wind surged, and it seemed that the color of the world changed due to this roar.

Many monks on the entire Huandao Island, no matter where they were, whether they were looking for the seven-colored deer or fighting, whether they were in the spiritual silence stage or the fasting stage, their faces changed color after hearing this terrifying roar, and they all looked up. This roar caused some internal injuries. Some cultivators with lower skills even turned pale after hearing the roar, vomited blood, lost their footing and almost fell to the ground.

This huge roar lasted for nearly a cup of tea, and finally fell slowly as time went by.

After the terrifying roar disappeared, the monks on Huan Island couldn't help but look at each other, horrified in their hearts. They didn't know who the roar came from. The residual power alone was so powerful. What if it was aimed at themselves? Then do you have the power to resist?

The answer in everyone's mind is undoubtedly no.

But after the roar fell, there was no abnormality on the island. The cultivators had no choice but to suppress the doubts in their hearts and continue to capture the seven-color deer. After all, this newcomer competition was the most important.

After the roar disappeared, somewhere on Huandao.

In the sea breeze, a man with a child-like figure was standing silently, quietly looking at the scenery in front of him. I saw this man with shabby clothes and bare chest, a somewhat dirty face, and golden rings on his limbs. He was the mysterious man who represented the "Bahuang Palace" to participate in the newcomer competition.

It's just that this man's face is a little pale at this time, as if he has consumed a lot of spiritual energy in his body just now, but although his face is pale, his eyes are still cold and gloomy.

Behind this man, four disciples from the Bahuang Palace were sitting cross-legged in meditation, closing their six senses and using spiritual energy to protect their heart. But he was still pale at this time. Apparently the loud roar just now still caused some damage to them.

In front of this mysterious man, the bodies of four stags fell to the ground.

Among the four deer carcasses, one was particularly tall. Although the body was bleeding and lifeless, one could still get a glimpse of its life style.

In addition to being many times taller than an ordinary seven-color deer, this deer carcass also had skin that was completely different from that of an ordinary seven-color deer.

The reason why the seven-color deer is called the seven-color deer. This is because the skin of this kind of deer is covered with seven colors, and each of the seven colors occupies one part of the deer's body.

And this male corpse in front of me. Although the skin also has seven colors, it is spread all over the body. The seven colors are mixed together, and it is extremely gorgeous, which is very different from the ordinary seven-color deer.

If Xu Qingfan, who is familiar with "Story of Mountains and Seas - Monsters", would be shocked when he sees this deer corpse, because this deer corpse is the biggest concern in his heart before coming to Huandao, the evolved monster of the seven-color deer. The beast and the king, the colorful deer whose strength is close to that of the earth-level monster! !

The strength of this monster is close to that of a monk in the pill-forming stage. The biggest threat to many disciples participating in the newcomer competition, died like this on the first day of the newcomer competition?

But it was indeed dead, with bleeding from its seven orifices, bulging eyes, and no vitality. There seemed to be a hint of terror left in its eyes after death. It looked like he had been shocked to death. The corpses of the three seven-colored deer next to it also died in the same state.

After making an appointment for a cup of tea. The four disciples of the Eight Desolate Hall behind the mysterious man finally woke up from their closed consciousness. When they saw the mysterious man in front of them and the four deer corpses in front of him, they did not show any surprise on their faces. They seemed to be surprised. To them, it was natural that this mysterious man could kill the powerful colorful deer.

When the four people walked behind the mysterious man. One of them cautiously approached the mysterious man. He asked softly: "Senior brother Huangxie, the colorful deer is dead now. According to the Xuanzang of Kuxiu Valley, if someone can capture the colorful deer, it is equivalent to catching seven colorful deer. With these three colorful deer, we have already Having completed the first round of the newcomer competition, should we return to Zhantai now?”

After hearing this man's words, Huang Xie glanced at him coldly. After seeing the panic on the face of this disciple of Bahuang Palace, his eyes showed undisguised contempt and said coldly: " Just completing the task is not enough. I want to capture all the seven-colored deer in Huandao so that the disciples of other sects have no chance to advance. Only one round of this boring competition is enough. "

The voice was low and hoarse, with a strange melody.

Hearing Huang Xie's words, another disciple said cautiously: "But I'm afraid some of the seven-colored deer have been captured by disciples from other sects."

"Then take it from them."

After saying these domineering words, Huang Xie ignored the reactions of the other four people and walked directly to the other end of Huandao, starting to look for his next target. This target was either Qiselu or a cultivator from other sects. .

The other four disciples of Bahuang Palace were slightly startled when they heard Huang Xie's words. It wasn't until Huang Xie was very far away that they realized what they were saying. They quickly used the Qiankun technique in their sleeves to put the colorful deer and the corpses of the seven-color deer into their sleeves. Follow Huang Xie towards the other end of Huandao.

Success or failure, calculation or being calculated, this is the theme of Huandao on the first day of the newcomer competition.

There are about 200 immortal cultivators participating in the newcomer competition, representing nearly 30 sects, all of whom are the next generation elites of their respective sects. But on the first day of arriving at Huandao, there were hundreds of immortal cultivators, and more than 20 sects failed to capture the Seven-Colored Deer, and were defeated by the Seven-Colored Deer. Although they did not suffer any casualties under the protection of the elders of Kuxiu Valley, they also lost the qualification to continue the competition, which shows the horror of Huandao.

But the remaining nearly 100 disciples are all powerful, not only with high skills and exquisite magic weapons, but also most of them have special skills. It can be said that the real competition has just begun on the second day of everyone's arrival at Huandao.

In the monotonous search and battle, time passed quickly without knowing it. The first day of everyone's arrival at Huandao ended in the blink of an eye, and the originally bright and clear sky began to become dim and lightless.

The remaining nearly 100 disciples, seeing that it was getting dark, also stopped searching for and capturing the Seven-Colored Deer. They all found secret places to meditate and rest in order to recover the spiritual energy consumed in the daytime battle.

There was a reason why everyone stopped their actions at night. First, the Seven-Colored Deer, a kind of demon beast, liked the sun and hated the dark, so they would return to their homes at night and were difficult to find. Second, another human-level high-level demon beast "Green Dragon Python" in Huandao was accustomed to acting at night, and the threat of the Green Dragon Python was much greater than that of the Seven-Colored Deer. Therefore, if the cultivators searched for the Seven-Colored Deer overnight, it would not only be twice as effective, but also lead to some unnecessary troubles.

In addition, although the cultivators successfully captured some Seven-Colored Deer during the day, the Seven-Colored Deer was still a human-level high-level demon beast. After a series of battles during the day, the spiritual energy in their bodies was seriously consumed. Therefore, although they knew that time was tight, they still chose to meditate and cultivate at night. Xu Qingfan and others from Jiuhuamen were no exception.

It is said that the East China Sea is humid and covered with dark clouds at night, so you can't see the light of the stars and the moon at all. Huandao is deep in the East China Sea, so it is no exception.

Looking at the pitch-black darkness in front of him, if it weren't for the sound of waves that continued to ring in his ears, Xu Qingfan would have mistakenly thought he had returned to the Southern Wilderness.

The place chosen by Xu Qingfan and others for meditation at night was behind a pile of rubble in the southeast of Huandao. Although it was surrounded by a plain and not a steep terrain, it was also hidden and quiet.

On the first day on Huandao, Xu Qingfan and the other five people captured a total of seven seven-color deer. The results were good, which made Xu Qingfan in a good mood and began to look forward to the situation of this newcomer competition.

It must be said that Xu Qingfan contributed greatly to the reason why the five people in Jiuhua Mountain had such a rich harvest during the day.

First, it was Xu Qingfan's floating catkins that allowed the five people to find the traces of the seven-color deer faster than the disciples of other sects. Secondly, under the command of Xu Qingfan, he and Lu Qingshang, who was good at formation spells, were responsible for imprisoning the Seven-Colored Deer, while Jin Qinghan and Feng Qingtian, who had strong attack power, were responsible for making the Seven-Colored Deer lose its ability to move, and Wang Qingjun was ready to deal with unexpected situations at any time. Under such command, although the Seven-Colored Deer was strong, how could it resist? Therefore, it was much easier for Xu Qingfan and others to capture the Seven-Colored Deer than the cultivators of other sects.

After this day's action, the most obvious change of the other four people except Xu Qingfan was that even the most arrogant Feng Qingtian began to actively follow Xu Qingfan's command.

However, although Xu Qingfan and the other five people had a very smooth action to capture the Seven-Colored Deer during the day, at this time, everyone was sitting cross-legged behind the pile of rubble, but they all frowned, and there was no trace of happiness?

Looking at the expressions of the four people beside him, Xu Qingfan knew what they were thinking about in an instant, because he had been thinking about this matter for a whole half day. So Xu Qingfan slowly asked: "Are you thinking about the roar during the day?"

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