Seeking Immortality

Chapter 19. First Night (3)

When the "Mirroring Technique" above the Zhan Platform suddenly broke, the faces of ordinary disciples of various sects under the Jade Platform and the heads and elders of various sects on the Jade Platform changed drastically.

Everyone understood that the reason why the "Mirroring Technique" was broken was because of the strange spiritual fluctuations from the "Mirroring Technique" just now. This was obviously done intentionally. But who dared to play tricks in front of everyone? You must know that there are two-thirds of the elites and masters in the Xiuxian world on the Zhan Platform at this time. Isn't he afraid of offending the entire Xiuxian world by doing this?

More importantly, why did he destroy the mirroring technique? What is the purpose?

The mirroring technique is to allow everyone on the Zhan Platform to clearly see the scene of the disciples of various sects on Huan Island. At this time, someone destroyed the mirroring technique. Could it be that it was to prevent everyone from seeing the scene on Huan Island?

In other words, someone has intentions on the disciples of various sects on Huan Island?

Thinking of this, the heads of the major sects on the Jade Platform all looked unhappy, and their eyes showed anxiety. It was just because of the demeanor that they did not show it.

As for the heads and elders of the sects whose disciples had been eliminated, although their expressions were ugly at this time, they showed a look of gloating in their eyes. They saw with their own eyes how excellent the disciples who were still on the island were through the mirror technique. With these disciples, their sects would always be suppressed by these big sects, so at this time, even though they knew it was wrong, the heads and guardians of these sects couldn't help but feel happy.

But the head of Jiuhua Sect, Zhang Hualing, had a different expression at this time. Although his face showed surprise, if you look closely, you will find that he has a sense of relief in his eyes, muttering in his mouth, and if you listen carefully, you will hear that he said the four words "It's finally started".

Although Zhou Huahai's face was anxious, he was more gloomy. His eyes kept flashing, but I don't know what he was thinking.

As for Xuan Jian and other monks in Kuxiu Valley, they stood up suddenly when they saw the changes in front of them. You know, this newcomer competition was completely organized by Kuxiu Valley. If there is any accident. Kuxiu Valley is to blame. More importantly, there are not only elite disciples from various sects on Huandao, but also more than 30 monks from Kuxiu Valley. If something unexpected happens. Losing more than 30 Jindan-stage monks in one breath, what will happen? Xuan Jian simply can't imagine.

What's more, the relationship between the monks in Kuxiu Valley is very good. They have protected each other and exchanged Taoism for many years, and they are frank with each other. This kind of feeling is not something that monks from other sects can understand.

Although they believe in the strength of the monks on Huandao, when they think that they may be in danger, Xuan Jian and other monks from Kuxiu Valley don't care about their demeanor, and fly to the teleportation array on the stage without hesitation, wanting to find out what happened on Huandao as soon as possible.

Seeing that the monks from Kuxiu Valley have already taken the lead in flying towards the teleportation array. The heads and elders of other sects also don't care about their postures, and follow Xuan Jian and others to fly to the teleportation array. But when everyone flew into the teleportation array, the situation they found made everyone look even uglier. Because they found out. The teleportation array has failed and cannot teleport everyone to Huandao.

There are many array masters among the crowd. So just one look will tell that there is no problem with the teleportation array on Zhantai, and the teleportation array cannot be used at this time, which means that the teleportation array on Huandao has been destroyed.

In other words, someone really has intentions on the disciples on Huandao! !

After confirming the original guess in their hearts, the heads and guardians of each sect are all experienced people. But at this time, they are also full of doubts and anxiety. The doubts are because they don’t understand who did this. What is the purpose of his doing these things. And the anxiety is because they are worried about the disciples of their respective sects. They are not as simple as ordinary disciples. They are the next generation of elites, and they are related to the inheritance of their respective sects.

"Dear Taoist friends, it is obvious that the teleportation array on Huandao has been destroyed. Although we don’t know who did it and what the purpose is, we must rush to Huandao as soon as possible to try not to let the Taoist friends and disciples on Huandao have accidents." Li Tianying, the master of the underground palace of the * Palace, said decisively after seeing that the teleportation array could not be used.

The disciple who represented the "* Palace" to participate in the newcomer competition this time was her disciple. She was like a mother and daughter to her, so she felt that her disciple was in danger, and she was the most anxious among the crowd.

"Indeed, we must hurry to Huandao." Xuan Jian also said. He was also very worried about the safety of the monks in Kuxiu Valley on Huandao, although he really couldn't think of anything that could threaten the safety of more than 30 Jindan stage monks. But since someone did this, there must be something.

Zeng Lianxian hesitated and said: "But Huandao is deep in the East China Sea, nearly a thousand miles away from here, and there is the East China Sea in the middle. If we rush to Huandao, I'm afraid it will be two days later. And by then, our spiritual energy will be exhausted, and I'm afraid we will be taken advantage of."

The East China Sea has many winds and strong winds, and there are many high-level monsters. Even a great master in the Jindan stage would find it very difficult to fly there. If it is in the vast land of Shenzhou, it only takes a few hours for a Jindan-stage cultivator to fly thousands of miles, but if it is in the East China Sea, the time will be greatly extended, and the spiritual energy consumed will be greatly increased.

Hearing Zeng Lianxian's words, Li Tianying said impatiently: "Even if it takes twenty days to reach Huandao, it is better than us doing nothing here. If Master Zeng is unwilling, just wait for news here."

As he said, Li Tianying ignored Zeng Lianxian's ugly face and flew towards the east.

Seeing Li Tianying flying towards Huandao first, Jiuzezi said to Zeng Lianxian and others: "Let's go together. On the way, we will take turns to use protective shields to resist the strong wind. In this way, when we arrive at Huandao, there will still be more than half of the spiritual energy in our bodies, and no one will take advantage of us. Moreover, with so many of us, even masters in the Mahayana period are not afraid. It is too dangerous for Palace Master Li to go alone."

Hearing Jiuzezi's words, Zeng Lianxian sighed slightly and said, "It can only be like this."

As he said, he and Jiuzezi also flew towards the east on the cloud.

"Brother Zhou, elders, let's go too." Zhang Hualing said to Zhou Huahai and other elders of Jiuhua Sect who had been silent all the time.

Zhou Huahai and the elders of Jiuhua Sect nodded silently, and followed Zeng Lianxian, Jiuzezi and others to fly towards Huandao.

In this way, nearly ten sect leaders and elders who still had disciples left on Huandao flew towards Huandao on the cloud. The disciples who had returned to the various sect leaders and elders of Huandao hesitated for a while, and then dozens of them flew towards Huandao.

Huandao was still drizzling, with waves roaring continuously. In the dim night scene, it seemed peaceful.

In the middle of Huandao, there was a dense forest covering several acres, and the teleportation array set up by Kuxiu Valley was located in an open space in the forest.

At this time, more than ten figures were standing quietly beside the teleportation array in the forest. At their feet, there were ten corpses. These ten corpses were originally disciples who represented two immortal cultivation sects to participate in this newcomer competition. Although they were afraid of the dangers of Huandao and dared not walk out of the forest, they were unwilling to go back just like that, so they stayed in the forest, but at this time, they all died silently.

As for the teleportation array in the forest, it had already been completely destroyed.

"Is Zhan Tai done?" One of the figures suddenly asked.

"It's done. The mirroring technique has been destroyed. Those righteous monks can no longer see any scenes on Huandao Island." Another figure said slowly.

"Then let's start."

A cold wind suddenly blew, and as the voice fell, more than a dozen figures standing around the teleportation array disappeared with the cold wind.

Xuanlian is a member of the monks of Kuxiu Valley. This time, he was sent by Xuanjian to Huandao to secretly protect the disciples of various sects who participated in the newcomer competition. And Xuanxiu protected the disciples of Yaowang Valley.

The disciples of Yaowang Valley performed well this time, although they were suspected of taking shortcuts. Led by the disciple named Kaihuan, they sprinkled a kind of drug on a kind of grass that the seven-color deer often eats. This drug is extremely strong. Even a human-level high-level monster like the seven-color deer will fall into a coma after eating it.

More importantly, this drug has a strong attraction to monsters like the seven-color deer. The seven-color deer within a few miles ran to eat the grass stained with the drug. In just the first day, Yaowang Valley captured eight seven-color deer, which can be said to be a rich harvest.

Because of this, Xuanlian had to be more careful to protect the disciples of Yaowang Valley, because their own strength was not strong, and the more they harvested, the more likely they would arouse the greed of disciples from other sects. Xuanlian had no control over the disciples of other sects who came to rob the seven-color deer obtained by the Yaowang Valley, but Xuanlian would never allow them to suffer casualties.

But the Kaihuan of Yaowang Valley was quite smart. He found a secret place to hide at night, obviously also worried about the sneak attacks and robberies of other sects.

Just as Xuanlian was looking at the Kaihuans under his feet, he suddenly felt a figure suddenly flying past him. This person was obviously not a disciple of any sect, nor a monk from Kuxiu Valley, but he didn't know why he appeared on Huandao. What's even more strange is that the aura on this person is obviously evil.

Feeling this evil person flying past him, Xuanlian was slightly stunned. He glanced at Kaihuan and others under his feet, hesitated slightly, and realized that there was no one else approaching, so he chased after the figure, thinking in his heart that he would go and come back quickly.

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