Seeking Immortality

Chapter 38. Competition.

"Uncle, I want to participate in this internal competition."

Ting'er looked directly at Xu Qingfan and said softly.

Although Ting'er rarely said a complete sentence to Xu Qingfan this time, Xu Qingfan was only surprised or unhappy.

Although all the elders in Jiuhua are more or less aware of Ting'er's existence and abilities, Xu Qingfan even explained the cause of Ting'er's mutation to Zhang Hualing as a precaution, so Ting'er participated in the internal competition. For example, for the sake of Xu Qingfan's face, the elders would never treat Ting'er as an "evil traitor", at least they would not show it on their faces.

But Xu Qingfan still didn't want Ting'er to participate in Jiuhua's internal competition.

It's not that I'm worried about Ting'er's cultivation being inadequate. You know, although Ting'er is only in the middle stage of Lingji, among the disciples participating in the newcomer competition this time, although she is not the best, she is definitely outstanding. What's more, the black magic fire cultivated by Ting'er is extremely powerful, slightly more powerful than Xu Qingfan's death aura. Xu Qingfan believes that as long as none of the disciples participating in the sect competition this time have the unparalleled power of Feng Qingtian. Ting'er is an extremely talented person and has a great chance of winning the first prize in one fell swoop.

But it is precisely because the magic fire that Ting'er has cultivated is more powerful than Overbearing, so Xu Qingfan is hesitant about Ting'er participating in the competition within the sect. He is even a little afraid, fearing what harm this competition within the sect will cause to Ting'er. .

Of course, this kind of injury does not mean that she was injured in the competition arena. As far as Xu Qingfan knew, among the disciples below the Jiuhua Dan Formation stage, there were very few who could hurt Ting'er. What Xu Qingfan is worried about is that because Ting'er's black magic fire is too powerful, there may not be many disciples in Jiuhua Mountain who can be Ting'er's three-in-one enemy. Coupled with the strange black flame pattern on Ting'er's face, as long as Ting'er takes action, it will probably cause unstoppable panic among the low-level disciples in Jiuhua. And once this kind of panic is seen by Ting'er, the effects and harm it will cause are simply unimaginable. It can be expected that once Ting'er discovers that everyone is afraid of her, her personality, which has gradually improved, will fall into isolation again. This is something Xu Qingfan absolutely doesn't want to see.

Although Ting'er has been cultivating immortality with Xu Qingfan for fifty years, and although Ting'er's strength is unrivaled among monks in the Lingji period, in Xu Qingfan's view, no matter how she changes, Ting'er is still the same person she was in fifty years. The helpless and thin little girl stood quietly next to Xio's body, gently calling "Daddy". So she always subconsciously avoids Ting'er getting along with outsiders. I'm just afraid that Ting'er will be hurt.

So when he heard Ting'er's request to participate in the sect competition, Xu Qingfan subconsciously wanted to object.

But when Xu Qingfan saw Ting'er's eyes, he couldn't help but froze. In Ting'er's cold eyes, a rare and extremely complex emotion appeared, that was persistence. And desire.

In just a moment, Xu Qingfan understood Ting'er's thoughts at this time. Even Ting'er herself didn't understand the idea.

Ting'er wants to participate in the competition within the sect this time. In addition to trying to prove her strength against her fellow sects, the bigger reason is probably because Ting'er wants to get out of Xu Qingfan's cave and be able to contact people outside the cave. For a moment?

Over the years, especially after Liu Huaxiang passed away, Ting'er and Xu Qingfan returned to the cave in the back mountain and lived there for thirty years. During this period, Xu Qingfan spent most of his time practicing, and was the only one who could accompany Ting'er. There is only Xiaobi, a monster who doesn't understand people's hearts and can't speak. If things go on like this, I think even a person like Ting'er, who is naturally withdrawn, will still yearn for scenes where people come and go, right?

It's just that this yearning is hidden deep in Ting'er's heart. I guess even Ting'er doesn't feel it herself, right?

Before meeting Xu Qingfan. Although Ting'er is still lonely, she is surrounded by countless barbarian people as companions. After Xu Qingfan brought Ting'er to Jiuhua Mountain, in addition to teaching Ting'er to cultivate immortality, he also inadvertently connected Ting'er with her. The outside world has become isolated, bringing endless loneliness to Ting'er?

"I have always wanted to change Ting'er's silent and withdrawn character, but there has never been much progress. Perhaps the biggest reason is not Ting'er's stubbornness, but that I have protected Ting'er too closely? Or let her have more time on her own? Will she change for the better if she comes into contact with the outside world? "

Think of this. Xu Qingfan nodded slightly and said: "Okay, you can participate in this internal competition. However, although I believe in your control of Taoism, I still have to warn you. Your black magic fire is too powerful. If you are not careful, you will hurt others. Also, if possible, I hope you will try not to make your advantages too obvious during the competition, okay?"

Hearing Xu Qingfan's agreement, Ting'er's eyes flashed imperceptibly with a hint of joy, and then she nodded slightly to express her understanding.

Seeing Ting'er's appearance like this, Xu Qingfan sighed slightly in his heart, and then pointed at Ting'er with his hand, and saw that the space around Ting'er's face suddenly became slightly distorted, and then returned to normal in an instant. Looking at Ting'er's face at this time, the terrifying and evil black flames that were originally all over her face suddenly disappeared, making Ting'er's skin even more white and clean. Looking closer, it made people feel breathless. .

This does not mean that Xu Qingfan can actually remove the black flame pattern on Ting'er's face, but it is just a small illusion. It's just that Xu Qingfan has reached the middle stage of the Void Pill. As long as the cultivators below the Core Pill stage can't feel the illusion cast by Xu Qingfan.

After doing all this, Xu Qingfan smiled and said: "This illusion can last for about a month. Don't remove it. Do you understand?"

Ting'er nodded slightly and said softly: "I understand."

Xu Qingfan said again: "Today is about ten days away from the internal competition. You go back and prepare well. As for the competition, I will arrange it for you."

Ting'er nodded, and didn't say anything more. She turned around and went back to the house with Xiaobi.

"Ting'er, I hope my decision this time will not cause any harm to you. I hope this internal competition will be helpful to you."

Looking at Ting'er's petite back, Xu Qingfan sighed secretly in his heart. Thinking.

As long as Ting'er doesn't show her full strength, Xu Qingfan casts an illusion to cover the black flame pattern on Ting'er's face. It stands to reason that even if Ting'er participates in the internal competition, there should be no accidents, but at this moment, Xu Qingfan still feels a little uneasy.

Suddenly, Xu Qingfan laughed at himself, shook his head, and thought again: "What am I worried about? Ting'er is no longer a child. She should experience everything. Thinking of everything for her is not good for her future growth. If Uncle Liu is still here, he will probably scold me for being nagging and misleading the students when he sees me like this?"

In self-mockery, Xu Qingfan also turned back to the house. Continue to practice.

It seemed like just a moment, and ten days passed in a blink of an eye. It has been a whole year since Zhang Hualing announced that the internal competition would be held as usual.

On this day, Xu Qingfan ended his retreat earlier than ever before. He stood quietly in the courtyard, looking up at the stars and the moon that had not completely disappeared. His mind seemed to have instantly returned to sixty years ago. At that time, he and his senior brother Yue Qingru were preparing to participate in the internal competition just like Ting'er is now. The tension and anxiety of that year are still vivid in his mind. It seems that it happened yesterday, but in the blink of an eye, a sixty-year period has passed. The ignorant boy at that time looked at the elders on the main stage with admiration. He always felt that he would never reach that height. But after a sixty-year period, the boy is now the fourth person in Jiuhua Mountain, responsible for all the affairs of the internal competition.

To put it in a very clichéd way, "Looking back on the past experiences, Xu Qingfan couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart." Although it is clichéd, it is just the right way to describe Xu Qingfan's current state.

The disciples who participated in the internal competition with Xu Qingfan, and even the Jiuhua disciples who were opponents of Xu Qingfan, such as Feng Qingtian, Jin Qinghan, Lu Qingshang, Dongfang Qingling, Li Yuhan, and Sheng Yushan, all reached the stage of Danjie. They became the elders of Jiuhua Mountain, but I wonder if they will have the same feelings as Xu Qingfan when they think back now?

Recalling the past, success and failure, joy and sorrow, Xu Qingfan suddenly felt a sense of time. Even for a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was in the past or the present. In this memory. The sky was white, and the stars and the moon disappeared. "Squeak, a door-pushing sound suddenly came from behind Xu Qingfan.

Xu Qingfan turned around and saw that it was Ting'er who pushed the door out of the room.

Xu Qingfan smiled at Ting'er and asked, "Ting'er, are you ready?"

Seeing Ting'er nod, Xu Qingfan smiled and said, "Then let's go. "

While speaking, a cloud of auspiciousness suddenly rose from under Xu Qingfan's feet, and he flew towards the location of Hualing Palace in the front mountain. Ting'er also followed closely behind him, controlling the "Wanli Cloud". The two of them moved very fast, and soon disappeared in the back mountain of Jiuhua.

In Xu Qingfan's view, the significance of this internal competition is not only to select outstanding disciples and increase the combat experience of a group of disciples, but also has a more important meaning. That is to boost the morale of all the cultivators in Jiuhua Mountain.

Since Zhou Huahai's rebellion and Zhang Xusheng's attack fifty years ago, the vitality of Jiuhua Mountain has been greatly damaged, and the morale of the disciples and even the elders in the sect is low. In the more than ten years before Jiuhua Mountain was closed, it seemed that every disciple felt that he had nothing to do, and even the destroyed houses and scenery in Jiuhua were not repaired, which can be said to be dead.

And now the internal competition After the start, the square in front of the Hualing Temple in the front mountain of Jiuhua seemed to have returned to its former bustle. Whether there were Jiuhua disciples who signed up for the internal competition or not, they all gathered here, laughing and talking, arguing about who would win and who would lose among the disciples who participated in the competition, and who would win in the end. Although everyone had their own candidates in mind, and it seemed that no one could convince anyone, the disciples were still interested in this debate.

In addition, the scenery of Jiuhua at this time had returned to the fairyland scenery of the past, so at a glance, it seemed that Jiuhua Mountain had returned to its prosperity sixty years ago.

In this bustle, Xu Qingfan and Ting'er came to the square in front of Jiuhua Mountain.

After the two of them landed on the ground, the people around them looked at them one after another, or to be more precise, they looked at Ting'er.

After those dark flame patterns on her face were covered by Xu Qingfan, Ting'er looked like a peerless beauty who could conquer the country. Although she was less seductive and stunning, she was more quiet and pure, so when she saw Ting'er, she was Everyone involuntarily ignored Xu Qingfan beside her, and just stared at Ting'er non-stop. Some male disciples with less concentration even looked at Ting'er without blinking, and their expressions became dull.

After a long time, everyone saw that the passerby next to the peerless beauty turned out to be Xu Qingfan, the deacon elder of Jiuhua Mountain. They couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and they all bowed to Xu Qingfan, their heads hung low, with shame on their faces. But the corners of his eyes still couldn't help but peek at Ting'er, making Xu Qingfan smile bitterly.

Seeing that Ting'er looked a little dazed amidst the many gazes, with some anger in her eyes, Xu Qingfan patted Ting'er on the shoulder with pity and said softly: "You are here waiting for the competition to start, uncle is going to the main stage. "

Seeing a hint of bewilderment flashing in Ting'er's eyes, Xu Qingfan felt a flash of unbearability in his heart, but thinking of his previous decision to let Ting'er face these personality-changing decisions alone, he suppressed the pity in his heart and couldn't help but say : "If you can, make more friends."

After saying that, Xu Qingfan stopped looking at Ting'er. Yuyun was about to fly towards the main stage, but just as his body flew away, he couldn't help but said to Ting'er again: "Those who just looked at you and drooled. Guys, even if they take the initiative to strike up a conversation, don’t pay attention, do you understand?”

After seeing Ting'er nodding, Xu Qingfan left with peace of mind.

On the main stage, familiar people such as Jin Qinghan, Lu Qingshang, Dongfang Qingling, etc. were already sitting in their seats and waiting for a long time.

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