Seeking Immortality

Chapter 44. Clues.

Thirty miles south of Xiuxianfang City, there is a mountain called "Jingxiu Mountain". It has beautiful mountain scenery and dense grass and trees. It is really a good place to enjoy the cool weather in summer. However, two hundred years ago, this "Jingxiu Mountain" was suddenly shrouded in a blue mist, and the scenery inside was lost. Every time a tourist wants to go inside to explore, they end up inexplicably returning to the original place not long after entering the mist. As time goes by, no one comes here to enjoy the cool air anymore. In addition, since "Jingxiu Mountain" was shrouded in blue mist, it has been roaring all year round, and sometimes there are flashes of light of various colors. Therefore, people in the world believe that "Jingxiu Mountain" is the place where gods live, so gradually, "Jingxiu Mountain" is also called "Fairy Mountain".

The old beggar's cave is located in this "fairy mountain". Xu Qingfan thought about it, and the blue mist was probably the mountain protection formation arranged by the old beggar outside the mountain, and the glow that often appeared at that time flickered, There were roars, and it seemed that the old beggar was experimenting with the effects of the magic weapon she had refined. It's just that it's common for people who cultivate immortality to be mistaken for gods by ordinary people. Wasn't Xu Qingfan also regarded as the god of wind who came to the world some time ago? So Xu Qingfan didn't take it seriously.

Needless to say, Xu Qingfan's skill in controlling clouds goes without saying. Although the old beggar is only in the late stage of Lingji, the blue feather-like magic weapon under his feet is very strange. It is not only extremely flexible but also effortless to control. And the speed is not much worse than the auspicious clouds at Xu Qingfan's feet. So the distance of thirty miles seems not short, but for the two of them, it only takes a stick of incense.

When he came to the old beggar's "Fairy Mountain", Xu Qingfan looked at the blue mist shrouding the old beggar's cave mountain, and couldn't help but admired: "The Sea of ​​Boundless Formation? Old beggar, you are quite generous, to be able to put on such a show Here comes the formation. I think with this formation, you don't have to worry too much about your own safety even in today's troubled times. As far as I know, even the monks in the pill-forming stage want to break this formation. It will take a lot of effort, but as long as there is a hidden tunnel in the cave, even the monks at the core forming stage will be unable to do anything about you. "

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, the old beggar was slightly startled and asked: "Tunnel? Why build an tunnel?"

Xu Qingfan explained: "With the tunnel, you can completely escape when others attack you."

The old beggar curled his lips and said: "The reason why I asked someone to set up this formation is so that no one will disturb me while refining the weapon, and not to escape for my life."

Xu Qingfan couldn't laugh or cry here.

But while the two were talking. The old beggar had already used his finger skills to carve out a path in the blue mist, and flew towards the mountain with Xu Qingfan. While flying, he said: "About two hundred years ago, there was a guy who was good at forming formations. He found a bunch of junk materials from somewhere. He treated them like treasures and came to me to help him refine weapons. Naturally, I was too lazy to pay attention to him. But that The guy said that as long as I helped him refine weapons, he would arrange a mountain-protecting formation for me. At that time, I happened to take a fancy to Jingxiu Mountain, but I didn’t want to endure the noise of mortals, so I reluctantly agreed and used his I piled up rubbish materials to refine a magical weapon that was a little less rubbish, and he also helped me set up such a formation."

Listen to the old beggar's words. Xu Qingfan secretly smiled bitterly. This old beggar is really rude when he comments on others, but I don’t know how he will evaluate himself in the future? Probably "I don't know how to pretend to understand. I don't know what the so-called bastard is".

As the two of them talked, the old beggar took Xu Qingfan through the blue fog and entered the "Jingxiu Mountain". It was indeed as rumored, with beautiful scenery, greenery, and colorful butterflies flying from time to time. Among the flowers, there is a small stream, which makes people happy to see it.

But in the yam area, there is a stone house built, covering an area of ​​about ten acres. The image is crude, but it does not match the scene in the mountain. However, the wood, stone, flowers and grass around the stone house have been completely destroyed, and there are many potholes. I think the old beggar should They were experimenting with magic weapons around this stone house, but they undoubtedly destroyed the beauty of the mountain scenery. After reading poetry and books for a long time, Xu Qingfan could call himself an "elegant man". When I saw this house, I couldn't help but have the urge to demolish it right away. But thinking that this stone house should be the place where the old beggar refines his weapons, if he dares to talk about demolishing this stone house, the old beggar will have to fight for his life, so he has no choice but to give up.

The old beggar obviously had no intention of taking Xu Qingfan to browse the mountain scenery, so he flew directly to the stone house, and then opened the door and left. Xu Qingfan followed up and found that the items in the stone house were very simple, except for a huge copper furnace in the middle. Under the copper furnace, there are five elements of spiritual stones covered with them, which are obviously used for refining weapons. Apart from the copper stove, there was not even a table or a chair, but they didn't know that the old beggar meditated there on weekdays.

But when the old beggar came to the copper furnace, he started the copper furnace with his fingers. As the old beggar started his fingers, all the talismans around the copper furnace gradually became brighter. After doing all this, the old beggar suddenly remembered that there was Xu Qingfan beside him. He turned around and threw a blue sign to Xu Qingfan and said, "I guess although you want to see me refining the weapon, you can't do it while I am refining it." You can't understand it at all, and I have no time to explain to you when I'm refining the weapon. This sign allows you to freely pass through the mountain guarding formation outside. If you feel bored, just go down the mountain on your own. I'll pick it up for you in three months. Just use the magic weapon. Well, the main reason is that melting this star stone is more troublesome. It needs to be converted into Nanming Lihuo, otherwise it will take about a month or two. "

Speaking of which, the old beggar seemed to have forgotten the existence of Xu Qingfan and started talking to himself.

"Perhaps, only with such concentration can this old beggar study the way of refining so deeply." Xu Qingfan looked at the old beggar's busy back and thought secretly, with admiration in his heart.

The scene afterwards was exactly as the old beggar said. After the old beggar started to refine the weapon, Xu Qingfan could not understand the techniques and details at all. He just watched the old beggar constantly pinching fingers around the copper furnace. At the same time, under the control of the old beggar's fingers, the various talismans on the copper furnace kept changing light and darkness. Then, the old beggar placed Xu Qingfan's "star stone" in the copper furnace and continued to pinch fingers.

Xu Qingfan had focused on his own cultivation before. Although he had a little understanding of the way of refining from various books. But he could not be said to be proficient, so watching the old beggar's various movements when refining the weapon, his heart was full of confusion. At the beginning, he still wanted to learn something from the old beggar, but after a while, he really felt bored as the old beggar said.

Finally, Xu Qingfan sighed in disappointment, then turned and left the old beggar's stone house, and did not fly on the cloud. Just walked along the mountain path, it must be said. If you ignore the old beggar's stone house and the destruction around it, then this "Jingxiu Mountain" is still worth seeing.

Walking to a quiet place, Xu Qingfan sat down cross-legged. Then he raised his left arm, and Xiao Hei, who was originally standing on his shoulder, flew to Xu Qingfan's arm tacitly.

Looking at Xiao Hei's crow-like appearance, Xu Qingfan smiled slightly. Then he raised his right hand, and the two bottles of "Demon Spirit Pills" that he had exchanged from the market suddenly appeared in Xu Qingfan's hand.

After pouring out a few pills. Xu Qingfan said to Xiao Hei: "Eat."

Xiao Hei obediently pecked them into his stomach one by one.

Then, Xu Qingfan probed his consciousness into Xiao Hei's body and began to investigate the changes in Xiao Hei's body after taking the "Demon Spirit Pill". However, after the "Demon Spirit Pill" entered Xiao Hei's body, it turned into a pure medicinal power that flowed through the body and gradually dissolved into the dead air in Xiao Hei's body. As the medicinal power was integrated, the dead air in Xiao Hei's body gradually increased.

Upon noticing this situation. Xu Qingfan couldn't help but feel happy. He didn't expect that this "Demon Spirit Pill" could actually increase the dead air in Xiao Hei's body, although the effect was far less than that of Xu Qingfan directly inputting the "Dead Air" into Xiao Hei's body. But after all, it was another way for Xiao Hei to evolve. Moreover, if the "Dead Air" was continuously input into Xiao Hei's body, it would inevitably slow down the growth of Xu Qingfan's power.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan poured a whole bottle of "Demon Spirit Pill" on the ground and let Xiao Hei eat it by himself. If he felt the limit, Xiao Hei would stop by himself.

However, Xu Qingfan closed his eyes and continued to cultivate the "Life Air" in his body.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Qingfan's body suddenly shook slightly, and then he suddenly woke up from his meditation and looked outside the mountain protection formation, because Xu Qingfan suddenly felt that someone was trying to forcefully break through the "Taohai Wuliang Formation" outside the mountain and break into the mountain. He was shocked, especially because Xu Qingfan had heard Wan Yusheng's explanation before, and knew that the situation in the cultivation world was unpredictable at this time, and many casual cultivators disappeared for no reason. So someone broke the formation at this time, and his purpose and identity were intriguing.

"Is it related to the large number of disappearances of cultivators in the cultivation world? Or is it the enemy of the old beggar?"

Xu Qingfan murmured to himself.

Xu Qingfan clearly felt that there were about 20 cultivators outside the formation at this time, and their cultivation was above the Lingji period. If it was the enemy of the old beggar, then there would be no need to make such a big move, right?

Suddenly, Xu Qingfan's body shook slightly, and he suddenly felt another cultivator flying towards "Jingxiu Mountain". In a blink of an eye, he came to the previous wave of cultivators, and his cultivation level was not lower than Xu Qingfan at all.

Feeling this situation, Xu Qingfan's expression became solemn. He turned his head and found that Xiao Hei had eaten all the "Demon Spirit Pills". At this time, he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. When he noticed Xu Qingfan's gaze, he immediately opened his cold and indifferent eyes, turned into a flash of lightning, and flew to Xu Qingfan's shoulder in an instant.

Xu Qingfan turned into a gray wind and flew towards the "Taohai Wuliang Formation" outside "Jingxiu Mountain".

Because Xu Qingfan held the blue token given to him by the old beggar, he could easily pass through the blue mist formed by the "Taohai Wuliang Formation" and quickly flew towards the position of the group of cultivators who were breaking the formation. Then he stopped near the position of the group of cultivators, hiding in a blue mist, and carefully observed the scene of the formation.

But at this time, the cultivators had stopped breaking the formation, and instead formed a circle, standing respectfully on the magic weapon, and standing in front of a purple-clothed man.

This purple-clothed man was the cultivator whose strength was not inferior to his that Xu Qingfan had seen before. If Xu Qingfan had seen the attire of the core members of the "Ming" organization before, he would have found that the purple-clothed man was actually seven points similar to them, except that there were no gold patterns on the edges of the clothes, and no bells hanging on the shoulders. And there were no rings on the fingers.

But the purple-clothed man did not look at the cultivator next to him, but just quietly looked at the blue mist in front of him, and said softly: "Taohai Wuliang Formation? Interesting, I didn't expect that a cultivator in the Spiritual Silence period could actually lay out such a formation."

As he spoke, he suddenly turned his head and looked at a cultivator not far in front of him, and asked: "Are you responsible for collecting information about this cultivator?"

The cultivator felt as if he was suddenly stared at by a prehistoric beast. His body trembled and he quickly replied, "Yes."

The purple-clothed man's voice was still gentle. He asked again, "Why didn't you tell me that there was a sea of ​​infinite formation outside his cave?"

The cultivator was already trembling all over at this time, and said in a trembling voice, "I, I have never been very proficient in formations. I thought this was just an ordinary formation. Please forgive me."

The purple-clothed man seemed to be very easy to talk to. After hearing the cultivator's explanation, he just nodded gently. Then he said, "Remember to learn more in the future. You are responsible for collecting information. You can't do without knowledge."

Hearing what the purple-clothed man said. The cultivator couldn't help but let out a long breath and said hurriedly, "I will..."

But the cultivator hadn't finished speaking. A purple light flashed in front of him, and the cultivator's body instantly became torn into pieces, and he died just like that.

"Brother!!" A cultivator next to the cultivator saw this change and couldn't help but cry out in pain.

At the same time, three or two monks showed pity in their eyes, while most monks were full of fear.

But the purple-clothed man said calmly: "I am talking to others. As for you, since you have made a mistake, you should be punished."

As he spoke, the purple-clothed man took out a purple jade bottle from his arms and waved it at the monk's body. Everyone saw that the dead monk's soul and the blood in his body were sucked away by the purple jade bottle in the purple-clothed man's hand.

After doing all this slowly, the purple-clothed man waved his hand, and the man who just cried out for his senior brother and the three monks with pity in their eyes were also torn into pieces like the monk before, and then the purple-clothed man sucked away his blood and soul with the purple jade bottle.

The other dozen remaining monks, looking at everything in front of them, trembled even more. After doing all this, the purple-clothed man checked the jade bottle in his hand and muttered to himself: "Ten cultivators' blood and wronged souls. In this way, my mission this time has been accomplished. But since I'm here, I can't go for nothing."

As he said, the purple-clothed man looked up at the remaining ten cultivators and said: "I will be responsible for breaking this Taohai Wuliang Formation, and you will go to capture the cultivators inside. I don't have to do this, right?"

Hearing what the purple-clothed man said, the remaining cultivators hurriedly agreed.

At this time, Xu Qingfan, who was hidden in the blue mist, looked at the purple-clothed man outside the formation who treated human lives as worthless, and was shocked. I didn't expect that there would be such a person in the world of cultivation.

And looking at their conversation, it is obvious that the disappearance of many cultivators in the world of cultivation in recent years has a lot to do with the purple-clothed man outside, but what is his purpose in doing this?

Suddenly, Xu Qingfan's heart moved slightly, and he remembered the scene outside the Jiuhua Mountain that Liu Huaxiang had described to him after he returned to the mountain. According to Liu Huaxiang, when he was collecting blood and souls on the battlefield, there were some purple-clothed people who were also constantly collecting blood and souls on the battlefield like him. Their dress characteristics were very similar to the purple-clothed man outside the formation.

"Are these purple-clothed people from the same organization? What is their purpose for doing this?"

Xu Qingfan stared at the frantic blood-colored "Ming" on the purple-clothed man's clothes, and couldn't help but think secretly in his heart. The mysterious "Ming" organization, which acted treacherously, finally made Xu Qingfan accidentally discover some clues.

While Xu Qingfan was thinking secretly, the purple-clothed man had already floated in front of the blue mist, and bursts of purple mist and rosy clouds suddenly emerged from his body, surrounding the purple-clothed man's entire body. As the rosy clouds and mist rose, the purple-clothed man suddenly appeared with extremely powerful pressure. Under the vibration of the pressure, the blue mist in front of him surged continuously.

Seeing the purple-clothed man begin to show his strength, Xu Qingfan's face became more serious. With a slight thought in his mind, he had already come up with a countermeasure.

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