Seeking Immortality

Chapter 67. Human Heart

No. 5 hates Xu Qingfan.

If there is no hatred without reason in this world, then No. 5 hates Xu Qingfan because Xu Qingfan made him lose face in front of No. 4.

Although No. 5 always seems very arrogant, even if No. 4 is much stronger than him, No. 5 has never been polite, but No. 5 knows that he is just a failure. Among the five subordinates of "Zhang", he is the lowest ranked and the only one who has not learned "Zhang's" unique skill "God-killing Art".

Because of this, although No. 5 is arrogant on the outside and has learned the other two magical powers of "Zhang", he always has a trace of inferiority in his heart that cannot be shaken off.

For this reason, in order to prove himself, No. 5 always rushes to do it every time "Zhang" has a task, and every time he can successfully complete it with his tyrannical strength and weird ability. Only after completing the task and hearing "Zhang"'s one or two faint praises, can he dilute the inferiority in his heart.

But even though he had made the most contributions among Zhang's five subordinates, No. 5 could still clearly feel that although the other four subordinates of Zhang showed admiration on their faces, they still looked down on him in their hearts, because he was the only one among the five who failed to practice the "art of destroying gods".

But because of this, No. 5 became more arrogant and acted more bloody, especially when he acted with others. No. 5 would not let others interfere, and always did things cleanly and neatly by himself. Only in this way could he win a trace of dignity from the other four.

But this time. The casual cultivator named Xu Fan in front of him shattered the dignity he had struggled to maintain over the years, not only because Xu Fan frustrated his attacks one after another, but also because Xu Fan was like his nemesis. The magic weapon like the ancient bell was like a tortoise shell, leaving him no room for the two magical powers to be used.

In the end, he relied on the help of No. 4 to get close to Xu Qingfan. This was simply unacceptable to No. 5.

But there was no way. For No. 5, although his dignity was important, his master's order was more important. So although he was unwilling, at the moment when No. 4 injured Xu Qingfan with the "God-killing Technique", he still used the "Dodge Technique" to suddenly appear beside Xu Qingfan, and then stabbed Xu Qingfan's vital parts with ten "sword armors" in his hand.

Thinking that even if Xu Qingfan was killed, it was all the credit of No. 4. No. 5 could even imagine No. 4's disgusting face after the mission was over.

Thinking of this, No. 5's hatred in his heart was even greater, and the "sword armor" stabbed at Xu Qingfan more quickly.

But because of this, No. 5, whose consciousness was filled with hatred, did not realize that although Xu Qingfan's face was pale under the attack of No. 4's "God-killing Technique", a weak gray whirlwind suddenly began to roll up around him, and this whirlwind became stronger at an extremely fast speed. When the "sword armor" of No. 5 pierced in front of Xu Qingfan, although a long scar was cut on Xu Qingfan's body and a stream of blood was gushed out, before the "sword armor" pierced deeper. Xu Qingfan's body turned into a fierce gray hurricane, completely engulfing his body.

After the last battle with the green-clothed man, Xu Qingfan knew that his magical power of "turning into wind" was not completely immune to all attacks. For example, the purple light shot by the purple-clothed man named "Lie San" last time could cause damage to him, and this time, the purple-clothed man named "No. 5" had ten nails on his hands with a faint green glow. I'm afraid they can also hurt his invisible and immaterial body after "turning into wind".

Sure enough, even after Xu Qingfan "turned into wind", the ten green nails on No. 5's hands pierced nothing, but Xu Qingfan still felt a sharp pain. ^But Xu Qingfan couldn't care about anything else at this time. The finger of No. 4 just now hurt him too much. At this time, he was still in great pain when he was using his mind. So Xu Qingfan had to get rid of No. 5, who was much weaker, before No. 4 defeated Xiao Hei.

So Xu Qingfan forced himself to endure the severe pain in his body and soul, and turned the magical power of "Desolate Wind" to the extreme, constantly attacking No. 5 who was in the "Desolate Wind".

The reason why Xu Qingfan didn't use "Desolate Wind" before was just because he didn't know the strength and magical powers of the two purple-clothed people. So he was hiding his strength. But now he has a general understanding of the magical powers of the two people, so he no longer hides his strength. The "Desolate Wind" transformed by his body constantly destroys No. 5 who is trapped by the "Desolate Wind".

With No. 5's magical power of teleportation, Xu Qingfan knew that he only had one chance, so he spared no effort and just wanted to achieve success in one battle.

Number 5, who was trapped in the "Desolate Wind", felt that there were gray winds everywhere around him, and these winds contained extremely strange and powerful energy. The moment his exposed skin was touched by these gray winds, the vitality contained in it was quickly lost in the wind. Almost in just a moment, he felt that his body became shriveled. Looking down, he saw that his hands were already covered with wrinkles.

What's more terrifying is that these gray winds not only constantly take away the vitality from Number 5's body, but also constantly drill into Number 5's body through the pores on the surface of Number 5's body, and began to quickly corrode the spiritual energy and even the internal organs in Number 5's body. Number 5 wanted to use the "Dodge Technique" to escape the attack range of the "Desolate Wind" transformed by Xu Qingfan, but he couldn't do it.

"Number 4, save me! ! Number 4, save me quickly! !"

Finally, facing the horror of the "Desolate Wind", No. 5 could no longer maintain the dignity he had always insisted on in his heart, and he shouted for help to No. 4.

But after No. 5 shouted, he suddenly realized that his voice was so old and weak at this time.

But No. 5 saw through the gray wind surrounding him that No. 4 was still slowly performing the "God-killing Art" to block the attack of Xu Qingfan's Xiao Hei. He could defeat Xiao Hei with a little more effort, but he was still just that unhurried look. As long as Xiao Hei didn't take the initiative to attack him, he wouldn't take the initiative to cause trouble for Xiao Hei.

While Xiao Hei kept spinning around No. 4, No. 4 was leisurely watching the battle between No. 5 and Xu Qingfan. No. 5 could even clearly see the mockery in No. 4's eyes when he looked at him at this time.

At the moment he saw No. 4's eyes, No. 5 knew that No. 4 would not save him. The arrogance in front of No. 4 before, although No. 4 still had a lazy smile on the outside, he had already deeply hated it in his heart.

But No. 5 was still wrong. Just when his vitality was corroded by the "Desolate Wind" transformed by Xu Qingfan was approaching and exhausted, No. 4 suddenly moved. No. 4 suddenly clicked three times at the gray wind transformed by Xu Qingfan. Although Xu Qingfan's body turned into wind at this time, his soul still existed. Under the attack of No. 4's "God-killing Art" three times in a row, he felt a sharp pain in his heart and couldn't help but relax the control of the "Desolate Wind".

And at this moment, No. 5 used all his remaining strength and finally got rid of the control of the "Desolate Wind". His mind couldn't help but relax, knowing that he had finally escaped.

But at the moment of getting rid of the Desolate Wind, No. 5 suddenly found something wrong.

Just now, in order to get rid of the "Desolate Wind", he had exhausted the little remaining strength and spiritual energy in his body. Now he doesn't even have enough spiritual energy to keep floating in the air.

And he was hundreds of meters in the air at this time!

Just like that, No. 5 only felt that the scenery in front of him changed suddenly, and it was him who was falling from mid-air.

Seeing No. 4's figure shrinking rapidly in front of his eyes, No. 5 stretched out his hands in despair, as if he wanted to pull him up a little.

But at this moment, No. 5's ears suddenly rang with No. 4's lazy and sarcastic voice.

"Do you know that you are too arrogant, I always hate you."

Seeing No. 5 suddenly escape from his control, Xu Qingfan felt shocked in his heart, thinking that he had spent so much effort, but in the end he still couldn't kill No. 5. However, he didn't expect that after No. 5 escaped from his control, he didn't even have enough spiritual energy to float in the air, and he was falling to the ground. As his partner, No. 4 didn't care about it, just watched No. 5 fall from the sky, and there was obvious appreciation in his eyes.


Finally, as No. 5's body touched the ground, blood and flesh splattered everywhere. No. 4 sighed with satisfaction and turned his eyes to Xu Qingfan, who quickly recovered to his original form and stood in mid-air, coldly confronting No. 4.

At the same time, after receiving Xu Qingfan's order, Xiao Hei, whose mind was seriously damaged by No. 4's attack, also staggered into Xu Qingfan's arms, and then immediately fainted. Obviously, it had been forcibly supporting itself in order to fulfill Xu Qingfan's order to hold No. 4.

But No. 4 stared at Xu Qingfan for a long time, suddenly smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Thank you, Xu Fan."

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