Seeking Immortality

Chapter 82. The Right Path.

"I came here this time to search your residence."

After hearing Ning Lingzi's words, everyone in the hall changed their faces. Although Ning Lingzi and others are cultivators and are no different from the legendary gods in the eyes of mortals, it is a bit too much to ask for a search of the general's mansion as soon as they meet, because it is directly related to Bai Lianye's health and face. question.

And around the hall, the faces of the guards of the General's Mansion who were surrounding them changed color, and they couldn't help but draw their swords. Their eyes were full of wariness when they looked at Ning Lingzi and others. Although he knew that Ning Lingzi and others in front of him were legendary gods, out of his admiration and loyalty to Bai Lianye, after hearing Ning Lingzi say such rude words, he still drew his sword without hesitation.

Seeing the guards surrounding them with swords drawn, Ning Lingzi and the dozen or so cultivators were still doing nothing, but Bai Lianye's face changed color and he shouted angrily: "What do you want to do? Stand down!!"

Hearing Bai Lianye's angry shouts, these personal guards glared at Ning Lingzi and others, and then slowly retreated.

It seems that after more than ten years of fighting with Bai Lianye, these personal guards have reached the point of disrespecting ghosts and gods. Otherwise, how could ordinary mortals dare to draw swords against legendary gods like Ning Lingzi?

After calling away the guards around him, Bai Lianye's expression returned to normal. He turned to Ning Lingzi and said, "I don't know why you immortals want to search my general's mansion? Is there a reason?" Ning Lingzi Zi slowly took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then said calmly: "It concerns the secrets of my world of immortality. I can't tell you. Please forgive me, General."

After hearing Ning Lingzi's words, Bai Lianye's face became darker and he asked: "In other words, you immortals are going to search my general's residence for no reason?"

Ning Lingzi smiled and nodded.

Bai Lianye stood up and said calmly: "It stands to reason that you are all immortals with great supernatural powers. It is difficult for ordinary people like me to meet you on ordinary days. Therefore, I should do my best to meet any requests from the immortals." It would be great to be fully satisfied and proud of him, but unfortunately, I am not an ordinary person, but the general of the Yunluo Kingdom, the largest country in the prosperous Middle-earth, and the King of Victory, who represents nearly one million soldiers of our country. If you allow the immortals to search my general's residence without any reason, then where is the pressure on our country? Where is the morale of our nearly one million soldiers? Therefore, I cannot satisfy your requests."

After hearing Bai Lianye's words, all the guards in the hall had eager eyes. Perhaps for these soldiers, dignity is indeed more important than life.

Just when Ning Lingzi was about to say something more, Xiaobieshan from the "Tianxing Sect" next to him suddenly snorted coldly. He said calmly: "As long as we want to investigate, it's not up to you to do it."

With that said, Xiaobieshan turned to Ning Lingzi and complained: "Senior Ning Lingzi, I told you to just use the immobilization technique to detain the people in the general's mansion, and then search them directly. But you You have to say hello to them, there are some things that just don’t make sense to these mortals.”

Hear Xiaobieshan's words. Not only the mortals on the field, but also the cultivators like Xu Qingfan could not help but frown.

And Bai Lianye's face flashed with anger, blood flashed in his eyes, and the evil energy on his body suddenly exploded. Even Xu Qingfan and Ning Lingzi, who are cultivators in the alchemy stage, can't help but feel frightened when they sense this evil aura caused by the large number of murders.

Only at this time will Bai Lianye, who seems to be elegant and gentle, reveal that he is a general who has killed countless people, or that he may appear gentle and gentle, but the evil reputation he has gained in the vast land of China over the years is not. Earned for free.

And with Bai Lianye's change, the atmosphere on the field suddenly became tense. Not only did the guards who had just retreated draw their swords at each other again. The cultivators on Ning Lingzi's side also secretly condensed some spiritual energy.

Before Bai Lianye could get angry, Xu Qingfan suddenly said: "Fellow Taoist Ning Lingzi. Can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Hearing Xu Qingfan speak, both Bai Lianye who was preparing to make a mistake, and the cultivators who were secretly preparing to teach Bai Lianye some lessons were slightly startled. After seeing Ning Lingzi nod and stand up, the atmosphere on the field changed. They all relaxed slightly and put away their preparations.

In fact, if Xu Qingfan had something to say to Ning Lingzi, he could just use voice transmission to enter the secret. The reason why Xu Qingfan proposed to speak to Ning Lingzi in front of everyone was because he wanted to let both parties know. A conciliatory attitude, otherwise, if there is a conflict between the two parties, even a cultivator in the spiritual silence stage can easily kill thousands of personal guards in the general's mansion, and Xu Qingfan, as the future master of Bai Lianye's son, will be even more difficult then. Do.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xu Qingfan and Ning Lingzi walked to a corner of the hall, and then Xu Qingfan frowned and asked: "Fellow Taoist Ning Lingzi, there were too many people just now, but it was difficult for me to ask, but now I can't help but want to I want to ask, now that the Qingxu Sect is undergoing a catastrophe, why do fellow Taoists not practice in the sect, but appear in this general's mansion with so many great monks? And they want to search the general's mansion in this mortal world? "

Seeing the hesitation on Ning Lingzi's face, Xu Qingfan added: "Logically speaking, from my position, I really shouldn't ask these questions, but before my Taoist friend comes, General Bai asks me to accept his heir as a disciple. And I have already agreed, so I have no choice but to ask.”

Hearing what Xu Qingfan said, Ning Lingzi hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Fellow Daoist Xu is not an outsider, and judging from Master Zizhen's tone, he also contributed a lot to get Daoist Daoist out of trouble this time, and even more so now. I am the honorary elder of Qingxu, so I will tell you what I know.”

As he said that, Ning Lingzi paused, as if thinking about how to organize his words, and then said slowly: "I don't know the details of the matter very well. It's just that half a year after Uncle Zizhen left the mountain gate for no reason, he came again. He came back, but then, more than ten long-famous Mahayana masters, including the deaf-mute and blind master from the Valley of Pain, the Sanwu scholar from the Five Elements Sect, and the old man Zhiming from the Tianxing Sect, visited one after another, and then gathered together with Uncle Zizhen. After some discussion, elites from various sects gathered in Ronghua Mountain, and then we found out the details of the matter. It turned out that during the years when our Qingxu Sect was deceived by Liu Ziqing, the most precious treasure in the sect, the Tianzhao Pearl, had actually been deceived by Liu Ziqing. During the years when Amaterasu Pearl was sealed, wars broke out frequently in the world. When Uncle Zizhen unsealed Amaterasu Pearl, he discovered that the reason why the world was so chaotic was because of the evil magic heaven. The evil is causing trouble. According to Amaterasu's investigation, there are actually hundreds of places in the vast land of China today where the evil is reacting. Therefore, the masters mixed the monks from their respective sects together to form dozens of teams. The Tiansha was destroyed everywhere in the land, and according to Tianzhaozhu's reaction, one of them was in the General's Mansion, so we suddenly proposed to search the General's Mansion, and because this matter was too confidential. , cannot be discovered by the person who arranged the evil, so we cannot tell the reason for the search. "

Hearing Ning Lingzi's words, Xu Qingfan was secretly frightened. It was not because of the appearance of "Tiansha". He had already been aware of this, but he was not sure. What really frightened him was , the deaf-mute blind master, the three-no scholar, and the wise old man, these long-famous and long-lost master-level monks, gathered together for no reason. Although the discovery of the evil is indeed of great importance, for these great masters It's just a matter of a few orders, let alone having to gather together and unite one after another. There is only one reason why these masters can gather together and unite, and that is that they have discovered an enemy that they cannot deal with alone, and it is related to the safety of the entire world of immortality.

As for the thing that makes these masters unable to deal with and must unite, and that will endanger the safety of the entire world of immortality, there is only one organization in Xu Qingfan's mind, and that is the mysterious and unfathomable "Ming".

"Could it be that the entire righteous path has finally united to deal with Ming? It seems that it is because of the letter that Uncle Liu gave to senior Zizhen. It's just that Ming has been planning it for many years, and now the righteous path has united. Is it Isn’t it a little late?”

Xu Qingfan thought secretly.

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