Seeking Immortality

Chapter 90. Biao Sha (1).

With the help of Master Guanghui, Xu Qingfan finally woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw a mountain full of zombies!!

Looking at these zombies with numb faces, bluish skin and stiff bodies, they were densely packed towards him. Under the blazing sunlight in the sky, the faces of these zombies became more terrifying. Even though Xu Qingfan was used to fighting and killing, he couldn't help but be shocked.

More importantly, if these zombies were just ordinary zombies, it would be fine, just that they were more resistant than strong mortals, but the faint sense of oppression from these zombies made people alert.

Seeing Ning Lingzi and others guarding around him, Xu Qingfan felt a little relieved. Just when he turned around to ask what happened during his coma, he suddenly felt that since he woke up, it seemed that a pair of hands had been silently supporting two ** points behind his back, and at this time, these hands gradually trembled.

Feeling strange, Xu Qingfan turned around and was surprised. It was not because he saw Xiao Hei had woken up at some point and was standing on his shoulder as usual, but because he saw Master Guanghui of "Ciyun Temple" had sat cross-legged behind him at some point, supporting his back with both hands, as if he was healing him, but at this time his face was pale and his whole body was trembling. Seeing Xu Qingfan's gaze, he forced a smile at Xu Qingfan, but he couldn't stand up anyway. The degree of exhaustion of the spiritual energy in his body was no worse than that of Xu Qingfan before.

Xu Qingfan was slightly stunned, thinking of what he vaguely sensed after he fell into a coma. It seemed that someone kept feeding him various elixirs and injecting spiritual energy into his body to help him recover as soon as possible. In the previous fight with No. 1, whether it was the "living spirit" and "dead spirit" used to balance the life and death in the body of the "Golden Armor God", or the "formless spiritual energy" and "Phoenix spiritual energy" used to drive away evil spirits, they had all been consumed.

But when Xu Qingfan sensed his body again, he found that the extremely strong "dead air" was slowly circulating in his body, which was three times stronger than in its heyday. The other three spiritual energies had only recovered less than one-tenth.

In just a moment, Xu Qingfan understood the situation just now. Master Guanghui had not only fed him a lot of spiritual medicines to help him recover his spiritual energy, but also personally injected a large amount of spiritual energy into his body to help him digest the medicine and restore his spiritual energy. However, Master Guanghui did not expect that the four spiritual energies in Xu Qingfan's body would be so advanced, and he did not expect that Xu Qingfan actually had "dead air" in his body, a strange spiritual energy that could corrode other spiritual energies to strengthen himself.

Or he mistook the "dead air" in Xu Qingfan's body for the number one "sky evil air". In order to expel these "dead air", Master Guanghui could only continue to input spiritual energy into Xu Qingfan's body, but he was afraid that too much spiritual energy would hurt Xu Qingfan, but he did not dare to exert his full strength, and underestimated the powerful corrosive energy of Xu Qingfan's "dead air". In addition, the battle between Master Guanghui and No. 3 just now had consumed a lot of spiritual energy. When he found that the "dead air" in Xu Qingfan's body was strong enough to compete with him. He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

In order to protect Xu Qingfan, and to prevent the evil spirit from entering his body through Xu Qingfan. Master Guanghui could only continue to input spiritual energy into Xu Qingfan's body helplessly until all the spiritual energy in his body was refined by the "dead air", while others were paying attention to No. 2 who suddenly appeared. Unexpectedly, no abnormality was found here by Master Guanghui.

In this way, in such a short period of time, the spiritual energy in Master Guanghui's body was corroded by the "dead air" in Xu Qingfan's body! !

If Xu Qingfan had not woken up in time, the "dead air" in his body would have begun to be hidden and restrained, and Master Guanghui would have been attacked by the "dead air".

After understanding the situation just now, Xu Qingfan was really at a loss for words. He was unintentionally harmed by Master Guanghui's help to him. Xu Qingfan was naturally grateful and apologetic. But Master Guanghui inadvertently strengthened the "dead air" that he had suppressed with great difficulty. He wanted to regain balance, but he didn't know how long it would take. During this period, it was unknown how much damage this "dead air" would cause to him. Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan was helpless again. But in any case, Master Guanghui's move was indeed out of kindness, and the exhaustion of spiritual energy at this time was because of him, so Xu Qingfan couldn't bear to blame anything anymore, and didn't even tell Master Guanghui that he had done a bad thing with good intentions. He just silently helped Master Guanghui up from the ground, and decided in his heart that he must protect Master Guanghui's name in this battle.

Seeing Xu Qingfan stand up without any abnormality, it seems that the spiritual energy in his body has been restored. Master Guanghui was surprised. According to his judgment, Xu Qingfan's body should have been filled with "sky evil spirit" at this time, but seeing Xu Qingfan's eyes were clear, it didn't seem that he was controlled by evil spirit.

Noticing Master Guanghui's puzzled eyes, Xu Qingfan sighed secretly and said softly: "Master, thank you for your help, I'm fine. As for the reason, I will explain it after this matter is over."

As he said, Xu Qingfan turned his eyes to the countless zombies around him that were getting closer and closer. At this time, they were less than three feet away from the crowd. As the zombies approached, some people in the crowd couldn't help but start to attack.

Deng Tian frowned at first. He was a mysophobic person who hated the disgusting zombies in front of him. He raised his right hand, and a golden light flashed from his hands. As the golden light disappeared, he saw in front of him A large group of zombies suddenly and silently disappeared in front of his eyes.

Seeing Deng Tian's appearance, Xu Qingfan was even more surprised. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Qiu Xuan, only to find that Qiu Xuan's face was calm at this time. Because his eyes were closed, he couldn't see his true feelings from his eyes. But it seems that he has no intention of fighting Deng Tian immediately.

Xu Qingfan was wearing a half-mask on his face at this time. Therefore, Deng Tianyi did not recognize Xu Qingfan, the person he hated so much at the beginning.

As for the others, they couldn't help but feel relieved after seeing Deng Tianpai eliminate a large number of zombies so easily. Feeling that No. 2's methods were nothing more than this, he also followed Deng Tian's lead and took action one after another.

The first one to take action was Xiaobieshan from the "Tianxing Sect". He moved his hands. Although it was daytime, there was still a huge power of blue stars condensing around him, turning into hundreds of "starlights". "Shuttle", also quickly attack towards the zombie group. In addition, Hu Ming’s gold-based Taoism. Qiu Xuan's wind method also quickly attacked the zombie groups in front of them.

Only Ning Lingzi had no intention of taking action. He was working hard to control the two "Golden Armor Gods of War". After Xu Qingfan's efforts just now, the two "Golden Armor Gods of War" had gradually recovered. The feeling of control.

Deng Lian, who was next to Deng Tian, ​​did not participate in the attack. He was defending against No. 1's attack just now. He was already seriously injured.

It was too late, but it was so fast. In the blink of an eye, a piece of flying sand and rocks, blue and golden light, had already attacked the zombies around everyone, but the result was a surprise to everyone.

I saw these zombies once they were attacked. It easily turned into pieces and flew around. At the same time, blue liquid splashed everywhere, and a gray mist rippled, but everyone started to attack. But he didn't pay attention and just thought it was the smoke and dust produced during the explosion.

In addition, although everyone can easily eliminate a group of zombies, the zombies on "Ningyun Mountain" seem to be endless. After a group of zombies are eliminated, more zombies will rise from the ground and continue to move towards Everyone attacked, so everyone didn't notice this for a while.

Only Deng Tian suffered the "Heavenly Punishment Technique". But it directly turned the zombies into ashes. Erase from the world, so the zombies eliminated did not appear in this condition. It's just that the "Heavenly Punishment Technique" is extremely powerful. But it can only be used once every once in a while.

Finally, as time went by, there were more and more zombies on the ground in "Ningyun Mountain". Although everyone had eliminated thousands of them so far, there were more and more zombies on the mountain.

And these endless zombies are getting closer and closer to everyone. Now there is only one foot away from everyone. The distance between everyone was getting closer and closer, and in the end they had to attack the surrounding zombies back to back. It seems that you may be overwhelmed by the endless zombies at any time. Everyone could even clearly see the numb look in the zombie's eyes and the hatred for all creatures in the world.

At the end, just when Xu Qingfan saw that the situation was critical and was about to attack regardless of the damage the "air of death" would do to his body, something suddenly happened.

Xiaobie Mountain, which was the closest to the zombie swarm and the most violent attack on the ground, accidentally got caught by the increasingly dense gray fog around it, but suddenly let out a scream, no longer caring about the zombies around it, and just covered himself His eyes kept shouting: "My eyes!! My eyes!!"

The voice was shrill and clear, clearly expressing his pain and panic. From the fingers of Xiaobieshan covering his eyes, gray pus continued to flow out, corroding Xiaobieshan's hands, while Xiaobieshan's body was also graying. A large number of red spots appeared under the erosion of the fog, and began to gradually decay.

This mist that looks like smoke and dust is actually so terrifying! !

Seeing the situation in Xiaobie Mountain, everyone on the scene was shocked. Looking at the gray mist that gradually surrounded themselves and others, their faces showed horror and they hurriedly stepped back. Among them, Hu Ming, who was closest to Xiaobie Mountain, also pulled Xiaobie Mountain out of the gray fog.

They forcibly opened Xiao Bie Shan's hands that were covering his eyes. What Xiao Bie Shan saw shocked everyone even more. They saw that Xiao Bie Shan's eyes had turned into a pair of black holes, but his eyeballs had long since disappeared. Hu Ming hurriedly took out a lot of detoxifying elixirs from his arms, poured them into the wounds on Xiao Bie Shan's eyes, or fed Xiao Bie Shan and drank them. After watching Xiao Bie Shan fall into a coma, everyone's eyes showed explanations. A hint of worry. The eyes are extremely close to the brain, but I don’t know if it’s too late to do so.

Looking at the increasingly thick gray fog around him, Hu Ming turned his attention to Xu Qingfan and others and asked, "What should I do?"

"Up in the sky!!" Xu Qingfan and Deng Tian said in unison.

Qiu Xuan, on the other hand, silently performed a "Tornado Appearance Technique" against the dense gray fog around him, and saw a weak whirlwind suddenly appear around him. Then, the whirlwind became more and more violent, and soon turned into an extremely huge tornado. The gray mist in front of them quickly rolled away, blowing a large number of zombies hidden in the gray mist into the air, and then being smashed into pieces in the tornado. But under this powerful tornado, although the surrounding gray fog fluctuated, there was no sign of being blown away.

Seeing that the gray mist could not be blown away by the wind, Qiu Xuan frowned slightly, nodded and sighed: "Let's go up to the sky."

At this time, "Ningyun Mountain" was covered with this terrifying gray fog, except for the sky above. But there was no other way to go.

So Xu Qingfan took Master Guanghui, Deng Tiannai took Deng Lian, Qiu Xuan took Ning Lingzi, and Hu Ming took Xiaobieshan, and flew quickly into the sky before the gray mist surrounded everyone.

It was only then that everyone suddenly appeared. Of the eight monks in the pill-forming stage, only half of them are still capable of fighting!

And the zombies in the gray fog, after seeing everyone flying into the sky, out of hatred for living creatures, they all roared silently and unwillingly at the sky.

As zombies, they have no ability to fly.

On the other side, No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 were standing around the altar watching Xu Qingfan and others fighting zombies. After seeing Xiaobie Mountain being poisoned by the gray mist, everyone helplessly rose into the air, a trace of ridicule flashed across their faces, and they turned to No. 1 and asked: "No. 1, were you injured by these guys? They can't even defeat the lowest level zombies under my command."

Number one is angry. But at this time, he was concentrating all his efforts on integrating the new lower body, and just shouted to No. 2: "The game time is over, kill these guys quickly."

Number 2 nodded helplessly and said, "Okay."

As he spoke, No. 2 pinched his fingers together, and under his control, huge roars continued to come from the gray mist. Xu Qingfan and others in the sky appeared in shock through their spiritual consciousness. The zombies in the gray fog exploded one after another in a short period of time, and everyone was surprised. But he was horrified to find that the flesh and blood of the zombies after they exploded gradually merged together. Then, the endless zombies suddenly disappeared, but in the gray fog, dozens of huge black figures appeared faintly, with auras on their bodies. Extremely amazing. At the same time, a sound like the roar of death came from the gray mist.

"King of Corpses!!"

Hu Ming exclaimed, with a hint of panic in his voice. The strength of the Corpse King is almost equal to that of a monk in the Dan Formation stage, and there are dozens of them in front of him. Of the eight people on our side, four were unable to contribute, and the other four had also consumed a lot of spiritual energy in their bodies in the previous battle.

Could it be that he is going to die here this time?

Although they didn't want to admit it, such thoughts still vaguely appeared in everyone's mind.

And Deng Tianping, at this time, had already begun to regret his involvement in this matter. Unfortunately, there is no way to escape.

When Xu Qingfan saw the appearance of the Corpse King, he was also horrified. At the same time, he felt that Xiao Hei on his shoulder was full of excitement. This excitement had appeared since the appearance of the zombies, and after the appearance of the Corpse King, Xiao Hei If it wasn't for Xu Qingfan's order, he would have already jumped towards those corpse kings.

Xu Qingfan's heart moved slightly, and he thought secretly: "Although there were countless zombies in the area just now, they were not obvious. But after these corpse kings appeared, the fluctuations of death energy in their bodies were extremely obvious. It seems that these zombies are relying on It’s no wonder Xiao Hei is so excited.”

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan's expression became a little more determined, as if he had made some decision in his heart, and suddenly handed Master Guanghui, who was holding his hand, to Qiu Xuan next to him.

"Leave these corpse kings to me!"

While talking, Xu Qingfan and Xiao Hei turned into two lights and shadows, one black and one white, and quickly flashed towards the gray fog! Everyone in the sky was left with a look of surprise.

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