Seeking Immortality

Chapter 98. Accepting a Disciple (Part 2).

Seeing Zhang Ningmei walk into the hall, Bai Lianye and Bai Yu were both stunned, but they didn't expect Zhang Ningmei to appear at this time.

"Why did you leave the room? The doctor said that your body can't stand the wind. What if you get sick again?"

And Bai Yu didn't care about accompanying Xu Qingfan and Qiu Xuan, but walked quickly to Zhang Ningmei, showing concern. Although there was a sense of blame in his voice, it was also very gentle, as if he was afraid that the loud voice would scare the weak girl in front of him.

But Bai Yu's rough face and the violent breath that could not be covered up anyway, speaking in such a gentle tone, always made others feel a little out of place.

Seeing Bai Yu run away so impolitely, Bai Lianye's face became more embarrassed, but when he saw that Xu Qingfan didn't seem to mind, he breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Bai Yu, but found that Bai Yu was just looking at Zhang Ningmei with concern, and didn't notice his glare at all, and he smiled helplessly.

Although Bai Yu's behavior was somewhat disrespectful to his teacher, Xu Qingfan didn't care. Although Bai Yu's height and appearance were no different from those of a teacher, he was only a teenager after all. It was difficult for him to follow the rules like an old scholar. Xu Qingfan valued the fact that such a child could care about others.

"Or, it would be a good choice to accept Bai Yu as a disciple."

On the other side, Zhang Ningmei gently said to Bai Yu to be polite. Then she walked towards Xu Qingfan and Qiu Xuan, bowed, and said softly: "Junior Zhang Ningmei, meet Senior Xu and Senior Qiu."

After that, Zhang Ningmei bowed to Bai Lianye and said: "Meet Uncle Bai."

Zhang Ningmei's words and actions were full of the demeanor of a well-educated lady, with a calm and quiet temperament. Although the sickness on her face was pitiful, she was deeply rooted in a strong taste. Seeing Zhang Ningmei so quiet, Xu Qingfan nodded secretly. I just thought about it secretly in my heart, but I don't know what kind of experience Zhang Ningmei has gone through to form such a temperament.

After Zhang Ningmei entered the hall, Xu Qingfan kept looking at her carefully. At this time, after Zhang Ningmei finished her greetings, Xu Qingfan suddenly waved and said, "Come here and stand in front of me."

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, Zhang Ningmei was slightly stunned, and looked at her grandfather Zhang Long hesitantly. After seeing Zhang Long nod to confirm, he slowly walked to Xu Qingfan.

"Lend me your right hand. Let me feel his pulse."

Zhang Ningmei was stunned again, but still raised her hand obediently and let Xu Qingfan feel his pulse.

The moment Xu Qingfan's fingers were on Zhang Ningmei's pulse, Zhang Ningmei felt a pure and soft power with a strong vitality and holy breath suddenly coming from Xu Qingfan's fingers. And slowly flowed in her body.

As this energy flowed, Zhang Ningmei felt that the depressed and gloomy aura she had carried for many years suddenly cleared up, as if the huge rock pressing on her body had been removed, and she felt relaxed and open.

Zhang Long, Bai Lianye, Bai Yu and others were surprised to see that just after Xu Qingfan put his fingers on Zhang Ningmei's pulse for a moment, Zhang Ningmei's originally pale and sickly face gradually became rosy, and the vitality on her body was even more unique to everyone, and they couldn't help but feel happy. I thought Xu Qingfan could actually cure Zhang Ningmei's stubborn illness.

After a long time, Xu Qingfan slowly removed his fingers from Zhang Ningmei's pulse, and his face looked like joy and worry, finally confirming his judgment when he saw Zhang Ningmei before. I finally know why Qiu Xuan is still helpless with Zhang Ningmei's situation.

Just now, after Zhang Ningmei entered the hall, Xu Qingfan used his spiritual sense to detect Zhang Ningmei, but was surprised to find that although Zhang Ningmei was a mortal body. But the power of her spiritual consciousness is more than ten times that of an ordinary mortal. It is roughly equivalent to the late stage of the cultivation of immortals.

This is of course a natural gift, but it also brought endless troubles to Zhang Ningmei.

You know. Although spiritual consciousness is extremely important for cultivation of immortals, it also consumes a lot of energy to support such a powerful spiritual consciousness. Zhang Ningmei is a mortal body, but she is born with such a powerful spiritual consciousness, which is even more impossible to support. The powerful spiritual consciousness constantly consumes the energy in Zhang Ningmei's body, which naturally greatly reduces her body's resistance and makes her weak and sick from then on.

Xu Qingfan previously injected "life energy" into Zhang Ningmei's body for detection, but it stimulated the vitality in Zhang Ningmei's body that had been gradually exhausted, so Zhang Ningmei's face suddenly became ruddy, but this only quenched her thirst for a while, but it could not fundamentally change anything.

However, the spiritual consciousness cannot be sealed, which is why Qiu Xuan is helpless about Zhang Ningmei's situation. Qiu Xuan's previous proposal to let Zhang Ningmei practice Taoism is also a solution, because this can increase the energy in Zhang Ningmei's body to support the energy consumption of Zhang Ningmei's innate strong consciousness.

But in Xu Qingfan's opinion, this is not the best method, and it can't even be considered an effective method.

First, Zhang Ningmei's body functions have gradually atrophied due to the consumption of her consciousness over the years, and her current consciousness is no less powerful than that of Taoism in the late stage. If she wants to practice to the late stage of Taoism, she will have to spend at least several times more time than ordinary people, and no one can guarantee that she can spend this time safely.

Secondly, and most importantly, although Zhang Ningmei’s cultivation realm deepens, the intensity of her spiritual consciousness will inevitably increase. Now the intensity of Zhang Ningmei’s spiritual consciousness has reached a level that can only be achieved in the late period of Bigu. With Zhang Ningmei’s cultivation No one knows how strong Zhang Ningmei's spiritual consciousness will be when she reaches the late stage of Bigu, and there is no way to fundamentally solve Zhang Ningmei's situation.

In Xu Qingfan's view, in order for Zhang Ningmei to survive safely, the first thing to do is not to allow Zhang Ningmei to cultivate immortality, but to make Zhang Ningmei's consciousness change from being external to being introverted, or even qualitative. Only in this way can the influence of the consciousness on Zhang Ningmei be effectively reduced. energy consumption.

It's just a method of spiritual control. They are all summed up slowly by the cultivators after many years of cultivating immortals. There are very few methods specifically for the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. The most famous one is "Qingxu Sect"'s "Tian Ling Shen Lian *".

Should Zhang Ningmei be sent to the "Qingxu Sect"?

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan shook his head slightly. "Qingxu Sect" came from a Taoist sect. There were many Taoist priests in the sect, but they did not accept female disciples.

Sudden. However, Xu Qingfan remembered that after killing "Zhang Wu", he had obtained the green slip that recorded "The Technique of Destroying Gods", and his heart couldn't help but move slightly.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan couldn't help but look carefully at Zhang Ningmei's fair and demure face.

Occasionally in the mortal world, children whose spiritual consciousness is far stronger than ordinary people appear, but only after these children are born. They all died early because their body's energy could not support the consumption of their spiritual consciousness. Although Zhang Ningmei can live to this day, the pain she has experienced is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Maybe Zhang Ningmei has such a calm temperament because she has been wandering between life and death since she was a child, and has seen through life and death?

Seeing Zhang Ningmei's demure and expectant eyes when she looked at him, Xu Qingfan couldn't help but feel a little pity in his heart.

When Xu Qingfan was thinking secretly. Everyone in the hall stared at Xu Qingfan. Everyone in the hall, including Qiu Xuan and Bai Lianye, had watched Zhang Ningmei grow up. Zhang Ningmei's knowledgeable and reasonable temperament was also endearing, so they all hoped that Xu Qingfan could do something. Heal Zhang Ning Mei’s body.

Just started. Seeing Zhang Ningmei's face gradually turning rosy shortly after Xu Qingfan checked her pulse, she couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that Xu Qingfan had a way to cure Zhang Ningmei. However, seeing the mixed joy and sorrow on Xu Qingfan's face after he stopped taking action, she became uneasy again. After seeing After Xu Qingfan frowned and thought hard for a long time, he suddenly shook his head slightly, and his originally expectant mood sank to the bottom.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Ningmei. After seeing Xu Qingfan suddenly shake his head, although the expectation disappeared, there was no annoyance at all, and his expression was very open-minded at such a young age. After experiencing repeated disappointments, she had already looked away.

Although he felt bad in his heart, Zhang Long still approached Xu Qingfan and asked cautiously: "My benefactor, my granddaughter's situation. Can you do something about it?"

Xu Qingfan ignored Zhang Long, but raised his head and stared at Zhang Ningmei in front of him. Suddenly she asked: "Ahem, Ningmei, your grandfather and I are old friends. He wants you to be my disciple, are you willing?"

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, Zhang Ningmei had not said anything yet, but Zhang Long's eyes showed ecstasy. Xu Qingfan said this, undoubtedly agreeing to accept Zhang Ningmei as his disciple.

Several other people in the hall were slightly stunned. They didn't expect that Xu Qingfan would accept Zhang Ningmei as his disciple. Qiu Xuan felt that Xu Qingfan's personality was not like someone who would accept a disciple casually, but Bai Lianye didn't expect that Xu Qingfan would accept Zhang Ningmei as his disciple. Ignoring Bai Yu, who was originally the protagonist, he suddenly proposed to accept Zhang Ningmei as his disciple. As for Bai Yu, he was happy for Zhang Ningmei, because Xu Qingfan said this, which meant that Xu Qingfan was sure to cure Zhang Ningmei's stubborn disease.

Just thinking that Xu Qingfan had not looked at him since Zhang Ningmei appeared, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

In fact, there was a reason why Xu Qingfan suddenly agreed to accept Zhang Ningmei as his disciple. First of all, Zhang Long's request is a reason. Cultivation of immortals has been in seclusion for many years, and the vast land of China is so vast and vast, so even if you have a chance to meet someone, it is difficult to meet him. Let alone with mortals. Because of this, the word "fate" is the most important thing for cultivators. Xu Qingfan must consider Zhang Long's request as much as he can.

Secondly, Xu Qingfan admired Zhang Ningmei's demure and calm temperament and her desperation for life and death, and he vaguely saw something similar to himself in it. So I really don’t want to see such a person die so early. What's more, Zhang Ningmei is also extremely talented, and Xu Qingfan also has the "God of Destruction" in his hand to cultivate spiritual consciousness. After accepting her as a disciple, he can also help her cure her stubborn diseases.

Finally, Xu Qingfan thought of Ting'er. Although Ting'er had made some friends in Jiuhua Mountain after the internal competition, her silent character had not changed much, not to mention her friendship in Jiuhua Mountain. Those friends all come from the same school. Although they can talk with each other on a daily basis, there is a big difference between their closeness and distance. Taking Zhang Ningmei under his tutelage can also help Ting'er find a playmate. With Zhang Ningmei's character, Ting'er will definitely feel the kindness and warmth that Xu Qingfan cannot give.

As for how much more convenient it would be to take Bai Yu as his disciple after taking Zhang Ningmei under his sect, Xu Qingfan didn't think much about it, at least at this moment. Although Bai Yu has "Qiongqi" blood, Xu Qingfan values ​​Zhang Ningmei far more than Bai Yu does.

But just when everyone thought Zhang Ningmei would agree without hesitation, Zhang Ningmei showed hesitation on her face. She turned her head and glanced at Zhang Long behind her, and then said softly to Xu Qingfan: "Senior's love, junior's will naturally Yes. However, my parents died young, and my grandpa is the only relative at this time. He is nearly eighty years old. Although he is still in good health, he still gets sick from time to time. If the younger generation takes the senior as his teacher, I am afraid that my relatives will miss my grandpa. The juniors can’t think of leaving.”

Hearing Zhang Ningmei's words, everyone secretly praised in their hearts, what a filial and wise girl! !

Zhang Long, on the other hand, looked at Zhang Ningmei with a warm and excited expression. After a long time, he said in a trembling voice: "Mei'er, you are grandpa's heart, and grandpa can't bear to let you leave. But you only have Mr. Bai En." Only by being a teacher can you cure your chronic illnesses. Rather than letting you suffer from illness, I hope you can leave in good health. What's more, my benefactor has a very high status in the world of immortality, so it's very important to worship him as a teacher. This is a rare blessing for you and me over the years. As long as you can become my mentor, even if I die without any descendants, you will still be smiling."

As he spoke, Zhang Long burst into tears.

On the other side, Bai Lianye also said: "Mei'er, this is a rare opportunity. You should become Master Xu as your disciple. I will take care of your grandfather."

Zhang Ningmei looked at Zhang Long's old face for a long time, then suddenly turned around and bowed to Xu Qingfan. After three bows and nine kowtows, she took the "apprenticeship tea" from Zhang Long's hand and offered it to Xu Qingfan. At the same time, she said: "Junior Zhang Ningmei, please ask senior If you accept a junior as your teacher, you will work hard to bring glory to the master and never complain."

Xu Qingfan sat on the chair, calmly accepted Zhang Ningmei's three bows and nine kowtows, and then took Zhang Ningmei's "apprenticeship tea" and took a sip, thus accepting Zhang Ningmei as his disciple.

After Zhang Ningmei consciously stood behind Xu Qingfan, Xu Qingfan finally noticed Bai Yu beside him and asked, "What about you? Still don't want to become my teacher?"

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