Seeking Immortality

Chapter 1. Reflection.

"Master, is this Jiuhua Mountain?"

Bai Yu pointed at the barren mountain in front of him, his eyes full of disbelief. Obviously, this barren scenery has nothing in common with the six sacred places in the world of immortal cultivation mentioned by Xu Qingfan.

On the other side, although Zhang Ningmei was also full of doubts, she did not shout like Bai Yu. She just looked at Xu Qingfan quietly with doubtful eyes, waiting for Xu Qingfan's explanation.

Xu Qingfan smiled slightly, but he remembered the surprised look when he was first brought to Jiuhua Mountain by 6 Huayan, or when he first brought Ting'er to Jiuhua Mountain.

Or, this is already a reserved program for new disciples of Jiuhua Mountain when they first enter the mountain gate?

Are those seniors who brought new people to Jiuhua Mountain also in the same mood as Xu Qingfan at this time, looking at the new people's disbelief, with a hint of playfulness in their hearts that should not be there in immortal cultivation?

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan did not immediately answer Bai Yu and Zhang Ningmei's questions, but the smile on his face became thicker.

Seeing the growing doubts in Bai Yu and Zhang Ningmei's eyes, Xu Qingfan stopped teasing them and cast a "Sky Eye Technique" on them. Then he cast the Earth Mirror, shooting a hazy light towards Jiuhua Mountain, and then let them see the scenery of Jiuhua Mountain again.

After Xu Qingfan's "Sky Eye Technique" and "Earth Mirror" broke the illusion, Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu finally got a glimpse of some of Jiuhua Mountain's scenery. The entire Jiuhua Mountain was covered by a gorgeous seven-color glow. Through the glow, you can faintly see the strange rocks and giant trees in the mountain, the mist and flying cranes, as if it were a fairy cave.

After praising for a long time, Bai Yu turned to Xu Qingfan excitedly and asked, "Master. Is this our sect? How do we get in?"

Xu Qingfan shook his head and said, "Jiuhua is now closed and no one can enter or leave. I just came down the mountain secretly. Now I just bring you to see it, so that you, as Jiuhua disciples, don't even feel comfortable in Jiuhua Mountain."

Bai Yu asked curiously, "Then how should we get into the mountain?"

Xu Qingfan smiled slightly, suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at Bai Yu, and saw Bai Yu fainted immediately.

Zhang Ningmei was slightly startled to see Bai Yu suddenly fainted. But there was no expression of surprise or doubt. She just turned her eyes to Xu Qingfan.

But the smile on Xu Qingfan's face was gone. He just said in a deep voice, "Come with me, remember the location I will go to and the movements of my hands."

As he said, Xu Qingfan took Zhang Ningmei and the unconscious Bai Yu to a small hill south of Jiuhua Mountain, which was the cave where Xu Qingfan left Jiuhua Mountain.

Seeing Xu Qingfan do this, Zhang Ningmei was slightly surprised. Before, after Xu Qingfan knocked Bai Yu unconscious, he thought Xu Qingfan would also knock him unconscious, because the secret passage that could be entered and exited at will when Jiuhua Mountain was closed should definitely not be known to too many people. So if Xu Qingfan knocked them both unconscious and brought them into Jiuhua Mountain while they were unconscious, Zhang Ningmei could understand. So before, after Bai Yu was unconscious, Zhang Ningmei also looked at Xu Qingfan calmly, waiting for the moment when she was unconscious.

But what Zhang Ningmei didn't expect was that Xu Qingfan not only didn't use his magical powers to make her unconscious, but made her remember the means by which Xu Qingfan entered and exited. Obviously, he wanted to tell her the secret of Jiuhua, and her heart couldn't help but warm up.

In fact, there was a reason why Xu Qingfan told Zhang Ningmei about the Jiuhua tunnel. As far as Xu Qingfan knows, so far, it seems that only he and Zhang Hualing know the secret of this tunnel in the entire Jiuhua Mountain, but Zhang Hualing secretly practices the secret method left by Liu Huaxiang, which makes Xu Qingfan feel a little uneasy. Although he has no conflict with Liu Huaxiang. But there is always a feeling in his heart that one day there will be a break between him and Zhang Hualing.

In this case, it is not good for only Xu Qingfan and Zhang Hualing to know the secret of the tunnel. Some secrets are always better if fewer people know them, or even no one knows them, but some secrets, such as the secret of this tunnel in Jiuhua Mountain, can save Jiuhua from a disaster at a critical moment. Although it cannot be said that the more people know, the better, it cannot be hidden in the hearts of only two people, especially when these two people are likely to have a battle.

So when Xu Qingfan knew that Zhang Hualing secretly practiced Liu Huaxiang's secret method, he had been thinking about who to tell this secret to. Although Ting'er's character is gradually changing, the idea of ​​revenge in her heart has not disappeared. Although Jin Qinghan has a calm personality and can be absolutely trusted, he is devoted to cultivation and does not care about worldly affairs. Zhang Yuhan is a good choice, but Zhang Yuhan has a close relationship with Zhang Hualing, which is also inappropriate.

On this way, Xu Qingfan talked with Zhang Ningmei more and more, and he appreciated Zhang Ningmei's character and character more and more. This may be the reason why Zhang Ningmei has been wandering between life and death since she was a child. Her character is much more mature than her age. Obviously, Zhang Ningmei is just a thirteen-year-old girl, but when the two talk, Xu Qingfan often feels like talking to people of the same age.

In addition, Zhang Ningmei is also very demeanor, thoughtful, but low-key. In addition, Zhang Ningmei knows everything about him and is his disciple, so he can be trusted. Therefore, after considering for a long time, Xu Qingfan decided to tell Zhang Ningmei this secret. In this way, even if Liu Huaxiang and him have an accident, this secret will not be a secret forever.

After bringing Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu to the hill, Xu Qingfan put his ten fingers together and changed them continuously like an orchid blooming. In a short moment, he changed hundreds of finger gestures. Under Xu Qingfan's control, Zhang Ningmei only saw the hill gradually shaking, as if it were an earthquake, and in the shaking, a huge and deep tunnel suddenly appeared silently in front of her.

"Do you remember it?" After doing all this, Xu Qingfan turned to Zhang Ningmei and asked. Zhang Ningmei nodded slightly and said, "Remember it."

Although Xu Qingfan's movements just now were complicated and changeable, Zhang Ningmei's consciousness was stronger than ordinary people, and her memory was extremely amazing. Xu Qingfan only performed one side, but Zhang Ningmei had already remembered it.

Hearing Zhang Ningmei say this, Xu Qingfan nodded with satisfaction. He smiled and said, "Then let's go down."

As he said that, Xu Qingfan took Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu to jump into the dim tunnel. As Xu Qingfan jumped in, the tunnel that suddenly appeared closed again silently, as if it had never appeared.

As for the confidentiality, Xu Qingfan believed in Zhang Ningmei's intelligence and did not need to remind himself.

Low-key and deep, in order to take care of Bai Yu and Zhang Ningmei, Xu Qingfan spent an hour to finish the walk. When he walked out of the top of Jiuhua Mountain. It was already late at night.

Late at night. All the monks in Jiuhua Mountain were meditating in their own caves, but there were few people on Jiuhua Mountain, which was just in line with Xu Qingfan's plan to sneak back to the cave.

After waking up Bai Yu, Xu Qingfan briefly introduced the various locations of Jiuhua Mountain to Bai Yu and Zhang Ningmei in the night, and then took Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu to fly quickly to his cave in the back mountain.

Although it was late at night, the sky was full of moon and stars. The originally quiet and beautiful Jiuhua Back Mountain seemed even more remote and spiritual. Seeing Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu praising one after another, where in the mortal world could there be such a beautiful scenery to enjoy in the wars over the years?

Listening to the two people's praise. Xu Qingfan smiled slightly. The scenery of Jiuhua Back Mountain was originally very beautiful, and Xu Qingfan's cave was located in the most beautiful place. Although the concentration of spiritual energy was slightly less than that of other Jiuhua elders' caves, it was close to the stream and the forest. Every time after meditation, he would enjoy it. Being open-minded is more beneficial to cultivating immortals than those places with dense spiritual energy.

But just after Xu Qingfan opened the formation barrier outside the cave, the smile on his face suddenly withdrew.

In the courtyard of the cave, Ting'er was standing there quietly, looking at Xu Qingfan and Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu behind him, with some blame in her eyes.

These days, Xu Qingfan has been thinking about how to explain to Ting'er that he secretly went down the mountain without telling her. Although he has decided to tell the truth. But when he really saw Ting'er, he suddenly found that he didn't know what to say.

Or. Xu Qingfan suddenly remembered the promise he made to Ting'er before, "I will always take care of you." Although he has only been away for more than a year, and although Xu Qingfan usually stays in seclusion for several years, it is indeed a bit inappropriate to leave without saying a word.

In embarrassment, Ting'er turned her eyes to Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu for a while, then turned to Xu Qingfan, but she did not blame him, just said softly: "Uncle, you are finally back. Obviously, Ting'er already knew that Xu Qingfan had secretly gone down the mountain. Or she did not retreat to heal her wounds when Xu Qingfan left that night.

Xu Qingfan smiled bitterly, hearing the blame in the words, but more of a sense of happiness, after all, Ting'er's blame also means that Ting'er cares.

Then, Xu Qingfan told Ting'er about his trip down the mountain, and then told Zhang Ningmei about it. Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu introduced Ting'er.

Looking at Ting'er's beautiful face, Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu were a little distracted. Xu Qingfan had introduced Ting'er before, saying that Ting'er was the best master of the younger generation of Jiuhua, with great talent, and easily won the last internal competition. But they didn't expect Ting'er to be so beautiful.

Ting'er nodded slightly to Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu. Although there was still no smile on her face, she didn't keep people away from her.

Maybe she also hoped that she would have some brothers to accompany her.

Xu Qingfan asked Ting'er to chat with Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu. After getting familiar with the weather, he returned to his room and sat cross-legged on the boat, but he did not meditate, but just quietly thought about the insights he had gained in the past year since he came down the mountain.

In the past year, Xu Qingfan had gained a lot of insights, but three of them were the most urgent to change or confirm.

First, the "Life and Death Secret" he created could change the qualifications of cultivators and increase the capacity of the "Dead Qi" and "Living Qi" in the body. However, Xu Qingfan still remembered the unforgettable danger and pain when he was transformed by the secret method before, so he did not dare to change easily without full preparation. Experiment, so this matter can be put last. And "Life and Death Secret" also needs Xu Qingfan to spend a long time to perfect.

Secondly, the first magical power that Xu Qingfan had learned before was called "Desolate Wind", and it evolved into the unique skill of "Body Transformed into Wind". It helped Xu Qingfan a lot in the battles over the years, but recently when Xu Qingfan used "Desolate Wind", he felt more and more tired. The reason is that the Desolate Wind was originally made of "Wood Yi Spiritual Qi" and "Phoenix Spiritual Qi", based on the principle of wood and fire generating wind, it was transformed into a spiritual wind with powerful spirituality, and then mixed with "Dead Qi" to practice.

But over the years, after Xu Qingfan had the "Holy Spirit Stone", in order to counter the powerful corrosive power of the "Dead Air", he had slowly absorbed the energy in the "Holy Spirit Stone" with the "Wooden Spirit Qi" and practiced the "Living Spirit Qi". As a result, as the "Living Spirit Qi" gradually replaced the "Wooden Spirit Qi", it became more and more difficult to perform the magical power of "Desolate Wind". Even under the mutual restraint of "Living Spirit Qi" and "Dead Air", it was even extremely dangerous. Once the two spiritual energies conflicted, Xu Qingfan's body would collapse.

Therefore, Xu Qingfan could only find a way to transform the magical power of "Desolate Wind". As for the third point, it was the second magical power that Xu Qingfan realized when fighting with No. 1, No. 2 and others.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan took out a "topaz" and observed it carefully in his hand.

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