Seeking Immortality

Chapter 13, Secret Passage

And while Feng Qingtian was walking towards the distance of Jiuhua Mountain step by step, Xu Qingfan and others were searching the Feng family's old house on Jiuhua Mountain, but there was no trace of Feng Qingtian.

"Deacon Xu, have you captured Feng Qingtian?"

Just when Xu Qingfan was thinking about countermeasures and guessing where Feng Qingtian had gone, Gongsun Huasuo's voice suddenly came. When he turned around, he saw that Gongsun Huasuo was leading three older Jiuhua elders towards the Feng family's old house. , presumably Zhang Hualing was worried about Xu Qingfan and others, so he asked Gongsun Huasuo to come to support them.

This also shows how much Zhang Hualing values ​​Feng Qingtian. With Feng Qingtian's talent, once he hates Jiuhua, the threat to Jiuhua in the future will be fatal.

After a while, Gongsun Huasuo and others finally landed in front of everyone. As soon as they landed, Gongsun Huasuo asked eagerly again: "Deacon Xu, where is Feng Qingtian? Have you caught him?"

Judging from the eager look on Gongsun Huasao's face, it was obvious that Zhang Hualing also told him the whole story of Feng Qingtian.

Xu Qingfan shook his head slightly and said slowly: "Feng Qingtian is not in the old house of the Feng family?"

"What? Didn't the head brother let him spend ten years in seclusion in the Feng family's old house?"

"Even the tablets of the Feng family's ancestors are missing." Xu Qingfan sighed slightly.


Gongsun Huasao said in surprise. When the matter reached this point, he also realized that the matter was serious.

But after all, Gongsun Huasuo had weathered the storm for a long time, and after a moment of horror. He immediately regained his composure and said to the three Jiuhua elders behind him: "Immediately ask people to search Jiuhua Mountain. We must find Feng Qingtian."

After saying that, Gongsun Huasuo seemed to have thought of something when he saw the three Jiuhua elders walking away from Yuyun without stopping. But he turned his head and glanced at Xu Qingfan, a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

Xu Qingfan immediately understood what Gongsun Huaso meant, sighed slightly in his heart, turned to Li Yuhan behind him and said, "You should also go and notify."

Li Yuhan nodded and followed the three Jiuhua elders to announce Gongsun Huasao's announcement.

At this time, although the younger generation of elders in Jiuhua Mountain are far inferior to the older generation in terms of skill level and other aspects, most of the approximately thirty Jiuhua disciples who entered the "Jiuji Cave" had already entered the elixir formation stage at this time, but with the In terms of quantity, it is higher than the elders of the older generation.

Because of the conflict between the two generations of elders. Therefore, Gongsun Hua Suo's order was not easy to use among the younger generation of elders, especially when Gongsun Hua Suo asked them to patrol Feng Qingtian, one of the representatives of the younger generation of elders.

But Jiuhua Mountain is so huge. Without the joint search by these younger generation elders, the efficiency would be much lower. Therefore, Gongsun Huasuo had no choice but to ask Xu Qingfan to help him, because among the younger generation of elders, only Xu Qingfan's reputation was higher than that of Feng Qingtian. But there is always a sense of humiliation in my heart. As the Supreme Protector of Jiuhua who is second only to the leader, Xu Qingfan has to be willing to give orders...

Xu Qingfan was naturally aware of Gongsun Huasa's resentment at this time, but he had no time to pay attention to it. He just said to Jin Qinghan and others behind him: "You should also go find Feng Qingtian, and you must keep him. Even if it causes a fight."

Now that things have come to this, looking at the dignified expressions on the faces of Gongsun Huasuo and other elders of the older generation, and the eagerness on Xu Qingfan's face at this moment, he also realized that what happened with Feng Qingtian was probably not as bad as the one who killed him in the competition with Xu Qingfan. Simple, but they also know that this matter is probably not something they should know yet, and after this search, Liu Huaxiang will have an explanation anyway. So I didn’t ask too many questions. After hearing Xu Qingfan's words, he just nodded slightly. Then Yuyun flew in different directions, but they all went to look for traces of Feng Qingtian.

At the same time, in the Jiuhua Front Mountain, as the orders of Xu Qingfan and Gongsun Huasuo spread, Jiuhua elders flew from their respective caves one after another, either escaping to the ground or flying into the sky, constantly searching throughout the Jiuhua Mountain.

When only Xu Qingfan and Gongsun Huasuo were left in the Feng family's old house, Gongsun Huasuo said to Xu Qingfan: "Deacon Xu, let's go to the Hualing Palace to report the situation to the head of the house."

Xu Qingfan said: "You can report the matter to the leader, Master Gongsun, alone. I will search for Feng Qingtian's traces with other elders."

Gongsun Huasuo was obviously not willing to go with Xu Qingfan. He nodded slightly after hearing Xu Qingfan's words, and then flew quickly towards the Hualing Palace without stopping.

Looking at Gongsun Huasuo's expression, Xu Qingfan suddenly remembered that when he was not the deacon elder of Jiuhua, the two of them always talked and laughed harmoniously and went to the "Hualing Hall" to ask for Zhang Hualing. He couldn't help but sigh slightly, but he did not pause. , Yuyun flew quickly towards the back mountain of Jiuhua.

When he arrived at his cave in Jiuhua Back Mountain, Xu Qingfan saw that the protective formation outside the cave had not been destroyed, and he felt slightly relaxed. He was afraid that Feng Qingtian would lose his mind and go looking for trouble with his disciples. .

Then, Xu Qingfan did not enter the cave to look for his three disciples, but flew towards the top of Jiuhua Mountain without stopping.

According to Xu Qingfan's understanding, Feng Qingtian is not the kind of person who does useless things. Since the ancestral tablets in the Feng family's old house have disappeared, Feng Qingtian most likely made up his mind to escape from Jiuhua Mountain. Since he had made up his mind to escape, Feng Qingtian should be confident that he could leave Jiuhua smoothly.

At this time, Jiuhua Mountain was closed. As far as Xu Qingfan knew, the only place where he could escape from Jiuhua smoothly was the secret passage on the top of Jiuhua Mountain. This was why Xu Qingfan had to act alone, because this secret passage could not be known to too many people.

Although he knew that Feng Qingtian was unlikely to know the secret of the secret passage, Xu Qingfan still rushed to the top of Jiuhua Mountain. Since Liu Huaxiang secretly learned the secret method left by Liu Huaxiang, Xu Qingfan had paid attention to the secret passage and made some marks on the secret passage. If Feng Qingtian really left from that tunnel, Xu Qingfan would definitely be able to detect it.

But after arriving at the top of Jiuhua Mountain, Xu Qingfan found that the secret passage had no signs of being used, and he couldn't help but become more confused. Where exactly would Feng Qingtian be?

Just as Xu Qingfan was thinking, he suddenly saw Xiao Hei standing silently on his shoulder. His heart moved slightly, and he remembered that in the previous battle, he had input a large amount of "dead air" into Feng Qingtian's body. The fluctuation of this spiritual energy was extremely obscure, but it was extremely obvious to Xiao Hei.

So Xu Qingfan touched Xiao Hei on his shoulder and said softly: "Xiao Hei, sense where there is the spiritual fluctuation of the dead air in Feng Qingtian's body."

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, Xiao Hei seemed to be thinking about something. His cold and indifferent eyes kept searching around. After a moment, he suddenly spread his wings and turned into a black lightning, flying quickly towards the back mountain of Jiuhua.

Xu Qingfan knew that Xiao Hei had found the clue, and hurriedly followed Xiao Hei and flew towards the back mountain of Jiuhua.

In the back mountain of Jiuhua, there is a very hidden place. Usually no one stays there again, but because the entire Jiuhua Mountain is covered with dense forests and flowers and plants, only this place is full of rocks, which looks extremely desolate.

However, Xiao Hei stopped here, constantly circling in the air. Through telepathy with Xiao Hei, Xu Qingfan learned that the breath of "death" on Feng Qingtian suddenly disappeared here.

Hearing the information from Xiao Hei, Xu Qingfan was slightly stunned, but he didn't understand why the breath of "death" on Feng Qingtian suddenly disappeared here.

"Is there another secret room here that can hide other people's breath?"

After thinking of this possibility, Xu Qingfan used his spiritual sense to the fullest and began to search this desolate land.

After searching several times in a row, Xu Qingfan finally found something wrong. Under his search, he found that this desolate land was all real, but there was no secret room or barrier illusion.

But there was only one very small location. Although Xu Qingfan felt that it was just an ordinary boulder every time he searched, he would feel a little bit of slowness when his spiritual sense was running there. This feeling was so slight that if Xu Qingfan hadn't searched several times in a row, he would not be able to feel it.

After sensing something unusual, Xu Qingfan slowly walked to the boulder, only to find that it was just an ordinary boulder in front of him, about the size of two people hugging it, but there was nothing unusual about it.

Xu Qingfan pondered for a moment, then suddenly used the "dead air" in his body to surround and corrode the boulder.

As Xu Qingfan entered the solid elixir stage, his "dead air" was not only more in quantity, but also more powerful in corrosiveness, but the boulder was unexpectedly strong. It took Xu Qingfan a quarter of an hour to corrode the boulder completely.

After the boulder disappeared, a deep and dark tunnel that could only accommodate one person suddenly appeared in front of Xu Qingfan.

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