Seeking Immortality

Chapter 17, Bai Yu,

After parting with Zhang Hualing in the Jiuhua secret library, Xu Qingfan flew quickly towards the cave in the back mountain. His face changed all the way.

"By then, I think I can still fight the evil in my heart for a while. At that time, you can kill me."

When Zhang Hualing said this, his expression was calm and resolute. His eyes seemed to have broken through the limitations of time and saw a possible future.

Or, when one day, Zhang Hualing really couldn't control the evil thoughts in his body and forced Xu Qingfan to kill him, his expression would be like this, right? Calm and resolute, expectant and relieved.

Just this one sentence, but Xu Qingfan had no reason to stop anything. He had thought of all kinds of reasons to dissuade Zhang Hualing, but he couldn't say it out loud.

The reason why Zhang Hualing wanted to secretly learn the secret method left by Liu Huaxiang was to do his last bit for Jiuhua, but Xu Qingfan couldn't and had no position to stop him.

On the way back to the cave to deny, Xu Qingfan was thinking more about Zhang Hualing's other words. ^^

"To be honest, both Senior Brother Liu and I have wanted to make you the next head of Jiuhua, but unfortunately the time left for you is too short. You are far from being the head of a sect in terms of qualifications and character. That is why I can only hold on until you are fully mature."

When Xu Qingfan heard Zhang Hualing say this, he was not surprised. Instead, he suddenly felt tired.

Although he had the feeling that Zhang Hualing was training him to be the next head of Jiuhua, when these words really came out of Zhang Hualing's mouth, Xu Qingfan felt completely different.

Or powerless, or tired, or, there was still a little resistance.

But Xu Qingfan suddenly remembered that once upon a time, his ideal was to travel around the world and enjoy the world's rare treasures and scenery after achieving a small success in cultivation. However, as his cultivation became higher and higher, and as time went by, how long had this idea not appeared? One year? Ten years? Thirty years?

And now, what is Xu Qingfan thinking about every day? Thinking about how to improve his cultivation and strength as soon as possible to cope with the turmoil in the world of immortal cultivation, thinking about how to better educate Ting'er and other three disciples, thinking about how to help Jiuhua survive this catastrophe in the world of immortal cultivation, and thinking about what purpose the mysterious underworld organization exists for. **

And that dream in the past. It was like a bat hiding in the dark, quietly hiding in the depths of the darkness, dissolving into the darkness. Although it does exist, even if it is right in front of you, it cannot be seen. Only by making a big move and alarming it, will it flap its wings and flash past your eyes. Then go away quickly.

Or, Xu Qingfan's thoughts at this time are more in line with the identity of an immortal cultivator, or, Xu Qingfan can only survive better in the increasingly chaotic world of immortal cultivation like now, or Xu Qingfan's thoughts are most in line with Liu Huaxiang and Zhang Hualing's expectations of him. But this change made Xu Qingfan feel a sense of panic. =

Zhang Hualing's words made Xu Qingfan realize that the dream and the person he once was, had gradually gone away.

While he was sighing, the cave where Xu Qingfan was located in the back mountain had appeared in front of Xu Qingfan.

After opening the formation barrier outside the cave, Xu Qingfan walked into his cave, but the scene he saw made Xu Qingfan slightly stunned.

Bai Yu and Xiao Bi, a man and a beast, were standing in the courtyard, staring at each other. Although they noticed Xu Qingfan's return, they had no time to greet Xu Qingfan.

Among them, Bai Yu's head stood up for some reason. He was covered in dust, but his face was full of anger. However, he had not yet fully mastered the power in his blood, and his strength was far inferior to Xiao Bi, so although he seemed to be staring at Xiao Bi fiercely, his eyes were wandering, as if he was thinking about retreating.

Xiaobi was really angry, but she seemed to know that Baiyu was Ting'er's junior brother, so she didn't dare to do anything to Baiyu. She just stared at him with her big eyes, roared from time to time, and slowly moved towards Baiyu. As Xiaobi moved forward, Baiyu also slowly retreated, with a wonderful expression. ==Ting'er and Zhang Ningmei stood aside, one with an indifferent face, but with a smile in her eyes, and the other with a raised corner of her mouth.

After seeing Xu Qingfan come back, Ting'er and Zhang Ningmei both walked to Xu Qingfan to greet him. Seeing Xu Qingfan looking at the strange scene between Baiyu and Xiaobi in confusion, Zhang Ningmei smiled and told Xu Qingfan what happened after Xu Qingfan left.

Although Xiaobi was huge and had a ferocious face, he was like Ting'er's pet. Regardless of Xiaobi's unpromising behavior as a human-level high-level monster who was willing to be a pet, and regardless of Ting'er's difference in aesthetics, this was indeed a fact.

Since Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu were also accepted by Xu Qingfan, for some reason, whether it was because Zhang Ningmei had a good relationship with Ting'er or because of the "Qiongqi" aura on Bai Yu, Xiao Bi treated Zhang Ningmei very well, but disliked Bai Yu very much. **

On the contrary, Bai Yu liked Xiao Bi very much and always imagined how majestic he would be riding on Xiao Bi. After Xu Qingfan left that night, Bai Yu secretly rode on Xiao Bi while she was asleep, but he didn't know whether Xiao Bi was teasing on purpose or was really sleeping too soundly and didn't even sleep.

And just when Bai Yu had just been riding on Xiao Bi and had not yet settled down, Xiao Bi suddenly stood up and flew around Xu Qingfan's cave like crazy. Xiao Bi was a blue-eyed cloud-hoofed beast, but the sun Traveling thousands of miles, how can speed be underestimated? Bai Yu, who had not yet settled down, felt as if he was sitting in a gust of wind, constantly spinning around the cave, but he only knew how to hold Xiao Bi's body tightly, shouting in terror.

And under the strong wind, Bai Yu's heads stood up at this time.

Then, after Bai Yu yelled and screamed for about a quarter of an hour, Xiao Bi seemed to feel that the teasing was enough, but she suddenly stopped, and under the huge inertia, Bai Yu rose into the air. ^^^^It then flew over ten feet and then hit the ground hard.

Fortunately, although Bai Yu's skill level was not high, he had initially stimulated the "Qiongqi" bloodline in his body, otherwise Bai Yu would have been seriously injured this time.

Bai Yu has always prided himself on being a man, but under Xiao Bi's teasing, he screamed in fear in front of Ting'er and Zhang Ningmei for a long time. It can be said that he was completely humiliated. Naturally, he was resentful and picked up a stone on the spot. Throwing it at Xiaobi, it really angered Xiaobi, so the scene after that was just like what Xu Qingfan saw at this time, the man and the beast began to confront each other.

According to Zhang Ningmei. The two guys have been confronting each other for more than half an hour.

"This Bai Yu is really a child."

After hearing Zhang Ningmei's explanation, Xu Qingfan really couldn't laugh or cry, shaking his head and thinking secretly.

But after Bai Yu and Xiao Bi's interruption, Xu Qingfan's previous emotions and worries were relieved a lot. ^^^^

Then, Xu Qingfan said to Zhang Ningmei: "You watch here and don't let these two guys really fight."

With that said, Xu Qingfan turned to Ting'er and said to her: "Ting'er, come with me."

After saying that. Xu Qingfan ignored the conflict between Bai Yu and Xiao Bi and walked towards the room with Ting'er.

Seeing Xu Qingfan walking past her indifferently, Xiaobi roared angrily, while Bai Yu looked at Xu Qingfan for help, but Xu Qingfan still ignored him.

As for Bai Yu, he could only let him suffer a little. Only then can he have more memory, thank you Fen Xin.

After entering the room, Xu Qingfan sat cross-legged on the bed, silently looked at Ting'er who was standing in front of him for a long time, and finally asked: "Have you reached the peak of the spiritual silence stage now?"

Ting'er nodded slightly. Said softly: "Yes."

Xu Qingfan asked again: "Are you sure about forming pills?"

Ting'er frowned slightly. **** seemed to be considering this question for the first time, and answered after a long time: "Yes."

Xu Qingfan nodded slightly and said slowly: "Prepare yourself in the past few days, calm down your mind, and then try it in seclusion. With your current state, you should not worry. Don't worry about anything. I also tried it back then. It took three attempts to form the elixir successfully.”

Said. Xu Qingfan took out some elixirs from his sleeves and handed them to Ting'er. Said: "These are some of the elixirs I have collected over the years, but they will help you to form elixirs. Xu Qingfan has already formed elixirs. Naturally, there is no need to look for so many elixirs to form elixirs. He looked at Xu Qingfan Ting'er's eyes flashed with warmth as she held several jade bottles in her hand, but she didn't say anything and just silently took them into her hands.

Xu Qingfan was about to say something more, but his expression suddenly changed. He suddenly turned his head and looked outside the house, but he sensed an extremely violent aura suddenly coming from outside the house. At the same time, Xiaobi's roar also sounded. ****Xu Qingfan seemed to have thought of something. His face suddenly changed, his figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared outside the house, and Ting'er followed closely behind him.

Outside the house, Xu Qingfan was surprised to find that the previous scene was reversed. He saw Bai Yu pushing forward step by step. Although Xiao Bi kept making low-pitched threats, her eyes were full of panic, and she kept stepping forward step by step. Back away.

What surprised Xu Qingfan the most was Bai Yu's image at this time.

At some point, Bai Yu's figure had grown several times in size. Scales appeared on his skin. Two thick and long fangs were exposed in his mouth. His eyes were glowing green as he coldly advanced towards Xiao Bi. of.

Xu Qingfan did not expect that Xiaobi's threats and coercion would allow Bai Yu to completely activate the power of the "Qiongqi" bloodline in his body, and initially master this power. Bai Yu's current image already has many "Qiongqi" characteristics.

In fact, although Bai Yu stimulated the power of the "Qiongqi" bloodline in his body, Bai Yu's own cultivation level was extremely low after all. Xu Qingfan only taught him some of the most basic cultivation techniques, so he was still at the early stage of Qi refining, even if he stimulated the bloodline The power of Zhongdi was far from Xiaobi's opponent, but the aura of the wild ancient beast on Bai Yu's body at this time instinctively frightened Xiaobi. =

Seeing that after he appeared, Bai Yu was still slowly thinking about Xiao Bi, with a violent look in his eyes, as if he wanted to tear Xiao Bi into pieces, but the ferocity contained in his body had already covered up the thoughts in his mind. reason. Xu Qingfan frowned slightly, but suddenly realized his previous negligence in Bai Yu's education.

Regarding Bai Yu and Zhang Ningmei, although Xu Qingfan accepted them as disciples, he did not teach them the method of cultivating immortals. Instead, he asked them to sense the Qingqi power in their blood and condense their spiritual consciousness respectively before cultivating immortals.

But for Bai Yu, Xu Qingfan overlooked one thing, that is, if Bai Yu did not have the foundation of immortality, even if he could sense the power contained in the blood in his body, he would not be able to control it. This will lead to the current situation. Although the power of the blood in the body is stimulated, it cannot be controlled. Instead, it is controlled by the violent aura in the power. If this continues, it will lead to disaster sooner or later.

"But fortunately it's not too late. I'm afraid I will have to teach Bai Yu how to cultivate immortality in the next time. However, the techniques I know are not suitable for him. I can only teach him and let him slowly understand and become something suitable for him. Among the three disciples of mine, Bai Yu’s path to becoming an immortal is the most difficult.”

With this thought in his mind, Xu Qingfan quickly dodged towards Bai Yu without any hesitation, and grabbed Bai Yu before Bai Yu could attack.

Xu Qingfan did not use all his strength, but after the power in the blood in his body was aroused, Bai Yu's reaction was very fast. The moment Xu Qingfan just appeared next to him, he sensed the strong pressure on Xu Qingfan and left the little boy behind. Bi rushed towards Xu Qingfan, but as soon as he moved, he was easily restrained by Xu Qingfan. Then Xu Qingfan stretched out a finger and tapped Bai Yu's head, and Bai Yu completely passed out.

When Bai Yu woke up again, it was already the night of the second day. He only felt weak all over his body. However, after stimulating the power of his blood, although his strength increased dramatically, it also consumed all his strength.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, he found Xu Qingfan sitting in front of the bed, his eyes full of thoughts, as if he had been sitting there quietly watching over him since he fell into coma, and he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

Then, Bai Yu recalled the scene before he fell into coma, when his body was full of strength but controlled by a violent energy, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

After seeing Bai Yu wake up, Xu Qingfan smiled slightly and said to Bai Yu: "Remember the feelings you had before you fell into coma, but don't use them lightly."

After seeing Bai Yu nod, Xu Qingfan added: "In addition, starting from tomorrow, you no longer need to feel the power in your bloodline. Start cultivating immortality with me."

After saying that, Xu Qingfan patted Bai Yu, stood up and walked outside the house.

A moment later, Bai Yu's cheers came from behind. It seemed that after becoming Xu Qingfan's disciple, feeling the power in his bloodline day after day really made him go crazy out of boredom.

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