Seeking Immortality

Chapter 31. Self-destruction.

Sometimes, people always have all kinds of strange reactions.

For example, when someone is close to death, he is thinking about the clothes and quilts hanging in the yard that have not been put away yet. What if it rains? For another example, someone is clearly in a battlefield where he may die at any time, but he keeps thinking about the delicious food he ate yesterday, or the beauty of a woman he met by chance many years ago, but he doesn’t know whether this beautiful woman has married someone else?

So, the human heart is strange, unpredictable, and unpredictable.

And Xu Qingfan’s situation is the same at this time. Three black shadows suddenly appeared around him, and the long swords in their hands reflected a strange green light under the reflection of the sun. It is almost certain that if they are stabbed, there will be no good end.

But Xu Qingfan was thinking about some inexplicable thoughts in his heart.

"Why do I always get into all kinds of trouble every time I go down the mountain, no matter how low-key I act?"

Xu Qingfan sighed.

Although he was sighing in his heart, Xu Qingfan's figure did not stop. The moment the three black shadows appeared, he rushed up quickly, but his speed was also very fast, and he narrowly avoided the stab of the three long swords.

If it were not for the early warning of the "life spirit" in his body, Xu Qingfan would have been stabbed to death by the black shadow that suddenly appeared without any sign, and the three strange long swords that seemed to have broken through the speed limit.

Just when Xu Qingfan was about to counterattack, the three black shadows that suddenly appeared disappeared in front of Xu Qingfan again silently, just like when they appeared just now, which made Xu Qingfan frown.

I didn't expect that these three black shadows, in addition to the magical power of hiding their breath, could also have the magical power of suddenly becoming invisible.

Hiding breath, invisibility, plus extremely fast speed. There are three more. In this way, Xu Qingfan could not grasp the whereabouts of the three people at all, let alone defeat them. In this way, even though Xu Qingfan clearly sensed that the three opponents' cultivation was far inferior to his own, he still felt that the situation was difficult.

Moreover, as long as Xu Qingfan disappeared in front of him, the three black shadows would also disappear quickly. Xu Qingfan's original idea of ​​letting Xiao Hei take advantage of the appearance of the three black shadows to entangle one or two of them could not be realized.

Fortunately, with the magical powers of the three black shadows, the most threatening one was the first sudden attack. If you were unprepared, you would really only have one way to die. However, Xu Qingfan had already avoided the first sudden attack of the three black shadows, so the next one was not so dangerous. As long as you stay alert in your heart and dodge immediately when the black shadows appear, the three black shadows will not be able to do anything to Xu Qingfan.

Although the three black shadows could not do anything to Xu Qingfan, Xu Qingfan was helpless against the three elusive black shadows, and in the end he could only remain in a stalemate.

However, this stalemate was not what Xu Qingfan wanted, because the initiative was in the hands of the three black shadows. Even if Xu Qingfan was always vigilant, he would always relax for a moment. Once he relaxed a little, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just as Xu Qingfan was thinking secretly, the three black shadows appeared silently around Xu Qingfan again, and the three green long swords stabbed at Xu Qingfan again.

Xu Qingfan had no choice but to rush into the sky again like last time, and once again narrowly avoided the attack of the three black shadows.

After repeating this, in just a quarter of an hour, the three black shadows had attacked Xu Qingfan more than ten times, which made Xu Qingfan discover the strangeness of the three black shadows' attacks.

For example, every time these three figures attacked Xu Qingfan, the time interval between them was almost exactly the same. For example, every time these three shadows suddenly appeared around Xu Qingfan, their positions were exactly the same, as if they were extremely skilled, or as if these three shadows were completely inflexible and had no spirituality.

Thinking of the various situations encountered in the "Treasure Pavilion" before, his heart moved slightly, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"If what I guessed is true. Then these three shadows are easy to deal with."

Xu Qingfan thought secretly.

And just as Xu Qingfan was thinking secretly, the three figures suddenly appeared again and stabbed at Xu Qingfan again. The time interval was still exactly the same as before, as if it was measured accurately. The tip of the sword was only two or three feet away from Xu Qingfan, and it arrived in an instant! !

But this time. Xu Qingfan did not dodge into the sky like before, but suddenly expanded his speed and rushed towards one of the shadows.

And the long sword in the hand of that shadow was pointing at Xu Qingfan's chest! !

But seeing Xu Qingfan's abnormality, the three figures did not react in surprise. They just stabbed Xu Qingfan with their swords in the same way as always, and their movements were as precise as machines.

The three people's reaction further confirmed Xu Qingfan's previous guess.

Seeing Xu Qingfan rushing towards a black shadow, his chest was closer to the tip of the sword. In an instant, there was only less than a foot of distance left. He was about to be pierced through by the long sword in the hand of the black shadow, but something strange happened.

Xiao Hei, who had suddenly left under Xu Qingfan's instructions before, suddenly appeared behind the black shadow and pecked at it fiercely.

"Ding Dang"

In between the dings, a sound like the sound of metal clashing strangely rippled between heaven and earth, as if the entire body of the black shadow was made of iron and stone.

But despite this, Xiao Hei's sharp beak still successfully pierced into the body of the black shadow, and at the same time quickly input the extremely pure and terrifying death energy in the body into the body of the black shadow.

The "dead energy" cultivated by Xu Qingfan is powerful because of its terrifying corrosive ability, but after all, it is not pure death energy. Compared with the real death energy, it is still a small witch compared to a big witch. At this time, Xiao Hei even input the death energy in his body into the black shadow with all his strength, and the power generated is even more terrifying.

I saw that at the moment when Xiao Hei's sharp beak pierced into the black shadow, the black shadow turned into black dots and floated between heaven and earth, but the whole body was corroded by the death energy. It's just that the speed is too fast, and at a glance, it seems to collapse instantly.

And the green long sword in the hand of the black shadow, it is unknown what material it is made of, and it was not corroded by the death energy, but it was not controlled by the black shadow. It fell to the ground and did not pose any threat to Xu Qingfan.

At the moment when the black shadow collapsed, Xu Qingfan's figure also passed quickly from the direction where the collapsed black shadow was, but he easily avoided the attack of the other two black shadows.


Hiding far away from the attack range of the remaining two black shadows, Xu Qingfan was slightly excited. But he didn't expect to solve one of the black shadows so easily.

Next. It depends on how the remaining two black shadows will deal with it.

To Xu Qingfan's surprise, the remaining two black shadows seemed to have no idea that their companions were killed, and they didn't know the existence of Xiao Hei at all. They still appeared around Xu Qingfan on time as before, raised their swords and stabbed Xu Qingfan. Even the position was exactly the same as before, but because there was one black shadow missing, it left a gap for Xu Qingfan.

However, Xu Qingfan, as before, stayed in front of the two black shadows to prevent the two black shadows from disappearing because of Xu Qingfan's sudden disappearance. Then he asked Xiao Hei to attack from behind the black shadow, and in a moment he killed another black shadow.

"It seems that things are much simpler than I thought. I was too optimistic about the magical powers of these three black shadows before."

Just when Xu Qingfan was thinking this, the only remaining black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Xu Qingfan again. What was beyond Xu Qingfan's expectation was that this time the black shadow appeared much earlier than the previous "punctuality". So Xiao Hei didn't have time to get behind the black shadow.

Then, Xu Qingfan was surprised to see that the black shadow suddenly became clear around it, revealing its true image. Looking around, it was a young girl with fluttering clothes and a beautiful face, like a flying fairy, who was one of the girl-type dolls seen in the "Treasure Pavilion" before.

It turned out that the three black shadows that attacked Xu Qingfan were three girl dolls. It was precisely because these three shadows were puppets that they attacked Xu Qingfan so regularly and inflexibly. Xu Qingfan easily defeated them one by one.

Compared with the welcoming puppets, these three puppets were undoubtedly much more powerful.

But just when Xu Qingfan was thinking about how to deal with the only remaining puppet without Xiao Hei's help, he was surprised to see that the puppet suddenly emitted a holy light, which was even more charming with the image of the flying fairy.

But Xu Qingfan had a bad premonition in his heart, and he was horrified and exerted his speed to the extreme. He retreated quickly.

Unfortunately, it was too late.


A roar that shook the world suddenly sounded, but it was the moment when Xu Qingfan found something wrong. The puppet exploded, and Xu Qingfan had no time to dodge.

At the same time as the puppet exploded, it seemed to have discovered the abnormality here. There were more than ten figures in the sky flying towards the explosion location! !

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