Seeking Immortality

Chapter 40. Spiritual Pearl.

"There should be many more of the two red beads you gave me before, please help me find them all."

After Xuanyuan Zun and others had all left, Xu Qingfan whispered to Xiao Hei on his shoulder.

As Xu Qingfan finished speaking, Xiao Hei immediately spread his wings and flew towards the ruins. However, the distance was farther than the distance that everyone had picked up from the material spirit stones scattered around the ruins before, but it was closer to the location where the purple-clothed man was before.

After Xiao Hei left, Xu Qingfan turned his palm, and two crystal beads with soft red light appeared in his hand. They were about the size of a **'s thumb, and there was a strange spiritual fluctuation inside, similar to spirit stones, but much stronger and more spiritual than spirit stones.

After taking out the two beads, Xu Qingfan immersed his consciousness into them and observed and detected them carefully.

On the other side, after Xiao Hei left Xu Qingfan, he quickly flew to the distance, where the purple-clothed man had fought with the puppets from the "Treasure Pavilion". Many broken puppets fell in the grass, but their images were much worse than the puppet Xu Qingfan got, and their bodies were incomplete.

Whenever he saw these broken puppets, Xiao Hei would fly to them and peck at the heart of the broken puppets with his sharp beak. After the chest of the puppet was broken, there was a red bead similar to the one in Xu Qingfan's hand quietly suspended in it, and Xiao Hei held the red bead in his mouth, flew back to Xu Qingfan, put it at Xu Qingfan's feet, and then spread his wings again to fly away, looking for the next red bead.

In addition to obtaining this kind of red spirit bead from these broken puppets, Xiao Hei picked up more directly from the surrounding grass.

The battle between the puppets in the "Treasure Pavilion" and the purple-clothed man was extremely tragic. Under the puppets' self-explosion, dozens of purple-clothed men died without a complete body. Under the powerful Taoist bombardment of the purple-clothed man, most of the puppets in the "Treasure Pavilion" were also shattered and turned into powder. But this red spirit bead is made of unknown material. It was not damaged at all, but just fell to the ground. Although it was hidden, Xiao Hei was unusually sensitive to energy fluctuations, so no matter whether these red spirit beads fell in the grass or between the cracks of the rocks, Xiao Hei could always find them easily.

A moment later. There were more than 200 red spirit beads under Xu Qingfan's feet. At this time, Xu Qingfan had completed the exploration of the red spirit beads. He waved his sleeves and put all the red spirit beads into his sleeves, but there was a hint of joy on his face. After thinking for a moment, he said to Xiao Hei standing on his shoulder: "Let's go too."

As he spoke, Xu Qingfan no longer hesitated. Flying quickly towards the distance.

The two red spirit beads in Xu Qingfan's hand were given to him by Xiao Hei after Xu Qingfan finished healing and before he rushed here to meet Xuanyuan Zun and others. At that time, Xu Qingfan was still a little confused. He didn't know where the two beads came from and what Xiao Hei gave them to him for, but after careful investigation. He found that the two red spirit beads actually had spiritual energy that was seven points stronger than ordinary high-level spirit stones. And these spiritual energy actually had gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and circulated and fluctuated in a strange pattern.

Sensing the various abnormalities of the red spirit beads. Xu Qingfan was very surprised, and then through the connection with Xiao Hei, Xu Qingfan learned that the three puppets who ambushed Xu Qingfan before, except for the puppet who exploded at the end, the other two puppets were destroyed by Xiao Hei's terrifying death energy, turned into ashes, and disappeared in an instant. After the two puppets turned into ashes, only the two red spirit beads in their bodies were not destroyed by the death energy at all.

Xiao Hei was born with death energy in his body, and he rarely met an opponent for the terrifying death energy he usually relied on. At this time, he suddenly saw something that was not disturbed by his death energy. Naturally, it was very strange, so after Xu Qingfan recovered a little, Boiling immediately brought the two red spirit beads to Xu Qingfan for inspection.

Before, when Xu Qingfan was fighting with the three puppets, he was very nervous, so he didn't find the two red spirit beads.

After sensing the various abnormalities of the red spirit beads, Xu Qingfan decided to investigate carefully in the future. At that time, it was inconvenient to do it in front of Master Guanghui, so although he was curious, he still put it away quietly. Master Guanghui thought that the two red spirit beads were the same as the previous "Five Spirit Bells", which belonged to Xu Qingfan, so he didn't pay much attention to them.

After Xu Qingfan knew that these red spirit beads were all contained in the puppets, after Xuanyuan Zun and others left, he immediately asked Xiao Hei to collect the red spirit beads left after the previous battle.

Xu Qingfan, on the other hand, carefully explored the secrets of these red spiritual beads during this period of time.

Through this period of rough exploration, Xu Qingfan remembered a technique that had long been lost in the world of immortal cultivation, and he was overjoyed.

Spirit stones are the condensation of the five elements of spiritual energy in the world, which are hidden in various places in the vast land of China. They can be used to set up formations, restore spiritual energy, and refine various spiritual pills and magic tools for immortal cultivation. It can be said that they are essential for immortal cultivation. The spiritual energy condensed for a hundred years is a primary spiritual stone, and for five hundred years is a high-level spiritual stone. The spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stone for more than a thousand years reaches saturation, which is a high-level spiritual stone.

After the immortal cultivators use these spiritual stones to set up formations and refine, the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone is consumed, and it will break into the so-called "crystal slag", which not only has excellent spiritual energy solubility, but is also one of the hardest materials in the world of immortal cultivation so far.

But even so, these "crystal slag" cannot be condensed into plasticity. Although they have various properties that other materials cannot achieve, they cannot be used to refine anything. Some immortals are unwilling to give up. After hundreds of years of research, they still have nothing to gain, so they can only give up gradually.

From then on, "crystal slag" became a useless material known to everyone in the immortal world.

But four thousand years ago, a little-known immortal suddenly discovered the use of "crystal slag" by accident. Although it cannot be used to refine magic tools and elixirs, it can be refined into something called "spiritual pearls". What's more surprising is that this "spiritual pearl" can not only contain more spiritual energy than high-level spiritual stones, but more importantly, a smallest "spiritual gathering array" can be carved on the "spiritual pearl", which means that the spiritual energy in this "spiritual pearl" can be restored! ! Although the recovery time is extremely slow.

Because of this, all the cultivators were overjoyed after learning about it, but the method of making "spiritual beads" was only in the hands of an unknown cultivator, and more importantly, this cultivator did not know the principle of not showing off his wealth.

What happened next can be imagined. The evil people all wanted to obtain the method of refining "spiritual beads" to suppress the righteous, and the righteous people even asked the cultivator to hand over the refining method under the pretext of "for the sake of the cultivation world".

In the chaos, this cultivator was killed by someone unknown, and the method of refining "spiritual beads" was lost.

However, Xu Qingfan was surprised to find through his previous investigation that the two hundred red beads in his hand were made of "crystal slag", and there was also an extremely fine "gathering spirit array" inside the red beads, which was very similar to the legendary "spiritual beads"?

According to Xu Qingfan's inference, these spirit beads should be the core of the puppets in the "Treasure Pavilion", providing energy for the puppets' mobile combat, but it is unknown how the "Treasure Pavilion" mastered this long-lost method.

However, compared with the "spiritual beads" in the rumors, Xu Qingfan also found that the two hundred or so "spiritual beads" in his hand have various shortcomings. First, although the spiritual energy contained in these "spiritual beads" in Xu Qingfan's hands is seven times stronger than that contained in ordinary high-level spiritual stones, it is not as exaggerated as the legend. Secondly, these "spiritual beads" can also restore spiritual energy with the help of the "Gathering Spirit Array", but it is also slower than the legendary recovery. Xu Qingfan estimates that if the energy in these "spiritual beads" is consumed, it will take about a hundred years to fully recover. The most important thing is that the energy of these "spiritual beads" is not stable. If you input spiritual energy into them at will, they will explode. This is probably why the black shadow puppets could explode on their own before, but the other parts of the puppets should be arranged differently, otherwise the explosion power of these "spiritual beads" alone should not be so great.

Through the above, Xu Qingfan guessed that it should be because the "Treasure Pavilion" accidentally mastered the method of refining "spiritual beads", but it was not complete.

But no matter what, Xu Qingfan felt that these nearly two hundred "spiritual beads", with their restorable ability, were worth no less than two thousand high-level spiritual stones, and were still his biggest gain in this trip to the "Treasure Pavilion". Although the unstable and easy-to-explode characteristics of these "spiritual beads" are considered defects, if used properly, they can save Xu Qingfan's life at a critical moment.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan's mood became a little happier.

Xu Qingfan used the magical power "The Way of Life and Death" to recover from the near-death state, but it also consumed all the spiritual energy in his body. However, the sudden destruction of the "Treasure Pavilion" made Xu Qingfan feel uneasy, so he did not stop to recover his spiritual energy, but flew back to Jiuhua Mountain.

Because Xu Qingfan consumed a lot of spiritual energy, his speed was not very fast, so while thinking, he could take a closer look at the scenery on the road.

But when he flew to a place 300 miles north of the "Treasure Pavilion", a scene on the ground shocked Xu Qingfan's heart! !

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