Seeking Immortality

Chapter 67. Birth.

After talking with Jin Qinghan about the gains and losses in the competition just now and the experiences of both parties in cultivating immortals over the years, they separated. When they left, both parties had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Xu Qingfan didn't know what Jin Qinghan was thinking when he left, or the fierce battle just now, or the exchange of experiences between each other, or thinking about when he can fight Feng Qingtian again, and Xu Qingfan, But he was thinking about Jin Qinghan's last move in the competition just now.

And Xu Qingfan was defeated by that move.

That ray of golden light was like the first ray of light when the world was created. It was faster than lightning, sharper than divine weapons, more dazzling than the scorching sun, and more unpredictable than heaven and earth. It seemed that any solid defense between heaven and earth could withstand it. Can't stand its piercing.

At least Xu Qingfan's strongest defense method - the "Five Spirit Bells" cannot do it.

At that time, there was a flash of golden light, and Xu Qingfan's clothes were damaged. There was a scratch from his ribs, and there was a trace of blood on his ribs. It was not that Xu Qingfan was quick to dodge. In fact, Xu Qingfan did not react at all at that time. If it weren't for Jin Qinghan When the golden light was emitted, Xu Qingfan shifted his finger, and Xu Qingfan was about to be pierced by the golden light without any resistance.

Speaking of which, this move is actually very simple, but it is also extremely difficult. The reason why this move is simple is that the essence of this move is to continuously compress the spiritual energy of the whole body until it is compressed into a line and shot out, and its It is precisely because of this that it is difficult to compress the spiritual energy of the whole body into a line. How much effort and effort will it take? To what extent can the spiritual energy in the body be controlled? You must know that for every extra minute of compression of the spiritual energy in the body, the energy consumed will be several times greater, and a slight inadvertence will cause the spiritual energy in the body to rebound. That means the meridians are damaged.

Xu Qingfan compared himself. If he compressed the spiritual energy in his body like this, he could compress it to one-sixth of Jin Qinghan's, which would be the limit. Even in Xu Qingfan's view, even if Jin Qinghan was at this level, most of the people in the world would be able to compress it. Even the Mahayana masters couldn't do it, which made Xu Qingfan have to admire Jin Qinghan's courage. You must know that it is dangerous to compress the spiritual energy in the body like this. The pain suffered by the meridians and Dantian was not inferior to the pain Xu Qingfan suffered when he used "The Secret of Life and Death" to transform his body.

However, danger and achievement always coexist. Although this move is so dangerous to practice, it is also extremely powerful once used. Such a huge amount of spiritual energy is all compressed into a line, which not only makes it the sharpest and most penetrating attack in the world. The method and speed exceeded the limit, so much so that even Xu Qingfan couldn't dodge at all.

But at the same time, when performing this move, it will also cause great damage to oneself. Continuously compressing the spiritual energy in his left arm, the moment the golden light shot out, Jin Qinghan's left arm also collapsed. If Xu Qingfan hadn't been present at that time, Jin Qinghan's arm would have been injured for at least ten years.

"It seems that while I am making progress, others are also making progress, and even the progress is greater than mine, including Lei Fa, Blood Condensation Divine Weapon, and the Eight Evil Consciousness Kings. And the last ray of golden light is so short. It’s really incredible that Jin Qinghan has gained so many magical powers in a short period of time, but I don’t know what level Feng Qingtian has reached now.”

As Xu Qingfan walked towards his cave, he was thinking silently in his heart. He kept recalling all the geniuses in the world of immortality he had met over the years, including Feng Qingtian, Jin Qinghan, Huang Xie, and Deng Tianbao. , Qiu Xuan, Lu Ziqing, Xu Xiurong...

Thinking like this, although the catastrophe was going on outside the mountain at this time, Xu Qingfan was even more motivated to go down the mountain.

This is how people are, when they have experienced too much, they want to be at peace. And it has been quiet for too long. I will yearn for noise again.

While Xu Qingfan was silently following Feng Qingtian's progress, Feng Qingtian was strolling in a small village. Over the years, the war first spread to the entire land of China. Although it gradually subsided over the years, the damage caused cannot be recovered in a year and a half. Then there were constant natural disasters, droughts and locust plagues for years, and now there are gods fighting all over the world. Often a fireball and wind blade will hit without target, and half of the people in the whole village will die. Although they want to escape from the disaster, they find that The vast land of China is like this everywhere, but as mortals without any power, they have no way to escape.

In this environment, the mortals in the entire land of China were helpless and at a loss in despair.

The same is true for this humble little village in this corner of the vast land of China. No one knows whether they will live or die at the next moment. Although there are more than a hundred families in the village, there is a dead silence, and the dead silence reveals numbness and confusion. .

I saw the usual cold look on Feng Qingtian's face as he strolled along the grass road in the village. He stopped occasionally and turned around to enter a mortal's house. I don't know what kind of means he used, whether it was persuasion or money. Let those mortals agree to give their children to Feng Qingtian, or follow Feng Qingtian to at least have a way to survive in this world where life and death are unknown. Or, in such troubled times, human life is no longer so valuable, even if this human life is their child.

But all this happened only occasionally. There were more than a hundred families in the village, and Feng Qingtian only took away two or three children. If there is any difference between these two or three children and other children, it may be that in this despair, The eyes of these two or three children must be more alert and less numb and confused.

In this way, Feng Qingtian took the two or three children and walked silently towards the next village.

In the eyes of the villagers who saw him off at the entrance of the village, Feng Qingtian's lonely back revealed a certain mystery and a certain determination.

After returning to his cave, Xu Qingfan said hello to the three disciples twice, and then he closed his eyes on himself.

In this competition with Jin Qinghan, although Xu Qingfan seemed relaxed, even in the most tense moment, he still had a calm and elegant smile on his face, but in fact, most of his spiritual energy was consumed. After all, his opponent was Jin Qinghan.

In addition, Xu Qingfan also understood a lot in this fight and even in the subsequent communication, but he also needed to meditate and ponder to digest it well.

However, this meditation did not last long. After only one month, Xu Qingfan came out of seclusion again.

After coming out of retreat, Xu Qingfan became busy instead. He spent most of his time with his three disciples. The catastrophe was about to come, but he had to seize the time to improve the strength of these three disciples, either by preaching and teaching, or by practicing to help them refine the medicinal power and integrate it into their bodies. Although there was only four months, even a Mahayana master could not improve them much, but it was better than nothing.

It is worth mentioning that Bai Yu had reached the Spiritual Silence Stage a few days after Xu Qingfan's retreat. This made Xu Qingfan a little relieved. Although he, as a master, did not take care of things, under his teaching and the spiritual medicine he gave, the disciples made rapid progress.

At other times, Xu Qingfan ran to the front mountain more. Jiuhua was about to be born, and he, the deacon elder who did not take care of things, became busy.

In this busyness, Xu Qingfan did not even have time to read books and drink tea.

Sometimes, Xu Qingfan would take out the blue slip that Zhang Hualing gave him, which recorded the "Wu Xiang Jue" and "Dai Tian Jue", and study it carefully. Among them, Xu Qingfan only learned a little about "Dai Tian Jue" and let it go. This kind of skill is not something he can practice now.

Xu Qingfan's main attention is on the "Wu Xiang Jue".

Fifty years ago, Xu Qingfan learned the "Wu Xiang Jue" from Liu Huaxiang, but Liu Huaxiang did not explain the origin of this skill. In order to prevent Xu Qingfan from knowing anything, he even deleted and changed some things in the "Wu Xiang Jue". At this time, the "Wu Xiang Jue" in Xu Qingfan's hand is much more detailed.

It's embarrassing to say that before Liu Huaxiang died, he had repeatedly told Xu Qingfan to practice the "Wuxiang Jue" he taught him. But later, as the catastrophe approached, Xu Qingfan found that the "Wuxiang Jue" was too slow to practice. In order to cope with the catastrophe and improve his strength as soon as possible, Xu Qingfan spent most of his energy on practicing the "Life and Death Jue" which was more powerful and easier to see results.

At this time, Xu Qingfan had the complete "Wuxiang Jue" in his hand. After trying to practice it, Xu Qingfan was surprised to find that the progress of practice was extremely fast, which was inconsistent with what Zhang Hualing said. Only then did he suddenly realize that the purpose of the deleted "Wuxiang Jue" taught to him by Liu Huaxiang before was probably not just to make Xu Qingfan not see the true face of this practice, but probably to prepare for the formal practice of "Wuxiang Jue" in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan couldn't help but feel that he had failed Liu Huaxiang.

And in such a busy time, Zhang Ningmei officially reached the spiritual silence period three and a half months later.

After another half a month, Jiuhua's mountain-protecting needle "Nine Extreme Formation" stopped reversing, and after being sealed for more than sixty years, it officially came out again.

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