Seeking Immortality

Chapter 75. Joining (Part 1).

Because he promised Hu Guangshan and others that he would reach "Ronghua Mountain" within seven days, Xu Qingfan did not delay at all along the way. He exerted his speed to the extreme and rushed to General Bai's Mansion as fast as possible. Although General Bai's Mansion was not far from "Ronghua Mountain", the time for this trip was extremely tight. If there was a slight delay, the seven days would be out.

But things were destined not to go as Xu Qingfan wished. When Xu Qingfan rushed to Fencheng, where General Bai's Mansion was located, he learned that Bai Lianye had gone to the capital. Since the war in the mortal world of Shenzhou Haotu gradually subsided, Bai Lianye returned his military power to the royal family. Now he is an idle prince, but he has been monitored by the royal family, so he lives very uncomfortably.

However, in Fencheng, Xu Qingfan and others also learned a very bad news, that is, Zhang Ningmei's grandfather, Zhang Long, died three years ago. He was exactly 100 years old when he died. As a mortal, his death was also considered perfect.

Originally, after learning that the chaos in Shenzhou Haotu in recent years did not affect the Bai family and the Zhang family, Xu Qingfan could take Ting'er, Zhang Ningmei, and Bai Yu to "Ronghua Mountain", but at this time Zhang Long died. Although Zhang Ningmei did not say anything, Xu Qingfan could not bear to let Zhang Ningmei not be able to pay tribute to the only relative in the world as soon as possible. So regardless of the urgency of time and Zhang Ningmei's considerate persuasion, he still flew towards the imperial city, and by the way, let Bai Yu, the wild boy, see his father.

Xu Qingfan himself had enough of the pain of having no relatives and not being able to see his relatives off, but at this time he could not bear to let Zhang Ningmei suffer this pain again.

After flying to the imperial city, he quickly found the location of the Bai Mansion. Or it is called Wuwang Mansion. Because they did not want to delay time, the scene of Xu Qingfan and others descending from the sky caused a chaos in the imperial city, and countless people worshipped and called the gods. Of course, there were also some who escaped. The residual power caused by the battles between the "immortals" in recent years has made these mortals suffer enough.

After all, the imperial city is thousands of miles away from "Ronghua Mountain". In "Ronghua Mountain", with the whole righteous alliance gathered, the traces of the so-called "immortals" are not much less than livestock.

After entering the "Wuwang Mansion", the scene after Bai Yu and Bai Lianye met each other is needless to say. There are many similar scenes in the mortal world. After that, under the guidance of Bai Lianye, Xu Qingfan took three disciples to pay homage to Zhang Long's tomb.

"Zhang Long. You and I are destined to be together. Your granddaughter is even more compatible. Her own character and understanding are also very good. I will take good care of her."

In front of Zhang Long's tomb, Xu Qingfan closed his eyes and said secretly that after a person dies, his soul will stay in the world, but it will disappear after seven days. It is not known whether the soul is scattered or there is really an underworld in the world. It had been seven days since Zhang Long died, but Xu Qingfan assumed that the underworld really existed. He prayed silently to the elders of the underworld.

Zhang Ningmei bowed down with a sad look, and Bai Yu bowed down beside her with a worried look. What surprised Xu Qingfan was that Ting'er actually knelt down and bowed three times in front of Zhang Long's tomb. It seemed that after all these years of getting along, Ting'er had completely accepted Zhang Ningmei.

Because she accepted Zhang Ningmei, she regarded Zhang Ningmei's sadness as her own sadness and regarded Zhang Ningmei's elders as her own elders. This was Ting'er's character.

After a round of worship, Zhang Ningmei was the first to propose to leave. Although Xu Qingfan agreed, he felt guilty. He left Zhang Ningmei too little time.

Despite this, Xu Qingfan didn't say much. After rejecting Bai Lianye's request to stay, he took three disciples and rushed to "Ronghua Mountain".

Xu Qingfan played with a wooden sign in his hand, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

I don't know what kind of wood this wooden sign is made of, but it actually has a metallic luster. The head of the wooden sign is the head of "Qiongqi", which is lifelike, especially the eyes, which are shining with strange light. Staring at this wooden sign, there is a vague feeling that the head of "Qiongqi" on the wooden sign is also staring at me.

This wooden sign is a family heirloom of the Bai family, but the descendants of the Bai family for generations have never known what this wooden sign is used for, and only regard it as a legacy and decoration. The last time Xu Qingfan took Bai Yu away, Bai Lianye forgot about this wooden sign because he was worried. When Bai Yu left again this time, Bai Lianye remembered that he had only one son and would maintain the inheritance of the Bai family in the future. So before Bai Yu followed Xu Qingfan to leave, he gave this wooden sign to Bai Yu and told him, "Although you are already half an immortal, you are still an immortal of my Bai family. You must remember to maintain the bloodline of the Bai family and give me a grandson as soon as possible." Bai Yu blushed, and Zhang Ningmei beside him laughed secretly, which alleviated some of the sadness of Zhang Long's death.

After leaving the Bai family, Xu Qingfan felt that this wooden sign was a bit strange, so he took the wooden sign from Bai Yu and studied it carefully. Along the way, Xu Qingfan not only tried to speed up the journey as much as possible, but also studied this wooden sign.

However, although Xu Qingfan felt that this wooden sign was more and more strange the more he studied it, he just couldn't figure it out.

Seeing that "Ronghua Mountain" was already faintly visible in the sky, Xu Qingfan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had finally reached it within seven days. Along the way, his speed had been kept at the limit, and Xu Qingfan was really exhausted.

As the "Ronghua Mountain" in the sky became larger and clearer, Xu Qingfan returned the wooden sign to Bai Yu and said, "This wooden sign is very strange. Remember to keep it well. Maybe it contains some skills or secrets of your Bai family.

Bai Yu nodded, but from his expression, he didn't care about the wooden sign. He just put it in his sleeve quickly. Maybe this wooden sign reminded him of Bai Lianye's instructions about grandchildren and sons.

When "Ronghua Mountain" was in the sky ...'s very strange. Huashan" When the majestic and magnificent mountain was fully displayed in front of Xu Qingfan and his four disciples, Xu Qingfan was about to speak loudly, but he was slightly stunned, and then a mysterious smile appeared on his face, as if he had discovered something.

Sure enough, not long after, three people came up on auspicious clouds, and they were Hu Guangshan, Li Liming, and Jiang Tao. Obviously, they were worried that Xu Qingfan and others would be infected by "beast madness" and spread "beast madness", and they had been waiting here for a long time.

"Fellow Daoist Xu is really not a person who talks nonsense."

From a distance, Hu Guangshan bowed and smiled.

Xu Qingfan smiled and said, "I was afraid that the three of you would think that I was halfway crazy and couldn't arrive, so I hurried here."

As he said, Xu Qingfan said to Li Liming and Jiang Tao, "Two Daoists, watch out, seven days have just passed, and my three disciples have not turned into beast mad monks. "

Xu Qingfan was not originally a person who liked to bully others, but he was tortured enough in the past few days to meet the seven-day appointment, and he was angry at the attitude of the two before, so he said so.

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, Jiang Tao showed embarrassment on his face, while Li Liming snorted coldly. Just when he was about to say something, he bowed to Xu Qingfan with Jiang Tao under Hu Guangshan's glare.

Xu Qingfan bowed in return, which was considered as acceptance, but he did not bully anyone, and took the initiative to talk for a few words. After all, the two sides will be together in the future. Fang is likely to become a comrade-in-arms, so it is better to stop at a certain point, and do not want to make the relationship awkward.

After talking about the events of "Ronghua Mountain" in recent years, Hu Guangshan knew that Xu Qingfan would still represent Jiuhua to meet the masters of "Ronghua Mountain", but it was inconvenient for him to go with them, so he bowed and said goodbye, and flew to the top of Ronghua Mountain first.

After Xu Qingfan watched the three people leave, he flew to the foot of "Ronghua Mountain", mobilized his internal spiritual energy, and said to "Ronghua Mountain": "Xu Qingfan, a junior from Jiuhua, wants to see all the seniors. "

The voice was mighty and spread throughout the entire Jiuronghua Mountain. The clouds on the hillside of Ronghua Mountain also shook with Xu Qingfan's voice.

A moment later, the mountain protection formation outside "Ronghua Mountain" was seen to crack in a wave, and then dozens of Jindan stage cultivators led hundreds of ordinary cultivators, some flying clouds, some flying weapons, and flew towards Xu Qingfan. The first few people were the leaders of the major sects.

Xu Qingfan represented Jiuhua Mountain, one of the six holy places, so it was appropriate for a group of leaders to come to greet him.

As the host, "Qing The leader of the "Xu Sect", Qing Lingzi, was in the middle. When he saw Xu Qingfan, his eyes flashed with doubt. The reason for his doubt was, firstly, he had seen Xu Qingfan during the rookie competition, but he did not expect Xu Qingfan's cultivation to be so advanced at this time. Secondly, he was wondering why Jiuhua would send a disciple with the surname "Qing" to contact the Righteous Alliance. Thirdly, Qing Lingzi felt that Xu Qingfan in front of him was vaguely similar to Xu Fan, a casual cultivator from the Southern Wasteland who had preached in Qingxu and saved the Qingxu sect. However, upon closer inspection, there were many differences, both in cultivation and clothing.

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