Seeking Immortality

Chapter 79. Welcoming and seeing off, there are many old friends (Part 1).

"Junior Xu Qingfan, meet all the masters."

In the "Qingxu Hall", all the masters seemed very casual. There were scattered seats in the empty hall. Xu Qingfan first kowtowed to the three masters sitting in their seats, and then kowtowed to the masters standing around one by one, without missing a single one.

Zizhen Immortal naturally knew that the Xu Qingfan in front of him was the casual cultivator Xu Fan of that year, but he did not tell anyone about this. After all, it was related to the reputation of his "Qingxu Sect". In the battle in the Southern Wilderness that year, dozens of Jindan stage cultivators were even sacrificed for this. Afterwards, he took out a large amount of "Qingxu Sect" savings to compensate the disciples and followers of the cultivators who died in that battle. Everyone thought that Zizhen Immortal did this just to encourage morale and his own pity. But they didn't know that it was just his way of compensation.

At this time, Zizhen Immortal also looked at Xu Qingfan as if he had seen him for the first time. Of course, Xu Qingfan has indeed changed a lot over the years. After Xu Qingfan finished paying respects to each master, he just nodded slightly and signaled Xu Qingfan to stand up. Seeing that Xu Qingfan also tacitly seemed to see him for the first time, a trace of satisfaction flashed across his eyes.

"So, Jiuhua has been born?" Zizhen Immortal, as the host, asked first.

Xu Qingfan replied respectfully: "Senior, my junior master Jiuhua was born ten days ago."

Zizhen Immortal nodded slightly, and then asked Xu Qingfan about Jiuhua's recent situation. When he learned that Jiuhua actually had 45 Jindan stage elders. He couldn't help but be slightly surprised, and was also incredible about the progress of Jiuhua's new generation of disciples.

Then he gave some instructions on the arrangements after joining the Righteous Alliance in the future, and encouraged him again. He let Qing Lingzi and others take Xu Qingfan away.

Just as Xu Qingfan walked to the door of the "Qingxu Hall", an old man with a childlike face sitting next to the Purple Immortal suddenly called out to Xu Qingfan: "Xu Xiaozi."

Hearing the old man's address, Xu Qingfan was slightly stunned, but without hesitation, he immediately stopped, turned around and bowed to the old man, and asked: "I wonder what the senior has to say?"

While Xu Qingfan was speaking, he was secretly surprised in his heart. He had never seen this old man before, and calling him "Xu Xiaozi" this time seemed too intimate.

But the old man looked at Xu Qingfan again, as if he wanted to see something from Xu Qingfan. After a long time, he asked: "Your family has an elder called... Liu Huaxiang. What is your relationship with him?"

Xu Qingfan felt more and more strange when he heard the old man ask this, but he still answered respectfully: "The Liu Huaxiang that the senior mentioned is my uncle."

"Nonsense." The old man laughed and scolded: "Everyone knows this. I'm asking about your relationship other than this."

Xu Qingfan hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "Uncle Liu has taught me for twenty years."

Hearing Xu Qingfan say this, the old man murmured in a low voice: "That's right."

As he said that, the old man began to close his eyes and rest his mind just like when Xu Qingfan first came. Xu Qingfan waited for a long time, but found that the old man didn't say anything anymore, and followed Qing Lingzi to retreat. At the same time, he kept guessing in his heart the intention of the old man's sudden mention of Liu Huaxiang.

After Xu Qingfan followed Qing Lingzi and others to retreat, Qing Lingzi asked with a smile: "Mr. Liu, I didn't expect that Xu Qingfan would be the descendant of fellow Daoist Li Xuhan."

Mr. Liu snorted coldly: "What's unexpected. I saw that guy as soon as he came in. His every move and expression were similar to Li Xuhan back then. Just now, he dealt with Fan Xiaoyao at the gate of the mountain with the same method as Li Xuhan back then. It can be seen that he was deeply influenced by Li Xuhan. Li Xuhan, this old guy, could have died if he had died, but he cultivated such a descendant to continue to disgust people."

Looking at the tone of Mr. Liu's speech, he seemed to be very familiar with Li Xuhan, but when he mentioned Li Xuhan, he had a completely disdainful expression.

As for the "Xingyin Sect" master on the field, an old man who originally had a very calm expression. After hearing what Mr. Liu said, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Qing Lingzi seemed to know the relationship between Mr. Liu and Li Xuhan very well. He didn't care about Mr. Liu's rebuttal, and just smiled and said: "I don't know how much of the skills Xu Qingfan has learned from Li Xuhan. But judging from his behavior, it's possible that another Li Xuhan will appear in Jiuhua Mountain a thousand years later."

Mr. Liu's expression flashed a trace of sadness, but he still retorted: "Even if there are two Li Xuhans, so what? Didn't they still not do anything to Zhang Xusheng back then?"

After a while, Mr. Liu said sullenly: "Besides, there will always be only one Li Xuhan. Even if that kid learns all of Li Xuhan's skills, he will not be Li Xuhan. If that kid really becomes another Li Xuhan, Li Xuhan may not be willing."

Hearing what Mr. Liu said, Zizhen Immortal couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, the third Grandmaster who was sitting with Zizhen Immortal and Mr. Liu, an old man who looked wealthy and looked like a wealthy man in the mortal world, suddenly said, "Completely different."

When Zizhen Immortal and Mr. Liu heard what the old man said, they were both stunned and looked at him, but he was already looking somewhere outside the window and didn't say another word.

After Xu Qingfan came out of the "Qingxu Palace", he suddenly felt relieved. He didn't feel it when he was in the "Qingxu Palace" just now, but until now, he realized that although the masters in the "Qingxu Palace" seemed casual, his mind was always highly tense when he saw these masters. Only after leaving this palace did he relax.

"Senior Qing Lingzi, may I ask who the senior just now was? From what he said, he seemed to be very familiar with my uncle Liu."

After leaving the "Qingxu Palace" for a distance, Xu Qingfan asked.

A strange look flashed across Qing Lingzi's face, and after a moment he slowly said: "I don't know the origin of Mr. Liu, but other masters respect him very much, and he seems to have a very high status."

After hesitating for a while, Qing Lingzi glanced at the heads of various sects beside him, and then transmitted his voice: "However, before welcoming Mr. Liu, I heard Master mention that Mr. Liu seemed to have a big grudge with Senior Li Xuhan, who has passed away from your sect."

Hearing Qing Lingzi's words, Xu Qingfan was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that Mr. Liu would have a grudge with Senior Jiuhua, and looking at Mr. Liu's expression when he spoke before, it was more of closeness and concern. I don't know if it was Xu Qingfan's illusion, and there seemed to be a hint of sadness and guilt. How could it look like a grudge? However, since Qing Lingzi said so, Xu Qingfan still remembered it, thinking that he would report it to Zhang Hualing after returning and hear what he said.

Then, Xu Qingfan discussed with Qing Lingzi some specific matters and details about Jiuhua joining the Righteous Alliance, and was arranged by Qing Lingzi to stay in "Ronghua Mountain". It was late, but Xu Qingfan was asked to return to Jiuhua the next day.

After Xu Qingfan said goodbye to the leaders of various sects, he took Ting'er and three other disciples and followed the "Qingxu Sect" receptionist to the guest room arranged for him. It was a small courtyard with four houses, just enough for one person.

It was dark. In order to fulfill the agreement with Hu Guangshan, Xu Qingfan had been traveling non-stop these days, but he was a little tired. After arranging the three disciples to meditate, he returned to the house, sat cross-legged on the bed, and prepared to rest for a night.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

"Xu Daoyou, I haven't seen you for many years, but I miss you. Can we reminisce about the past?"

Hearing this voice, Xu Qingfan frowned slightly, because Xu Qingfan found that this was clearly the voice of Deng Tianai, the leader of "* Sect".

Xu Qingfan and Deng Tianai had a big grudge, but he didn't know that Deng Tianai would come to see him.

However, since he wanted to see him, Xu Qingfan had to see him. After walking to the courtyard and opening the door, Deng Tianai's friendly smile appeared outside the door.

Xu Qingfan and Deng Tianai had met three times in total. The first time was during the newcomer competition. Deng Tianai was arrogant and conceited. The second time was when Xu Qingfan transformed into Xu Fan and traveled in the world of immortal cultivation. He was less arrogant and conceited, and more polite and self-restrained. Now was the third time they met, and Deng Tianai was very friendly at this time.

"Maybe he has been the head for a long time, and this Deng Tianai has slowly learned to be hypocritical."

Xu Qingfan thought secretly. "Please come in."

Although he despised Deng Tianai's character, Xu Qingfan couldn't just send him away when he came with a smile.

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