Seeking Immortality

Chapter 102. The strongest battle, the strongest man (Part 2).

"After you get the Sword Against the Sky, you must help it grow, right?"

Xu Qingfan looked at the sturdy man with the sword on his back with clear eyes and asked slowly.

After hearing Xu Qingfan's words, the sturdy man's eyes, which had been squinting, suddenly opened, and turned out to be huge leopard eyes. Deep in his eyes, there was a faint but sun-like light. He just stared at Xu Qingfan. At the same time, the aura on his body, which was originally just like that of a mortal, changed drastically in an instant. It seemed that there was a pressure that was as heavy as Jiuhua, and suddenly emanated from the sturdy man and pressed towards Xu Qingfan.

The sturdy man's compelling eyes and powerful power were something Xu Qingfan had never seen before. Even when he fought with Ying, the core member of the "Ming" organization, the pressure he felt was not even one hundredth of that of the sturdy man in front of him.

A cultivator in the Mahayana period... When the sturdy man exuded that endless power, Xu Qingfan's original guess in his heart was finally confirmed. This kind of terrifying power can only be possessed by cultivators in the Mahayana period.

In just a moment, Xu Qingfan felt suffocated, and his body became stiff, unable to move. Cold sweat ran down his body, and his clothes were soaked in a moment. He thought that as long as the strong man was willing, he could take Xu Qingfan's life without any resistance with just a light stretch of his hand.

Under the pressure of the strong man, Xu Qingfan's eyes became more and more panicked. This had nothing to do with courage, but a kind of fear from instinct and soul when facing a strong person, which could not be suppressed. But as time went on, the pressure from the strong man became stronger and stronger, but Xu Qingfan seemed to have thought of something and figured something out. Although the pressure from the strong man became stronger and stronger, the panic in Xu Qingfan's eyes became weaker and weaker. Not long after, he regained his previous clarity and a sense of indifference.

"After you get the sword against the sky, do you want to evolve it? Please answer."

"Dragon Calling Order" and three "Immortality Pills", it would be a lie to say that Xu Qingfan was not tempted. After all, if the "sword against the sky" was in his hands, it would be just a dangerous collection. However, the four items that the strong man used to exchange were of great help to Xu Qingfan. For a moment, Xu Qingfan almost agreed.

But at this moment, Xu Qingfan suddenly thought of another point.

The "sword against the sky" in Xu Qingfan's hand was not the "sword against the sky" that made the righteous people tremble in fear in the magic way, but a newly made "sword against the sky". It has not grown at all, and its power is not as good as ordinary magic weapons. This strong man is likely to be a master of the Mahayana period. If he needs the "sword against the sky", he will never just want a "sword against the sky" that has not grown yet, so after he gets the "sword against the sky", he will definitely find ways to make the "sword against the sky" grow.

The key to the problem is that there is only one way to make the "Against the Heaven Sword" grow, that is to constantly kill, detain the dead souls and the essence of the body to enhance the power of the "Against the Heaven Sword". It is said that in order to make the "Against the Heaven Sword" fully grow, it is necessary to kill millions of mortals, and a large number of immortals...

"Is this important?"

Seeing that under his pressure, although Xu Qingfan's eyes were not very firm, and even a little panic, but the indifference and clarity in his eyes became more and more obvious. Since the strong man appeared, there was finally a trace of surprise in his eyes, but the original courtesy had faded a lot, and the tone of his speech was also a bit more serious.

"If you and I want the Sword of Against the Heavens, just to get a collection that we will never use, then I will offer you the Sword of Against the Heavens with both hands. But if you want to refine the Sword of Against the Heavens into your own magic weapon, then I will never give you this evil weapon."

Under the pressure of the strong man, Xu Qingfan felt extremely difficult to say every word, but he still explained his principles word by word. After he finished speaking, he felt exhausted, but his eyes were full of calmness. ^^.nbsp;^^

Because of the arrogance of the strong man, a great master of the Mahayana period, Xu Qingfan was not afraid that the strong man would lie to him.

Hearing Xu Qingfan say this, the surprise in the strong man's eyes became more obvious, but he looked at Xu Qingfan again, and then said: "Do you know that this exchange is only beneficial to you?"

"I know." Xu Qingfan replied quietly.

"Do you know that if I rob you, you have no power to resist at all?" I know. "Xu Qingfan's words were still calm.

"If you and I exchange, no one will know, just like no one knows that you have the sword against the sky. Even if I set off a bloody storm in the vast land of China to evolve the sword against the sky, you will never be blamed for it?"

As the strong man asked, Xu Qingfan not only did not have the slightest regret, but his indifference became more and more obvious. When the indifference in his eyes completely dispelled the original panic, the strong man's pressure seemed no longer so strong, and he still said lightly: "Junior knows.

"Then why are you still unwilling to exchange with me? Is it because of the fact that the common people cannot live?"

After a moment of silence, Xu Qingfan slowly said: "Over the years, I have been sent by the Righteous Alliance to perform various tasks. During the tasks, I have seen killings, and I have also seen the ugliness and betrayal at the moment of life and death. My heart has gradually become much colder. Once, I saw an elder in my sect who was famous for his fairness. At the moment of life and death, in order to gain a glimmer of hope, I personally pushed one of my junior brothers into a group of beast-crazy monks."

As he spoke, a sarcastic smile flashed across Xu Qingfan's lips, and he added: "Later, the junior killed the just uncle with his own hands, but what greeted him was everyone's alienation and fear. At that time, the junior was thinking, What would I have done if I had been put in that uncle's position? Would I have sacrificed others in exchange for my own survival? , after all, in troubled times, saving one's own life is the most important thing, and this junior has indeed done this over the years, although he has never pushed others into the abyss for his own sake, but he has always done so to save those close to him. people, and give up on those who are strangers.”

After a pause. Xu Qingfan raised his head, but he dared to look directly at the strong man in front of him who could not move just by his power. However, he was surprised to find that after letting go, he could move instead.

"Just now, to be honest, the junior thought the same way, and almost agreed to the senior's conditions. However, the junior has traveled throughout the vast land of China in these years, and is used to seeing a big city being slaughtered in a catastrophe. I am used to seeing it. There are only three or two lonely old people left in the north of the village starving to death. Although they are just ordinary people, it is impossible not to be shocked. "

"To fully evolve that heaven-defying sword, at least tens of millions of mortals and tens of thousands of cultivators need to be slaughtered. But now that the catastrophe has progressed, how many mortals and cultivators are left? Or those who were massacred To the seniors, they are just a bunch of insignificant numbers, but to the juniors, they cannot bear to cause any more suffering and hopelessness to the world’s creatures in this catastrophe. In the future, the juniors will once again walk in the vast land of China and see those What should I think about the mortal monk who was killed by the senior in order to evolve the Heaven-defying Sword? Thinking of this, the junior is still not as indifferent as he thought. Maybe it has something to do with the junior's experience when he was young. I have suffered for many years due to the destruction of my home, and I don’t want more people to feel this pain.”

"Of course the juniors want to increase their strength, and of course they are afraid of being killed by the seniors, but if the price of increasing their strength and survival is to live in guilt for the rest of their lives, that's another story. xxx What's more, making this kind of deal, with the juniors The cultivation of heaven is inconsistent. Even if I can enter the Golden Core stage after the transaction, I will never be able to progress further due to inner demons. Therefore, if the senior wants to help the Heaven Defying Sword grow, I will refuse."

After finishing speaking, Xu Qingfan's eyes were filled with calmness. Although he knew that this strong man could easily kill him with just a move of his fingers, although he still had the fear of death in his heart, it was replaced by calmness.

What's more, Xu Qingfan already had a calculation in his heart. Although he rejected the strong man, it did not mean that he would be killed. If he resisted, there might still be hope of escape.

The strong man stopped asking, and there was an inexplicable smile on his lips, which seemed to be surprised, mocking, or even a little more respectful.

"In my eyes, the so-called righteous people are just hypocrites who talk about the so-called justice. In the face of interests and life and death, their behavior is even worse than the so-called evil people. And you are still confused between life, death and interests. It's rare to be able to stick to your own way of heaven." As he said that, the strong man looked at Xu Qingfan in front of him, with a look of regret in his eyes.

"But that heaven-defying sword is something I am determined to get. It's a pity."

As he spoke, the pressure on the strong man became stronger. He stretched out his big fan-like hand and slowly patted Xu Qingfan's head.

Since meeting the strong man, Xu Qingfan has been extremely constrained because of the power displayed by this strong man and his status as a Mahayana master. After all, he is like an ant in front of a Mahayana master, and as a cultivator , his status as a grandmaster also cast a heavy shadow on his heart.

But at this time, after thinking about it, he let go instead. After letting go, the body that was stiff under the strong man's power became much more flexible. At least it was able to make evasive movements when facing the strong man's killer.

So before the strong man's palm touched the top of his head, Xu Qingfan reluctantly mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, turned into the "Wind of the Holy Spirit" and fled far away in the direction of "Ronghua Mountain", but although he tried his best to get rid of the strong man's pressure, Although it can be transformed into "Holy Spirit Wind", the speed is greatly reduced.

This is the gap between the masters of the Mahayana stage and the monks of the Danjie stage. Just a slight loss of power can make people like Xu Qingfan restrained, even unable to move, and allowed to kill.

On the other side, when the strong man stretched out his big hand and patted Xu Qingfan's head, there was still a look of regret on his face. Although he did not agree with Xu Qingfan's decision, he also respected it. There are too many people in the world of immortality who can stick to their own way of heaven. Less. But as he said, the "Heaven-Defying Sword" was something he was determined to obtain, so he had no choice but to sacrifice Xu Qingfan.

Although there was murderous intention in his heart, the strong man's palm towards Xu Qingfan was extremely slow, because the strong man did not feel that he was under his power. Xu Qingfan can still move. But halfway through the slap, he saw Xu Qingfan turn into a gust of wind with a sacred aura and quickly escape in the direction of "Ronghua", and his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of surprise again.

This Xu Qingfan. This meeting brought him too much surprise. Unexpected rejection, unexpected persistence, and unexpected actions.

However, these are far from enough for strong men.

The sturdy man's palm towards Xu Qingfan was still slow, as if he had no idea that Xu Qingfan had already fled far away. However, although Xu Qingfan turned into wind and tried his best to flee far away, the sturdy man's feet did not seem to move at all. But the distance between him and Xu Qingfan was always maintained within an arm's length, not more or less.

Xu Qingfan was very fast. Between the time when the sturdy man raised his palm and swung it down, he had already fled more than a mile away. However, the sturdy man seemed to have not moved his feet at all, but he also reduced the thousands of miles in front of him to one step, and actually followed Xu Qingfan for a mile.

Finally, inevitably, the sturdy man's palm slapped down. "Dong"



Three very different sounds rang out in succession. It was Xu Qingfan who saw that no matter how he escaped, the sturdy man was still only an arm's length away from him. When the seemingly ordinary, but powerful palm was about to hit him, he was horrified. He hurriedly used the "Five Spirit Bell" to block him.

However, the Five Spirits Bell, whose defensive power was not inferior to that of a Heaven-class magical weapon, did not make any sound the moment it intersected with the palm of the strong man. Countless tiny cracks instantly appeared at the intersection of the bell face and the palm of the strong man, and then quickly spread to the entire bell body.

Then, the "Five Spirits Bell" that had protected Xu Qingfan for decades and left countless masters helpless was shattered into dozens of pieces. Shooting in all directions!!

Seeing that the "Five Spirits Bell" was broken so easily. Although the situation was dangerous, Xu Qingfan couldn't help but be stunned. "Five Spirits Bell", was it so easy to break?

But as the palm of the strong man got closer, Xu Qingfan finally reacted and summoned Xu Ying to block in front of him. After all, the "Five Spirits Bell" was one of the top ten defensive treasures in Jiuhua Mountain. Although it was shattered by the strong man, the power contained in the palm of the strong man was also weakened a lot. When Xu Ying, who had extremely high defense, was hit by the palm of the strong man, it did not shatter instantly like the "Five Spirits Bell", but was also knocked away and hit Xu Qingfan who was trying to escape.

Although Xu Qingfan had turned into wind, all attacks had greatly reduced the effect on Xu Qingfan, but when Xu Ying hit him, it was extremely powerful, causing Xu Qingfan great pain. He could no longer maintain the "body turned into wind" and turned into his original body. Like Xu Ying, he fell heavily on the ground, smashing two large pits in the originally solid ground. Xu Qingfan felt that all the bones and internal organs in his body were shattered, and he couldn't help spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.

It's a complicated matter to talk about, but it only took a blink of an eye for Xu Qingfan to escape and be shot down.

Fortunately, after being blocked by the "Five Spirits Bell" and Xu Ying, the strong man's palm finally ran out of strength and was retracted.

"Not bad."

The strong man looked at the embarrassed Xu Qingfan in front of him and nodded his evaluation. And the way he stood with his hands behind his back at this time was the same as before he shot, except that the ground under his feet was already a mile away, but there was no change at all.

Xu Qingfan barely used the third magical power "The Way of Life and Death" to heal himself, while smiling bitterly in his heart. Is this the strength of a great master? It was just a casual shot, obviously not with all his strength, but it almost forced him into a desperate situation.

Recalling the opponents he had encountered over the years, No. 2 who could summon countless zombies, Zhang Yi who directly attacked the human spirit, the crazy beast-crazy monk, and the mysterious "Ying" who fought with them, although Xu Qingfan had been in a desperate situation and was in a mess, at least he still had the strength to fight back. However, in front of this strong man, he had no power to resist at all. In the eyes of this strong man, any means were as ridiculous as an ant challenging an eagle. And those opponents who were regarded as strong enemies by Xu Qingfan before, compared with this strong man, were like Xu Qingfan, like ants.

However, although the strong man was so powerful, Xu Qingfan did not intend to give up. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, Xu Qingfan would fight for it. This was what Xu Qingfan had realized in the fighting over the years.

However, the only benefit of Xu Qingfan's injury was that it angered Xiao Hei. Before, under the pressure of the strong man, Xiao Hei was like Xu Qingfan, unable to move, and only knew to follow Xu Qingfan to escape. But after seeing Xu Qingfan injured, Xiao Hei became angry, floating in the air, no longer restrained, staring coldly at the seemingly impossible to defeat.

Seeing that Xu Qingfan had recovered from his injuries slowly and stood up again by some unknown means, and on the other side, Xu Zhiyuan was also summoned by Xu Qingfan, guarding in front of Xu Qingfan like Xu Ying, the strong man knew that Xu Qingfan was not frightened by the strength he showed, but wanted to fight him to the end.

A look flashed in his eyes, not knowing whether it was ridicule or appreciation. After seeing Xu Qingfan's actions, the strong man did not say anything, but slapped Xu Qingfan again.

Knowing that running away would not accomplish anything, Xu Qingfan no longer passively defended himself and instead attacked the sturdy man the moment he raised his hand.

I saw that Xu Qingfan's left hand was filled with a thick black and gray color, with a strong aura of desolation and death, while his left hand was pure white, full of divine vitality. Then Xu Qingfan put his hands together, and saw two energies with completely opposite properties. They collided together, but strangely there was no conflict, but blended with each other. In the end, the black and white energy turned into a Taoist Tai Chi pattern, and the scattered black and white energy was floating between the Tai Chi pattern. Outside, there are sixty-four paths in total, forming the Eight Diagrams.

After the Tai Chi Bagua formed by the "Qi of Life" and "Qi of Death" was finally stabilized, it actually emitted a mysterious and mysterious wave of energy, as if this move contained some kind of heaven and earth truth. Although the power is far less powerful than that exuded by the strong man, it is also faintly capable of competing with it. Along with it, Xu Qingfan, who is slowly floating in the air, also has a mysterious and ethereal aura.

On the other side, Xiao Hei was covered in black energy. For a moment, the area within a few feet was filled with death energy. Then, endless ghost cries came out of the death energy, as if the gate of hell was within the death energy. Open it, and then, a majestic and mysterious aura, although far inferior to the strong man in front of him, emerges from the black mist. Then, the deathly aura dissipates, revealing a man three feet tall and covered in a black cloak. The book in his left hand, the sword in his right hand, and under the hood were two faint red lights, staring closely at the strong man in front of him. It is the special ability that Xiao Hei obtained after evolving into a high-level earth-level monster - a clone of the God of Death.

The power formed by the combination of the Death God clone and the Tai Chi Bagua between Xu Qingfan's hands actually had an aura that could rival a strong man for a while.

Seeing Xu Qingfan's actions, the strong man said "Hey", but he didn't even look at the Death clone that Xiao Hei transformed into. He just stared closely at the Tai Chi Bagua in Xu Qingfan's hand, with a slight hint of caution and appreciation in his eyes. color.

"This move shouldn't be something you can create..."

The strong man murmured softly, and at the same time he retracted the palm that was about to be smacked, and instead moved his fingers slightly, one of the six long swords behind him suddenly floated up, but it no longer had the impression that Xu Qingfan had just The appearance of the imitation and the overwhelming spiritual aura prove that this long sword is one of the legendary magic weapons in the world of immortality. It was just sealed by a strong man before, but now it is in full glory.

Stimulated by Xu Qingfan's strange moves, the strong man finally used the means he was good at. Although he still didn't use his full strength, he didn't know whether Xu Qingfan could resist.

Finally, Xu Qingfan and the strong man took action at the same time! !

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