Seeking Immortality

Volume 5. The road to immortality is unpredictable, good and evil are not. Chapter 127. Changes in v

"Let's go in and take a look."

Outside the bloody valley, Zhang Yi's face flashed with a trace of determination, and he said to Dongfang Qingling and Xu Xiurong. As he said that, without any doubt or hesitation, he took Dongfang Qingling, Xu Xiurong, and the six puppet-like male monks and flew quickly into the valley, not caring about the raging flames in the valley.

When the nine people entered the valley, the sky was covered with flames, and the raging heat waves made the air a little distorted and difficult to breathe, but these nine people were all people with unique skills. Without these flames actively attacking, they naturally could not hurt them at all.

But Dongfang Qingling, Xu Xiurong, and the six puppet-like male monks were seen with various colors of spiritual light flashing on their bodies. The shields formed by the five elements of Taoism blocked the surrounding flames outside, but even so, Dongfang Qingling and Xu Xiurong were still sweating in a moment, making the two wonder if they were about to die of dehydration, although they both practiced water-based Taoism.

Zhang Yi, who was leading the group, was carrying some kind of treasure. The flames around her were all avoiding her, but she was the most relaxed among the nine people.

"Before you left, where was Xu Qingfan?"

Zhang Yi frowned and looked at the flames in front of him, then turned to Dongfang Qingling and Xu Xiurong and asked.

"There is a cave there. Brother Xu entered there before we left."

Dongfang Qingling was also anxious to know the safety of Xu Qingfan, so she no longer concealed it and pointed to the location of the hidden cave.

"Let's go!"

Hearing Dongfang Qingling's words, Zhang Yi did not hesitate at all and flew to the location Dongfang Qingling said. Wherever they went, the flames all over the sky retreated.

But before they flew to the cave Dongfang Qingling said, they saw a figure standing proudly in the center of the flames in the middle of the valley. Although his figure was a little embarrassed. But it still couldn't cover up the loneliness and stubbornness of the body. The golden light on his body was shining in this bloody valley. Under the flames, the only bright spot in the red world.

Suddenly, the golden light on the golden figure suddenly dissipated, and almost at the same time, the flames around the figure suddenly turned into waves of fire that seemed to be able to destroy the world, rushing towards him.

After the golden figure withdrew the golden light around him, he no longer had any defensive power, and his life was in danger under the waves of fire. *****

"It's Brother Jin."

Seeing the change in front of him. Dongfang Qingling suddenly found something and was shocked, but he didn't care that he had become a prisoner at this time, and used Taoism to rescue Jin Qinghan.

Only a moment later than Dongfang Qingling, Xu Xiurong hesitated slightly and followed to rescue.

Both of them practiced water-based Taoism. In this world of fire, the power is inevitably greatly reduced, but even so, when the two people pinched their hands, the waves rushed towards Jin Qinghan, and the flames were extinguished wherever they passed.

Zhang Yi saw the two women attack. He frowned slightly, but did not stop them. He just quietly floated in this world of fire and watched the changes.

At the same time, in the valley, Jin Qinghan was covered with scars, his golden armor was full of cracks, and the "Eight Evil Consciousness King" behind him was on the verge of collapse. Although he had condensed all his spiritual energy into one point. As long as Feng Qingtian showed up, the earth-shattering blow could be launched. Even if Feng Qingtian had no way to resist, Feng Qingtian did not give Jin Qinghan the opportunity to attack at all. He hid in the surrounding flames. From time to time, a surprise attack made Jin Qinghan flustered and his internal injuries worsened.


Feeling that time was urgent and worried about Xu Qingfan's safety in the belly of the mountain, Jin Qinghan gritted his teeth secretly and said to himself in his heart.

At the moment of making a decision, the golden armor on Jin Qinghan's body and the "Eight Evil Consciousness King" behind him suddenly dissipated, but there was no power to resist anymore.

Before, Jin Qinghan wanted to defeat Feng Qingtian with his magical power of compressing all his spiritual energy into one point, but Feng Qingtian disappeared into the flames. In addition to concentrating on maintaining the huge spiritual energy compressed at his fingertips, Jin Qinghan also had to use his mind to maintain his own defense. As a result, his consciousness to search for Feng Qingtian's whereabouts inevitably became much weaker. As a result, he still didn't know where Feng Qingtian had disappeared, and this magical power could only be used once, so Jin Qinghan could only take the beating but couldn't change hands.

In view of this, Jin Qinghan made up his mind to remove the defense, first to attract Feng Qingtian to attack again, and second to concentrate his consciousness to explore Feng Qingtian's location. \\

By doing this, Jin Qinghan was undoubtedly gambling with his own life.

But in Jin Qinghan's view, even if he was seriously injured or even died, he was determined to defeat Feng Qingtian. This was not only because of his obsession to defeat Feng Qingtian, but also because, if Feng Qingtian could be seriously injured, even if he was seriously injured or died and could not support Xu Qingfan, at least the master in the cave who was dealing with Xu Qingfan would lose a strong supporter, so that Xu Qingfan could have more chances of survival.

These two reasons were enough for Jin Qinghan.

Sure enough, the moment Jin Qinghan removed his defense, the flames that were originally burning quietly around him suddenly turned into waves of fire that rushed towards him from all directions.

And at the moment when the flames rushed towards him, Jin Qinghan not only did not dodge, but slowly closed his eyes and concentrated on searching for Feng Qingtian's position.

Jin Qinghan felt that he had never been so focused in his life. With his highly concentrated consciousness, not a single thing within a hundred feet around him could escape his consciousness. However, he started to use his consciousness again after killing dozens of "beast mad monks" with one blow.

The more critical the moment, the stronger the power. Jin Qinghan is such a person.

With his highly concentrated power, Jin Qinghan felt that the flow of time became extremely slow in his mind. The fire waves that attacked him were as slow as a snail. They approached him inch by inch. It seemed that it would take decades on the road to hurt him.

But Jin Qinghan did not relax at all. His consciousness did not slow down in this slow world, but became faster. He searched for Feng Qingtian's hiding place over and over again.

Finally, as if countless years had passed, the fire waves finally surged to not far from Jin Qinghan. Jin Qinghan's consciousness searched the area around him for hundreds of feet countless times, but he found desperately that Feng Qingtian's fire escape was much better than he imagined. Even if he used it again this time, he still couldn't find any clues of Feng Qingtian's escape.

As the fire wave approached, Jin Qinghan's hair had turned yellow and curled under the high temperature. Before the fire wave hit him, his clothes had already burned. \\

But Jin Qinghan didn't care about these, and there was only despair in his heart.

"Could it be that even so. I still can't detect Feng Qingtian's figure? Could it be that I will be defeated by Feng Qingtian again, or even die here? Could it be that I really can't get past Feng Qingtian and go to rescue Senior Brother Xu?"

He was desperate. But Jin Qinghan didn't give up at all, and continued to search for the flames around him, looking for Feng Qingtian's hiding place, even if the flames had begun to burn his body, he still didn't give up.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Jin Qinghan only felt that in this sky full of flames. Originally, the valley was full of the purest fire spirit, but at this moment, two huge water spirits suddenly emerged. Although these two water spirits were not worth mentioning compared to the fire spirit in the valley, after all, the five elements were mutually restrained. With the sudden addition of water spirit, the fire spirit all over the world suddenly became chaotic. It was not as violent and orderly as before.

And in this sudden chaos. Jin Qinghan only felt that not far away from him. The fire spirit was still orderly, and a large amount of fire spirit emerged, fighting against the sudden appearance of water spirit, trying to maintain the order of the fire spirit in the valley.

"Found it!!"

Jin Qinghan was delighted, but he did not hesitate at all, regardless of the raging flames that had already attacked his body. He pointed his right hand at the place where the fire spirit emerged, and the golden spirit that had been accumulated and compressed for a long time turned into a golden light, flashing at the fastest speed since the creation of the world.

Then, with a muffled groan, blood was scattered, and blood light was everywhere. But under the flames, it quickly turned into a stream of water vapor and disappeared in an instant.

Then, in the blood-colored valley, the flames suddenly disappeared, and the figures of Jin Qinghan, Feng Qingtian, Zhang Yi, Dongfang Qingling, Xu Xiurong and others appeared one after another.

It seems that Jin Qinghan's attack caused Feng Qingtian to be seriously injured, so seriously that even the flames could not be maintained, and the flames that had been burning on Jin Qinghan suddenly disappeared, and Jin Qinghan's body was already pitch black, with no hair at all, and there was a nauseating smell of burnt meat in the air.

On the other side, Feng Qingtian looked down at his chest in disbelief. The fist-sized blood hole, blood was constantly flowing out, and in an instant, the purple robe on his body had turned purple-black, and the blood was dripping down the purple clothes to the ground, and it was about to wet Feng Qingtian's shoes and socks.

In the distance, Zhang Yi, Dongfang Qingling, and Xu Xiurong were quietly suspended in the air, silently watching everything in front of them, their eyes were either cold, worried, or incredible. Although Dongfang Qingling and Xu Xiurong wanted to rescue Jin Qinghan, they were restrained by the six puppet-like monks and could not move.



In the suddenly quiet valley, two stumbling sounds suddenly sounded, but a moment later, Jin Qinghan and Feng Qingtian fell to the ground at the same time, both injured.

Even after falling to the ground, the two people's eyes were still looking at each other silently, as if it had been like this since ancient times.

Among them, Jin Qinghan's eyes were regretful and relieved, while Feng Qingtian's eyes were cold and fierce.

Jin Qinghan was relieved that he finally severely injured Feng Qingtian, but regretted that he was defeated again in this battle. If it weren't for Dongfang Qingling and Xu Xiurong's sudden attack, he would have no chance to hit Feng Qingtian at all.

Feng Qingtian's eyes were so cold from beginning to end, as if he didn't worry about his fate at all.

In the end, Feng Qingtian was the first to look away and turned his head with difficulty. He looked in the direction of Zhang Yi and others, his eyes became more and more cold, slowly moving between Dongfang Qingling, Xu Xiurong, and Zhang Yi, and finally stopped at Zhang Yi.

Just now, if Dongfang Qingling and Xu Xiurong hadn't suddenly attacked, he would not have been exposed by Jin Qinghan at all. When he fought back against Xu Xiurong and Dongfang Qingling, he suddenly realized in his heart. Knowing that he had been discovered by Jin Qinghan, he actually had great concerns about the magical power of compressing spiritual energy created by Jin Qinghan. But just as he was about to use the fire escape technique to move his position, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind, as if the invisible and intangible mind was suddenly cut by a sharp knife. Under the severe pain, the fire escape technique could not be continued, and was finally severely injured by Jin Qinghan's magical power.

And the reason why he felt a sharp pain in his mind was because of Zhang Yi's "God-killing Technique".

It can be said that Feng Qingtian was defeated this time. === because he was careless and was attacked by Jin Qinghan, Zhang Yi, Dongfang Qingling, and Xu Xiurong together. It can be said that he was defeated with honor.

But for Feng Qingtian, defeat is defeat, and there is no reason to explain.

"I don't care how you fought back just now, but you shouldn't have included me in your counterattack target. So I had to take action."

Looking at Feng Qingtian's eyes staring straight at him. There was a chill in the coldness. Even though Zhang Yi was always arrogant, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart at this moment, and couldn't help but explain.

Seeming to have accepted Zhang Yi's explanation, Feng Qingtian slowly closed his eyes without saying a word.

"It's Feng Qingtian!!"

Finally, Dongfang Qingling recognized who the purple-clothed man who fell in a pool of blood was. He said in horror.

In theory, Feng Qingtian's appearance had not changed much except for his clothes, but Dongfang Qingling only recognized him at this time because of Feng Qingtian's temperament change. The previous Feng Qingtian was already arrogant and cold, but the Feng Qingtian at this time was even more arrogant and cold. It was countless times stronger. There was an unprecedented strong coldness in it, and it was shocking under the gaze. ,

Zhang Yi and Xu Xiurong had naturally heard of who Feng Qingtian was. He was known as the most talented person in Jiuhua since Zhang Xusheng. It was almost certain that he would become a Mahayana Grandmaster. What they were wondering was where this person would go in the Mahayana realm. After hearing Dongfang Qingling's identity, they all looked at Feng Qingtian again with curiosity.

Although he was suspicious about why Feng Qingtian suddenly appeared, seeing Jin Qinghan's body charred and twitching on the other side, as if he would die at any time, Dongfang Qingling suppressed his curiosity and asked Zhang Yi: "Can I save Senior Brother Jin first? He is Senior Brother Xu's best friend. He entered the cave with Senior Brother Xu before. I don't know why he appeared here."

Zhang Yi didn't care about Jin Qinghan's life or death, but after hearing Dongfang Qingling's next words, he finally nodded in agreement.

She needed to have enough chips in her hand to force Xu Qingfan to return the "Against the Heaven Sword" to her, and since Jin Qinghan was Xu Qingfan's best friend, she naturally couldn't let this good chip go to waste.

Seeing Zhang Yiken, Dongfang Qingling immediately jumped towards Jin Qinghan, and Xu Xiurong hurriedly followed her, as well as the four puppet monks who were responsible for monitoring them.

Seeing that Jin Qinghan's body seemed to have turned into a piece of charcoal, Dongfang Qingling was shocked. Sensing that Jin Qinghan's vitality was gradually fading, she did not hesitate at all and hurriedly pressed her hands on Jin Qinghan's still hot body, and the water spirit with powerful healing power in her body was charged into Jin Qinghan's body. Xu Xiurong did the same.

And Feng Qingtian, who was also seriously injured, bleeding from his chest, and was about to die, had long been forgotten and was about to die.

"Feng Qingtian, Xu Qingfan, Zhang Yi, these three are the people that the boss values ​​the most, but now they are killing each other, which is really interesting."

Thousands of feet above the Blood Valley, beside the clouds and the scorching sun, a man in black clothes with a half-mask on his face said with a smile.

"Should we stop them?" Another person dressed in the same way asked, "If these three people die together, I really don't know what the boss will think. Look at Feng Qingtian, he is about to die."

"If these three people really die like this, then we can only say that they are not worthy of the boss's attention. I guess the boss will just be glad that he didn't waste his time."

"That's true."

"What's more, Feng Qingtian is the person the boss cares about the most. How could he die so easily? Don't forget his origin. As for Xu Qingfan, since his opponent is that pervert, I'm afraid he is really in danger. But even if we want to save him, to be honest, the two of us together may not be the opponent of that person. What's more, we have other tasks. We are just passing by and watching the fun. Why bother to intervene."

"Speaking of which, the two of us You have been watching the excitement here for two hours, right? Aren't you afraid of delaying the boss's orders? "

"Those monsters will not arrive for some time, we still have time."

"Ha, I thought that the power of the Southern Wilderness monsters would weaken the power of the Righteous Alliance and continue the catastrophe, but I didn't expect that the boss had already calculated it, and asked us to lead the split monsters to the various strongholds of Ming, and weaken Ming and the Righteous Alliance at the same time. I think from now on, this world will belong to my An organization."

"Don't be too confident. The battle between Ming and An has lasted for more than 800 years, but the final result still depends on the battle between the boss and the two elders of heaven and earth. Otherwise, even if all the marginal forces of Ming are eliminated, it will be a waste of time."

"However, the time for showdown is coming soon. This battle is really exciting. "

"Yes, the final battle is coming. Ming has been hiding behind the scenes, but in the end, he was calculated by us. It's really ironic. I just don't know how the boss is prepared."

"Boss, he will not lose."

"It's easier than I thought, and the gains are greater than I thought."

Before, by expanding and guiding the murderous intent in Xu Qingfan's heart, not only did the power of the "Beast Crazy Energy" double, but also made Xu Qingfan unable to continue to suppress the "Beast Crazy Energy". At this time, the "Beast Crazy Energy" has spread to Xu Qingfan's whole body.

Looking at Xu Qingfan, who was glowing red in the eyes and roaring in a low voice, he had turned into a "Beast Crazy Monk". Because he was suddenly attacked and manipulated by "Sun" at a critical moment, he was now completely controlled by "Sun". Even "Sun" couldn't help but feel a little proud and said with a faint smile.

At this time, in the empty mountain belly, because of the continuous battles, the originally densely packed "beast crazy monks" had less than a hundred people left, all standing quietly on one side, while Xu Qingfan's two clones - Xu Ying and Xu Zhiyuan, stood on both sides of Xu Qingfan. Influenced by Xu Qingfan, their eyes were also bloodshot, just like "beast crazy monks".

When "Sun" turned his eyes to Bo Guangyan, who was sitting down like an idiot, the smile on his face became even more intense. The teaching of Bo Guangyan really made him gain a lot. Originally, his skills and magical powers were only good at expanding and guiding certain emotions in the hearts of immortals, but after the battle with Bo Guangyan, he realized the way to suppress certain emotions in people's hearts.

In this way, when fighting with the enemy in the future, "Sun" can not only control the emotions in the opponent's heart that he wants to control, but also suppress the emotions that are opposed to the emotions he controls and expands, and the power is more than doubled. He saw the small black spot surrounded by a ball of black air, and thought of the strange green skull. His eyes were filled with joy, and he slowly reached out to touch the ball of black air.

But at this moment, something strange happened.

ps: This is the first update. The second update will be before 12 o'clock at night, and the third update will be before 3 o'clock in the morning. Each update is 6,000 words. If you can't wait, you can go to bed first, and it will be the same if you get up tomorrow morning.

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