Seeking Immortality

Chapter 3. Divination of the future (Part 2).

"Divination now?"

Hearing Master Jiuhuan's words, Xu Qingfan looked up in astonishment, only to find that Master Jiuhuan's eyes were deep, and although the look he gave him was gentle, it had a flavor that could not be questioned.

"Divination is to resolve doubts, but I am not in the mood to do it at this moment. If I force it, I am afraid it will not be accurate."

Xu Qingfan did not want to do divination in front of Master Jiuhuan, so he declined.

"Are you really free of doubts?"

"At least now."

"If you are free of doubts now, can the previous doubts be solved? Will there be doubts in the future?"

Xu Qingfan was about to answer something, but suddenly realized that it was irrational to debate Zen with Master Jiuhuan, who had studied Buddhist scriptures for nearly three thousand years but was still old and immortal. He felt helpless and did not dare to object, so he could only agree. After picking up the tortoise shell, he hesitated for a moment, then looked up and asked Master Jiuhuan: "I don't know what the master wants me to divine?"

Master Jiuhuan smiled and said: "It is the donor who wants to divine, not me. Why do you ask me?"

"It was you who asked me to divine, and now you say it is me who wants to divine. It is true that you can be unreasonable when you are older."

Xu Qingfan was secretly dissatisfied in his heart, but the expression on his face did not reveal anything. He began to divine according to the divination method he remembered in his heart.

"I'm about to lead the team to the Southern Wilderness. Let's divine the good and bad luck of this trip."

Xu Qingfan decided secretly. The so-called divination. "Divination" means observation. "Divination" is to burn the tortoise shell with fire. The immortals believe that the tortoise family balances the way of heaven. After burning the tortoise shell with fire, observe the shape of the cracks that appear. It can predict good and bad fortune. Even divination can see a certain moment in the future.

Of course. This is just a rough method. When really divining, the means are naturally not as simple as just burning the tortoise shell with fire. Not only do you need to sense the energy changes of the tortoise shell in the fire, but you also need to let your own consciousness blend into the tortoise shell in the fire. Carefully sense it.

"The number of Dayan is fifty. It uses forty-nine; divide it into two to represent two. Hang one to represent three. Divide it by four to represent the four seasons. Return the odd one to represent the leap year. There is another leap year in five years. So hang it again."

Xu Qingfan sat cross-legged on the ground. He held the black tortoise shell that had become extremely small in both hands. Muttering in his mouth.

While muttering in his mouth. Xu Qingfan was transformed into a fire basin. The rising Phoenix Spirit Fire ignited between Xu Qingfan's hands. It rushed up to three feet high. It rolled endlessly between Xu Qingfan's hands. And the black tortoise shell. It was quietly placed in the Phoenix Spirit Fire. It was not a "crackling" sound of breaking in the fire.

Xu Qingfan had already integrated his consciousness into the tortoise shell, carefully preventing his mind from being burned by the fire method he released. As the tortoise shell continued to produce tiny cracks in the fire, Xu Qingfan gradually entered a mysterious state. The universe of heaven, the past and the future seemed to gradually become clear in Xu Qingfan's mind as the cracks continued to expand and dense.

In a trance. Such a picture suddenly appeared in Xu Qingfan's mind.

Xu Qingfan felt like he had become a bystander, and in the picture in his eyes, there was another Xu Qingfan. In the picture, an extremely tall black figure stood in front of him. The huge black shadow enveloped his entire body, making his figure look extremely weak, like an ant. He fell to the ground, his face pale. His expression was full of powerlessness. In the distance, a smiling middle-aged scholar was clapping leisurely, as if watching a play. In the distance, there were countless corpses piled together like a hill, some of which were monsters and some were human. In a trance, there seemed to be a few corpses that were extremely familiar.

This picture was moving slowly. It was just that the speed was extremely slow. Xu Qingfan felt that he had been watching this picture for a long time. But the changes in the picture were still not big. He could only see that he seemed to stand up slowly, with a complicated expression, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just as Xu Qingfan was thinking about what would happen next, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart and knew that the Phoenix Spirit Fire had begun to burn his consciousness. Although he wanted to know what would happen in the next moment of the picture, he did not dare to delay any longer and could only get out of this mysterious state with regret.

When Xu Qingfan opened his eyes again, he found that the Phoenix Spirit Fire burning between his hands had been extinguished at some point, and between his hands, the small black tortoise shell was also covered with cracks.

After careful observation, Xu Qingfan found that these tiny and dense cracks were combined together to form several ancient characters. In fact, the earliest characters of the world's creatures evolved from divination. Xu Qingfan had studied these characters and could see what these characters meant.

"The difference between good and bad luck is only in one thought, and the difference between good and bad luck is only in one heart."

The sixteen words were simple and clear in both meaning and meaning, but Xu Qingfan thought of the picture in his mind before, and his heart became more and more confused.

"Mr. Xu is indeed gifted. He was able to reach the state of entering the Mystery when he first peeped into the world and awakened for divination. This is cause for celebration."

The state of "entering the Mystery" means that, like Xu Qingfan just did, he can see a scene of a certain moment in the future when he is doing divination.

Xu Qingfan shook his head slightly, but he didn't expect that he actually had the potential to be a sorcerer. He could enter the mystery in his first divination. Just looking at the words on the tortoise shell in his hand, he was more and more confused. He held the tortoise shell in front of Master Jiuhuan with both hands and said respectfully: "I don't understand these expressions. Please help me."

Master Jiuhuan nodded slowly, but did not take the tortoise shell from Xu Qingfan. He just asked softly: "Do you understand, among these sixteen words, what is the difference between the first eight words and the last eight words?" Xu Qingfan savored the sixteen words carefully, but found that the two sentences seemed to have the same meaning, and there was no difference. He shook his head more and more puzzled.

Master Jiuhuan smiled and explained: "The first sentence is about choice, and the second sentence is about mentality."

Hearing Master Jiuhuan say this, Xu Qingfan finally understood a little, and asked hesitantly: "What the senior means is that the things I divine, whether they are good or bad, all depend on a certain choice of the junior. And whether they are good or bad after the choice, it depends on how the junior sees it?"

"That's right."

Xu Qingfan began to frown and think hard, and Master Jiuhuan slowly closed his eyes again.

However, during the silence between Xu Qingfan and Master Jiuhuan, the cracks on the black tortoise shell in Xu Qingfan's hand gradually began to heal and recover. When Xu Qingfan spoke again, it was already restored to its original state.

"Junior understands, may I ask if the senior has any other instructions?"

Jiuhuan slowly opened his eyes, and Xu Qingfan suddenly found that Jiuhuan's movements were slower than the movements of the characters in the picture he had just seen.

"No more, you can go back, but please remember what I said just now. The number of Dayan is fifty, and forty-nine of them are used, and forty-nine is a constant. But there is only one variable, and this variable lies in the choice and ideas of each person in the Great Dao. Please remember it."

"Junior understands."

Xu Qingfan stood up, put the black tortoise shell in his arms, bowed to Master Jiuhuan again, and then slowly retreated.

After leaving Master Jiuhuan's bamboo house, Xu Qingfan originally wanted to go to the alchemy room to see how the elixirs he had refined were, but if he thought that if the alchemy was successful, someone would definitely come to tell him. There was no news at this time, which meant that the alchemy was not over yet. Going to the alchemy room now would only cause trouble, so he gave up the idea and flew back to the courtyard where he lived.

"What is this old guy Jiuhuan thinking about?"

An hour later, Mr. Liu took the divination tortoise shell refined by Master Jiuhuan and muttered to himself.

In the past few years, since the twelve masters imprisoned the four beasts, they have stayed at the top of "Ronghua Mountain" all day long. I don't know what they are doing. Even if there is a battle with the monsters, there are at least four masters on the top of the mountain. And every time they go down the mountain, these masters are tired, and they call the dangerous battle with the monsters "rest".

Today is Mr. Liu's rest time, and it is a complete rest. Because the monsters have gathered, he did not go out with low-level monks to fight the monsters. With nothing to do. I came to Xu Qingfan's courtyard to chat with Xu Qingfan, but I happened to meet Xu Qingfan returning with the newly harvested magic tools and spiritual objects.

Mr. Liu first watched the five magic tools and "Ice Spirit Jade Pendant" refined by the old beggar for Xu Qingfan. He admired the abilities of the old beggar and other weapon-refining masters, but at the same time, he could not imagine that he had given so many materials to Xu Qingfan, but the old beggar only refined a few magic weapons. The old beggar's ability to waste materials can be seen.

When Xu Qingfan handed the black divination tortoise shell refined by Master Jiuhuan to Mr. Liu for evaluation, Mr. Liu looked at the tortoise shell in Xu Qingfan's hand, his face changed immediately, and he snatched the tortoise shell from Xu Qingfan's hand, held it in his hand and observed it carefully for a long time, and then asked himself softly.

Seeing Mr. Liu's serious expression, Xu Qingfan was puzzled and asked, "Senior, what's wrong?"

Mr. Liu shook his head in disbelief, then turned to Xu Qingfan and explained, "This divination tortoise shell is different from the ordinary divination tortoise shells. He used the ancient refining method, which means that this tortoise shell can only be used to predict the future three times."


Xu Qingfan was shocked when he heard it. The divination tortoise shell made from the most shell of the "Snow Jade Spirit Turtle", the most prestigious of the Seven Northern Stars, can only be used for divination three times? You know, even a divination tortoise shell made from an ordinary tortoise can be used for divination more than ten times. Did Master Jiuhuan make a mistake when refining it?

You know, because it is related to the future secrets of heaven, each divination tortoise shell can only be used by one cultivator, and each cultivator can only have one divination tortoise shell in his lifetime. That is to say, before Xu Qingfan enters the Mahayana stage and can deduce the secrets of heaven by himself, he can only deduce the secrets of heaven three times. If he uses up all three times before entering the Mahayana stage, then after entering the Mahayana stage, he will no longer be able to use things like divination tortoise shells to help deduce the secrets of heaven. You know, it is easy to make mistakes when deducing the secrets of heaven by yourself and be deceived by other great magical powers. The divination tortoise shell is actually a must-have item for divination.

Giving this tortoise shell to Xu Qingfan to use is already a naked calculation, no wonder Xu Qingfan was surprised.

Seeing the incredible look on Xu Qingfan's face, Mr. Liu explained: "It's not what you imagined. Jiuhuan did not fail to refine the divination tortoise shell. It's just that he used the refining method of ancient times, which means that the accuracy of the divination tortoise shell is guaranteed at the cost of sacrificing the durability of the divination tortoise shell. The divination tortoise shell refined by this method is easier to enter the realm of entering the mysterious realm when divination, and the picture seen after entering the realm of entering the mysterious realm is also clearer. The most important thing is that this kind of divination tortoise shell is not easily blinded by those great magical powers when used for divination."

No wonder Xu Qingfan could enter the realm of "entering the mysterious" for the first time. Xu Qingfan thought he had some talent in divination, but it turned out to be the credit of this tortoise shell.

Xu Qingfan nodded thoughtfully, indicating that he understood, but he didn't know why Master Jiuhuan did this, letting Xu Qingfan do divination at his place first, using up an opportunity, and forcibly putting this tortoise shell on Xu Qingfan. Did he see something, so he wanted Xu Qingfan to see some of the future, but didn't want Xu Qingfan to see too much?

Xu Qingfan didn't understand.

Mr. Liu didn't understand either, so after thinking hard and failing to find the answer, he flew to Master Jiuhuan angrily to ask for the truth, asking him why he was plotting against Xu Qingfan here.

Xu Qingfan naturally didn't dare to participate in the quarrel between Mr. Liu and Master Jiuhuan, so he stayed in his own courtyard.

Master Jiuhuan's status was too high. Even though Xu Qingfan had become a hero of the Righteous Alliance, he dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak out about this plot. Even in front of Master Jiuhuan's eyes that seemed to see through everything, Xu Qingfan didn't even dare to be angry.

Since meeting Master Jiuhuan under the introduction of Mr. Liu, Xu Qingfan didn't know why, and he always had a deep awe of Jiuhuan.

So at this time he could only be angry and helpless.

Looking at the black tortoise shell in his hand, Xu Qingfan was dazed for a long time. Suddenly, he thought of something. He gritted his teeth, showed a resolute look on his face, sat down cross-legged, and his hands holding the tortoise shell suddenly rose with blazing Phoenix Spirit Fire again.

This time, Xu Qingfan wants to predict his own future!!

ps: The third update, 4,000 words, just after the end-of-term summary meeting, the counselor, the league secretary, and the class leader spoke for two hours in total, and the headache was three times bigger. There is also a 6,000-word chapter. If you can secretly connect to the Internet at night, update it before 1 a.m. If you can't connect to the Internet privately, update it at 7 a.m.

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