Seeking Immortality

Chapter 20. Deep Cave. Trapped Beast (Part 1).

"Where exactly is this place?"

Xu Qingfan looked at the scenery in front of him in surprise, with a look of disbelief on his face.

In front of Xu Qingfan's eyes, there was a mountain peak that could penetrate the clouds, with endless length and width. It was towering and steep, with no grass or trees on it. It was all mountains and rocks. The southern wasteland was all plains, with low hills, and This mountain peak stands here so abruptly that it is impossible to ignore.

The rocks on the mountain peaks are a deep black color, reflecting a faint light under the sunlight, and it seems that all the light from the sun is absorbed by the tall black stone in front of them. Looking at it suddenly, I couldn't help but feel sad.

Vaguely, Xu Qingfan seemed to feel a vague but powerful energy, faintly waving from the mountain peaks. The energy was strange, and Xu Qingfan couldn't help but feel a slight chill in his heart.

Not only him, Xu Qingfan's spiritual pet Xiao Hei, who has always been fearless, was also filled with inexplicable panic at this time. This panic had no reason, it was just instinct, constantly using telepathy to prevent Xu Qingfan from entering that place. The idea of ​​exploring in the black barren mountain seems to contain something extremely terrifying.

The mountain peaks were strange, but that was not the reason why Xu Qingfan was really surprised.

The reason why Xu Qingfan was so surprised at this moment was that he had never seen this mountain peak before.

The "Tian Escape Talisman" can be used to transfer two thousand miles away in an instant. It was Xu Qingfan's last resort to save his life. Just in case, before untying the sealing ring around Xiao Jin's neck, Xu Qingfan had moved the surrounding environment two thousand miles away. They've all been explored. But during Xu Qingfan's investigation, this mountain peak did not exist at all.

And the mountain is so tall that it can be clearly seen even from thousands of miles away. Xu Qingfan believed that it was definitely not a scene within a radius of 5,000 miles from where he escaped before.

"Didn't it say that the Heavenly Escape Talisman can only transfer monks two to three thousand miles? How did it come here? This place is at least five or six thousand miles away from the place I left, maybe far more."

Xu Qingfan thought secretly. His face was solemn and confused.

What Xu Qingfan didn't notice was when he looked around at the new environment. Xiao Jin in his arms curled up and looked tired, as if he had used a lot of strength just now.

Xu Qingfan didn't notice that after he came here, Xiao Jin had a strange aura that could make countless monsters and beasts go crazy. Also disappeared suddenly.

"Looking at how desolate this place is, with earth and rocks everywhere and no vegetation, it should still be the Southern Wilderness. Could it be that I have gone deeper into the Southern Wilderness?"

Xu Qingfan thought to himself as he looked at the environment in front of him that seemed to have never been visited by humans.

While Xu Qingfan was thinking secretly. Xiao Jin in his arms seemed to have finally regained some strength. Taking advantage of Xu Qingfan's unpreparedness, he struggled to jump out of Xu Qingfan's arms and staggered towards Montenegro.

Xu Qingfan was stunned for a moment, then frowned, and came to Xiao Jin's side in a flash. He stretched out his arms and hugged Xiao Jin into his arms again, lowered his head and scolded softly: "Xiao Jin, don't make trouble."

The words just left his mouth. Xu Qingfan couldn't help being stunned, because when he lowered his head, he saw Xiao Jin's eyes.

Xiao Jin has complex human emotions, which Xu Qingfan knew from the first time he saw Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin is very spiritual, and his wisdom is not even inferior to that of humans. Xu Qingfan also knows this.

During this period of time, Xiao Jin's appearance as an innocent and ordinary little beast was just a disguise for Xiao Jin to protect himself, and Xu Qingfan also knew it.

A few years later, Xu Qingfan saw Xiao Jin's unpretentious eyes again. Full of human emotions and spirituality. No more pretense.

Request, promise. hope.

This is the emotion Xu Qingfan has felt since Xiaojin's eyes.

"Take me into this black mountain. I promise there will be no danger. There is hope in the black mountain to solve all current problems. Please."

This is what Xu Qingfan felt from Xiaojin's eyes.

Ever since Xu Qingfan met him for the first time, Xiao Jin had shown this miraculous ability to express complex meanings clearly just through his eyes. However, Xiao Jin had not shown this ability for a long time.

"What is it in this black mountain that makes Xiao Jin care so much and makes Xiao Hei so afraid?"

Xu Qingfan became more and more curious. After hesitating for a moment, he lowered his head and looked at Xiao Jin, only to see that Xiao Jin's eyes were clear and showed no deception at all.

Monsters and the like, no matter how spiritual they are, and their wisdom is no less than that of humans, they still have deep faith and strength that means everything. As for the way to deceive people, except for the nine-tailed fox, there is no monster that is proficient in it.

"I don't know where I am at this time. Zhu Yin and the black-clothed grandmaster must be looking for me all over the southern wasteland. Whether they go back recklessly or stay here, I'm afraid they may be discovered by these two extremely terrifying monsters and monks. It’s very strange. For a moment, I don’t know where to go. Although this Black Mountain is weird, it is an excellent hiding place.”

After thinking carefully for a moment, Xu Qingfan finally gritted his teeth secretly and whispered to himself: "No matter how dangerous it is in this black mountain, can it be more dangerous than facing Zhu Yin and the black-clothed grandmaster? What's more, what Xiao Jin said is right, There may be a turn for the better in Montenegro.”

Although he was thinking like this and had already made a decision in his heart, the Black Mountain was too weird after all. Xu Qingfan did not dare to neglect it at all. He sat cross-legged in front of the Black Mountain, set up a barrier to trap Xiaojin to prevent it from running around, and began to meditate to recover. The spiritual energy in the body comes.

Two days later, neither Zhu Yin nor the Black-robed Grandmaster found this place, but Xu Qingfan's spiritual energy had recovered by more than half. Then he stood up, held Xiao Jin, who had been waiting anxiously, in his arms again, and flew slowly towards the Black Mountain. Because the Black Mountain was too weird, Xu Qingfan was full of caution when flying.

The Black Mountain was extremely tall. At first glance, it seemed very close to Xu Qingfan, but in fact it was hundreds of miles away. It took Xu Qingfan more than three incense sticks of time to really come to the bottom of this mountain.

When I came to the bottom of the Black Mountain, I felt more and more insignificant, and the Black Mountain in front of me was even taller and more majestic.

Xu Qingfan hesitated slightly, but flew towards the top of the Black Mountain. According to Xu Qingfan's guess, if there was anything strange in this Black Mountain, it should also be on the top of the mountain. Originally, Xu Qingfan should have flown around the black mountain to explore the environment, but the black mountain was so vast that it would take more than ten days of effort to fly around it, but Xu Qingfan didn't have the energy to waste such effort.

Although the black mountain was so high that the top was invisible, it took a lot of perseverance to fly to the top of the mountain.

"Woo woo"

Just as Xu Qingfan floated up and hadn't flown three feet, Xiao Jin in his arms suddenly cried anxiously, as if the top of the mountain was not where it wanted to go.

"Lead the way."

Xu Qingfan put Xiao Jin on the ground and said softly.

As soon as Xiao Jin was freed from Xu Qingfan's arms, he immediately ran towards the southern foot of the black mountain. While running, he was extremely familiar with the environment of the black mountain.

Xu Qingfan followed quickly behind, surprised that Xiao Jin's speed was so fast.

Black Mountain covers a vast area. Although Xiao Jin is fast, it was not until the evening of this day that it finally reached its destination.

"Woo woo"

Xiao Jin stopped and turned to Xu Qingfan and kept calling. His voice was full of expectation.

Xu Qingfan landed beside Xiao Jin and looked around. He saw that in front of Xiao Jin, there was a huge cave. The cave was very large. Even the Zhu Yin that Xu Qingfan had seen before could easily enter and exit.

In fact, Zhu Yin did appear from this cave before.

The cave was deep and bottomless. In the dim sunlight of the evening. It was even more impossible to see what was inside. It was just pitch black. At the same time, Xiao Hei on Xu Qingfan's shoulder became even more terrifying.

After comforting Xiao Hei, Xu Qingfan followed Xiao Jin into the deep cave.

The cave was dark and without a single ray of light. The sunlight from outside the cave was instantly swallowed up by the darkness inside the cave. Even if Xu Qingfan used the "Sky Eye Technique" to the extreme, he could only barely see things within ten feet in front of him. He relied on his spiritual sense to detect instead of his eyes. At the same time, the cave was larger and deeper than Xu Qingfan had imagined. He flew behind Xiao Jin for an unknown period of time, but still did not reach Xiao Jin's destination.

"How long have I been flying in this cave? Three hours? Or five hours? Or even longer? Could this cave run through this black mountain?"

During the continuous flight, Xu Qingfan finally couldn't help but guess secretly.

"Woo woo"

While Xu Qingfan was thinking secretly, Xiao Jin in front of him suddenly stopped and shouted forbiddenly.

At this moment, something strange happened.

The ground under Xu Qingfan's feet suddenly cracked, and a red monster with a human head and a body length of four or five feet suddenly appeared from the ground and pounced on Xu Qingfan. Before it attacked, Xu Qingfan didn't even notice it.

Fortunately, Xiao Jin had warned him in advance, and Xu Qingfan narrowly avoided the attack. He looked at the attacking thing, and it was a hundred times smaller than the Zhuyin that Xu Qingfan had seen before. It was actually a Zhuyin that had not grown up yet.

Although it had not grown up, Zhuyin's reputation was too high, and Xu Qingfan didn't dare to be careless at all, but the previous Zhuyin's tyranny left him too deep an impression.

With both hands raised, the "Five Spirits Bell" turned into a protective shield to protect Xu Qingfan, and at the same time, the "Rainbow Ruler" appeared in Xu Qingfan's hands. When Xu Qingfan pulled his hands, it turned into seven spiritual lights and attacked Zhuyin quickly.

ps: Finally, all the exams are finished. Well, the first update today. The second update will be uploaded at 10:30. The internet should be available tonight, so the third update will be before 1:00. If the internet is still down, the third update will be at 6:30 tomorrow. Tomorrow is officially a holiday, and the explosion will begin. It will also be coming soon.

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