Seeking Immortality

Chapter 24. Ominous and auspicious, the history of the southern wilderness (middle).

Seeing "Xiaosha" suddenly attacking Xu Qingfan and Xiaohei, Xiao Jin screamed and roared softly, as if he was trying to stop it with the language of animals. Unfortunately, it was too late. In the blink of an eye, the terrifying beam of light had already shot in front of Xu Qingfan and others.

"Damn it!"

Xu Qingfan cursed in his heart.

In a flash, thinking of the look on "Xiaosha"'s face when he looked at Xiaohei before, he finally understood why Xiaohei was terrified, why "Xiaosha" was angry, and what exactly was the vague feeling of inappropriateness in his heart before.

Xiaohei had devoured Xiaojin's flesh and blood before, and had a mutation, and "Xiaosha" could see this through Xiaohei's breath.

Anyone would be angry because others bullied their children and grandchildren.

But not everyone is like "Xiaosha" who wants to kill without saying hello.

Xu Qingfan secretly felt wronged, but there was no chance to explain, and the crisis was already imminent.

The golden light column came very fast, and in a blink of an eye it was less than three feet in front of Xu Qingfan. The energy contained in it was extremely powerful and violent. Once it hit Xu Qingfan, Xu Qingfan would not be left with even a scrap of flesh.

Although he knew that he could not resist, Xu Qingfan still did not give up the possibility of survival. He retreated suddenly, exerting his speed to the extreme, trying to prolong the time for the golden light column to attack him. At the same time, as Xu Qingfan's mind turned, the "Five Spirit Bell" suddenly appeared, turning into a colorful spiritual light shield, blocking Xu Qingfan. After doing all this, Xu Qingfan still did not stop, and pinched his fingers. The black and white light mist kept flashing around Xu Qingfan, and then continued to gather and condense. After a moment, it was actually integrated. It turned into a black and white Tai Chi pattern, which appeared in front of Xu Qingfan.

It was the highest trick in "Life and Death" created by Xu Qingfan - reincarnation of life and death.

That powerful and violent light column, the attack from the Qilin, could certainly kill Xu Qingfan instantly. But for some reason, its power was much weaker than Xu Qingfan had imagined. At least, it was not as powerful as a divine beast like the Qilin should be when it attacks in anger. ////

Originally, Xu Qingfan had prepared himself mentally for the "Five Spirits Bell" to be shattered by this light column. He only expected that the "Five Spirits Bell" could block this golden light column for a little while, so that he could prepare for the "Way of Life and Death".

But Xu Qingfan found it incredible that the "Five Spirits Bell" actually blocked this golden light column. Although the situation was precarious and it seemed that it would only break and collapse in a moment, it not only helped Xu Qingfan buy time to use the "Reincarnation of Life and Death", but also continued to persist.

Xu Qingfan was surprised in his heart, but his hands did not hesitate at all. He waved his hands. The Tai Chi pattern formed by the "spirit of life" and the "spirit of death" rotated and flashed towards the battle between the "Five Spirits Bell" and the golden light column. It was attached to the "Five Spirits Bell". In addition to the flashing of the five elements, the "Five Spirits Bell" also had two more lights, black and white. On the clock face, the Tai Chi pattern was sometimes looming.

After the fusion of the "Five Spirits Bell" and the "Reincarnation of Life and Death", the defensive power was greatly increased. Finally, the situation was stabilized and the attack of the golden light column was completely blocked.

The fusion of "Reincarnation of Life and Death" and the "Five Spirits Bell" was a method that Xu Qingfan accidentally thought of during a retreat. It is now Xu Qingfan's strongest defensive method. The first time it was used, it really worked.

But before Xu Qingfan could take a breath, the change happened again.

Seeing that Xu Qingfan actually blocked his attack, "Xiongsha" became even angrier, roaring continuously, opening and closing its mouth, and three or four golden light beams attacked Xu Qingfan.

On the other side, Xiao Jin watched "Xiongsha" constantly attacking Xu Qingfan. Although he kept yelling anxiously, "Xiongsha" was too angry and turned a deaf ear to him.

Multiple golden light beams gathered together. Although Xu Qingfan had already used his best defense, and although the power of "Xiongsha"'s attack was far lower than Xu Qingfan's imagination, it was still not something Xu Qingfan could resist now. ////

Xu Qingfan sighed in his heart, and was about to turn around and flee while "Five Spirit Bell" and "Reincarnation of Life and Death" were resisting.

But at this moment, a turning point finally came.

Another Qilin, "Jixiang", seemed to know something after hearing Xiao Jin's constant anxious calls, and finally took action.

Several beast roars sounded. Although they were beast roars, they were full of peace and calmness, and there was no strange phenomenon. The golden light column that wanted to attack Xu Qingfan suddenly collapsed, turned into golden light, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

After "Jixiang" made a move, although he only dispersed a few golden light columns, he was full of fatigue. On the other side, "Xiongsha" was also like "Jixiang", although he only used a few golden light columns whose power was not particularly terrifying.

Seeing "Jixiang" make a move to stop him, Xu Qingfan knew that things had taken a turn for the better, but he still took a few steps back and stared at the scene in the belly of the mountain with caution. However, "Xiongsha" became even more angry, turned around and roared at "Jixiang". From the look of it, he was actually angry and wanted to kill "Jixiang" and eat his flesh and blood. This kind of anger was not just because "Jixiang" blocked its attack on Xu Qingfan, but also carried a hatred that lasted for tens of millions of years.

It seems that although these two Qilin have lived together for many years, their fateful hatred has continued without dissipating.

At this time, Xu Qingfan finally noticed some scenes that he had not noticed in his haste before.

On the four legs of the two unicorns, eight dark iron chains were wrapped around each other. Countless talismans that Xu Qingfan didn't recognize were densely pasted on them. The other end of the iron chains was connected deep in the mountain. Two powerful monsters are trapped here.

Seeing such a scene, Xu Qingfan seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes showed a pensive look.

While Xu Qingfan was pondering, the "auspicious" and "unfortunate" finally ended their argument, and Xiao Jin finally explained clearly what Xu Qingfan had been protecting it and escorting it here.

After listening to Xiao Jin's explanation, although "Fierce" still looked at Xiao Hei with an unkind look, when he looked at Xu Qingfan, his eyes became much friendlier. He was so frightened that Xiao Hei huddled tightly on Xu Qingfan's shoulders, not daring to leave at all. I don’t know if he was regretting his greedy words or complaining that Xu Qingfan had to come to this horrible place.

"Human monk, it's okay now. You can come close to us."

At this moment, such a gentle voice suddenly appeared in Xu Qingfan's heart. The voice was neutral, and he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, but it was gentle and upright, and it must be "auspicious".

Although he had known that the intelligence and spirituality of heaven-level monsters was no less than that of humans, and that top beings like Qilin were even more powerful, Xu Qingfan couldn't help but suddenly received similar words from such a person in his heart, but they came from Qilin's mouth. I had a ridiculous feeling, just like in a dream.

In fact, all heaven-level monsters, as long as they understand human language habits, have more or less the ability to communicate with humans. After all, heaven-level monsters are intelligent creatures like humans, but this situation is very difficult. It's better to be young, because after seeing the heaven-level monsters, human monks who are strong enough only think about the inner elixir and various precious materials in the monster's body, and those who are not strong enough only think about escaping to save their lives, while the heaven-level monsters see When you think of humans, you only think of hatred and food. In this way, although monsters and humans have coexisted in the vast land of China for countless years, the exchanges between the two sides have been very few, so that most human monks do not know about heaven-level monsters at all. Those with such abilities are treated as ordinary monsters that only know how to kill.

For example, the four spirits of Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu are as intelligent as Qilin, but Mr. Liu and others never had the slightest idea of ​​communicating before and after their arrest.

Xu Qingfan suppressed the absurd feeling in his heart and looked at the "fierce". After realizing that the "fierce" indeed had no killing intention towards him, he finally walked towards the two unicorns, feeling anxious but curious.

Observing a magical object like Qilin up close is not something that every cultivator can encounter.

Finally walking to the side of "Jie Sha" and "Ji Xiang", Xu Qingfan was still hesitating what to say, but the voice of "Ji Xiang" appeared again in his heart.

"Human monk, thank you for taking care of and protecting my child all these years, and for bringing it to see us. Seeing that it is fine, I feel relieved."

"Your child is obviously mine!!...Sooner or later I will kill you!!"

The latter sentence was a "fierce" voice. The voice was still neutral. Compared with the gentleness of "auspicious", it was seven times more domineering and murderous. The same thing suddenly appeared in Xu Qingfan's heart.

"Jixiang" didn't care about "Fierce"'s interruption at all. He still looked down at Xu Qingfan and continued: "Unfortunately, it can't stay here for too long. The monster guarding me may be back soon. In my current situation, you can't stay here too long." See, there is no way to effectively protect you and it.”

As he said that, "Jixiang" turned his head slightly, and glanced softly and sadly at Xiao Jin, who was whining after hearing his words. The beast's face showed a bitter smile similar to that of a human, and then turned to Xu Qingfan and said: "So , you must take it away..."

"Hey!! Spirit-locking ring! Spirit-sealing talisman!"

Xu Qingfan was listening quietly to the words of "Auspicious". He could guess a little about the encounter between "Auspicious" and "Evil", but he was helpless. However, an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought of something and turned his head. Look towards the iron chains and talismans wrapped around the legs of "Auspicious" and "Ominous".

"Human monk, do you know the origin of these chains and talismans?"

Hearing Xu Qingfan's chuckle, "Jie Sha" interrupted again and asked, his voice full of expectation and resentment.

ps: Well, the second update today.

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