Seeking Immortality

Chapter 26. Nine-tailed Demon Fox, Qilin Xiaojin.

The monsters in the world are divided into two types. One is called the ancient monsters, and the other is called the wild beasts. These monsters all appeared not long after the beginning of the world. The conditions were unique. At that time, the world between heaven and earth was There are many treasures of materials and earth, and the spiritual energy is rich, which greatly improves them. It has been passed down from generation to generation that their strength is far superior to that of ordinary monsters. For example, Zhuyin, Huangniao, Taotie, and Kui all belong to this type of monsters.

However, although this kind of monster is extremely powerful, it appeared at the beginning of the world after all. Its body structure is imperfect and its reproductive capacity is low. Over millions of years, its number has been extremely rare.

The second type is naturally ordinary monsters. They only appeared within a hundred thousand years. Although they are also very powerful, they are not even the slightest difference in strength or potential compared to these ancient monsters. The obvious argument is that among the monsters that have reached the heaven level in the past 100,000 years, more than 80% of the ancient monsters have become the top ones in the heaven level, and all of them are those ancient monsters.

Compared with ancient monsters, the advantage of ordinary monsters is that their reproductive capacity is extremely strong, even higher than that of humans.

Originally, the only ones that could pose a threat to Qilin were those ancient monsters. Therefore, most of the work of the Qilin clan was focused on controlling those ancient monsters. However, the control of ordinary monsters was much relaxed. , which is why ancient monsters are so rare in the world, but we often hear of ordinary monsters attacking humans.

And all these changes came from the nine-tailed demon fox. The demon fox family belongs to the ordinary demon beasts. Because it needs to devour a large number of other demon beasts' inner elixirs of the same level when it wants to advance, it is even more hostile and hunted by all demon beasts. Although it has the same potential as the ancient demon beasts, it wants to It’s even harder to advance. Most of the demon foxes were killed by other demon beasts when they were six or seven tails.

But the current nine-tailed demon fox, even among intelligent foxes, is far more clever and cunning than its peers. It is even far stronger than all the intelligent creatures in the world.

By sowing discord and making other monsters kill each other, it actually took less than a thousand years to evolve into a seven-tailed monster fox, and its strength officially reached the heaven level. You know, at this time, what are the other monster foxes still doing? I have a headache after evolving to the fourth tail and becoming an earth-level monster.

But after the climate was successful, he was finally discovered by other monsters. He was surrounded and killed by almost all the earth- and heaven-level monsters at that time. But it always escapes calmly. Not only that, this monster, which only encounters once in ten thousand years of wisdom, has unprecedented imitation ability. It has learned a lot of human Taoism from nowhere over the years. Even the unique magical powers of other monsters can be used skillfully. He is still above human monks, and his strength is even further than that of monster beasts of the same level.

In such an endless pursuit and escape, all the heaven-level monsters in Southern Wilderness not only failed to kill it due to its cunning, but were killed by it in large numbers, easily killing countless creatures in Southern Wilderness. In the midst of applause, after devouring a large number of inner elixirs of heaven-level monsters, and nearly a thousand years later, he finally became the top existence among monsters - the nine-tailed demon fox! !

It only took less than two thousand years to evolve from the lowest level one-tailed demon fox to nine-tailed. It can be said to be an unprecedented miracle in the world of monsters and beasts.

In fact. If it weren't for the growth of the nine-tailed demon fox. Killed a large number of earth and heaven level monsters. Devoured more than 20 heaven-level demon beast earth inner elixirs. This time humans are facing the invasion of monsters from the Southern Wilderness. There is no resistance at all.

And when it finally evolved into a nine-tailed demon fox. The only twenty or so heaven-level monsters left in the Southern Wasteland can no longer do anything to it. Also afraid of it. Both parties made an agreement. The world of monsters and beasts has finally returned to peace.

Because if the nine-tailed demon fox wants to evolve, it must swallow nine inner elixirs of the same level of demon beasts. So it evolved along the way. A large number of elementary earth-level and intermediate-level heaven-level monsters were killed by it. Among the twenty or so heaven-level monsters remaining in the Southern Wasteland. Surprisingly, most of them are high-level heaven-level monsters.

originally. All the monsters thought. The nine-tailed demon fox has evolved to the extreme. You should be satisfied, right?

But in fact. The so-called peace is just an illusion. Because the nine-tailed demon fox has even greater ambitions! !

Although evolved into nine tails. But the nine-tailed demon fox has a bigger goal. It's thinking. When he was the Eight-Tails. After swallowing nine inner elixirs of heaven-level intermediate monsters, it evolved into Nine Tails. But when it's Kyuubi. Devour nine more high-level monsters of the same level as it, Earth and Heaven. Will it evolve again? Becoming a ten-tailed demon fox that no one before me could even imagine. What about an existence as powerful as the five divine beasts?

So the nine-tailed demon fox once again made waves in the world of demon beasts. Using sneak attacks, alienation and other means, it killed nine of those high-level demon beasts of the heaven level again. Taotie, Yellow Bird, Six-eared Macaque, Six-winged Golden Roc, etc. were extremely tyrannical. All the ancient wild beasts were killed by it, but after swallowing its inner elixir, the nine-tailed demon fox found in frustration that although its strength increased again after swallowing the nine inner elixirs, it was still far from the breakthrough it had imagined. Too far too far.

But at this time, there are only two high-level heaven-level monsters left in the Southern Wilderness, Zhuyin and Kui. Even if they are killed, they cannot be made to break through again. It seems that for the Spirit Fox Clan, the Nine-Tails It's really the limit of their abilities.

But this frustration did not last long, and it turned its attention to the rule of monster beasts - Qilin.

Kirin was not something it could provoke, but at this time, two kinds of Kirin, "auspicious" and "evil", appeared at the same time. The two Kirin fought non-stop all day long, which gave it a great opportunity.

What's more, it also had its reasons to fight against Qilin. When it was still a two-tailed demon fox, it saw the battle between "Xiongsha" and "Jixiang" by chance. The battle was extremely tragic and both were seriously injured. The blood of both sides gathered together. When it licked some of the blood mixed by the two Qilins, a few days later, it evolved into a three-tailed demon fox automatically without swallowing enough inner elixir! !

The nine-tailed demon fox believed that these two Qilins, which had never appeared in the world at the same time, were its hope for advancement again.

So, it took advantage of the fight between the two Qilins to gather all the remaining twelve heavenly-level demon beasts. It didn't know how it made the heavenly-level demon beasts, led by Kui and Zhuyin, believe that the nine ancient demon beasts that were killed before were the work of "Xiongsha" and "Jixiang", and frankly told them the strange abilities after the blood of "Xiongsha" and "Jixiang" was mixed together.

In the end, out of anger and greed, the twelve heavenly beasts were all deceived by the nine-tailed fox. After a fight between "Xiongsha" and "Jixiang", they suddenly appeared and defeated them. The nine-tailed fox got the "Lock Soul Ring" and "Sealing Soul Talisman" from nowhere and imprisoned them.

Originally, the nine-tailed fox wanted to kill "Xiongsha" and "Jixiang" and swallow their inner elixir, but the Qilin clan had the means to destroy their inner elixir. The nine-tailed fox was afraid that they would die with honor, so it had to give up and just imprisoned them here - originally the residence of the Qilin clan - and together with Kui and Zhuyin, they extracted their blood all day long for consumption.

Just like what happened after the nine-tailed fox ate their mixed blood before, the strength of the heavenly beasts increased for a while, but after several times, the heavenly beasts found that they had eaten too much, and the mixed blood had no great effect on them.

But the nine-tailed fox still didn't give up, because at this time, it was time for "Jixiang" and "Xiongsha" to get pregnant. The reason why the Qilin family has the ability to conceive is that every Qilin will carry a drop of strange blood essence in its body after it is born. As the Qilin gradually becomes stronger, this drop of blood essence will slowly grow and catalyze, and eventually become the next Qilin.

The nine-tailed fox actually took out the two drops of blood essence from "Xiongsha" and "Jixiang" respectively, mixed them together to catalyze their growth, and the new generation of Qilin catalyzed by these two drops of blood essence was Xiaojin.

The nine-tailed fox believed that this hybrid Xiaojin must have the ability to enhance its strength like the blood of "Xiongsha" and "Jixiang", and it will even be more powerful and effective. Even if it doesn't work, "Xiongsha" and "Jixiang" have not had time to pass on the memory of the Qilin family that has been passed down from generation to generation for millions of years to Xiaojin. Xiaojin does not have the method of self-destructing the golden elixir. After Xiaojin grows to a certain extent, it can also swallow Xiaojin's inner elixir.

Zhu Yin and Kui did not think about the inner elixir, but only thought about the benefits of Xiao Jin's blood. They continued to cooperate with the Nine-tailed Fox, not knowing how dangerous the Nine-tailed Fox was.

Xiao Jin's growth was beyond the expectations of the three monsters. When Xiao Jin was born, he had the ability to drive all monsters crazy. Although his blood could not improve the strength of monsters for the time being, it could change the physique of ordinary monsters and make them the king of the same kind of monsters.

Thinking of the possible effects of Xiao Jin's blood after growth, the three monsters were excited.

For these high-level monsters of the heavenly rank, nothing could be more interesting than letting them continue to improve their strength.

This is what Xiao Jin has experienced since he was born. He has two parents, but his parents are fighting each other to the death. Although he has been imprisoned, he can see other monsters beating his parents with scars every day, crawling on their bodies and sucking their blood. He is a king, but he is imprisoned. He is bullied by the descendants of other ancient monsters all day long, and from time to time he is also drawn by the nine-tailed fox for research. He doesn't know his fate tomorrow, whether he will continue to watch himself and his parents being bullied, or be devoured by a monster.

The Qilin clan is intelligent early, but Xiao Jin is just a child, and this experience is too cruel for a child.

Such cruel days lasted for twenty years, until one day, Xiao Jin suddenly disappeared.

ps: Fourth update.

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