Seeking Immortality

Chapter 49. Rescue and escape (Part 2).

Chapter 49. Rescue and escape

"Tell me your birthday and horoscope."

The zombie-like weirdo spoke slowly, his voice was weird, hoarse and low, slightly off-key, as if he was speaking for the first time in his life.

The light on the ground was dim, and the monster's zombie-like face appeared not far from Dongfang Qingling. It was even more terrifying when viewed up close, making Dongfang Qingling feel an eerie feeling in his heart.

Dongfang Qingling stared at the strange man in front of her with hatred and fear. Thinking of the pain of her detention for the past six months, she asked in a cold voice: "Why do you ask me my birth date? Why should I tell you? Who are you? Are you going to kill me?" How about it?"

At first, Dongfang Qingling's rhetorical question was just a subconscious resistance, but in the end, she couldn't help but ask the question that had been bothering her for more than half a year.

"Tell me your birthday and horoscope."

The weirdo ignored Dongfang Qingling's rhetorical question and still asked gloomily. His words were indeed smoother than last time.

Dongfang Qingling stared directly at the weird man's zombie-like face, suppressing the panic spreading in her heart, and insisted: "You must answer my question first."

"Tell me your birthday and horoscope."

"You have to answer my question first."

I heard Dongfang insist clearly. A strange green light flashed in the weirdo's eyes. Dongfang Qingling couldn't help but tremble in her heart. Then there was a moment of silence. The weirdo spoke again: "You'd better answer my questions happily. It's better to cooperate with me. Because in fact, I don't need to ask you. I can pull your soul out of your body and get the answer directly. Do you want to try it? ”

After talking too much. The weird tone finally returned to normal. It just still looks gloomy

Hear this weird threat. Dongfang Qingling suppressed the growing panic in her heart. Force yourself to calm down. He retorted: "First you made such an altar. Then you arranged this place to look like this. Now you even asked me about my birth date. It must be some kind of ceremony. Use me as a sacrifice, right? In this case, as a sacrifice, can you really extract my soul? Although I don’t know much about the sacrifice, I know that it must be intact, right?

The weirdo was silent for a moment. Then he said slowly: "You are only half right. The sacrifice must remain intact. The body is intact. The soul is intact. But it does not mean that I cannot extract your soul. I am very skilled in controlling the soul. . I can take your soul out and put it back completely, but trust me, this is not something you want to experience."

After a pause. The weirdo's tone became a little urgent. Then he asked: "Your birthday and birth date. Tell me."

The gloomy tone of the weirdo made Dongfang Qingling even more panicked. But Dongfang Qingling saw the posture at this time. Hear what the weirdo said. It was confirmed that he was indeed going to be sacrificed as a sacrifice. Instead, he gave up. I don't want to die in confusion. The tone became more firm. He retorted: "You must answer my question first. I know you can do what you just said. But I don't believe that if you take my soul out and send it back at will, it will not have any impact on the ritual you are about to perform." Otherwise, given your character, you would do that directly instead of asking me. If you want to complete this ceremony without any surprises, then answer me. land problem."

When she said the last few words, Dongfang Qingling's voice doubled in volume. The tone was extremely strong, making the weirdo feel that the person being trapped and interrogated was not Dongfang Qingling, but himself.

He took a deep look at his prey, as if he had truly met her for the first time, but he never thought that this seemingly delicate and delicate woman in front of him was actually so strong and upright deep down in her character. When she became angry from shame, the weirdo said: Dongfang Qingling couldn't help but feel a little more appreciative. If it were replaced by an ordinary monk. Let alone dare to compete with him during detention, I'm afraid he will live in detention for half a year. It had already driven her crazy.

The weirdo was silent again, seeming to be considering the gains and losses. After a long time, he asked: "I can answer your question, but if you don't tell me your horoscope, I will immediately extract your soul and search it directly."

"you say."

After Dongfang Qingling saw the weird man's compromise, all the previous panic disappeared, and the dim underground seemed to become brighter at this time. Although she was still detained, her tone was extremely calm, as if she had the upper hand.

"I asked you your birthday and horoscope because I want to use you as a sacrifice to perform a ritual. The reason why you want to tell me is because I am much stronger than you, and now you are my prisoner. What I want to do , using your blood and your soul as a guide, using the secret technique of contract spirit, so that my soul can be completely integrated with this body. As for who I am, I think that not long before I detained you, you and I just Saw it.”

The weirdo answered Dongfang Qingling's previous questions one by one, even the obviously negative questions such as "Why should I tell you?", but it was not clear whether this person was being old-fashioned or was mocking Dongfang Qingling.

But when the weirdo answered the last question, Dongfang Qingling's eyes flashed with confusion. Apparently she didn't know what the weirdo meant by "I think I just met you not long before I detained you."

After a moment, Dongfang Qingling seemed to have thought of something, and panic appeared on his face again. He stared at the zombie-like existence in front of him in disbelief, and said in horror: "You, you are the mysterious master who can cast death energy!! How did you become like this?"


The stiff muscles at the corners of the zombie-like weirdo's mouth seemed to move slightly, as if he was laughing, and then he replied coldly: "Because of that Xu Qingfan!! All my pain now is all due to that Xu Qingfan!!"

Although this weirdo did not say words like revenge, Dongfang Qingling was very cold in his heart and began to worry about Xu Qingfan. The resentment in this weirdo's eyes was too strong.

The weirdo who had detained Dongfang Qingling for half a year was the head of the Zhong family, the Mahayana master Zhong Ling!!

However, this title can only be regarded as the previous one. Now he is just a living dead.

It turned out that half a year ago, when he was about to kill Xu Qingfan, the ancient wild beast, the heavenly high-level demon beast Zhu Yin suddenly appeared. After seeing him attacking Xiao Jin, he immediately launched a fierce attack on Zhong Ling without saying anything. Although Zhong Ling was a master of his generation and could control the powerful death energy, he was far inferior to Zhu Yin after all. Not long after the two fought, he was hit by Zhu Yin's tail.

Zhu Yin's power is mostly concentrated in close combat, and its close combat ability is mostly concentrated in its snake tail. Xiao Jin was resentful that Zhong Ling almost killed Xiao Jin. How could the power of this attack be underestimated?

At the moment when the snake tail concentrated on Zhong Ling's body, the tyrannical force crushed Zhong Ling's whole body. Every bone in Zhong Ling's body, every internal organ in his body, and even the Dantian meridians were instantly shattered. When Zhong Ling fell from the air to the ground, his body had already cut off his vitality.

But Zhong Ling is the head of the Zhong family after all, and his family has a mysterious family tradition. After his body died, his soul could still remain awake. He used one of the Zhong family's highest secrets, "Resurrection through Corpse", to integrate his soul into a corpse king he had refined.

In this way, Zhong Ling became a half-human, half-corpse existence. For his miserable experience, he did not hate the Zhong family ancestor, nor did he hate Zhu Yin, but only hated Xu Qingfan. If it were not for Xu Qingfan, he would not have a home to return to. If it were not for Xu Qingfan, he would not have come to the Southern Wilderness, would not have met Zhu Yin, and would not have lost his body...

But his bad luck was not over yet.

Each Zhong family disciple has a large number of corpses that they refine and control. These corpses are usually hidden underground and ready to fight at any time when they are summoned. When the corpses are refined to the extreme, their power is even greater than that of the Zhong family disciples themselves. However, Zhong Ling's luck is really bad, because he met Zhu Yin, whose luck is not much better than his. All the powerful corpse kings he refined were smashed to pieces. The corpse king that his soul resides in is his latest one, and its power is ordinary. More importantly, because it is the latest one, it has not yet reached the point of unity with the corpse god. Although the soul is barely residing in the corpse, not only does it greatly reduce his strength because the corpse king itself is too weak, but the body of this corpse king is also mutually exclusive with his soul.

Unlucky Zhong Ling had no choice but to find a way to make his soul fit with his body first. "The Secret Art of the Soul" is a method, but it requires a cultivator's soul and flesh and blood as a sacrifice. Just at this time, Dongfang Qingling returned to find Xu Qingfan, but was detained by him. After all, although his strength was greatly reduced, it was still no problem to deal with Dongfang Qingling.

And on this day, after half a year of preparation, Zhong Ling was ready and finally waited for the time to perform the "Secret Art of the Soul".

Or it is not appropriate to say that everything is ready, because at this moment, Zhong Ling still needs Dongfang Qingling's birth date to specifically control the changes in the ceremony.

"I answered your question. Now, tell me your birth date."

After the resentment, Zhong Ling regained his composure and asked Dongfang Qingling again.

ps: Well, make up for yesterday's fourth chapter. Still owe 4,000 words.

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