Seeking Immortality

Chapter 61. Shock and recovery.

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Sensing the terrifying and dangerous aura coming from the distance, it was so majestic and powerful that Xu Qingfan's expression also changed drastically.

Seeing Dongfang Qingling's face gradually turning pale as she looked into the distance, Xu Qingfan was even more frightened and asked hurriedly: "Junior Sister Dongfang, what's going on?"

Hearing Xu Qingfan's question, Dongfang Qingling finally woke up from the fright and quickly descended to Xu Qingfan's side. Regardless of the defense between men and women and the shyness in her heart, she carried Xu Qingfan behind her back and thought of escaping into the distance.

At the same time, Dongfang Qingling took out a blue jade disc from her sleeve. As she raised her hand, the jade disc turned into a halo of light, protecting the two of them. Xu Qingfan noticed that the defensive power of this halo was average, but It hid the auras of the two people very well, but it was also considered a very good magic weapon.

However, Dongfang Qingling was only focused on escaping, but did not answer Xu Qingfan's question. Xu Qingfan knew nothing except feeling the terrifying and terrifying aura in the distance.

However, this aura was indeed too terrifying. Xu Qingfan noticed that Xiao Hei, who had always been carefree, had lost his usual arrogance at this moment. He just followed Dongfang Qingling and ran away, while the source of the aura was clearly still there. A hundred miles away, but the moment Xu Qingfan sensed this breath just now, he felt that he had entered the terrifying and deep hell from the peaceful and desolate southern wasteland in an instant. His body could not help but tremble one after another, but in terms of momentum, this appearance The strength of a breath-taking person or monster is probably not lower than that of a Mahayana monk.

"Junior Sister Dongfang, what is going on?"

Seeing Dongfang Qingling's face pale and just trying to escape, Xu Qingfan felt anxious and confused and asked again.

Dongfang Qingling used her speed to the extreme and flew to the back of another hill quickly. He put Xu Qingfan down gently, and then said with a pale face: "Monster, monster!! Monster!!"

In these days, Xu Qingfan has seen the perseverance of Dongfang Qingling's character. Now seeing Dongfang Qingling so frightened, he was even more uneasy and asked hurriedly: "What kind of monster is it? Is it a monster?"

I heard Xu Qingfan say this. A trace of doubt flashed in Dongfang Qingling's eyes. Finally, he gradually regained his composure. He replied hesitantly: "It's a monster. Not a human being. Not a monster either."


Xu Qingfan was extremely confused. You must know that demons only exist in legends in the mortal world. Where does it really exist in reality? Dongfang Qingling should also know this. And why do you say that?

And while the two were talking. That terrifying breath. But it got closer and closer. at the same time. Countless roars of frightened beasts. The monster screamed before it died. It also rang continuously. It seems that there is a demon with this terrible aura. At the moment, they are hunting down the demonic beasts of the Southern Wilderness. Although he kept getting closer to where the two of them were before. But it wasn't directed at the two of them.

Seeing Xu Qingfan confused. Dongfang Qingling gritted her teeth. He picked up Xu Qingfan's body. Carry him to the edge of the hill. After performing a "Sky Eye Technique" on Xu Qingfan. You can just see the hill where the two people were before.

Monster. Hundreds of monsters were running desperately for their lives. At this moment, Nanhuang's vitality was severely damaged. It is rare for so many monsters to gather together. The monsters range from elementary human level to advanced earth level. But no matter how powerful he is at this moment. All looked horrified. Running away desperately. The animal nature is gone. He didn't even dare to fight for his life.

This is what Xu Qingfan saw at first sight.

Then, there was a flash of black light, and a figure suddenly appeared among the monsters. Upon closer inspection, even though Xu Qingfan was in a strong state of mind, he was still shocked.

He finally understood the meaning of "demon" that Dongfang Qingling mentioned before.

This figure is neither a human nor an animal. It is definitely not a species that should belong to the world of immortality or even the entire land of China. If you have to describe this figure. So the simplest and most direct evaluation. Just two words - "demon"

I saw that this monster was more than ten feet tall, with scars all over his body. The whole body seemed to be torn to pieces and then sewn back together again, the eyes were glowing with black and red light, and the whole body was filled with death energy. The mouth on his face is so huge that it actually takes up two-thirds of the entire face. At the same time, various parts of his body have the characteristics of various monsters, such as snakeskin sword tails, wolf hooves and eagle claws, the most terrifying ones. Yes, there are countless eyes all over this man's body, human, monster, red, green, complete and broken. The expressions in his eyes are full of resentment and fear, blinking every time. , extremely terrifying.

I saw that when this demon entered the group of demonic beasts, the countless eyes on his body suddenly flashed one after another, and the five elements of spiritual energy within a hundred feet of him were in chaos, lightning and thunder, wind and sand, rocks, poisonous weeds, and golden light and fire. With one person's power, he can simultaneously cast countless kinds of Five Elements Taoism and Wind Elemental Thunder Techniques, which are fusion Taoisms. And the power of every Taoist and magical power is above the level.

Under the terrifying attack of this demon, most of the demonic beasts around it were instantly killed and wounded. The area within a hundred feet was covered in a bloody mess, and the moans of the demonic beasts before they died could be clearly heard.

Then, something even more terrifying happened.

I saw the monster's huge bloody mouth, countless tiny fangs leaking out, and the majestic black death air spit out, instantly wrapping up the injured monsters and monster corpses within a hundred feet of him.

This death energy seemed to have mutated, giving Xu Qingfan a strange feeling. After seeing this death energy, Xiao Hei lost all his greed and excitement, leaving only panic.

As time went by, an inexplicable aura was released from this black death aura, and the entire Southern Wasteland seemed to have turned into a netherworld at this moment. After a long time, the black energy finally slowly subsided. Xu Qingfan was surprised to see that the dead and injured monsters that were scattered all over the black death energy were no longer there, and the eyes of the monster with eyes all over his body were shining even more faintly at this moment. At the same time, there were a few new eyes.

Seeing this monster, Xu Qingfan felt his heart tremble. It was not because of the terror of this monster, but because of this species that had never been recorded and circulated. Xu Qingfan thought of three words in his mind - "Shura Clan"! !

Could it be that the Shura clan has come back early?

If that's the case. The end of the entire Shenzhouhao land is coming soon.

But after Xu Qingfan thought about it for a moment, he finally rejected the idea.

This demon's previous behavior was obviously absorbing the energy and characteristics of the demon beast. After the previous dead and injured demon beast disappeared, parts of his body or one of his eyes became more ghostly and mysterious. Or suddenly there is an extra eye. Obviously each eye represents a species that he has absorbed. The eyes become more faint and lively, which means that the characteristics represented by this eye have been enhanced. And one more eye means that it represents Then it acquires certain characteristics and magical powers through absorption.

Such a terrifying demon can grow almost without limit until it reaches a level that defies heaven and is then destroyed by the law of heaven. And such a strong race, even among countless Shura tribes. It is also one of the most powerful existences. Although the Shura clan exists tens of thousands of years ago, it is a long time ago. Various records are no longer complete, but the records of the most powerful races still exist. If this demon really belongs to the Shura tribe, Xu Qingfan should know.

But this monster suddenly appeared. There was no recorded legend before, and it was so powerful. What happened?

Just when Xu Qingfan was confused, the demon was chasing the demon beasts that were escaping into the distance, trying to kill them all.

However. When this demon passed by the hill where Xu Qingfan and Dongfang Qingling were staying just now, its body suddenly froze, as if it had discovered something extremely important, and a look of fury appeared on its ferocious face, becoming even more ferocious. A shocking evil energy erupted from his body, and his incomplete nose kept twitching, as if he was looking for a certain smell.

After a moment, the demon suddenly turned into a black light. He flashed to the location where Xu Qingfan and Dongfang Qingling had been before, and kept searching, but lost the clue again, so he became more and more irritable.

After circling the hill three times but still finding nothing, the demon finally couldn't bear the violence in his heart anymore. A loud roar sounded, and then countless eyes on his body were filled with aura, and a sound After the roar, the earth shook. Smoke continued to billow in all directions. Xu Qingfan, who was a hundred miles away, also instantly became disgraced.

After a long time. When the dust settled, they saw the demon standing there blankly, and the hill where he was standing had turned into flat ground! !

Seeing the abnormal strength of this monster, both Xu Qingfan and Dongfang Qingling's expressions changed.

The demon stood there blankly for a long time, but finally regained consciousness. It no longer chased the demon beasts that had run away, but started searching around the ruined hill.

The demon's temper was extremely violent. Every time there was an obstacle, whether it was a hill or a boulder, it roared directly. Wherever it went, the southern wasteland turned into a flat land. However, the demon's energy seemed to be endless, and there was no trace of it at all. Feeling tired.

As the scope of the search becomes larger and larger, this monster will find Xu Qingfan and Dongfang Qingling sooner or later.

When the demon circled and searched in the other direction, Xu Qingfan did not hesitate and whispered to Dongfang Qingling: "Let's run away."

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, Dongfang Qingling hurriedly held Xu Qingfan in her arms and flew towards a hill dozens of miles away. When the two of them landed behind the hill, the demon also made a circle and headed towards They came from this direction to search.

Although he has not been discovered, it is still dangerous! !

In this way, as the scope of the demon's search continued to expand, Xu Qingfan and Dongfang Qingling also cautiously continued to avoid the outside. They were almost discovered by the demon several times. For seven or eight days, they were frightened and nervous. , He didn't even dare to breathe loudly. Who knows if any of the monsters absorbed by the monster have particularly strong hearing?

Finally, after seven days, the demon's patience finally reached its limit. It roared into the sky and flew away into the distance, leaving only a flat land with a radius of more than 300 miles.

However, Xu Qingfan and Dongfang Qingling were hiding behind the hills at Chang'an. If the demon continued to search for a day or two, they would inevitably be exposed.

Seeing the demon flying quickly into the distance, its figure gradually disappearing from the field of vision, Dongfang Qingling felt that the pressure on her body disappeared instantly, but she couldn't help but collapse to the ground, her whole body weak. It was as if there had just been a big battle, but Xiao Hei shrank on Xu Qingfan's shoulders, no longer as alive as before.

But Xu Qingfan, with thoughtful eyes, murmured to himself in a low voice: "Resentment... Zhong Ling..."

Hearing Xu Qingfan's sudden words, Dongfang Qingling was slightly startled. Asked: "Senior Brother Xu, what are you talking about?"

Xu Qingfan smiled bitterly and said, "I can probably guess who that monster is, and I can probably understand why he became like this."

Dongfang Qingling was startled and asked hurriedly: "Who is he? Why did he become like this?"

"He is the zombie master who detained you before. I heard from a Zhong family monk that his name was Zhong Ling." Xu Qingfan showed a solemn look on his face and said slowly: "I was surprised before. It seems like it is specifically looking for us. But we have no grievances with that monster, so why is it still full of murderous intent? What's more, the energy used by that monster to absorb other monsters is exactly the same. It’s death energy, and that death energy is extremely pure. Among all the people I’ve seen, the only one who can control such pure death energy is Zhong Ling.”

"But, didn't Zhong Ling say that he is not your opponent? How come he has become so strong now and looks like that?"

Dongfang Qingling thought of the appearance of the monster before, still frightened, and asked in disbelief.

"Resentment." Xu Qingfan repeated the word with a wry smile. He said slowly: "Although the death energy exerted by the demon is extremely pure, it is very different from the death energy I have seen before. It seems to have undergone some mysterious and mysterious mutation, and the energy of death is It is one of the original components of heaven and earth. Some energy can restrain it, and some energy can fuse it, but absolutely no energy can change it and mutate it. The only possibility is endless resentment. Although resentment does not belong to energy, It is the deepest and darkest side of the mind. Only this emotion can mutate the death energy. Ghosts and zombies can control the death energy, but the deeper their resentment, the more powerful the death energy they control. , is an example.”

As he spoke, Xu Qingfan's wry smile grew even wider. Said: "But there are countless wronged soul zombies in the world. There are only one or two cases that can mutate the death energy with the help of resentment in thousands of years. The resentment of Zhong Ling is also strong enough, and it can mutate the death energy in the body to such an extent. It’s unprecedented.”

Dongfang Qingling nodded thoughtfully and said: "The last time we saw him, we felt that he had deep resentment and acted unreasonably. I don't know what happened after we left, which made him even more resentful. It became like this.”

Listening to Dongfang Qingling's words, Xu Qingfan couldn't deny it, but he was thinking about something else.

"Even if Zhong Ling's resentment caused the mutation of death energy, the death energy controlled by Zhong Ling before was too powerful. It was by no means what the death energy contained in him could achieve, and it could provide him with such The only thing with powerful death energy is the Purgatory Rod. So, where is the other part of the Purgatory Rod? "

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan's mind unexpectedly appeared in the picture that he had divined before. He was full of demonic energy, with a "Heaven-defying Sword" in his left hand and a "Purgatory Rod" in his right hand. When he wanted to get back the "Heaven-defying Sword", he "Sword", another part of the "Purgatory Rod" also appeared. Is this a coincidence, or is it destiny?

Xu Qingfan suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.


While Xu Qingfan was thinking secretly, Dongfang Qingling, who finally relaxed, suddenly couldn't help but smile.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Qingfan asked strangely.

Dongfang Qingling pointed at Xu Qingfan's face, her face flushed, and she suppressed a smile.

It turns out that these days, Zhong Lingyi, who has turned into a demon, is doing the great work of clearing mountains and leveling the land without getting tired. He has turned a hill into a flat land. Although it is a good thing that is beneficial to mankind in the long run, Xu Qingfan is in hiding during his escape. Uncontrollably implicated, with the smoke and dust rippling, Dongfang Qingling had been focused on taking Xu Qingfan away these days but had forgotten to take care of him. Therefore, at this moment, Xu Qingfan was disgraced, as if he had just rolled in the ashes.

In an instant, Xu Qingfan knew what Dongfang Qingling was referring to, but he said with a smile: "Aren't you the same?"

Dongfang Qingling smiled and shook her head, took out a piece of cloth from her sleeve, moistened it with water, and then began to wipe it gently for Xu Qingfan. It was natural for women to be beautiful, but at this moment, Dongfang Qingling was just Thinking of taking care of Xu Qingfan first.

Seeing Dongfang Qingling approaching her face with the cloth in her hand, Xu Qingfan subconsciously reached out to take it, but as soon as he raised his hand, he was suddenly startled.

Dongfang Qingling was also stunned, as if she thought of something, and a trace of loss flashed in her eyes.

"It seems that I have almost regained my ability to move." Xu Qingfan smiled in surprise: "Finally, I don't have to be taken care of by you like a useless person."

Then, Xu Qingfan raised his hands again, and then his feet, only to find that his limbs could barely move, but his body was still stiff, but it would take a day or two to recover.

"Yes." Dongfang Qingling's smile was a little forced. "You'll be fine soon."

Although a little tired, Dongfang Qingling liked the days of taking care of Xu Qingfan very much. It seemed that during these days, Xu Qingfan was no longer the Xu Qingfan of the Righteous Alliance or Jiuhua, but her Xu Qingfan.

Although she barely regained some mobility, Dongfang Qingling still insisted on wiping Xu Qingfan's face, hands, feet, and neck, and then carefully restored Xu Qingfan's "Heavenly Royal Robe" that had been transformed into a gray suit to white.

Two days later, Xu Qingfan finally recovered completely.

Knowing that he couldn't find Jin Qinghan's trace, Xu Qingfan had no choice but to leave the Southern Wilderness. He still had a lot of things to do, and maybe Jin Qinghan had returned to the Righteous Alliance during these days.

"I'm really sorry to bother you these days."

Xu Qingfan said apologetically.

"It's okay." Dongfang Qingling shook her head and whispered.

"Actually, I'm very happy." - This sentence has been brewing in my heart for a long time, but when it comes to my mouth, I can't say it anyway.

"Let's go, let's go to Jiuhua first. Speaking of it, I haven't been there for a long time."

Xu Qingfan said with a smile, and flew towards the prosperous Middle Earth first.

Dongfang Qingling sighed silently in his heart, and then hurriedly followed.

ps: Two chapters in one, please vote for the monthly ticket.

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