Seeking Immortality

Chapter 65. Old Scenery, Old Things, Old People.

Looking at the majestic and steep Jiuhua Mountain in front of him, Xu Qingfan couldn't help but feel a little emotional. This chapter was uploaded by a netizen, and the net hereby declares

Although Nanhuang was the place where he was born and raised, Xu Qingfan had a deeper impression of this place. The memories of Nanhuang were almost all battles, deaths, and tragedies, and there were nothing good about them. The memories here, of course, also have those, but More importantly, it is the master's sternness, the senior brother's care, Liu Huaxiang's teachings, the family relationship with Ting'er, and the friendship with Jin Qinghan...

Jiuhua's catastrophe and Feng Qingtian's defection were certainly shocking and impressive at the time, but before these warm scenes, they were so bland and unmentionable.

"He's back."

Xu Qingfan looked at Jiuhua from a distance and murmured softly.

Although he has been going out for many years and has lived in quite a few places, in Xu Qingfan's opinion, the place he can call home is still the small wooden house in the back mountain. Of course, Ting'er and others are also there. time.

Next to Xu Qingfan, Dongfang Qingling also had a few sighs in his eyes. Jiuhua has too many memories of Xu Qingfan, so why should he not treat her?

The emotion seemed to only last for a moment, but in a blink of an eye, the two of them had been quietly floating a stick of incense in front of Jiuhua Mountain for more than a while.

After the ups and downs in her heart finally calmed down, Dongfang Qingling asked: "So, Senior Brother Xu, how should we get in?"

Xu Qingfan hesitated for a moment, and finally decided not to hide it from Dongfang Qingling. After all, he already has great trust in Dongfang Qingling at this moment. The most important thing is that Xu Qingfan has always felt inappropriate that the secret of Jiuhua Secret Path only exists in the hearts of one or two people. At this time, in troubled times, everyone does not know Will he die in the fighting next moment? If accidentally all the people who know the secret of Jiuhua Secret Road die, then this secret will become a secret forever.

"You come with me."

Xu Qingfan said. He flew towards an inconspicuous hill in the south of Jiuhua Mountain.

Dongfang Qingling quickly followed Xu Qingfan. Something seemed to come to mind. There was a thoughtful look in his eyes. During Jiuhua's mountain closure period. Xu Qingfan once achieved great fame outside Jiuhua Mountain. It has become an open secret in Jiuhua.

"When I saw you today, please keep it secret, Junior Sister Dongfang."

About half an hour later. The two flew to the hill. Xu Qingfan turned to Dongfang Qingling and said with a smile.

Dongfang Qingling frowned and asked, "Senior Brother Xu. Isn't this appropriate?"

Xu Qingfan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I believe you."

Hearing what Xu Qingfan said, Dongfang Qingling couldn't help but feel a little warm in her heart, but she no longer objected and just followed Xu Qingfan silently.

But Xu Qingfan walked to a place with lush vegetation on the hill, and then began to pinch the finger gestures. The finger gestures in his hands kept changing, turning into a phantom. In just a few breaths, he changed hundreds of different finger gestures. , with a solemn look on his face.

Xu Qingfan originally thought of using the finger trick to let Dongfang Qingling remember the control. But Dongfang Qingling glanced at Xu Qingfan from time to time, but she only remembered 60-70% of the finger techniques Xu Qingfan performed.

But he saw Xu Qingfan's finger control. The hills shook, but the lush vegetation slowly cracked and moved to both sides. The earth moved, but the flowers and plants on the earth were not damaged at all.

After a moment, a huge and deep underground cave appeared in front of the two of them.

"Let's go down."

Xu Qingfan thought that Dongfang Qingling had memorized all the finger tips, but instead of demonstrating the meaning again, he took the lead and jumped deep into the cave.

However, Dongfang Qingling did not understand the profound meaning of Xu Qingfan's instructions to her, and she had no intention of learning. So he didn't say anything more and jumped down after Xu Qingfan.

As Dongfang Qingling also entered the cave, the cracked cave closed silently again. On the hill, the flowers and plants swayed in the wind without any abnormalities.

"Give yourself the Featherfall Technique."

The cave was dark and extremely deep. After Dongfang Qingling jumped in, she felt herself falling continuously. Looking around, she saw nothing but darkness. But he couldn't see the bottom, and he felt a little panicked. At this moment, Xu Qingfan's voice sounded from the depths of the darkness.

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, Dongfang Qingling was convinced, and hurriedly added the "Feather Fall Technique" to herself, and her downward speed suddenly slowed down.

I don't know how long it took, but Dongfang Qingling only felt her feet pause, but she finally landed on the ground.

then. I saw several flames suddenly lighting up in mid-air. But it was Xu Qingfan who displayed the Phoenix Spiritual Fire, and the light of the flames dispelled the darkness. The scene deep in the cave finally appeared in front of Dongfang Qingling.

At first glance, it was just an ordinary tunnel with nothing out of the ordinary. There were passages in each direction at the bottom of the tunnel. Xu Qingfan controlled several phoenix spirit fires above his head and led the way, but it was not in the direction leading to Jiuhua. , but instead walked towards the passage in the opposite direction.

Dongfang Qingling was confused, but because of her trust in Xu Qingfan, she didn't ask anything and just followed Xu Qingfan silently.

Sure enough, after walking about a mile or two, the tunnel began to turn. After seven or eight turns, there were countless forks in the middle. Dongfang Qingling could no longer distinguish things, but looking at the long and endless tunnel in front of him, Dongfang Qingling Ling was convinced that she and Xu Qingfan were gradually approaching Jiuhua's location.

"Where do the other passages end?"

Walking in the dark was always boring, so Dongfang Qingling randomly found a topic to break the silence.

"I don't know." Xu Qingfan explained: "But I advise you not to try it, otherwise you won't be able to come back."

Dongfang Qingling smiled and expressed her understanding.

While chatting, the two entered a large cave. There were still several tunnels leading to other directions. Just when Dongfang Qingling thought he would continue walking, Xu Qingfan stopped. , pinched his fingers again, and then heard a slight vibration on the stone wall above the two of them. When they looked up, they saw a tunnel leading to the top of the tunnel. It was still long and dim, with a faint white spot on it. Notice.

"We're here." Xu Qingfan said with a smile: "Let's go up."

Dongfang Qingling nodded and flew toward the sky above the tunnel with Xu Qingfan.

This straight upward passage was thousands of feet long. When the two of them finally flew to the top of the tunnel. The eyes suddenly brightened, the sun was shining brightly, the wind was howling, and there was ice and snow everywhere.

"here it is……?"

Dongfang Qingling looked at the scene in front of her and asked doubtfully.

"The top of Jiuhua Mountain." Xu Qingfan replied, with a strong sense of nostalgia in his voice: "This is the residence of Master Liu Huaxiang back then. Master Liu Huaxiang has a somewhat withdrawn personality, so he is not only a disciple, but also an elder of Jiuhua , I have been practicing immortality in Jiuhua for hundreds of years, but I may not have been here."

As he spoke, Xu Qingfan looked around at the scene around him, and still remembered the place where he and Liu Huaxiang debated, played chess and drank tea on weekdays. However, that place was overgrown with weeds because no one had taken care of it for many years. Most of the exotic flowers and plants in the courtyard have died, and the few that survive are half-dead. Without Liu Huaxiang, the courtyard has lost its former glory. The thatched cottage in the courtyard is also more dilapidated, and is crumbling in the howling cold wind.

"When everything is over, I will return to Jiuhua, or I should come here every once in a while to take care of the flowers and plants and repair the house. After all, this is the former residence of Uncle Liu."

Xu Qingfan thought secretly. However, he himself didn't know when he would be able to truly relax. There had been endless troubles and catastrophes over the years, and Xu Qingfan simply thought that the rest of his life would be spent in constant battle calculations.

While Xu Qingfan was sighing with emotion, Dongfang Qingling walked to the edge of the mountain top and looked around. It was the familiar scene in Jiuhua, but it had not been seen for many years, so the familiarity was a bit strange. Strange but with a touch of kindness.

"Let's go." Xu Qingfan's voice suddenly sounded, with endless desolation. "I want to go back to my former residence to have a look. What about you, do you also want to go back to your residence to have a look? After all, I haven't been back for many years. I don't know when I will come back next time. We will meet up at Kudi Cliff half an hour later. how?"

"Judi Cliff" is where Jiuhua detained Bai Qingfu over the years.

Dongfang Qingling was a little disappointed when she heard that Xu Qingfan's words meant that she didn't want to follow him. After all, Xu Qingfan hadn't confessed everything to her yet. Even so. But Dongfang Qingling was still sensible and didn't ask, just nodded. Then flew towards her former residence.

Xu Qingfan looked back at the dilapidated courtyard behind him again, sighed silently, and after Dongfang Qingling left, he also flew towards his residence in the back mountain.

During the flight, Xu Qingfan lowered his head and silently looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar Jiuhua at his feet.

Familiar because the entire Jiuhua, the vegetation, courtyards, and style sculptures have not changed much; and unfamiliar because there is no trace of popularity on Jiuhua Mountain, let alone the bustling and bustling look of the past. Now that I think about it, we left Jiuhua together. Among the monks, many familiar people are no longer here, including Wang Qingfeng, Sheng Yushan, and some Jiuhua elders. In addition, there are more Jiuhua disciples that Xu Qingfan is not familiar with.

When everything is over, how many familiar people will still exist in Jiuhua?

Thinking like this, Xu Qingfan felt inexplicably panicked.

There has been no one to take care of and clean it all year round. Looking at it now, the entire Jiuhua is overgrown with weeds and dusty, making it even more desolate and desolate.

While thinking secretly, Xu Qingfan finally flew to the cave where he had lived for hundreds of years in the back mountains of Jiuhua.

After opening the outer formation barrier, the scene inside remains the same, but like other places in Jiuhua, it is overgrown with weeds and dusty, giving off a desolate and desolate atmosphere.


Xiao Hei was not familiar with the environment of the house on the top of Jiuhua Mountain, but this was also the place where he was born and grew up. When he revisited the old scene, he croaked twice in excitement. Although the sound was still as unpleasant as a crow, Xu Qingfan You can still hear Xiao Hei's excitement.

Reaching out and caressing Xiao Hei's slightly cold back feathers, Xu Qingfan strolled towards the depths of the courtyard.

First, he silently bowed and bowed three times to Yue Qingru's graveyard in the courtyard, and then Xu Qingfan walked towards his house.

Pushing the door open, smoke and dust fell on Xu Qingfan's body, and then fell towards the ground under the vibration of Xu Qingfan's body-protecting spiritual energy.

But Xu Qingfan had already put away his previous sighs and walked quickly to the bamboo bed in the house.

When Xu Qingfan created such a destructive magical power as the "Wind of Destruction", he accidentally used the "Wind of Destruction" to drill a hole nearly ten feet long and more than a hundred feet deep in the ground in the house, hoping to fill it. Peace was not an easy thing, and later Xu Qingfan simply hid the sealed "Heaven-Defying Sword" here.

Move the bamboo bed away. Xu Qingfan took a deep breath, and suddenly saw the space around Xu Qingfan fluctuate, and the chaotic and frenzied breath spread out from Xu Qingfan. In the next moment, Xu Qingfan's body had turned into an endless "wind of destruction", condensed together. Drilling quickly towards the ground under his feet.

At this moment, Xu Qingfan used the "wind of destruction", and both the power and control were more than twice as strong as before? The hundred-foot-deep cave was dug out in an instant. After sensing the breath of the "Against the Sky Sword", it instantly restored its body. Only a thin layer of soil covered the "Against the Sky Sword", but the "wind of destruction" did not touch the "Against the Sky Sword" at all.

Xu Qingfan stood in the depths of the cave, looking at the "Against the Sky Sword" under his feet, and hesitated for a moment. In the end, he made up his mind, bent down and stretched out his hand, and picked up the "Against the Sky Sword".


But after Xu Qingfan flew out of the cave. Casting a spell to make the "Against the Sky Sword" float in the air, pinching the fingers in his hand, then shouting softly, between the fingers lightly tapping, a black and white light hit the "Against the Sky Sword".

Then, a slight roar sounded, but it was the seal barrier outside the "Against the Sky Sword" that was broken. The "Against the Sky Sword" that originally looked ordinary, although its appearance did not change at this moment. But the aura was completely different, a cold and gloomy aura slowly spread out, and instantly filled the whole house.

Xu Qingfan slowly stretched out his hand and held the "Against the Sky Sword" in his hand, only to feel an evil and quiet power spreading from the "Against the Sky Sword", along Xu Qingfan's arm to Xu Qingfan's whole body. As this energy spread to his whole body, Xu Qingfan only felt a violent and bloodthirsty thought began to spread in Xu Qingfan's heart.

This power. It is the devilish aura that makes the immortal cultivators change color when they hear it! !

Although the evil thoughts filled his mind, Xu Qingfan did not suppress them deliberately. Instead, he slowly closed his eyes and carefully felt the strength and subtlety of this thought. After a long time, he suppressed it. The reason why Xu Qingfan gave up the "Against the Sky Sword" was of course because of the horrible evil of the "Against the Sky Sword" that sucked blood and devoured souls, but more importantly, it was because as soon as Xu Qingfan picked up the "Against the Sky Sword", he was infected and controlled by the demonic energy. All kinds of evil thoughts would arise in his mind and could not be suppressed, which had a great impact on Xu Qingfan.

Xu Qingfan was not yet in the solid elixir stage at that time. But now Xu Qingfan has reached the late stage of the golden elixir.

After picking up the "Against the Sky Sword", the killing intention in his heart remained the same, but at this moment Xu Qingfan's state of mind was much more stable than before. After experiencing so many things, his willpower was even stronger than before. Xu Qingfan could completely control this killing evil intention.

However, this "Against the Heaven Sword" has barely grown up. After it devours the flesh, blood and souls of countless creatures, the demonic energy inside will be countless times stronger, and the control over the display will also increase accordingly. At that time, can Xu Qingfan still suppress it easily?

Although he had such worries in his heart, Xu Qingfan still silently put away the "Against the Heaven Sword". After all, if the Shura clan really came back, then without the "Against the Heaven Sword", facing any Shura clan, Xu Qingfan might not even have the power to protect himself.

Now we can only pray that the Righteous Alliance can stop the "Ming" organization immediately, and the "Against the Heaven Sword" can be used if it is not needed.

After everything was done, after browsing his former residence again, Xu Qingfan no longer hesitated, and once again activated the formation barrier outside the cave to seal it, and then turned and left.

"Judi Cliff" is a cliff on the back mountain of Jiuhua, and the place where Wang Qingfu and others were detained is under the "Judi Cliff".

Although the "Judi Cliff" and Xu Qingfan's cave are both in the back mountain of Jiuhua, they are far apart from each other. It took Xu Qingfan more than an incense stick of time to get there.

Outside the "Judi Cliff", Dongfang Qingling had been waiting silently for an unknown period of time, as if she had not returned to her old home at all, or had just stayed for a moment before coming here.

Looking at Dongfang Qingling who was waiting silently, Xu Qingfan smiled apologetically. Dongfang Qingling didn't know what Xu Qingfan had spent so much time doing, but just asked: "Senior Brother Xu, are we going to see Wang Qingfu now?"

After Xu Qingfan nodded, he smiled faintly and said: "Yes, after convincing him, we will leave. After all, we don't have much time left."

Dongfang Qingling nodded, followed Xu Qingfan and walked towards the depths of "Judi Cliff", and said: "Speaking of which, we haven't seen Wang Qingfu for more than a hundred years, and I don't know how he is now."

For more than a hundred years, guarding a small room alone, surrounded by darkness, without even a chat, can it be good?

Xu Qingfan thought silently. But he suddenly said: "Senior Brother Bai, he is actually a good person."

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, Dongfang Qingling was slightly stunned. Bai Qingfu had a good relationship in Jiuhua before, but after learning that he was Zhang Xusheng's spy, everyone only cursed and insulted him, and Xu Qingfan was the only one who was willing to call him "Senior Brother Bai".

With a silent sigh, Dongfang Qingling said nothing more and just followed Xu Qingfan to fly down the "Judi Cliff".

"Judi Cliff" was the place where traitors within the sect and those who committed the most serious crimes in the world of immortality were detained in the past dynasties of Jiuhua. Its defenses were naturally tight, with countless organizational formations on the outside, but Xu Qingfan was the deacon and elder of Jiuhua. The next head of Jiuhua is naturally very familiar with these things. As he moved his fingers, the formation mechanism was closed, the door opened, and there was a dark and smooth road in front of him.

Still displaying several "Phoenix Spiritual Fires" floating above his head, lighting up the surrounding environment, Xu Qingfan took Dongfang Qingling and walked towards the depths of the detention area.

Because it concerns Zhang Xusheng. So Bai Qingfu was imprisoned in the deepest part of "Kudi Cliff". In fact, countless people have been imprisoned in "Kudi Cliff" for thousands of years, but no one cares about them. They all don't know whether they live or die. Anyway, inside "Kudi Cliff" There were enough rooms, and people were imprisoned in each one. When the monks were detained in the last room, the person imprisoned in the first room had already turned into a withered skeleton. This is also the practice of various sects. Unless it's a very important person. Otherwise, they will no longer pay attention to them after being detained. Wandering to the deepest part of the detention area, Xu Qingfan saw six huge and thick black iron gates in front of him. As the fingers moved, one of the iron doors slowly opened, and a small room less than one foot long and wide appeared in front of the two people.

The Phoenix Spirit Fire slightly dispelled the endless darkness in the room, and the scene in the room could be roughly seen.

The furnishings in the room were very simple, with only a simple bed, but sitting cross-legged on the bed was Bai Qingfu, whom he had not seen for a hundred years.

Sensing the appearance of light, Bai Qingfu felt a little uncomfortable. He squinted his eyes and looked at the two figures in front of him. The broad, white and fat figure back then had lost a lot of weight. The fair face was now full of beard, which had grown four to five points. The meaning of decadence.

Xu Qingfan and Dongfang Qingling did not speak, but silently looked at Bai Qingfu in front of them. Compared with the memories in their hearts, they were completely different.

After experiencing a hundred years of darkness, Bai Qingfu slowly adapted to the light in front of him. After seeing clearly who the two people were outside the door, Bai Qingfu was slightly stunned, then suddenly smiled and said: "Finally someone came to see me. ”

Only when Bai Qingfu smiles, you can still see a bit of the glory of the past, he is still so free and easy-going, and finally some of the decadence in him has been dispelled.

"Senior Brother Bai, it's been a long time."

Xu Qingfan looked at Bai Qingfu in front of him, but he was slightly shocked. He was shocked by the growth of Bai Qingfu's cultivation, which was far beyond his expectation. Back then, Bai Qingfu was still in the early stage of Lingji, but now he is , it is already infinitely close to the real elixir stage.

It seems that Bai Qingfu's progress cannot be compared with Dongfang Qingling's, let alone Xu Qingfan, Jin Qinghan and the like. But you must know that the reason why Dongfang Qingling has achieved such achievements is because she has various spirits continuously supplied by her sect. Medicine, and then entered the "Jiuji Cave" to practice for twenty years, and was initiated by an elder of the Golden Elixir stage. Without these, let alone Dongfang Qingling, even Jin Qinghan would not necessarily progress faster than Bai Qingfu.

But in a flash, Xu Qingfan suddenly realized that for more than a hundred years, he had nothing to do. He only cultivated immortality wholeheartedly and had nothing else in mind. It was equivalent to being in seclusion for a hundred years, and his natural progress was huge.

On the other side, Bai Qingfu was slightly startled when he heard that Xu Qingfan still called him senior brother, but after a while, the smile returned to his face and he said lightly: "Yeah, it's been a long time, but I don't know, I'm locked up here. How long has it been?”

ps: Three chapters in one, more than 6,000 words. There is another six thousand word chapter tomorrow morning.

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