Seeking Immortality

Chapter 93. Fate and Choice (I).

When Zhang Xusheng was fighting against the fourteen masters of the Righteous Alliance alone, Xu Qingfan activated the "Heaven Escape Talisman" and had already escaped two thousand miles west of the "Black Valley".

The "Black Valley" was already close to the Xisha Land of the vast land of Shenzhou. This time it moved westward for another two thousand miles. The wind and sand between heaven and earth were even more fierce. Although he had not officially entered the Xisha Land, Xu Qingfan's eyes were already a large area of ​​yellow mist.

Finally leaving Zhang Xusheng's base camp, Xu Qingfan breathed a sigh of relief. Although Xu Qingfan had not experienced any major battles before and after, the battle of wits and courage during the period made Xu Qingfan feel that it was really not inferior to any major battle he had experienced before.

So after finally getting away, Xu Qingfan couldn't help but collapse to the ground. If you add the previous battles and calculations with demons, Liu Ziqing, Zhang Yi and others, you really feel exhausted at this moment.

Turning his head to look at the location of "Black Valley", Xu Qingfan frowned and thought about his next move.

"My luck is not too bad. I finally escaped. Before leaving, I also caused some trouble for Zhang Xusheng. I think it will be easier for the Righteous Alliance to deal with Zhang Xusheng, right?"

"If I am not mistaken, the masters of the Righteous Alliance have probably found the location of Zhang Xusheng's base camp. Zhang Xusheng's men were so busy before, probably because they realized that a big battle is coming soon."

Xu Qingfan thought secretly.

"If the masters of the Righteous Alliance arrive, I am afraid that the main force of the Righteous Alliance will also arrive soon. Anyway, I have nothing to do at the moment. I can't intervene in the battle between Zhang Xusheng and the masters of the Righteous Alliance. I'd better join the main force of the Righteous Alliance."

Thinking like this, Xu Qingfan flew into the air and was about to fly slowly to the east.

However, just as Xu Qingfan was about to fly, he sensed that Xiao Hei on his shoulder was extremely excited at the moment, shaking his body gently. At the end, it even quacked.

Xu Qingfan had only seen this kind of excitement twice. One time was when Xu Qingfan got the emerald green skull that contained a lot of death energy. The other time was when Xiao Hei first saw Xiao Jin and wanted to eat its flesh and blood.

The emerald green skull was part of the evil treasure "Purgatory Staff". It could help Xiao Hei evolve quickly. And Xiao Jin's flesh and blood could allow Xiao Hei to evolve from an ordinary "Dark Crow" to a bird king. Or "Dark Crow"

Then. Xiao Hei is so excited at this moment. Xu Qingfan was stunned. Could it be that his luck is so good that he cast the "Heaven Escape Talisman" twice. Once he was directly transferred to the base camp of Zhangxu Holy Land. And this time he was directly transferred to the vicinity of a treasure?

After a long period of bad luck, Xu Qingfan did not think that he would suddenly have such good luck.

Turning his head to look at Xiao Hei on his shoulder, he saw that Xiao Hei was looking at the Xisha land in the distance. There was deep curiosity and inexplicable excitement in his eyes.

This kind of excitement. Not like the greedy excitement when he saw the green skull and Xiao Jin. But with With a faint nostalgia. Just like a wanderer returning home.

Xu Qingfan looked at Xiao Hei. Then he looked at the Xisha land in the distance, and suddenly he finally understood why Xiao Hei was so excited at this moment.

The "Dark Crow" monster grows in the depths of Xisha. It is said that the "Dark Crow" monster is one of the few growing monsters in the world of immortal cultivation that lives in groups. Every traveler who enters Xisha is most afraid of seeing the "Dark Crow", because the "Dark Crow" monster does not eat flesh and blood. It also does not eat plants. It only absorbs the dead air after the death of the creatures of heaven and earth, and is extremely sensitive to death. If a traveler who enters Xisha suddenly finds There are a lot of "Dark Crows" hovering above his head, which means that the fate of the traveler has been keenly sensed by the "Dark Crows". The "Dark Crows" silently fly above their heads, not attacking, but following, quietly waiting for the moment when these travelers die, without resistance.

This is also the reason why the "Dark Crows" are called "the incarnation of the god of death". Many mortals believe that it was the Dark Crows that took their lives.

And isn't Xiao Hei's hometown deep in the Xisha Islands?

When Xu Qingfan got Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei was still a monster egg, and he probably didn't know that his hometown was deep in the Xisha Islands, but the "Dark Crows" Monsters have lived in Xisha for generations, and their familiarity and attachment to Xisha have been deeply engraved in their souls. Therefore, although Xiao Hei had never seen Xisha before he became conscious, and did not know that Xisha was his hometown, after approaching Xisha, he still felt that Xisha was different from other places, and a certain inexplicable excitement and familiarity filled his heart.

Xu Qingfan touched Xiao Hei's back feathers apologetically - Xiao Hei liked Xu Qingfan doing this to him, and Xu Qingfan's doing this also helped to calm Xiao Hei's emotions - and then whispered: "I know what you are thinking, that is your hometown, and there are many of your companions. Once I have time in the future, I will definitely bring you to Xisha once, but not now, we still have things to do."

While speaking, Xu Qingfan secretly thought that it was said that the "Dark Crow" monster evolved very slowly because it absorbed dead air as a condition for evolution. After all, it was too slow to absorb the dead air left in the bodies of the creatures that strayed into the Xisha land one by one. But the "Dark Crow" is the monster with the longest lifespan among all the monsters in the world, except for those ancient monsters. It is said that half of the dark crows in Xisha have reached the earth level.

However, at this moment, Xiao Hei is the most powerful existence in the monster world except for the heavenly monsters. I am afraid that he has long been the most powerful existence in the "Dark Crow" clan. In addition, after swallowing Xiao Jin's flesh and blood, he became the "King of Dark Crows". When it was still a monster egg, it was secretly brought to the world of cultivation by human cultivators and was taken in by Xu Qingfan as a spiritual pet. Although it has lost its freedom since then, it has also gained such powerful strength and changes in such a short time, but it is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Just thinking about it secretly, suddenly, thousands of miles away, around the location of the "Black Yao Valley", several extremely powerful momentum and incredible spiritual fluctuations burst out. Xu Qingfan had only seen such momentum and spiritual fluctuations once before, when the masters of the Righteous Alliance worked together to arrest the "Xuanwu".

Although thousands of miles apart. But the momentum and spiritual fluctuations are still so clear and compelling.

Xu Qingfan slowly closed his eyes, and after sensing for a long time, he opened his eyes again and looked in the direction of the "Black Yao Valley", muttering: "Has the battle between the Righteous Alliance and Zhang Xusheng finally begun? Such a powerful momentum and spiritual fluctuations, I'm afraid it's the masters of the Righteous Alliance who took action? Zhang Xusheng was able to resist for such a long time, his strength is really amazing, no wonder Mr. Liu and others were so cautious about him before."

While speaking. Xu Qingfan was about to fly towards the "Black Jade Valley". Xu Qingfan was still looking forward to this top battle between human cultivators. Although he could not help much, if he could watch it, it would be enough for Xu Qingfan to benefit from it for the rest of his life.

This battle was probably only comparable to the shocking battle between the Demon Ancestor and the righteous masters.

However, just as Xu Qingfan started, his body shook again and he was surprised again.

It turned out that in the direction of the "Black Jade Valley", among the overwhelming momentum from the battle between Zhang Xusheng and the fourteen masters of the Righteous Alliance, there was another relatively weak but much stronger momentum than Xu Qingfan. It was approaching Xu Qingfan.

The momentum was full of violence and danger.

It was that demon! !

Xu Qingfan smiled bitterly. He did not expect that this demon was still persevering in chasing him. With the strength of this demon, it was really a big trouble.

At the same time, Xu Qingfan was more puzzled. The two of them were always at a very long distance from each other. How could the demon easily find his location so many times?

Xu Qingfan frowned. If he didn't solve this problem, he would never be able to solve the demon problem.

Suddenly. Xu Qingfan thought of the "disaster clouds" he had collected in Zhang Xusheng's base camp. Because of the large amount of rocks and soil in the bloody valley, these "disaster clouds" had the miraculous effect of completely covering the breath and momentum of the monks.

Xu Qingfan decided to do an experiment.

Xu Qingfan took out a white jade bottle filled with "disaster clouds". He released all the "disaster clouds" and waited for the "disaster clouds" to take shape and stabilize. He entered the "disaster clouds".

After entering the "disaster cloud", no one could sense the breath and fluctuations on Xu Qingfan's body. The spiritual energy circulated in the "disaster cloud" and moved slightly in his heart. The control method of the "disaster cloud" was already clear in his mind. Under Xu Qingfan's control, the "disaster cloud" slowly floated up and flew into the sky, mixed with other white clouds in the sky, and could not be distinguished at all.

However, although Xu Qingfan's breath and fluctuations could no longer be sensed at this moment, Xu Qingfan was disappointed to find that the demon did not hesitate at all and was still flying towards his location.

Xu Qingfan was surprised and frowned more tightly. Wasn't the demon looking for his location by relying on the breath and spiritual fluctuations?

Xu Qingfan didn't know that Zhang Xusheng had merged a drop of his blood into the demon's body. The relationship between the demon and him was somewhat similar to that between him and Feng Qingtian. He could easily find his location without the help of the six senses and induction.

Sensing the demon's breath getting closer, Xu Qingfan sighed helplessly, but he took out a "Sky Escape Talisman" from his sleeve again and started to activate it before the demon arrived.

"Where will I be teleported to by the Sky Escape Talisman this time? As long as it is not teleported to the demon, or directly to the battlefield between the Righteous Alliance and Zhang Xusheng."

The colorful spiritual light circulated around him, and before teleporting, Xu Qingfan thought secretly.

While thinking secretly, the space where Xu Qingfan was located fluctuated, and the next moment, Xu Qingfan disappeared between heaven and earth.

The demon rushed to Xu Qingfan's location at the moment Xu Qingfan disappeared, watching Xu Qingfan disappear in front of him again, roaring angrily, but rushing to the next location where Xu Qingfan appeared.

"Sky Escape Talisman", after all, is limited. When the "Sky Escape Talisman" is used up, when there is no escape, how should Xu Qingfan deal with the demons who are persistently chasing him?

ps: Well, I have been working on it for three consecutive days. I am really tired. Today I will only update once. I will take a break. We will continue tomorrow.

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