Seeking Immortality

Chapter 100. Fate and Choice (VI).

Mr. Liu looked at the demon with magical powers in front of him. Such magical powers would be almost invincible in a one-on-one situation, at least within a certain period of time. Provide the latest chapters to read\u003e If under normal circumstances, this demon has obtained the power of Immortal Zi Zhen, even if he does not know how to use it, it is enough to delay everyone for a long time.

But Mr. Liu suddenly smiled sarcastically and continued to transmit the message to Immortal Zizhen: "Now it is the turn of fellow Taoist to sacrifice. Please use your magical power to trap yourself."

Immortal Zizhen was slightly startled, but in an instant he understood what Mr. Liu meant.

If you think about it differently, An Luo is so easy to deal with.

Immortal Zizhen was seen pinching his fingers, while An Luo on the opposite side was also doing the same action with Immortal Zizhen under some mysterious connection.

Then, they saw thick purple energy spread out from both of them at the same time. The purple energy condensed into several strange spells in front of the two people at the same time, and then merged into their bodies at the same time.

Then, both of them lost all their power at the same time, all their strength was sealed, and they fell towards the earth. But they were caught by Mr. Liu and Li Fulu respectively.

Immortal Zizhen's face was full of ridicule, while An Luo's face was full of surprise and disbelief.

Not everything can be imitated, such as sealing oneself, especially when the opponent is not a person. However, when imitating Anluo, it is involuntary due to the mysterious connection.

I saw Mr. Liu throwing the sealed An Luo at the feet of the other masters and said: "The three of us are going to chase Zhang Xusheng. You should keep an eye on him."

While talking, Li Fulu on the other side easily broke the seal in his body under the guidance of Immortal Zizhen. After regaining his strength, poor Anluo was still sealed, and he had no one to help him lift the seal.

After the seal is lifted. Immortal Zizhen nodded towards Mr. Liu and Li Fulu. He didn't even look at the ground beneath his feet. Transformed into three spiritual lights. Chase quickly in the direction of where Zhang Xusheng escaped.

only. While chasing Zhangxu Holy Land. Mr. Liu, who planned to capture Anluo with one hand. But I suddenly felt something was wrong in my heart. But what exactly is wrong? But I can't think of it. final. But he still attributed it to worries about Zhangxu Holy Land.

only. Mr. Liu didn't know. An Luo is Zhang Xusheng's most proud work in his life. If there is such an obvious flaw. How could he be so valued by Zhang Xusheng?

Watching Immortal Zizhen and others flee towards Xisha. The other eleven masters began to do as ordered by Zizhen Immortal and others. Clean up all the filthy things within the barrier. He casually threw the sealed Di Anluo aside. But he didn't know at all. They are about to face the ground. What a disaster it would be.

But at the same time. When Zizhen Immortal and three others were chasing Zhang Xusheng. Deep in the Xisha. The demon has been chasing Xu Qingfan for more than ten days.

More than ten days have passed. Xu Qingfan was in a panic. Tried every possible means. But still can't get rid of that terrible demon. Let him hide however he wants. Monsters are all sentient. You can find his exact location immediately. Xu Qingfan failed to hide several times. Instead, he was almost killed by a demon. Fortunately, demons are not very intelligent. After several battles. Under Xu Qingfan's repeated tricks. Several times on the line of life and death. But all of them escaped with their lives.

At this moment, Xu Qingfan was paralyzed on the hot yellow sand deep in Xisha, his clothes were in tatters, his figure was in a miserable state, and his face was covered with dried blood stains. It's like a corpse.

That was Xu Qingfan's blood. Six days ago, Xu Qingfan's entire right arm was almost torn off by a demon. Although the big wound on his arm had been healed by the "Way of Life and Death", the blood was still spilled. Xu Qingfan had a look on his face.

The wound on Xu Qingfan's right leg was even more serious. It was directly corroded by the demon's mutated death energy four days ago. At that time, looking at his right leg with almost only a section of bones left, Xu Qingfan thought he was about to die, but fortunately The timely power of the Holy Spirit relic not only narrowly drove the demon away, but also allowed Xu Qingfan's right leg to regrow flesh and blood.

And under the continuous battles, the most serious injury was in the body. All the five internal organs were shattered, the meridians showed signs of breakage, and the Dantian was shattered...

The day before, he had just fought a big battle with the demon. Now he was seriously injured and his spiritual energy was close to drying up. At that time, although Xu Ying, Xu Zhiyuan and Xiao Heidi desperately delayed, he finally managed to escape. Here, the last "Tian Escape Talisman" has been consumed.

After this battle, his two clones were also severely damaged and were almost on the verge of collapse. I am afraid that there is no way to recover in just a few years.

Xiao Hei's situation is better, but Xiao Hei alone cannot compete with the demon.

In short, by now, Xu Qingfan has lost all means to compete with the demon. The "Holy Spirit Relic" might be able to compete with demons, but he no longer had the strength to use it.

As if sensing the despair of his master, Xiao Hei softly called out, combing Xu Qingfan's head with a sharp peck, which he learned from Dongfang Qingling. His cry was also full of despair and sadness, and he seemed to have a premonition of his own. and Xu Qingfan’s fate in the near future.

After Xiao Hei devoured Xiao Jin's flesh and blood, the connection between it and Xu Qingfan was no longer so close. At least it would not be like an ordinary spiritual pet. The master would die after his death. Xu Qingfan had tried to kill Xiao Hei many times this day. Hei chased it away from him and hid in a safe place. It still had a great chance of survival, but Xiao Hei ignored it. He drove it away harshly, and Xiao Hei kept shouting "quack". There was pleading and sadness in his voice.

"Are you really going to die? Die in this deserted place? Die at the hands of that mindless monster? Worthless?"

Xu Qingfan lay on the yellow sand, letting the wind and sand blow, making his figure even more miserable. His whole body ached, and it was extremely difficult to even raise his hands. He squinted helplessly, looking at the blazing sun in the sky, thinking silently. .

While thinking to himself, Xu Qingfan turned to look at Xiao Hei, his eyes less desperate and more gentle.

"Do you want to die here with me? That's fine, at least you won't be too lonely after death."

Xu Qingfan wanted to reach out and touch Xiao Hei's back feathers as usual, but his whole body was sore and he couldn't do it. He couldn't help but sigh again in his heart.

God wants to destroy me! !

There is no need to guess, Xu Qingfan could already feel vaguely that there was a violent and majestic momentum coming from very far away.

That was the aura of a demon. After a day of chasing, the demon once again got closer to Xu Qingfan. We are about to catch up. But Xu Qingfan didn't even recover much from the injuries in his body, let alone regain the spiritual energy in his body.

With a faint sigh, Xu Qingfan seemed to be able to sense the approach of death, and slowly closed his eyes. The next time he opened them, his eyes were filled with perseverance.

"Even if I die, I can't just lie here and let the demons attack me. As long as I still have the power to fight back..."

Xu Qingfan murmured, and regained some strength again. He managed to lift himself up from the sand. He wanted to stand in a standing position to face the coming demon and everything it brought. Not just lying on the ground, helpless.

At this moment, Xiao Hei suddenly screamed, as if he had discovered something, and he was very excited, without the previous frustration and despair.

Xu Qingfan was slightly stunned, and reluctantly turned his head to look, only to see a huge black cloud flying towards his location.

After taking a closer look, Xu Qingfan was shocked again.

That black "dark crows"?

ps: The fifth update, 15,000 words has been completed. It’s a new month, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass. In the evening, there was still an explosion of 15,000.

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