Seeking Immortality

Chapter 102. Fate and Choice (VIII).

Xu Qingfan was shocked to see the demons appear in his field of vision. With the speed of the demons, it would only take a moment from appearance to attack. Latest chapters available for reading \u003e

At the same time, Xiao Hei also realized what it would mean to him and Xu Qingfan if he could get the support of the two or three thousand "Dark Crows" in front of him. He quickly increased his momentum and pressure as Xu Qingfan said.

As Xiao Hei's momentum was released and his pressure continued to increase, his kingly aura became stronger.

Slowly, among the nearly one thousand "Dark Crows" left in the sky, about six or seven hundred of them slowly descended to the ground, with their wings on the ground and their heads hanging down, as if they were submitting and worshipping.

The strength of these six or seven hundred "Dark Crows" was about the early stage of the Earth Rank, which was roughly equivalent to the human Void Dan stage cultivators! !

Xiao Hei continued to work hard, and his aura and pressure increased again. When he reached the extreme, two or three hundred "Dark Crows" cried unwillingly, struggling hard, flapping their wings quickly, as if they were covered by an invisible net, and slowly descended to the ground.

However, the strength of this group of "Dark Crows" was about the middle level of the Earth Rank, equivalent to the human solid Dan period cultivator.

Seeing that the two or three hundred middle level "Dark Crows" were about to surrender to Xiao Hei, Xu Qingfan was secretly happy. With the help of these "Dark Crows", he had the capital to compete with the demons.

However, at this time, a sudden change occurred.

There were two changes. The first change came from the only twenty or thirty high-level Earth Rank "Dark Crows" left in the sky.

Seeing that Xiao Hei was about to be controlled by the two or three hundred middle level Earth Rank "Dark Crows", they, who had been watching coldly, finally couldn't help it. These "Dark Crows" were originally their subordinates! ! How could they not hate and worry when Xiao Hei was taken away like this and they were about to become a lonely person?

It was just that the strong aura of the king on Xiao Hei that made them not want to take revenge at all.

But they had other ways.

With the screams of twenty or thirty crows of varying lengths, these twenty or thirty "dark crows" whose strength was not far from Xiao Hei, burst out with extremely powerful auras to compete with Xiao Hei's oppressive aura. Although they did not have the strong and pure aura of the king as Xiao Hei, they were more domineering because of their wildness. When they joined forces, they immediately dispersed Xiao Hei's aura. Not only did the two or three hundred "dark crows" of the middle level of the earth rank take the opportunity to break free from Xiao Hei's aura, but the six or seven hundred "dark crows" of the primary level of the earth rank who had already surrendered also showed a faint commotion.

In fact, Xiao Hei is now the king of the "dark crow" clan. He is the strongest among all the "Dark Crows". It is natural for him to lead the "Dark Crow" clan.

If we change the way, let Xiao Hei integrate into the "Dark Crows". As these "Dark Crows" get familiar with Xiao Hei and recognize Xiao Hei's king status and strength, it is only a matter of time for all to surrender.

But now, Xiao Hei is just an outsider to them. It will naturally cause a very strong backlash if he makes these "Dark Crows" surrender so tyrannically shortly after the first meeting.

Unfortunately, under the current situation, Xiao Hei has to do this.

Seeing that the originally good situation is about to be reversed, the second change finally appeared.

That is, the demon who has been chasing for more than ten days finally came here.

As the demon fell from the sky to the ground, the moment his feet intersected with the yellow sand on the ground, the ground seemed to shake for a moment, the wind and sand rose, and the fierceness was amazing.

But this time, seeing Xu Qingfan surrounded by so many "Dark Crows". Many of them were quite powerful. If they joined forces, even this demon would be afraid. However, they did not rush up to kill Xu Qingfan as they did in the previous times. Instead, they stared at Xu Qingfan not far away, exuding a great aura of oppression, bloodthirsty and violent. On the one hand, they were intimidating Xu Qingfan and putting pressure on him. On the other hand, they were warning the "Dark Crows" not to act rashly.

The demon thought that the sudden burst of the breath of the twenty or thirty high-level "Dark Crows" of the Earth Rank was a provocation to it.

In this way, in a mistake, Xiao Hei and the "Dark Crows", the "Dark Crows" and the demons entered a strange stalemate. Under the stalemate, the atmosphere was solemn and depressing.

Xu Qingfan sighed slightly, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes, but he moved his feet with difficulty. Slowly walked towards the demon.

Although at this moment, because the demon was concerned about the countless "Dark Crows", he could survive for a while. But Xu Qingfan knew that the demons were completely without intelligence. He was just driven by a resentment in his heart, but he had no ability to think. At this moment, he stopped because of his concern for the "Dark Crows", but with his violent nature, he would never hesitate for too long. When the demons could not help but rush up, it would ruin Xiao Hei's plan to subdue those "Dark Crows". Instead of that, it would be better to stand up in advance.

But before leaving, Xu Qingfan took out a green jade box from his sleeve and placed it at Xiao Hei's feet. Seeing that Xu Qingfan was going to leave to find the demon, Xiao Hei was very anxious. He didn't care about competing with other high-level "Dark Crows" of the Earth Rank, and "quacked" at Xu Qingfan to stop Xu Qingfan from moving forward.

Xu Qingfan forced a smile, sent a message to Xiao Hei through the mind connection, soothed Xiao Hei's emotions, and then he no longer hesitated and walked towards the demon step by step.

Xu Qingfan did this not because he was willing to sacrifice himself so that Xiao Hei could become a real "Dark Crow" King. Xu Qingfan did not have such a broad mind, but Xu Qingfan had a deep understanding of whether he could escape from the demon this time. The key lies in whether Xiao Hei can subdue those "dark crows", or even completely kill the demons to eliminate future troubles. If he can't, nothing will matter. The only difference is the difference between early death and late death.

In order for Xiao Hei to successfully subdue these "dark crows", Xu Qingfan must come out before the demon's endurance reaches its limit to prevent the demon from destroying everything.

And before Xiao Hei conquered these "dark crows", all Xu Qingfan could do was to try his best to delay until the moment when Xiao Hei completely conquered these "dark crows".

Seeing Xu Qingfan staggering towards him slowly, the demon couldn't help but be slightly startled. It clearly sensed that Xu Qingfan had reached the point where the lamp was running out. Why didn't he hide under the heavy protection of "Dark Crow", but instead took the initiative to walk towards him?

The demon's simple mind couldn't understand this complicated problem, but it didn't need to understand. After seeing Xu Qingfan leave the "Dark Crow" range, the demon roared and rushed towards Xu Qingfan. Only by tearing Xu Qingfan into pieces can the hatred in its heart be resolved.

However, at the moment when the demon rushed towards Xu Qingfan, Xu Qingfan's eyes flashed with a look of determination. The black and white energy began to slowly spread around him and blended with each other. The distance between the demon and Xu Qingfan It's only over a hundred feet, and in the realm of demons, this distance can be crossed in an instant. And in such a short moment, a majestic momentum suddenly appeared in the blending of black and white. This aura came from Xu Qingfan, but the aura emitted by Xu Qingfan, who seemed to have run out of energy at this moment, was several times stronger than at his peak.

In secular novels in the world, there will always be such a pattern. After the protagonist encounters the devil, he will always be at a disadvantage. When he is on the verge of death, he suddenly bursts out with extremely powerful power, and in the terror of the devil, he will be defeated. Defeated in one go. The world attributes this sudden burst of power to the protagonist's strong willpower, which allowed him to break through the bottleneck at the critical moment, while the devil's body stiffened for a while under the protagonist's awe-inspiring righteousness, and his hands and feet became cold. In addition, he was overcome by evil. Just waiting for the reason. Over time, novels with this structure have become the mainstream of secular novels in the world.

In fact, this kind of situation not only appears from time to time in vulgar novels, but is also very common in the world of immortality.

However, in the world of immortality, this kind of explosion is not unique to righteous monks. In fact, it is more common for evil monks to suddenly explode with power several times stronger than usual when they are desperate. And this situation is not because evil cannot prevail over good or these monks have strong willpower, but because they have reversed their skills.

Reversal technique. It can make the cultivator gain several times the normal strength within a certain period of time, but it has many disadvantages. Not to mention the short duration, the physical vitality will be severely damaged later, the life span will be overdrawn, and even the soul will be damaged. Even with this Even if you defeat your opponent by various means, you will not be able to recover for a long time, and the consequences will be endless. If it lasts too long. When it's all over. The cast itself will cause instant death and the soul will dissipate. The body breaks down.

Reversal technique, another name for this method by cultivators, may better reveal its essence - "disintegration of the body"! !

"Disintegration" and "Self-destruction" are two of the most feared spells among monks in the world, whether they are used against enemies or against oneself.

Unless the opponent is too powerful, as long as someone casts such a spell, the result will be a lose-lose outcome with no victory.

But at this moment, in order to delay the demon and allow Xiao Hei to successfully conquer those "dark crows", Xu Qingfan, regardless of the possible terrible consequences in the future, suddenly used the "disintegration attack"! !

Moreover, what Xu Qingfan reversed was the "Art of Life and Death". This kind of technique usually puts great pressure on the body. Once it is reversed, the damage to the body and even the soul is far greater than reversing other techniques.

But similarly, after reversing the "Art of Life and Death", the power gained within a certain period of time is far greater than that of reversing other techniques.

Xu Qingfan watched helplessly as the demon rushed towards him. With the reversal of life and death in his body, his strength had been fully restored after one week. After three weeks, his strength had actually increased by more than five times.

Compared with the monsters whose strength is already comparable to that of the monks at the peak of Nascent Soul, this strength is still far inferior, but it is enough to delay for a while.

But he said that although the demon was shocked by Xu Qingfan's sudden increase in strength, he did not hesitate at all. After ducking to Xu Qingfan's side, he suddenly grabbed Xu Qingfan's head with one claw. A black shadow flashed behind him like lightning, but it was behind the demon. The tail of the sword was thrust towards Xu Qingfan's chest. At the same time, countless pairs of eyes on the demon's body burst out with ghostly light, and thousands of powerful Five Elements Taoism were ready to explode at any time.

The demon has watched Xu Qingfan escape from under his nose countless times. When he saw Xu Qingfan this time, he tried his best not to leave Xu Qingfan any chance of survival.

However, Xu Qingfan was well prepared for this. The "Five Spirits Bell" turned into a thick protective shield in front of Xu Qingfan. When the demon's claws and tail intersected with the "Five Spirits Bell", two melodious and ancient bell sounds rang out between heaven and earth. The bell sound was soul-stirring, not only making the demon's figure pause, but also allowing Xu Qingfan to use the demon's attack power to escape to the distance.

These days, the "Five Spirits Bell" has been scarred in order to resist the demon. At this moment, Xu Qingfan's strength has skyrocketed, but it has also restored its previous means of defense, blocking all the demon's attacks three inches away from Xu Qingfan.

As Xu Qingfan used the demon's power to escape to a hundred feet away, with a roar, countless magical powers exploded a hundred feet around it under the control of the demon, and immediately except for the square inch of land where the demon stood. The area of ​​100 meters in radius turned into a deep hole with no visible bottom. Although Xu Qingfan managed to hide outside the range of the demon's magical power, he was still shocked by the aftermath of the explosion.

This magical power of exploding hundreds of five-element Taoist methods at the same time. Xu Qingfan has experienced it no less than a hundred times in these days. Even so, he is still shocked every time he sees it. Xu Qingfan calls this method "five-element explosion".

Looking at the fierce power of the demon, Xu Qingfan sighed silently, but took out two things from his sleeve, one is the "holy spirit relic" that can restrain the demon, and the other is the "anti-sky sword".

"Anti-sky sword" is not the first time Xu Qingfan has used it. In the past few days, Xu Qingfan had used it no less than five times to resist the demons. During this period, he had used it to pierce the demons' bodies twice, absorbing a large number of wronged souls and blood essence from the demons' bodies. It was more than three times more powerful than when Xu Qingfan first got it. At this moment, Xu Qingfan held it in his hand, and felt that his heart was full of murderous evil. The demonic energy on the sword body was surging, as if it was covered with a layer of fierce black flames, but even so, it still could not effectively kill the demons. After all, it was still far from its peak state.

However, the "Against the Sky Sword" was the treasure of the demons second only to the "Nine Demon Pearls" in the past. Seeing Xu Qingfan take it out, thinking of the damage done to it by the "Against the Sky Sword" twice before, the demons still had a trace of concern in their eyes. But the desire to kill Xu Qingfan overwhelmed everything. With a roar, he rushed towards Xu Qingfan again.

Xu Qingfan snorted coldly. As he raised his hand, the "Holy Spirit Relic" shot a golden and white light at the demon. While the demon dodged, Xu Qingfan did not retreat but advanced, holding the "Against the Heaven Sword" and rushing towards the demon.


The sound of metal clashing rang out, but when Xu Qingfan was about to pierce the demon's body with his sword, he was blocked by the demon's tail. The demon's tail was unknown, and the sharpness of the "Against the Heaven Sword" could not hurt it at all.

In this moment, Xu Qingfan had already put the "Holy Spirit Relic" that needed time to recover and would conflict with the "Against the Heaven Sword" into his sleeve. As he raised his hand, several "Soul Sealing Talismans" shot out and stuck to various parts of the demon's body. Under the sealing power of the "Soul Sealing Talisman", it just blocked the "Five Elements Explosion" that the demon was about to start.

After doing all this, Xu Qingfan did not want to fight, and withdrew and retreated quickly.

Sure enough, the "Soul Sealing Talisman" can only seal a very short period of time. At that time, Xu Qingfan had just retreated a hundred feet away from the demon, and the "Spirit Sealing Talismans" had already been shattered under the demon's powerful impact, and the "Five Elements Explosion" was finally launched.

However, this time the "Five Elements Explosion" did not explode within a hundred feet around the demon like before, but gathered together and turned into a five-color light column a foot thick, rushing towards Xu Qingfan. The violent energy fluctuations of the light column could be clearly sensed thousands of miles away, and the space was violently fluctuating wherever it went.

Even if Xu Qingfan had the "Five Spirit Bell", he did not dare to resist it. The yellow spiritual light flashed under his feet, and the "Flying Long Silk" suddenly appeared, taking Xu Qingfan to hide in the distance. According to Xu Qingfan's understanding, the power of the "Five Elements Explosion" is indeed extremely Big, but the mixture of thousands of five elements is extremely unstable and cannot last long.

Sure enough, when Xu Qingfan was running away, the five-color light column only chased for less than two thousand feet, and then turned into a little spiritual light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

However, although Xu Qingfan was flying fast, the speed of the demon chasing him was even faster. After Xu Qingfan saw the five-color light column dissipate, he just breathed a sigh of relief, and the black-winged demon behind him appeared above Xu Qingfan's head, and the bloody mouth that occupied half of its face opened, and a black light column composed of mutated death energy shot towards Xu Qingfan.

Xu Qingfan's face was solemn, and he flicked his fingers. Dozens of "life and death fingers" suddenly appeared and attacked the mutated death energy. On both sides, Under the collision, there was a constant deafening roar between heaven and earth. The "Finger of Life and Death" was completely defeated, but it also slightly eased the momentum of the black light column. Xu Qingfan took advantage of the slowdown of the black light column and narrowly avoided it.

However, the demon had many means of attack. Xu Qingfan finally dodged the attack of the black light column. The "Against the Sky Sword" in his hand blocked the piercing of the demon's sword tail, but the five-meter-long black wings behind the demon hit him heavily, and he couldn't help but spit out a large mouthful of blood and fell far away.

At this time, the sequelae of performing the "Disintegration **" had already begun to slowly appear on Xu Qingfan.

ps: The second update, two chapters in one, has been updated to nearly 9,000 words

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