Seeking Immortality

Chapter 137. Shura appears.

I was speechless. I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning, but after writing a few words, my computer crashed. After finally recovering, all the previously written chapters became gibberish, so I had to rewrite them. Not much to say, this is a 12,000-word chapter in Crazy Code Words, and there will be many, many more updates to follow. Today I will make up for all the words I owe.

When Da Brahma was talking, Li Fulu's expression couldn't help changing. It could be seen that he was trying to calm himself down. However, the emotions in his heart were too turbulent, so he couldn't succeed no matter what.

As Brahma's words fell, Li Fulu suddenly shouted loudly, and extremely strong and majestic energy fluctuations erupted from his body. As he raised his hand, the sky suddenly became dim, and dots of blue light appeared like stars. The sky flickered and expanded rapidly in everyone's eyes. The ear-splitting whistling sound kept shaking everyone's eardrums. In an instant, the true form of the blue starlight finally appeared in everyone's eyes. It turned out to be countless ice cubes the size of small hills. The blue ice crystals smashed towards Brahma.

Although Da Brahma restored the Shura clan's body and greatly improved its strength, its situation of running out of lamps and oil has not changed. Faced with such an opponent, Li Fulu actually ignored his own dignity and did not hold back at all. .

Facing such a massive offensive, Brahma's expression remained unchanged, and there was an inexplicable smile on his ferocious face. Endless black and purple mist appeared on his body. Under his control, the mist turned out to be like a whirlpool. It kept spinning, and in the next moment, countless ice-blue ice crystals had already attacked the body of the Great Brahma. However, after rushing into the vortex, they were not only unable to harm the Great Brahma in the vortex. Instead, it was stirred into the vortex, and driven by the black-purple vortex, it was constantly rotating around Brahma.

The next moment. The black and purple vortex suddenly disappeared, but Li Fulu's ice crystals were driven by the vortex with unabated momentum and increased speed. Instead, he attacked the masters and immortal puppets around him.

No one expected that Li Fulu's massive offensive could be broken so easily by Da Brahma. Not only did it fail to harm Da Brahma. Instead, Da Brahma used his strength to attack himself and others, and they were all in a hurry for a while.

Each blue ice crystal is as big as a small hill, carrying great power and spiritual energy fluctuations. It is even more powerful under the influence of the Great Brahma. Even scholars such as Bu Xing Scholar and Master Tianhan are second only to Zizhen Immortal and others. Even human masters don’t dare to accept it forcefully. They all avoided.

However. Immortal Zizhen, Mr. Liu, and Zhang Xusheng all thought of something else. They looked at each other, not wanting to avoid it. Go towards the blue ice crystal that comes from the attack, look like that. Instead, it seemed like he wanted to test the power of these blue ice crystals.

However, before Immortal Zizhen, Mr. Liu and Zhang Xusheng came into contact with the blue ice crystals, a blue light curtain had already protected them in front of them. As the blue ice crystals intersected with the blue light curtain, there were roars and bursts of blue light. The color light curtain also shook and was almost broken. It looked like it was quite powerful. \\

Zizhen and the other three people all turned to look at Li Fulu who was using the blue light screen, but they saw that Li Fulu did not look at them, but the anger on his face became more intense, and the fingers in his hands continued to pinch, and suddenly, a majestic blue light appeared The river appeared out of thin air in front of him, roaring towards Brahma on the "Black Emperor Cliff".

Seeing the black-purple mist rising up again on Brahma's body, turning into countless protective barriers to resist, Li Fulu did not pause at all, and an icy blue light disappeared into the blue river in the blink of an eye.

As the river transformed by the endless sunflower water washed away one protective barrier after another, although it finally rushed to the Great Brahma, its power was exhausted under countless obstacles, and the remaining power could no longer threaten To the Brahma, however, just when the Brahma took action to melt away the remaining glacier, the ice blue light that had been hidden under the glacier suddenly burst out and shot towards the Brahma.

Unprepared, the icy blue light hit Brahma smoothly, and in the flash of dazzling ice blue light, Brahma's body suddenly stopped moving, and layers of ice fell on it. Da Brahma appeared on his body, and in a moment, Da Brahma was actually sealed in the middle by a piece of ice that was a hundred feet high and wide, and could no longer move. Although they are far away, bursts of strong cold air are still rising from the iceberg, rushing toward their faces. Those with weaker skills will feel that the spiritual energy in their bodies is frozen. Li Fulu's attack is so powerful , one can imagine.

After doing all this, Li Fulu didn't even look at the sealed Brahma. He turned around and bowed deeply to the master behind him and said, "Fortunately, this Brahma was finally restrained by me. , However, I still underestimated the strength of the Great Brahma just now. I did not expect that the magical power of the Great Brahma was so mysterious. With his help, he caused a lot of trouble to all the Taoists. Please forgive me. "

After hearing Li Fulu's apology, all the masters said it didn't matter. However, Immortal Zizhen, Mr. Liu and Zhang Xusheng looked at each other thoughtfully, and when they turned around, their expressions returned to normal, and they all looked at each other. Li Fulu greeted him.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't have to blame yourself. As a rare master of the Shura tribe, it's normal for Brahma to encounter some troubles when dealing with him. Fellow Taoist, being able to restrain him is a great achievement for humans like us. How dare you blame fellow Taoist?"

Immortal Zizhen said politely with his hands raised.

"My fellow Taoist is becoming more and more skilled in using his polar ice light. I'm afraid even I will be able to restrain him with the method I just used."

Mr. Liu also raised his hand and said.

But Zhang Xusheng just smiled and nodded at Li Fulu, and then without saying a word, he flew past Li Fulu towards the frozen Great Brahma. \\

Li Fulu originally wanted to respond politely to Immortal Zizhen and Mr. Liu, but after seeing Zhang Xusheng's actions, his expression changed involuntarily, and in a flash, he was already standing in front of Zhang Xusheng.

"What does this mean, fellow Taoist?"

Zhang Xusheng asked with a smile.

"This is what I want to ask, fellow Taoist, what does this mean?"

Li Fulu asked coldly.

Zhang Xusheng asked: "Why, Fellow Taoist Li is still afraid that I will release this Great Brahma? As long as Fellow Taoist is here, even if I release this Great Brahma, the worst that can happen is that Fellow Taoist will seal it again. A lamp will run out of oil." What else are fellow Taoists afraid of? "

Li Fulu snorted coldly and said, "What should I be afraid of? It's just that Fellow Daoist Zhang has mysterious powers and a superb mind. Brahma is nothing to worry about, but if Fellow Daoist Zhang does something to it, it will be enough to delay our Righteous Alliance for a long time. It’s been a long time. Originally, Fellow Daoist Zhang is now our ally, so I shouldn’t have doubts about Fellow Daoist, but I really can’t see through Fellow Daoist’s purpose, and coupled with Fellow Daoist’s previous behavior, I have to be more careful. . If I have offended anything, I can only ask for your forgiveness.”

After hearing Li Fulu's words, Scholar Bu Xing and others couldn't help but cast suspicious eyes on Zhang Xusheng.

Li Fulu said it without any politeness. And successfully caused many people to doubt Zhang Xusheng, but Zhang Xusheng only smiled slightly. He nodded to show that he didn't care, and then retreated to Mr. Liu's side. Said: "It makes sense for Fellow Daoist Li to be careful, but the Shura tribe has not appeared for tens of thousands of years. This is the first time I have really seen the Shura tribe. I am curious. Everyone knows that I like to study the bodies of these rare races, but since Fellow Daoist Li So, I’ll just wait and see for a while, but I have to agree first that after all the Shura tribe is dealt with, some of the Shura tribe’s corpses will be given to me for study, how about that?”

Hearing what Zhang Xusheng said, all the masters couldn't help but smile bitterly. If one puts aside his position and camp, this Zhang Xusheng is actually an interesting person.

Hearing that no one responded to his request, Zhang Xusheng was not angry. He just asked: "Now that the Great Brahma has been solved by Fellow Daoist Li, how should we deal with him?"

"Kill him to avoid future trouble. Then immediately look for traces of the Shura clan."

Immortal Zizhen glanced at Li Fulu, and then said lightly.

Mr. Liu nodded and said: "Let me take action. This Brahma is sealed by the polar ice light of Fellow Daoist Li. There is a way to kill him without breaking the seal.\\"

As he spoke, Mr. Liu raised his sleeves and a golden bucket appeared in his hand, and he was about to take action.

Looking at the golden dou in Mr. Liu's hand, a gleam flashed in Li Fulu's eyes. This Mr. Liu is worthy of being the real person of Duobao. The magic weapon in his hand, except for the "Black Dragon Evil Nail" that is often used, has never been repeated in other magic weapons. of. Although the function of this golden dou is unknown, the powerful and hidden spiritual energy fluctuations prove that this golden dou is another top-notch magic weapon.

At the same time, an inexplicable familiar feeling passed through Li Fulu's heart, as if he should be familiar with this Jin Dou, but he couldn't think of it in a short period of time.

"Wait a minute." Li Fulu suddenly stopped him: "As the Great Elder of the Shura Clan, it would be inappropriate to kill this Great Brahma like this. Keep it or it may be useful in the future. If something unexpected happens in the battle with the Shura Clan soon, We may be able to get some crucial news from the mouth of this Brahma."

Zhang Xusheng said: "You have also seen the various performances of the Great Brahma just now. It is just a delusion to get any news from his mouth. Just in case, it is best to kill him here. "

As he spoke, a look of admiration flashed across Zhang Xusheng's face, and Youyou said: "What's more, every Shura tribesman is a born warrior, especially this Brahma. For such people, killing them is a must." That’s the real respect for them, and interrogating them is just humiliating themselves.”

Immortal Zizhen nodded and said, "I think so too."

Seeing that Immortal Zizhen also agreed, Mr. Liu's golden dou flashed with golden light. Great power came from the golden dou, and he was about to take action.

Li Fulu's eyes struggled for a while, and finally a trace of determination and ferocity flashed unnoticed in his eyes, but he blocked his body in front of Mr. Liu, appeared with his back to Liu, and said lightly: "The seal of the polar ice light It’s not as simple as fellow Taoist think. Just in case, since this Brahma is sealed by me, it’s up to me to kill him.”

Mr. Liu nodded, but did not object again. However, he still kept the golden bucket in his hand and did not take it back.

Then, Li Fulu's body was covered with ice-blue mist, and endless cold air came from his body. Except for Zhang Xusheng, Mr. Liu and Immortal Zizhen, the other masters couldn't help but fly back more than a hundred feet under the overwhelming cold air. The spiritual light on his body flickered, resisting the invasion of cold air.

Then, Li Fulu's aura continued to rise. As the aura pressure reached its peak, a deep ice-blue light lit up in front of him. This ice-blue light was only the size of a thumb, but it condensed the spiritual energy of Li Fulu's whole body. Seeing this ice-blue light, the masters felt a sense of depression in their hearts. \\

However, just as Li Fulu was about to make a move, something strange happened.

I saw that the Brahma, who had already been sealed by Li Fulu, suddenly flashed a shocking black light between his eyes. In a flash, the huge iceberg around Brahma disappeared completely, and at the same time, the aura of Brahma rose. It seemed that the huge iceberg was absorbed by Li Fulu in an instant.

The next moment. Brahma let out a terrifying roar, shocking the sky and the earth. Then Brahma rushed towards Li Fulu, who had sealed him before, with great momentum. His ferocious face became more terrifying because of anger and murderous intent.

Li Fulu was preparing a magical power at this time and was unable to resist. He was shocked when he saw this scene and quickly hid to the side, but Mr. Liu behind him was exposed to Brahma.

At this time, everyone was not far from the "Black Emperor Cliff". After Brahma escaped, he exerted his speed to the extreme. There was endless black and purple air around him, which was so mighty that it covered half of the sky in an instant. It was like an ancient demon beast, with a tyrannical and majestic momentum, and it was about to submerge Mr. Liu in it. However, Zhang Xusheng and Zizhen Immortal seemed to have expected it. They were not surprised at all. They displayed their magical powers and flashed in front of Mr. Liu.

First, a purple cloud suddenly appeared in front of Brahma, rotating and fluctuating. Although it seemed that it was less than half the amount of the black and purple gas, it was extremely stable and constantly dissipated the black and purple gas in front of it. The destructive power of the black and purple gas was extremely strong, but it could not break through the purple cloud at all. The soft overcomes the hard, which is exactly the method of the Purple Immortal.

However, Zhang Xusheng flashed, but did not care about the powerful destructive power of the black and purple gas at all. The next moment, he was immersed in the endless black and purple gas.

And then, something even more shocking happened.

After such a long time of preparation, Li Fulu finally prepared his magical powers. His face was pale and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Obviously, this move not only consumed a lot of his spiritual energy, but also overdrew a lot of his life.

However, when he raised his hand, Li Fulu did not attack the blue ice light at Brahma, but shot it towards the sky.

As this bit of ice-blue light continued to rise, its volume continued to expand. When it rose to the sky, it had become a huge ice crystal as big as a mountain.

Looking up, this huge blue ice crystal was side by side with the blazing sun in the sky, as if there were two suns in the sky, but one was fiery red, bringing endless warmth, and the other was ice blue, exuding a terrifying cold. \\

"Black Emperor Cliff" is close to the Southern Wilderness, and the climate is dry and hot, but with the endless blue light cast by Li Fulu's ice-blue sun, in just a blink of an eye, the area of ​​hundreds of miles suddenly became as cold as the North Ice World. And wherever the ice-blue light went, the whole world turned into a crystal, enough to defy the sky, and solidified the five elements of spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Unprepared, even the masters had ice crystals on their bodies one after another. They wanted to use their skills to resist, but they were shocked to find that under the severe cold, the spiritual energy in their bodies also became extremely slow, and they could not organize an effective resistance in a short time.

The more than 4,000 Righteous Alliance monks who were controlling the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation" a hundred miles away were trembling at this moment. Layers of ice crystals formed between their heads and clothes. They exhaled white mist between their breaths, and then turned into tiny ice particles and fell to the ground. If it weren't for the endless immortal spirit energy transformed by the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation" guarding them, I'm afraid that more than 4,000 Righteous Alliance monks would have frozen to death in just a moment.

What's more terrifying is that as time goes on, the power of the icy sun becomes stronger and stronger, and the ice layer under everyone's feet is getting thicker and thicker. Near the "Black Emperor Cliff", a terrifying blizzard is about to form.

How can this be an attack on the Great Brahma? It's clear that they want to severely damage the entire Righteous Alliance.

Such a powerful attack. Although Li Fulu obviously overdrew his life, it was far beyond his original strength. Obviously before. Li Fulu has been hiding his strength.

At this time, Mr. Liu suddenly made a move.

During this period of time. Mr. Liu ignored the changes around him and just kept storing all his spiritual energy in the golden bowl in his hand. When he attacked at this time, he did not change the magic weapon. It seemed that he had taken out the golden bowl before not to kill Brahma. But it was

A terrifying gleam flashed in Mr. Liu's eyes. With a loud shout, the golden bowl in his hand emitted a huge suction force. This suction force had no effect on other people or objects, but the cold wind and snow between heaven and earth were all sucked into the golden bowl. Wherever the golden light reached. The ice and snow world under the control of the ice blue sun quickly returned to its original dry and hot state. The monks of the righteous alliance who were struggling to support themselves in the ice and snow world were also quickly freed.

"Yunbei Lingdou!! You lied to me, Liu Ji, you hypocrite, this thing is really in your hands!!"

When Li Fulu saw this scene, he exclaimed in disbelief, finally knowing why this Jin Dou felt so familiar to him.

"Yunbei Lingdou" is the top magic weapon in the world of immortality, second only to the legendary magic weapons such as "Five Elements Sacred Artifact", "Nine Magic Pearls" and "Holy Spirit Sword". It is not known who made it, but it is only known that it is an ancient magic weapon. It was refined during the period. Because it has no offensive power and has a single function, few people know about it. If others get it, it is almost useless. However, Li Fulu has been looking for this magic weapon for tens of thousands of years, but he did not expect that this magic weapon is actually It fell into the hands of Mr. Liu. \\

In fact, Li Fulu has asked Mr. Liu about "Yunbei Lingdou" many times over the years, but every time Mr. Liu said frankly that he didn't know, and that if there was any information, he would find it for him and send it to him personally. There is so much in his hands, but the scene in front of him clearly shows that everything Mr. Liu said is a lie.

Li Fulu cares so much about "Yunbei Lingdou" because of the single and useless function of "Yunbei Lingdou", which is to absorb the cold air of ice and snow between heaven and earth. This function is indeed almost useless to others, but to Li Fulu But it is crucial, because this "Yunbei Lingdou" is simply his nemesis.

Listening to Li Fulu's roar, Mr. Liu sighed: "Of course I lied to you. You should have thought of it a long time ago. I have always been extremely stingy with these top-quality magic weapons. If there are magic weapons suitable for others, I will selflessly give them away." , then how can I collect so many magic treasures? How can I be called the Master of Duobao? In the mortal world, only stingy people can become rich, and the same is true in the world of immortality."

"Hypocrite!! You will die a good death sooner or later!!"

Hearing Mr. Liu's shameless response, Li Fulu shouted angrily, not even paying attention to the other eleven grandmasters who surrounded him. In fact, the move just now had consumed all his spiritual energy. Even if he wanted to deal with these masters, he wouldn't have the slightest strength left.

In this way, Immortal Zizhen resisted the black and purple energy of Brahma. Zhang Xusheng remained silent for a long time after being submerged in the black and purple energy. Mr. Liu was responsible for absorbing the coldness between heaven and earth. In the stalemate with each other, Time passed like this while Li Fulu scolded Mr. Liu.

After three days, the endless cold air on the earth has been sucked into "Yunbei Lingdou". Although the ice blue sun in the sky is still glowing with endless ice light, the earth has returned to normal. , Mr. Liu raised his hand, and "Yunbei Lingdou" flew into the sky, continuing to absorb the endless ice light emitted by the blue sun.

Although the world has returned to its original state, the faces of all the masters are a little pale under the cold wave they experienced before, but their eyes when looking at Li Fulu are even colder. After all this, when thinking about what happened before, Everyone already knows Li Fulu's true identity. Even if he is not a Shura clan pretending to be a human being, he is still a scum cultivator who is willing to be used by the Shura clan.

Mr. Liu looked deeply at the pale Li Fulu, and looked at Li Fulu's resentful eyes for a long time. Just when he was about to ask something, in the black and purple mist in the distance, the terrifying and incredible cry of the Great Brahma suddenly rang out. sound. \\

"Hahahahaha, come on, Zhang Xusheng, I finally understand your ultimate purpose. It's ridiculous that those human monks still want to form an alliance with you, but they don't know that the harm you will do to mankind in the future will still be on top of the comeback of our Shura clan. . Your research, the clone you created, what you did is for..."

Although Brahma was laughing, he was even more mad in despair. However, he stopped just halfway through speaking. At the same time, he disappeared with the breath of Brahma.

Then, the black and purple mist quickly dissipated between the sky and the earth, and Immortal Zizhen no longer resisted it. He flashed back to Mr. Liu. But he didn't want to look at the traitor Li Fulu, but looked towards the black and purple mist with other masters.

As the black and purple mist disappeared. Under the gaze of the fourteen masters, Zhang Xusheng Shi Shiran appeared between heaven and earth. Facing the fourteen doubtful eyes, he nodded and smiled at the masters. But the body of Brahma has disappeared.

Brahma's mid-sentence words just now gave everyone an inexplicable sense of crisis.

"Did you kill the great elder?"

Li Fulu looked at everything in front of him blankly, and suddenly seemed to think of something. His usual calmness was no longer there, and he roared at Zhang Xusheng and asked.

Zhang Xusheng did not answer Li Fulu's question. He just flew to Immortal Zizhen and Mr. Liu, smiled at them and said: "That Brahma has been killed by me. I asked him to keep his body for my sake." For the reason that you have worked so hard during this period, you won’t object, right?”

Everyone was silent after hearing Zhang Xusheng's words. The reason why Zhang Xusheng is so powerful lies in the various modifications he has made to his body. Once he gets the body of this powerful man in the Shura clan, his strength will still be strong in the future. Be stronger. However, despite their intention to object, the body of Brahma Tian had obviously been taken away by Zhang Xusheng. Even if they objected, Zhang Xusheng would probably refuse to hand it over, so everyone could only remain silent and say nothing.

Immortal Zizhen and Mr. Liu looked at each other. The words of Da Brahma before his death made them full of doubts about Zhang Xusheng. They wanted to ask, but they knew that Zhang Xusheng was unwilling to tell them, so they were helpless. Sighing, he looked towards Li Fulu who was surrounded by everyone.

On the other side, after hearing Zhang Xusheng's words, Li Fulu could already imagine the fate of Brahma's corpse in the future. He roared angrily and cursed the people around him. At the same time, a violent and violent aura emerged from him.

Sensing this aura, it was actually a precursor before self-destruction. Except for Immortal Zizhen, Zhang Xusheng and Mr. Liu, all the masters' expressions changed greatly and they had to avoid it.

"Fellow Taoists, don't be nervous. There is no way that Li Fulu will self-destruct.\\"

Immortal Zizhen said calmly, stopping everyone from panicking.

Zhang Xusheng was not in a hurry, and he still had time to sigh leisurely: "Speaking of which, Brother Daoist Liu, you are the most knowledgeable here. I have never been unable to understand it. Now I ask you, what is this self-destruction technique? What lunatic created it? He created such a boring and terrifying technique and didn’t know how to keep it secret. It is now known to everyone. It makes every immortal cultivator self-destruct at the end of the battle. It’s really troublesome.”

Mr. Liu turned his head and took a deep look at Zhang Xusheng, and then said lightly: "The predecessors created such a technique in order to die together with the Shura clan tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, the Shura clan was really too powerful. It’s powerful. Now just two people have caused us so much trouble. Back then, the Shura clan numbered nearly one million, so you can imagine how powerful it was.”

"I see. I thought such a crazy technique was created by some evil person. It turns out that there are also crazy people among the righteous people."

Zhang Xusheng said with a smile, and he didn't know whether he was sarcastic or not.

Mr. Liu sarcastically said: "I remember you used the method of self-destruction not long ago."

Zhang Xusheng said with a smile: "Do you think I am a normal person? It is natural for a madman to blow himself up several times occasionally."

Mr. Liu is considered extremely thick-skinned among righteous people. When he met Zhang Xusheng, he had nothing to say.

While Mr. Liu and Zhang Xusheng were bickering, Immortal Zizhen was questioning Li Fuli.

"Fellow Daoist Li, can you explain everything you have done?"

Li Fulu was already preparing to use self-destruction to kill Zizhen, Mr. Liu and Zhang Xusheng to avenge Brahma. Unexpectedly, he had been planning for a long time, but the "self-destruction technique" could not be used.

After a long time, he seemed to discover something. Huo Ran looked up at Mr. Liu and asked, "Sui Ling Needle? When did you insert these things into my body?"

"It's been a long time. When we first arrived a hundred miles away from Black Emperor Cliff, we were discussing countermeasures, but you were inexplicably dazed. I think at that time, you were performing the out-of-body technique. Go and report to Brahma. Did you get the news? You have always been taciturn. Every time I come up with an idea, Fellow Taoist Zizhen gives the order, and you carry it out. Over time, we have become accustomed to this and no longer ask you when discussing countermeasures. I also took this opportunity to go to Brahma to report the news. Unfortunately, I had a disagreement with other people at that time. When I asked for your opinion, I found that you were still there, which made me more suspicious of you. , I will simply pierce the Spiritual Needle into your body if necessary, just to prevent you from blowing up when you are cornered. In that case, the damage to our Righteous Alliance will be too terrible."

Mr. Liu explained calmly.

At this point, Li Fulu calmed down from the initial madness and asked: "I see that you are extremely guarded against me in every move you make. My surprise attack has been expected by you. You are in that situation." Are you starting to doubt me?"

This time it was Zhang Xusheng who answered on his behalf.

"No, when I formed an alliance with fellow Taoist Zizhen, your behavior was too abnormal when it came to the plan to deal with the underworld organization."

"I see, you are all highly intelligent people, and any abnormality will be discovered. Over the years, I have always been cautious, saying nothing if I can, for fear that a certain sentence will expose a flaw, but I didn't expect that the relationship will be messed up. In the end, I ruined the big thing because of my talk." Li Fulu smiled bitterly and blamed himself.

"Even if you don't reveal any flaws, your plan will not succeed. Over the years, every action against the Hades organization has failed. I have long suspected that there may be spies among you and Immortal Zizhen. If it weren't for you, Even if there is a flaw in the ground, I will still be on guard against you, but I have to take care of fellow Taoist Zizhen at the same time, so it will be a little more troublesome."

Mr. Liu explained lightly, and at the same time nodded to Immortal Zizhen to express his apology, while Immortal Zizhen smiled slightly to show that he didn't care.

Turning around, Immortal Zizhen asked Li Fulu: "Friend Daoist Li, your Li family has been a staunch figure in the righteous path for generations. Why did you rebel against the Shura clan? What benefits did the Shura clan give you? You deserve to do this. Seniors of the Li family? Or are you simply a member of the Shura clan, lurking in the righteous path?"

Li Fulu smiled bitterly, but suddenly asked: "Seniors of the Li family? Have you ever seen more than two people from the Li family appear at the same time?"

Hearing Li Fulu's words, all the masters seemed to have thought of something. They all trembled and looked at Li Fulu in disbelief. Immortal Zizhen was the first to ask: "What do you mean by your words?"

"Don't you understand?" Li Fulu said sarcastically: "The Li family of cultivators has never existed. Li Zhen is me, Li Youhuan is me, Li Xiu is still me. The so-called Li family is just me. You humans will My Li family has become a legend. Which generation is stronger than the previous generation? In fact, it is just because my strength is increasing. "

Li Zhen is Li Fulu's father, Li Youhuan is Li Fulu's grandfather, and Li Xiu is the ancestor of the Li family. Although Li Fulu made it clear, the masters still find it inconceivable.

"So, you are from the Shura tribe?"

Li Fulu's face showed a look of nostalgia, and he said slowly: "Of course I am from the Shura tribe, but I am the worst of the ice gangster tribe, which is the weakest among the Shura tribe. It is precisely because of this that I was not killed by you humans back then. You don't realize it at all. \\Unfortunately, my talent is so poor that I am not as good as many humans. Even after tens of thousands of years of hard work, I am only on par with you. Otherwise, if my talent were better, It’s not me but you who are in dire straits now.”

Hearing Li Fulu's words, everyone was shocked. They did not expect that the Shura clan had been lurking among the high-level human monks nearly ten thousand years ago, and they had good intentions.

"It's a pity." Zhang Xusheng sighed: "Although your Shura clan is powerful, you are not good at hiding your emotions by nature. Undercover work is not suitable for you. This plan ultimately failed for this reason. . Otherwise, if you have been lurking for such a long time, you will not be suspected."


Li Fulu just wanted to say something else. His expression suddenly changed.

I saw that his body began to burst rapidly, and silver needles were pierced through the skin in various places, but it was the "spiritual needles" that could absorb the increasing number of spiritual energy that finally exploded.

A low roar sounded. Li Fulu's body exploded, and the "Sui Ling Needles" all over the sky burst out from Li Fulu's body. Then, between the movements of Mr. Liu's hand, countless "Spiritual Needles" turned into one again and returned to Mr. Liu's hand. Although Li Fulu's body turned into some strange shapes one after another, he fell towards the ground, trying to put these strange fragmented parts back together. This is Li Fulu's true form.

It has been lurking in the human camp for nearly ten thousand years. The most successful and most failed undercover agent in the Shura clan's history died just like that.

Seeing Mr. Liu suddenly kill Li Fulu. All the masters couldn't help but look at Mr. Liu, with incomprehensible expressions in their eyes.

Mr. Liu said calmly: "Can't you see it yet? The reason why Li Fulu is so cooperative with us in answering questions is just to delay time. Now that all the doubts are understood, we can't waste time here. , Our main purpose now is not to interrogate Li Fulu, but to find traces of the Shura clan."

Hearing what Mr. Liu said, everyone nodded. However, although Li Fulu was a spy of the Shura clan, he had been with everyone for nearly two hundred years, so he was killed like this, even with his last words. Even before he finished speaking, all the masters could not help but feel a little weird.

Immortal Zizhen looked around at all the masters and said: "The cultivation place of the Shura clan should be under the Black Emperor Cliff. The matter is urgent and cannot be delayed. Let's start looking for the entrance to the place now."

All the masters nodded, turned into spiritual lights, and together with more than 400 immortal puppets, began to search for the entrance to the depths of the "Black Emperor Cliff".

While the masters were looking for the entrance, Qing Lingzi, who was responsible for commanding the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation", hurried over and reported the situation of the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation" to Immortal Zizhen.

In the previous battles, although there was the "Array of Ten Thousand Immortals" to protect them, the Righteous Alliance still suffered some losses. Sixteen monks were sucked into the terrifying black hole after the Great Brahma released it, and they died. The whole corpse, and more than two hundred monks died under Li Fulu's magical power, Cold Sun. However, because these monks were only Void Core monks who had recently advanced with the help of the demonic beast's inner elixir, in general, this battle with the Righteous Alliance No muscles or bones were injured.

Immortal Zizhen listened to Qing Lingzi's report, but his expression was not optimistic. These were just two Shura tribesmen, which made everyone so embarrassed. If hundreds of Shura tribe strongmen come out soon, who knows what will happen. Such a situation.

"How is the spiritual energy consumption in the bodies of the monks in the formation?"

Immortal Zizhen asked again.

"This is not bad. There is fairy spirit guarding all the Taoist friends, making their spiritual energy recovery much stronger than before. Although they have performed several major transformations, they have almost recovered at this time."

Qing Lingzi replied.

After Immortal Zizhen pondered for a moment, he turned around and glanced at the Grandmaster who was searching everywhere around the "Black Emperor Cliff" but still couldn't find any trace. He ordered Qing Lingzi: "Inform all the monks in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation that all Approach the Black Emperor Cliff and re-arrange the formation thirty miles away from the Black Emperor Cliff."

Qing Lingzi nodded to express his understanding. Before, the formation was set up a hundred miles away to fight against the "Zhuxian God-killing Formation", but now the formation was no longer so far away. After compressing the space for the formation, "Wan The power of the Immortal Formation will also increase greatly.

But Immortal Zizhen's next order was to give Qing Lingzi one.

"After the formation is completed, you will be responsible for commanding the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and strike with all your strength to wipe this Black Emperor Cliff off the ground. Such a search is a waste of time."

At the same time, thousands of feet underground in the "Black Emperor Cliff", as the aura of Brahma completely disappeared, the blood pool began to fluctuate violently.

Brahma was originally the most wise man and the great elder of the Shura tribe. This time he rescued them from the seal that had been sealed for tens of thousands of years. Sensing the death of Great Brahma, every Shura tribe member was furious.

However, not all of the blood pool is surging violently. Viewed from the air, the left half of the blood pool is constantly setting off waves of blood, slapping on the surrounding stone walls, causing the entire ground to shake. The blood pool on the right half returned to calm after the initial tumbling, but it continued to fluctuate under the raging residual power of the blood pool on the right.

After a long time, several loud shouts suddenly came from the blood pool on the left.

"You cowards!! You are so dumb!! Elder Brahma sacrificed his life for us, how can you still be so calm!!"

"You are not worthy of being called Shura, even those weak humans are ten times stronger than you!!"

"There are only 20 to 30% of the strength left that has not been recovered. Is it that important?"

"If you don't take revenge, we will do it ourselves!!"

Following the roars of anger, more than a dozen huge blood shadows suddenly flew out of the blood pool, and each flew to the demon statues around the blood pool. In the flash of aura, more than a dozen bloody figures disappeared without a trace.

"What do you think?"

After these blood shadows disappeared, several extremely cold and stern voices suddenly came from the blood pool.

"The people who abuse the clan are all reckless people. They are sorry to Brahma for doing this. They forgot the instructions of Brahma so easily. We must regain our full strength before we can come back. The seal of these tens of thousands of years has not only made our strength The vitality in our body is greatly reduced, and more importantly, if it is not replenished, our immortality will be nothing more than a joke. "

"It doesn't matter. I've long disliked people who abuse the clan. It's okay to just let them go and buy some time for us to recover our strength."

"Those humans, what do you think?"

"They're just a bunch of chickens and dogs. It's a little troublesome to set up the formation, but after I regain my strength, it's still nothing to worry about."

"What about the three most powerful ones?"

"It should not be underestimated. It can already compete with our most powerful warriors. Unfortunately, the number is too small."

"I'm talking about their wisdom. The one named Zizhen has a commanding command, and the entire human monks were crushed into a ball in his hands. The one named Liu Ji has sharp reactions, strong observation, and endless magic weapons in his hands. That Zhang Xusheng is even more unfathomable, so after we meet them, we should be cautious."

"Hmph, with our absolute strength, what does it matter no matter how smart they are?"

While the Shura tribesmen were talking, an extremely strong vibration suddenly came from the ground. Although it was still thousands of feet underground, the terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations made even these powerful beings extremely frightened.

"The aura of those guys from the sadistic tribe...disappeared?"

After a long time, an incredible sound came from the blood pool.

ps: Twelve thousand words, a huge chapter, updated last night. Also, there will be an update in a while.

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