Seeking Immortality

Chapter 162. Zhang Xusheng (Part 2).

Because everyone was shocked by Mr. Liu's analysis, no one noticed Zhang Xusheng's actions at the beginning.

He could absorb all the Taoist magic power that attacked him and transform it into the most primitive energy to strengthen himself. Could it be that this "Soul Devouring Insect" was really impossible to kill as Da Lantian said?

It seemed to have the upper hand, but the more he attacked, the stronger he would be in the future. How should he fight this battle?

So when Zhang Xusheng rushed towards the "Soul Devouring Insect", everyone's first reaction was that Zhang Xusheng was testing whether Mr. Liu's words were true and whether this "Soul Devouring Insect" had other magic powers. After all, with Zhang Xusheng's personality and the inclination of his magic power, if he encountered such an extremely magical species as the "Soul Devouring Insect", he would probably be distracted for the rest of his life if he didn't study it carefully.

However, the next scene shocked everyone.

Zhang Xusheng rushed straight towards the "Soul Devouring Insect". There was no spiritual fluctuation on his body, no defense, and no attack. He didn't look like he was testing the "Soul Devouring Insect". Instead, he looked like he was rushing to his death.

The facts also confirmed the guesses in everyone's hearts after seeing this scene.

Although the "Soul Devouring Insect" had been suppressed and beaten by a group of human monks before, it seemed that it was full of holes and could be destroyed at any time, but in fact, it absorbed a lot of spiritual energy contained in the Taoist magic when the human monks attacked, and the energy in its body became more and more powerful.

However, the "Soul Devouring Insect" is a kind of demon that can evolve infinitely as long as there is energy! !

When everyone stopped attacking after Mr. Liu's words fell, the "Soul Devouring Insect" exploded.

Or, at first glance, the "Soul Devouring Insect" seemed to have exploded, but in fact, it was evolving and growing rapidly in an explosive form.

In a short moment, the wounds on the "Soul Devouring Insect" were not only healed, but the size of its body suddenly increased by nearly half. The broken tentacles on the body were not only fully restored, but also more than twice as thick and long as before.

And at this moment, Zhang Xusheng rushed straight towards the "Soul Devouring Insect".

The next moment, countless black tentacles rolled towards Zhang Xusheng. There was no resistance at all. They rolled Zhang Xusheng. At the same time, an extremely deep black hole suddenly cracked somewhere in the body of the "Soul Devouring Insect". And those black tentacles rolled Zhang Xusheng and quickly retracted towards the black hole on its body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Although the "Soul Devouring Insect" seemed powerful, it was born not long ago. Although it can evolve infinitely and is extremely difficult to kill, it is now only the strength of a human Yuanying period cultivator.

How could Zhang Xusheng be caught by the "Soul Devouring Insect" so easily and be swallowed up?

However, this is the fact.

A group of masters subconsciously wanted to rescue him. Various Taoist magics attacked the "Soul Devouring Insect", but the "Soul Devouring Insect" seemed to have sensed the tremendous energy contained in Zhang Xusheng's body. But it refused to let go, and countless tentacles blocked everyone's attacks. In addition, because of Mr. Liu's previous words, everyone did not dare to use too powerful Taoist magic, and for a while they could only let Zhang Xusheng be dragged into the depths of the body by the "Soul Devouring Insect"! !

When Zhang Xusheng was caught, not only did he not struggle at all, but he even had time to look back at Mr. Liu. At that moment, the smile on Zhang Xusheng's mouth was so unfathomable.

Mr. Liu did not make a move, and his face was extremely livid at this moment.

The moment Zhang Xusheng was caught by the "Soul Devouring Insect", he had already understood all of Zhang Xusheng's intentions.

After the "Soul Devouring Insect" caught Zhang Xusheng, the suction cups on the tentacles and the fine teeth in the suction cups were all attached to Zhang Xusheng's body, and began to absorb Zhang Xusheng's body continuously.

Zhang Xusheng is one of the top cultivators in the human world, and one can imagine how rich his spiritual energy is.

As the "Soul Devouring Insect" began to absorb the energy in Zhang Xusheng's body, its size began to grow again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Mr. Liu keenly sensed that Zhang Xusheng had used some means to absorb the spiritual energy in his body, and he had actually directed most of the power of the "Soul Devouring Insect" to the seven "Black Dragon Evil Repelling Nails" in his body! !

The spiritual energy in Zhang Xusheng's body was indeed rapidly draining, but the energy in the "Black Dragon Evil Repelling Nails" was draining even faster! !

At the beginning, Mr. Liu joined forces with Zizhen Immortal and Li Fulu to defeat and capture Zhang Xusheng with great difficulty. Although he later agreed to Zhang Xusheng's conditions to cooperate with each other, he shot the righteous treasure - seven "Black Dragon Evil Repelling Nails" into Zhang Xusheng's body. As long as Zhang Xusheng had any other intentions, Mr. Liu could take Zhang Xusheng's life within a cup of tea.

But Mr. Liu never expected that Zhang Xusheng would choose to do so at this time.

Zhang Xusheng looked at Mr. Liu's livid face quietly, and the smile on his lips became more and more mysterious, as if provoking, as if mocking, and with a gambler-like bachelor temperament that should never appear on a cultivator! !

From the moment Zhang Xusheng was caught by the "Soul Devouring Insect", Mr. Liu only had three choices left.

The first choice, although the energy in the "Black Dragon Exorcist Nail" was quickly lost, as long as Mr. Liu was willing, he could still control the "Black Dragon Exorcist Nail" to take Zhang Xusheng's life within a cup of tea. However, in this case, the spiritual energy in Zhang Xusheng's body would be absorbed by the "Soul Devouring Insect" faster, and after absorbing Zhang Xusheng's energy, how could the "Soul Devouring Insect" control it?

The second option is to take back the "Black Dragon Evil-Repelling Nail". After Zhang Xusheng achieves his goal, the "Soul-Eating Insect" will definitely not be able to continue to trap Zhang Xusheng. At that time, Zhang Xusheng will naturally leave, and the "Soul-Eating Insect" cannot absorb Zhang Xusheng's energy. In a short period of time, it is limited by its ability and naturally cannot do much harm. However, Zhang Xusheng will be out of control from then on.

The third option is to let the "Soul-Eating Insect" absorb the energy in Zhang Xusheng and the "Black Dragon Evil-Repelling Nail". Mr. Liu is certainly afraid that the "Soul-Eating Insect" will grow to be uncontrollable. Will Zhang Xusheng be willing to be absorbed by the "Soul-Eating Insect" and never recover? As long as Mr. Liu treats everything in front of him as just watching a show. Let go, or... or Zhang Xusheng will save himself at the critical moment.

So there are three choices. But in fact, Mr. Liu has no choice.

When Zhang Xusheng took the initiative to devote himself to the "Soul-Eating Insect", everything was out of Mr. Liu's control. Start to act according to Zhang Xusheng's trajectory! !

This is a crazy and unimaginable trajectory. Another name for this trajectory is gambling! !

This is Zhang Xusheng's provocation to Mr. Liu. This is a psychological struggle between two masters. This is a gamble that he has carefully designed. Betting on his own life and the whole world, if he wins, he will be out of Mr. Liu's control from now on, and if he loses, he will be absorbed by the "Soul Devouring Insect" and will never recover. And the "Soul Devouring Insect" will be invincible from now on and harm the world.

Under pressure, Mr. Liu can only participate in this gamble. Mr. Liu is betting that Zhang Xusheng will never be willing to be absorbed by the "Soul Devouring Insect" and die, while Zhang Xusheng is betting that Mr. Liu will never dare to let the "Soul Devouring Insect" devour him like this! !

Mr. Liu looked at Zhang Xusheng coldly. They tested each other's psychological bottom line.

From Zhang Xusheng being trapped by the "Soul Devouring Insect" to the black tentacles rolling Zhang Xusheng into the depths of its body. It was just a moment, but in this moment. Zhang Xusheng and Mr. Liu had experienced hundreds of psychological confrontations with each other!!

"You will not be willing to be absorbed by the Soul Devouring Bug like this. At the last moment, you will definitely break free from the control of the Soul Devouring Bug!"

Mr. Liu said to Zhang Xusheng with his eyes, and also to himself.

"How do you know that I will escape by myself? Instead of being controlled by you in the future, I am absorbed by the Soul Devouring Bug and create a peerless demon to annoy you all the time. It is also a very interesting thing!!"

Zhang Xusheng responded with a look that was almost rogue. Deep in his eyes, there was a deep indifference, indifference to Mr. Liu, indifference to the world, and indifference to...himself.

"With your character, you will never do such a thing that harms others and benefits yourself!!"

"With my character, what can I not do?"

Mr. Liu and Zhang Xusheng continued to fight psychologically. As Zhang Xusheng absorbed more energy, and as Zhang Xusheng's body and the black hole in the body of the "Soul Devouring Insect" got closer and closer, the psychological bottom line of both sides was getting closer and closer, and their hearts began to gradually rise in the air.

Zhang Xusheng, is he really willing to be absorbed by the "Soul Devouring Insect" in order to escape from being controlled by himself?

Although it was only a moment, Mr. Liu felt that tens of millions of years had passed. As the psychological bottom line got closer and closer, Mr. Liu doubted his persistence for the first time.

Suddenly, Mr. Liu thought of two very critical points. If the "Black Dragon Evil Repelling Nail" was sucked out of all its energy by the "Soul Devouring Insect" before Zhang Xusheng, then the "Soul Devouring Insect" would become more powerful, and Zhang Xusheng would also break free from the control of the "Soul Devouring Insect" the moment the "Black Dragon Evil Repelling Nail" lost its effect. At that time, what should he do? What if Zhang Xusheng has a way to regain a new body after being sucked dry?

These two things may happen, but they may not happen.

But, does Mr. Liu really dare to bet that these two things will not happen? Once the bet is lost, not only will Zhang Xusheng not be eliminated, but a peerless demon will be created! !

In the end, Mr. Liu lost this psychological bet!

Mr. Liu gritted his teeth and waved his hand. Seven black lights suddenly appeared from all parts of Zhang Xusheng's body. The next moment, they returned to Mr. Liu's hands. They were the seven "Black Dragon Evil-Repelling Nails"! ! .

Zhang Xusheng was out of Mr. Liu's control.

Zizhen Immortal originally planned to rescue Zhang Xusheng, but when he saw this scene and looked at Mr. Liu with eyes as delicate as his, he instantly understood Zhang Xusheng's calculations, and his face turned even more livid.

Everyone was calculated by Zhang Xusheng! ! This is a huge blow to both the future of the righteous path and the self-esteem of the masters.

However, although he was extremely angry, Zizhen Immortal had no better solution.

"Zhang Xusheng!!"

Mr. Liu said word by word.

At the beginning, Mr. Liu, Zizhen Immortal, and Li Fulu worked together to capture Zhang Xusheng. At this time, Li Fulu was dead. With the strength of Mr. Liu and Zizhen Immortal, Zhang Xusheng could certainly be defeated, but it would be a battle that would last for a long time, and they had to take into account the "Soul Devouring Insect" under their feet.

Moreover, the residual power generated by the battle between the three top masters was enough for the "Soul Devouring Insect" to break through another level of strength to pursue, but it was stopped by Mr. Liu and Zizhen Immortal, and watched Zhang Xusheng leave! !

All of this was planned by Zhang Xusheng long ago. From the moment he took out the "Soul Devouring Bug" demon egg, he had already predicted everything that would happen in the future! ! More than that, he was more frightened! !

He never thought that he would lose to Zhang Xusheng. No matter how talented Zhang Xusheng was, no matter how many earth-shaking things Zhang Xusheng had done before, Mr. Liu still believed that he would not lose to Zhang Xusheng. In fact, in the previous confrontation, all of Zhang Xusheng's calculations did not escape Mr. Liu's eyes, and Mr. Liu had always suppressed Zhang Xusheng.

However, after this incident, Mr. Liu had to admit that he might be as good as Zhang Xusheng in strength, vision and close thinking. However, he did not have Zhang Xusheng's wild imagination and gambler-like bachelor temperament. His behavior was traceable, while Zhang Xusheng was unpredictable.

This is the most essential difference between Mr. Liu and Zhang Xusheng! !

How can such a Zhang Xusheng really defeat him?

On the other side, at the moment when the "Black Dragon Exorcist Nail" left, Zhang Xusheng smiled slightly, and without any movement, the black tentacles wrapped around him broke one after another, and Zhang Xusheng flew towards the "disaster cloud" in the sky without hesitation! !

Before leaving, Zhang Xusheng turned back and took a deep look at Mr. Liu. His eyes were not happy, not sarcastic, not proud, but more like regret.

Or, this gamble was also a self-destructive action taken by the kind side of Zhang Xusheng's soul.

Unfortunately, as always, even if he created opportunities for his opponent, the winner was still the evil Zhang Xusheng

"See you later!!"

Zhang Xusheng said leisurely.

However, just before Zhang Xusheng's figure sank into the "disaster cloud", something strange happened.

A figure appeared out of thin air, holding a magic weapon, and attacked Zhang Xusheng fiercely.

When Zizhen Immortal saw the figure, he couldn't help but exclaimed, it was his junior brother Liu Ziqing! !

At the same time, a huge black cloud filled with endless death energy crashed into Zhang Xusheng's "disaster cloud". The person standing proudly on the black cloud was none other than the ancestor of the Zhong family!!

PS: Well, this is the first update today. (To be continued. If you want to know what happens next, please visit Chapter 6 for more information. Support the author and support Zheng

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