Seeking Immortality

Chapter 166. Jiazi Cave, Inherited Divine Plate (Part 2).

Dongfang Qingling, Wang Zegang, Bai Qingfu, Zhang Ningmei, and the Tian brothers didn't feel anything special about this array plate engraved with thousands of mythical beasts. They thought it was just a stone plate for decoration, but they just felt empty. There was such a strange stone plate placed empty in the stone cave. Xu Qingfan noticed the phoenix pattern carved on it at a glance. His heart was faintly throbbing and he couldn't help but want to step forward to observe. But not much else.

The strongest expression was undoubtedly that Bai Yu and the ancient monsters that Xu Qingfan gave to the disciples were stunned somewhere, and then seemed to have lost their souls, their eyes were straight, and they were walking towards the array in a daze. , and those spiritual pets cheered even more, and rushed towards the array, while Xiao Hei and other monsters looked at the array with envy and respect.

Although he didn't know why Bai Yu and the spiritual pets behaved like this, Xu Qingfan intuitively believed that Bai Yu and the spiritual pets should not be allowed to come into contact with this array.

"Bai Yu, don't act rashly yet!!"

Xu Qingfan stopped him.

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Bai, Xiao Bi, Xiao Hui!! Come back!!"

Bai Yu lost his soul, Ting'er lost her mind, and Zhang Ningmei blocked four spiritual pets by herself. /\\

However, no matter how Xu Qingfan and Zhang Ningmei tried to stop him, Bai Yu still walked towards the stone plate in a daze, and the four spiritual pets had already rushed to the edge of the stone plate. Seeing the four spiritual pets crowded together and about to stand on the formation plate, a melodious and ancient bell suddenly rang in the cave and continued to echo. It was at the critical moment that Xu Qingfan took out the "Five Spirit Bells" and struck them one after another.

The "Five Spirits Bell" has the power to shake people's hearts. Under the sound of the "Five Spirits Bell", both Bai Yu and the four spirit pets were shocked, and their eyes were confused and clear. Something mysterious attracted Bai Yu and four spiritual pets. He used the "Five Spirit Bell" to sound the bell, just to temporarily block it. Then he took advantage of this moment to stop Bai Yu and the four spiritual pets, but he didn't expect that after his mind returned to clarity, Bai Yu looked around with doubtful eyes, as if he didn't know what he had just done. The four spiritual pets all moved away from the stone plate, as if they were afraid that they would come into contact with the stone plate. However, despite this, the eyes of the four spiritual pets still looked at the stone plate with enthusiasm.

Seeing Bai Yu and the four spiritual pets acting like this. Xu Qingfan couldn't help but be stunned. What kind of secrets does this stone plate hide? Why did Bai Yu and the four spiritual pets approach them involuntarily when they first met them? After your mind regained its clarity, you hurriedly avoided it?

Xu Qingfan frowned and thought for a moment. Seeing Bai Yu looking towards the stone plate again, his eyes gradually became confused again. He frowned and reached out to pat Bai Yu's vest. The "life energy" circulated in Bai Yu's body for several times, bringing Bai Yu's mind back to his mind.

"Don't look at this stone plate anymore. It has the power to control your mind. Don't act rashly until I check it clearly."

With doubts about the stone plate, Xu Qingfan walked slowly towards the stone plate amid Bai Yu's panicked response.

Seeing Xu Qingfan approaching the stone plate, Xiao Hui, Xiao Huang, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bi all barked several times, seeming to prevent Xu Qingfan from approaching. This was due to the relationship between Xu Qingfan and their master, and also because of Xu Qingfan's The strength is far greater than them, so although he roared to stop it, he didn't make any moves.

Walking more than ten feet before the stone plate, there was no energy fluctuation in the stone plate, but Xu Qingfan felt a faint sense of depression. He couldn't help but feel his spiritual energy running through his body. He was on guard, and his huge spiritual consciousness came out to explore the stone plate. /\\

However, while Xu Qingfan used his spiritual consciousness to observe the stone plate, something unexpectedly appeared...

In Xu Qingfan's eyes, among the numerous mythical beasts carved on the stone plate, the phoenix carving in the right corner suddenly grew in size. As the phoenix carving grew larger and larger in Xu Qingfan's eyes, it obscured Xu Qingfan's vision. , involuntarily. The scene around Xu Qingfan suddenly disappeared. This stone plate seemed to have experienced countless years of vicissitudes of life. Under its influence, time seemed to turn into a blurry shadow, flowing backwards around Xu Qingfan. For a moment, it seemed as if he had come to another place. in a time and space.

I don’t know how long it took, but Xu Qingfan only felt that his eyes were clear, and the phantom of the phoenix was scattered. However, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Xu Qingfan found that he had come to an extremely strange world. The earth was barren, the sky and the earth were dim, and sometimes A huge bolt of lightning fell from somewhere in the sky, and wherever it landed, a high mountain suddenly turned into ashes.

Between heaven and earth, there are no animals that are common today, and there is no human habitation at all. Occasionally, one or two extremely powerful mythical beasts will fly past. These mythical beasts include green dragons, redbirds, unicorns, and many more that are equally powerful, but Xu Qingfan Divine beasts that have never been seen before. These strange beasts are faintly visible on the stone plate.

In addition to the mythical beasts that are seen by chance, there are also a larger number of humanoid races. Some of these humanoid races Xu Qingfan has seen in ancient books and classics. They are the Shura tribe. Many others who have not been seen before must have disappeared. Some Shura tribe.

The location where Xu Qingfan is located is extremely lively in the desolate world at this moment. A large number of mythical beasts have flown here and are lying on the ground. It seems that there is an unprecedented gathering among the mythical beasts. Their expressions are all... There is some nervousness.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qingfan suddenly realized that his mind had entered Shi Pan's memory under the guidance of Shi Pan.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan was shocked and frowned. First, seeing the scene at this time, it was far from the ancient times. This mysterious stone plate should not bring his mind here for no reason. I am afraid that the secret will be revealed in front of him in an unknown time. Secondly, he did not expect that as a master of the Spiritual Division Stage, he would be so easily and unconsciously affected. Obviously, the power of the stone plate is far beyond human imagination. Thirdly, he did not know how long his mind would be immersed in this memory. If this secret needs tens of millions of years to be revealed, does it mean that he will have to stay here for tens of millions of years? Although tens of millions of years in the mind may only be a moment in reality, these beasts in front of him are also extremely rare, but if he keeps admiring them, tens of millions of years will be enough to make him bored.

Xu Qingfan tried to move his body, but found helplessly that he could not move at all. After trying all kinds of methods but still failing, Xu Qingfan simply stopped the experiment and watched the changes in the situation at ease. Since his body could not move, the secret should be carried out here.

At this moment, there was a sudden strong earthquake. The sky and the earth shook, the wind blew, the clouds gathered and dispersed, the earth cracked, and the mountains collapsed. For a moment, it seemed as if the sky was falling and the earth was sinking. Even those powerful beasts could not stand firmly for a while.

Xu Qingfan only saw a memory, so he did not see any bumps in the picture, but he was shocked to see this scene. How could such a strong earthquake be produced? Compared with this, in the era when Xu Qingfan lived, the so-called earthquakes were almost non-existent.

However, those beasts seemed to have gotten used to it. After a long time on the ground, their expressions were more nervous.

In this way, I don’t know how long it took, and more beasts joined in. In the end, tens of thousands of extremely powerful beings like Qilin gathered here. However, as more beasts joined in one by one, Xu Qingfan was numb to such a shocking scene.

During this period of time, there were about ten extremely terrifying earthquakes, each stronger than the last. Later, it seemed that it was no longer an earthquake, but the whole world was shaking.

Xu Qingfan suspected that under such powerful and intensive earthquakes, it would not be long before the entire Shenzhou would be torn apart.

At the same time, there were two points that made Xu Qingfan extremely suspicious. Although there were monsters joining in, more and more monsters did not gather in a circle, but faced the south. The later ones also fell in the north, as if there was something in the south that made them extremely afraid of the majestic plateau of Dongbi. Although there were strong earthquakes, this plateau not only did not collapse, but it was getting bigger and bigger in front of Xu Qingfan. Xu Qingfan intuitively thought that there might be something wrong with this plateau, but at this moment, his mind was just entering a memory, and he could not use the "Sky Eye Technique" or expand his consciousness to explore the plateau. He could only watch the plateau getting bigger and bigger in front of him, connecting with the east and west ends of the world.

The beasts looked towards the south and felt that the source of their fear and uneasiness was this plateau that was getting bigger and bigger! !

After a while, the plateau not only connected the north and south of the world, but also covered the sky and the earth, as if the entire southern world of Shenzhou was all under this plateau.

During this period of time, the beasts had gathered, and the Shura tribes also joined in. For a time, there were tens of thousands of beasts and millions of Shura tribes in Xu Qingfan's position... Such an extremely powerful force that had never been seen before gathered together, but whether it was the Shura tribe or the beasts, the uneasiness on their faces became more and more obvious.

Once again, the earth shook, the sky collapsed, and something that shocked Xu Qingfan appeared.

ps: Today is the first update. The future updates will be stable at around 7:30 pm and 9 pm respectively. If there are additional updates, they will be at 11 pm and before 9 am. In this short period of time before the completion of the book, there will be 6,000 to 12,000 per day, and there will be no big explosion. I just hope to develop a stable update pattern. (To be continued. If you want to know what happens next, please visit Chapter 6i for more information.

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