Seeking Immortality

Chapter 168. East China Sea, Xialing Island (Part 1).

The dark blue bead made from the corpses of millions of Shura people\u003e its function. It should help the Shura tribe reproduce their offspring quickly. Or simply directly create the effect of the Shura people!

This inference comes to mind. Xu Qingfan suddenly felt extremely depressed.

The Shura clan is so powerful. If the number increases significantly. How will humanity resist? The reason why humans were able to defeat the Shura clan back then and seal them away. Firstly, it was because the Shura clan was in the midst of internal fighting for survival of the fittest. The internal races are fiercely fighting each other. Coupled with human provocation. It's out of control. Secondly, it was because there were no other people except humans. In addition, there are other large clans such as the Sea Clan, Spirit Clan, and Wing Clan that are no less than human beings and are also oppressed by the Shura Clan. Join forces with humans to fight against the Shura clan.

But what now? After the battle between the Sea Tribe, the Spirit Tribe, and the Wing Tribe, they fought against the Shura Tribe. The loss of strength was heavy. Destroyed by humans. Hurry. We have long lost our former allies. And once the Shura clan regains its strength. They will never fight among themselves before wiping out humanity.

Under such circumstances. How should humans resist the Shura tribe?

The more you think about it. Xu Qingfan's mood became more and more depressed.

Any guesses. Xu Qingfan couldn't even think of it. Under such circumstances. How do humans find a way out?

Just when Xu Qingfan was deep in thought. Everyone else noticed that Xu Qingfan's expression suddenly became heavy. They all looked at Xu Qingfan with doubts. I don't know what happened. I don’t know if I should ask.

"Junior Brother Xu? Junior Brother Xu?"

Just then. Bai Qingfu called out.

What's going on? "Under Bai Qingfu's call, Xu Qingfan finally came to his senses. He turned around and asked.

"What happened? Look at your expression. It seems very important and serious."

Bai Qingfu asked.

Xu Qingfan looked around at everyone around him. Then he slowly told everyone the scene he saw just now after entering the inheritance god plate, as well as the function and current status of the inheritance god plate.

Listen to Xu Qingfan's description. Although I didn't see the scene at that time. But everyone was still shocked by the battle scene and the wonderful use of the inheritance disk. At the thought of tens of thousands of divine beasts and millions of Shura tribesmen rushing towards a demon that was about half the size of China's vast land. Scenes of fighting each other. I was shocked by the longing for it.

at the same time. Bai Yu learned that the inherited divine disk could enhance the power of his own bloodline. And at the same time, it is possible to obtain the inheritance of some Qiongqi's understanding of the way of heaven from generation to generation. Even more happy. Especially when Feng Qingtian relied on this inheritance disk to become a master.

Tian Zhenxian and Tian Zhenling's faces were full of envy. Congratulations to Bai Yu. Bai Yu was worried that Xu Qingfan and other elders were nearby. He forced himself to hold back his laughter. Under the congratulations of the Tian family brothers, they kept patting their shoulders. It looks like you two will be covered by me from now on.

However. People with keen minds such as Bai Qingfu, Dongfang Qingling, Wang Zegang, and Zhang Ningmei. But they all realized from the solemn look on Xu Qingfan's face that things might not be that simple. otherwise. I learned a secret story. There are also inheritance disks that can enhance the power of disciples' spiritual pets. Xu Qingfan should be happy no matter what.

final. But it was Bai Qingfu who reacted first. Like Xu Qingfan before, his body couldn't help but tremble. Asked Xu Qingfan: "You mean. The dark blue bead refined by the remnant Shura clan?"

Xu Qingfan nodded gently. Said: "Have you thought of it?"

I heard the conversation between Bai Qingfu and Xu Qingfan. Dongfang Qingling, Wang Zegang, and Zhang Ningmei were all shaken. Obviously, Xu Qingfan's worries were understood.

Dongfang Qingling said: "If that dark blue bead can help the Shura tribe reproduce. Or even directly increase the number of people, then given the power of the Shura tribe, mankind will be in trouble."

Wang Zegang nodded silently. Asked Xu Qingfan: "Fellow Daoist Xu, what should we do? Should we tell the Righteous Alliance about this matter?"

Xu Qingfan sighed slightly. Said: "To tell is to tell. The question is how to tell. You need to know. The whole thing happened. Only I, a possessed person, have seen it."

Dongfang Qingling asked: "Are you saying that the seniors in the Righteous Alliance won't believe it?"

Xu Qingfan shook his head and said: "This kind of thing. No matter what the situation is, I would rather believe it. If you don't believe it, there is no place. With the experience of Zizhen Immortal and the others, they will not blindly disbelieve it just because of this. Just. If we go Tell them. I'm afraid they will detain us. I'm thinking about how to let them notice this quietly."

Just when Xu Qingfan was thinking about countermeasures. Zhang Ningmei has been silent. Suddenly he said: "Master. Three seniors. Disciple thought of something. I also ask master and three seniors to point out whether there are any mistakes."

Xu Qingfan was slightly startled. Turning to look at Zhang Ningmei. But he suddenly remembered that he was also a person with a high level of intelligence. Although he usually doesn't show off his appearance. But don’t dare to underestimate it. Or maybe he really thought of something that he and others didn't expect. So he said: "No need to be polite. If you have any ideas, just tell me."

Zhang Ningmei muttered: "My disciple thinks that the master and the seniors have taken the matter too seriously. Or the matter is not that serious. For one thing, even if the dark blue bead can help the Shura tribe to reproduce, it can even directly create a new generation of Shura tribe. . The cultivation strength of these newly emerged Shura tribes cannot be too high, let alone those who have just been released. You must know that the more than 70 Shura tribesmen who escaped were from the Shura tribe tens of thousands of years ago. Top man. Secondly, and most importantly, Master, you said that it will take a while to replenish the energy of the Shura clan's dark blue bead. After all, the magical power of the Shura tribe is much inferior to that of the divine beasts of the past, and its function consumes much more energy. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Shura tribe to not use this when they were pushed into desperation. A bead. And with the character of the Shura people, as long as they have this bead, there will never be a battle of survival of the fittest every tens of thousands of years."

Listen to Zhang Ningmei's sweet words. Everyone's expressions showed a sudden realization. Xu Qingfan said: "Ning Mei. Keep talking."

Zhang Ningmei nodded. His expression became more confident: "Disciple noticed something. The Shura clan has appeared since ancient times. It has been reproduced for countless generations. The number is endless. After countless times of survival of the fittest, there have been many casualties. Although the world has undergone tremendous changes over the years, the world has undergone tremendous changes. But For tens of thousands of years, my human race has ruled the vast land of China. Except for those Shura tribes that were killed by me, it would be too strange to combine it with the bones of the Shura tribe from other eras. Seeing those scenes, the disciples thought that if they wanted to move this dark blue bead, they would not only need a long time to accumulate energy, but also need the blood corpses of the Shura tribe to continue to destroy it. To support the small clans within to strengthen the remaining big clans after the internal strife.”

Dongfang Qingling shook his head and said: "The problem is. These Shura people have been sealed for these years. I am afraid that the bead has already accumulated enough energy. When the Shura people were wiped out by us, the internal fighting was already halfway underway. Even if not enough corpses are collected, it is still enough to create a lot of Shura people."

Zhang Ningmei said: "It is indeed very possible. But the younger generation believes that even if the Shura tribe collects enough resources, they will never use that bead to create a new generation of Shura tribe immediately. The reason why the Shura tribe is powerful is because they have endless resources. The lifespan is enough for them to practice. Let’s not talk about whether the dark blue bead will have any impact on the remaining Shura tribe. After the new generation of Shura tribe is born, it will never be too strong. The new generation of Shura people will probably suffer heavy casualties in the battle with humans before they grow up. This is hard to accept for the Shura people who are already on the verge of extinction.

After a pause. Zhang Ningmei continued: "If I were one of the remaining Shura tribesmen, I should try my best to create a new generation of Shura tribesmen who are relatively powerful but not in large numbers. Cooperate with these new generation of Shura tribesmen. Relying on them is far stronger than The individual strength of human beings will at least scare the human beings into hiding in the Ronghua Mountain. Only then will they create and breed new Shura tribesmen. Overall, I think we humans still have some time to breathe.”

Hear Zhang Ningmei’s analysis. Everyone was silent. Although Zhang Ningmei's words were limited to her knowledge. There are many flaws. But it also makes sense.

However. Xu Qingfan sighed: "Ningmei, I'm very happy that you can think of this. But you have thought less of it. The Shura tribe's motto is survival of the fittest. The fittest survives."

While talking. Xu Qingfan's eyes became distant. He continued: "This inference of yours treats the Shura tribe as human beings. If they were human beings, they would certainly consider the younger generation and try every means to create a stable development time for them. But in the eyes of the Shura tribe, Come. Maybe it will be a fight with humans next, or a chance for them to train a new generation of Shura people."

Speaking of which. Xu Qingfan seemed to suddenly remember something. The spirit was shaken. A smile flashed across his lips. Turning to Bai Qingfu, he asked, "Senior Brother Bai. Is there any way you can contact Zhang Xusheng?"

Bai Qingfu was slightly startled. In an instant, his eyes lit up. Said: "You mean to tell Zhang Xusheng about this?"

Xu Qingfan nodded. Said: "We can't stop this. But Zhang Xusheng will definitely find a way. And he also has a way to tell the Righteous Alliance about this."

While talking. Everyone has left the huge black mountain. They are all stepping on the back of the yellow bird. Flying towards the outside of the Southern Wilderness.

Bai Qingfu didn't want to see Zhang Xusheng again. But he still asked: "Will you contact me now?"

Xu Qingfan nodded. Said: "Now."

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