Seeking Immortality

Chapter 15. Secret Discussion (Part 2).

The demon Xu Qingfan was talking about was exactly the demon that turned into a demon after the death of the head of the Zhong family was too resentful and the death energy mutated.

Although this demon is not as exaggerated as the "Spirit Devouring Insect", it can absorb most of the spiritual energy of the entire land of China. It does not evolve that quickly, but it also evolves by absorbing the spiritual energy of others, and he is better than What's even more powerful about the "Spirit-Eating Insect" is that it can not only absorb other people's aura energy, it can even absorb other people's magical powers and turn it into a strange eye that can be found all over the body.

After Xu Qingfan finally killed the demon, the demon's body exploded, leaving only an eyeball-like thing. After Xu Qingfan's observation over the years, he found that this eyeball still retained some strange life fluctuations. , as long as it is supplied with death energy and devouring creatures, Zhai can once again transform into the monster it once was.

Because this demon was too terrifying, although Xu Qingfan had thought of a way to control it, he still sealed the eyeball somewhere on the Seven Islands of Xia Ling. However, after hearing the news that the "Soul-Eating Insect" had reappeared in the world, Xu Qingfan felt faint There is a feeling that this "soul-eating insect" will break through the confinement of humans sooner or later, but I don't know whether someone will release it or it will break through on its own.

Just in case, Xu Qingfan decided to let this monster reappear in the world. A monster like the "Spirit Devouring Insect" that absorbs everything in the world as a condition for evolution can only be dealt with by monsters with the same power.

For Xu Qingfan, the good news is that this "soul-eating insect" has been sealed by humans. It has not evolved at all in the past thirty years and is still the strength of the late Nascent Soul. Xu Qingfan can use the time before his comeback to The demon in his hand has grown to a more powerful level. After all, the "soul-eating insect" is the most terrifying creature that has appeared in the world since the beginning of time. Xu Qingfan does not expect that the demon in his hand can defeat it with the same strength, but If this demon was more powerful, it might be possible that it and the "Soul-Eating Insect" could absorb each other and perish together.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the "soul-eating insect" and the demon. One of the two completely overwhelms the other, and becomes even more powerful after completely absorbing it.

In order to prevent this possibility, Xu Qingfan needs to be extremely careful during specific operations.


After discussing with Wang Zegang, Bai Qingfu and others about the plans for the Seven Xia Ling Islands in the future, Xu Qingfan took Bai Qingfu and Wang Zegang and left "Mingxintang".

This kind of secret business unknowingly took nearly two hours. After Xu Qingfan left "Mingxintang", he found that the houses of Liu Ziqing, Wang Yuxian, Dongfang and others had been built, and they were all lined up. Near the central hills and lakes of Tianshu Island, looking from a distance, Tianshu Island has finally become more popular, refusing to accept the desolation and loneliness it has experienced for the past thirty years.

Just as Xu Qingfan, Bai Qingfu and Wang Zegang were looking at the complex features of Tianshu Island, Dongfang Qingling walked quickly and reported to Xu Qingfan the arrangements of the more than a hundred mortals.

According to Dongfang Qingling's story, in addition to the more than twenty well-behaved and clever people who stayed on Tianshu Island and were responsible for taking care of the daily life of the group of immortal cultivators on Tianshu Island, there were nearly a hundred other mortal teenagers and children. They were all assigned by her to the currently unused "Kaiyang Island". At this time, these mortals had begun to build houses and make fishing nets, preparing to make a living from fishing in the future.

In addition, Dongfang Qingling separated the seventeen young men headed by Shen Gang who had the talent of cultivating immortals together, and they also lived on the edge of Tianshu Island. Under the guidance of everyone, it was not difficult for these seventeen people to reach the Xudan stage, but except for Shen Gang, it was extremely difficult for the other sixteen people to continue to break through.

After hearing Dongfang Qingling's narration, Xu Qingfan nodded with satisfaction, smiled at Dongfang Qingling and said, "Thank you, by the way, how is the young man named Wang Li doing now?"

Dongfang Qingling shook his head and said: "Since you said it was impossible for him to cultivate immortality, he has been extremely silent. That Shen Gang has been comforting him, but he did not respond. When Shen Gang and seventeen others left with me, His expression changed

Very poor. "

Hearing Dongfang Qingling's words, Xu Qingfan sighed. To be honest, he really wanted to help Wang Li. Unfortunately, people's lives are different. Their hearts are higher than the sky, and their lives are thinner than paper. This is the truth.

Bai Qingfu said: "Wang Li can't cultivate immortality, which may be a good thing. His character is too extreme. Once he succeeds in cultivating immortality in the future, he may become a murderous and violent person."

Xu Qingfan nodded in agreement. From the look in Wang Li's eyes, Xu Qingfan could see that his heart was completely filled with hatred. He only thought about revenge, but completely ignored the care of Shen Gang and others for him. He didn't know what would happen in the future. After the revenge is successful, what will happen to him if he loses the support in his heart?

Then, Xu Qingfan no longer thought about it and led the three of them towards the monks who had just settled on Xialing Island. After greeting them one by one, the four of them chatted for a few more words. Xu Qingfan said goodbye to everyone and met Dongfang Qing. The spirit flew towards Yuheng Island.

Xu Qingfan went to Yuheng Island for this purpose, while Dongfang Qingling went to take care of Ting'er.

On the way, Dongfang Qingling was a little silent.

"Junior Sister Dongfang, what's wrong?" Xu Qingfan felt strange and turned around to ask.

Dongfang Qingling glanced at Xu Qingfan and suddenly asked: "Senior Brother Xu, were you discussing future countermeasures with Senior Brother Bai and Daoyou Wang just now?"

Xu Qingfan nodded and asked, "What's wrong?"

Dongfang Qingling looked Xu Qingfan straight in the eyes and asked: "Senior Brother Xu, you know my abilities, why have you never revealed your plan to me in these years, and only discussed it with Senior Brother Wang Daoyou Bai?".

Xu Qingfan suddenly realized that Dongfang Qingling felt that he regarded her as an outsider.

After Xu Qingfan was silent for a long time, he said: "Junior Sister Dongfang, do you still remember the first time you and I met?"

Dongfang Qingling looked at Xu Qingfan in confusion, not knowing why she asked this.

Xu Qingfan said: "To be honest, you were really a little unruly at that time, and you used words to make me confused. Although you were unruly or unpopular with others, you were really carefree at that time, and now you have You have long since lost the shadow of your original self. You have become mature and generous, and you have become knowledgeable. Maybe this is a good thing, but it is only due to great pressure that you have changed like this. To be honest, my next plan is a bit dark. , I don’t want you to get involved. You’ve had a good life these years, and I don’t want you to get involved in those intrigues anymore. I’m saying this, do you understand?”

Dongfang Qingling took a deep look at Xu Qingfan and said softly after a long time: "I understand, thank you, Senior Brother Xu, but I really want to help you, not like this..."

Xu Qingfan smiled and said: "You are helping me now, don't worry, there will be many opportunities in the future."

During the conversation between Xu Qingfan and Dongfang Qingling, Yuheng Island was already in front of them. After saying goodbye to each other, Xu Qingfan returned to his house, while Dongfang Qingling went to Ting'er's house to take care of her. Xu Qingfan suddenly discovered that everything at this time Their actions, including the look at each other and the smiles before parting, and the instructions they gave each other, were so familiar. This scene had been repeated for thirty years without knowing it.

Xu Qingfan returned to the house, recalling Dongfang Qingling's words on the road, and couldn't help but feel a little warmer in his heart, but in an instant he had lost his emotions and was about to prepare for meditation.

However, at this moment, Liu Ziqing's voice suddenly came from outside the house.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, can it be convenient for me to talk to you at this time?"

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