Seeking Immortality

Chapter 17. Barbarian Village.

Three days later.

The night of the Southern Wasteland was dark, and the boundless dark clouds covered all the stars and moonlight. In the darkness, the Southern Wasteland became more mysterious.

Xu Qingfan stepped on the green clouds and quietly stopped in the air. Hundreds of mutant eagles rushed towards him in front of him, and their black bodies blended into the dark night scene of the Southern Wasteland. Only the violent sound of breaking through the air sounded from far to near. On the ground under his feet, waves of beast roars rang out one after another, resounding through the sky and the earth.

Facing the mutant eagles attacking him, Xu Qingfan's expression did not change at all, but he was just quietly waiting for something. Finally, when these mutant eagles rushed to a place only ten feet away from him, Xu Qingfan suddenly turned from stillness, and his ten fingers flicked continuously, and hundreds of six-diamond flowers appeared between his ten fingers, shooting towards the mutant eagles that were rushing towards him. After the eagle and the six-ring flower collided, violent explosions sounded one after another, and dense gray fog began to fill the area eight feet in front of Xu Qingfan. Although the night wind in the southern wilderness was strong in the sky, it could not blow away the fog at all.

The violent explosion of the six-ring flower blew the flesh and blood of dozens of mutant eagles that were leading the charge. The broken petals and black feathers, along with the flying flesh and blood, kept falling to the ground, causing a commotion among the mutant beasts on the ground. After being blocked by the six-ring flower, the offensive of these mutant eagles could not help but stagnate, and the attack formation became slightly chaotic. Then, as the fog contained in the six-ring flower began to spread in the sky, the mutant eagles in the fog became drowsy, no longer able to control their wings, and fell to the ground. The fastest eagle only rushed to three feet around Xu Qingfan, but did not pose any threat to Xu Qingfan.

After dealing with the mutant birds in the sky, Xu Qingfan did not stop, and his ten fingers flicked again. Countless six-pointed flowers emerged from his fingertips and fell to the southern wilderness with the wind. A gorgeous flower rain suddenly fell in the night sky of the southern wilderness, which was eye-catching.

After the six-pointed flowers fell to the ground, violent explosions sounded one after another. The densely packed mutant beasts on the ground let out a painful and angry roar, but as the fog spread, the roar gradually became shrill and desperate, which was even more sad in the desolate and dim night scene of the southern wilderness.

But Xu Qingfan did not move his expression. This was the fifth time he had done such a thing in three days. The heart that was originally a little panicked because of killing countless lives in succession has gradually become accustomed to it. He just kept persuading himself in his heart that the lives under his feet were just some beasts that had lost their minds. Keeping their lives would only allow them to harm more innocent people, and he could not be merciful. With this in mind, Xu Qingfan's fingers once again transformed into countless fiery flowers, which drifted down with the wind, ignited when they met the wind, and turned into a rain of fire that fell on the ground. Suddenly, the land of the Southern Wasteland under Xu Qingfan's feet turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the dark sky of the Southern Wasteland was set off in red. At this time, the mutant beasts, which had lost their minds in the fog, were no longer able to roar even though they were in the sea of ​​fire.

After doing all this, Xu Qingfan never stopped, nor did he look down at his feet again, and flew quickly to the southwest with the "Three-foot Green Silk".

This was the third day that Xu Qingfan had been exploring the Southern Wasteland with Bao Wei and others. In the past three days, the six people had penetrated thousands of miles in the southwest of the Southern Wasteland. The scene they saw was indeed as Xu Qingfan said. The more they went to the southwest of the Southern Wasteland, the more mutant beasts and mutant plants they encountered. Xu Qingfan and his team had encountered four waves of mutant beast attacks in just three days. But strangely, the mutated low-level monsters encountered last time never appeared again, and even ordinary monsters were not encountered. As for the traces of the "Nine Demonic Pearls" that were causing trouble, there was no trace at all. In the end, Xu Qingfan even suspected that he had made a wrong judgment.

Helpless in the vast area of ​​the Southern Wilderness, Bao Wei asked everyone to divide into four groups that day. Xu Qingfan, Lu Ziqing and Shang Nianyao, three disciples who had reached the Spiritual Silence period, searched in one direction alone, while Bao Wei led Xu Xiurong and Hou Wanjun to search in the southwest direction. If there was danger or any abnormality, they would use a magic tool that Bao Wei distributed to everyone to communicate with each other.

But a whole day passed, and everyone still did not find anything.

"Did I make a wrong judgment? But this kind of mutation is indeed more and more dense as you go to the southwest." Xu Qingfan thought secretly while releasing his spiritual sense to search in the Southern Wilderness under his feet. "If we go further, we will go deeper into the Southern Wilds. Could it be that the person who possesses the 'Nine Magic Beads' is in the depths of the Southern Wilds?"

This idea was rejected by Xu Qingfan as soon as he came up. Although the magic beads can demonize mortals, beasts, and even low-level monsters, it is extremely mysterious. However, in the depths of the Southern Wilds, there are human-level monsters everywhere, and there are often earth-level and even heaven-level monsters. When encountering these powerful monsters, even a cultivator in the Jindan period dare not guarantee that he can retreat unscathed. Although the owner of the magic beads can control those low-level monsters that he has demonized, he still has no resistance when facing these high-level monsters.

Just when Xu Qingfan was wondering, a flame-shaped waist badge hanging on his waist suddenly emitted a dazzling red light, and then turned into a red light, breaking away from Xu Qingfan's control and flying quickly into the distance.

Seeing the change in the waist badge, Xu Qingfan was slightly stunned, but he also controlled the "Three Zhang Qingling" to follow the waist badge and fly quickly into the distance.

This waist card is exactly the magic weapon that Bao Wei assigned to Xu Qingfan, called "Fire Totem". It is a human-level high-level auxiliary magic weapon. A set of six waist cards, one main and five pairs. It can be used to quickly summon companions or ask for help from companions, and even the person holding the main totem can sense the situation of other people through this magic weapon, which is extremely mysterious.

"Is someone in danger? Or has someone found any clues?" Xu Qingfan thought silently as he followed the waist card to fly far away.

About two incense sticks of time, the waist card that had been leading Xu Qingfan to fly suddenly lost its brilliance and fell far behind a hill. Xu Qingfan did not hesitate, and controlled the "Three-foot Green Silk" to slowly descend behind the hill. After landing, he saw Bao Wei put the "Fire Totem" into his sleeve. And Lu Ziqing and the other four had already stood quietly aside. Obviously, Xu Qingfan was the last one to arrive. Seeing that everyone was safe and sound, Xu Qingfan felt relieved and knew that someone must have found clues to the changes in the Southern Wilds.

"Please forgive me, I am late." Xu Qingfan said after landing.

"Nothing, you are the farthest from here, it is normal to be late, and it didn't take long." Bao Wei waved his hand and said.

Seeing that Bao Wei did not blame him, Xu Qingfan asked again: "May I ask what the senior called us for? Have you found any clues?"

Bao Wei nodded slightly and said, "Follow me." As he said that, a cloud of auspicious clouds rose from Bao Wei's feet, lifting Xu Qingfan and others slowly up to the top of the hill, and then pointed to the southwest and said, "Look there."

Following the direction pointed by Bao Wei, Xu Qingfan and others looked around, but saw that in the dark night sky of the Southern Wilds, there were abnormal flashes of light in the southwest. But because the distance was too far, it was unclear what those lights were, so Xu Qingfan and others cast "Sky Eye Technique" on themselves, and the scene in the distance finally became clear.

I saw a mountain stronghold built entirely of strange black wood rising from the ground dozens of miles away. It was nearly ten feet high and covered dozens of miles. It was majestic, but it also had a hint of danger and weirdness. There were people coming and going in the mountain stronghold, and it seemed that there were many people. Occasionally, there were several people who were nearly ten feet tall, dark-skinned, and had purple-blue flame totems on their foreheads. They were exactly the image of the mysterious man Xu Qingfan had seen before! ! There were more people of this image outside the mountain stronghold, riding mutated low-level monsters and wandering around the mountain stronghold under martial law. A rough count showed that there were nearly a thousand people.

And the little lights were emitted by the torches held by these people.

"Are those people the mysterious people my nephew had seen before?" Bao Wei asked.

Xu Qingfan nodded and said in a deep voice: "The image is very similar." Xu Qingfan's face was grim when he spoke. He did not expect the enemy's strength to be so strong. Let's not talk about the strength of those mysterious people. Just talking about these low-level mutant monsters, their strength is still above that of ordinary cultivators in the late stage of fasting.

"The image of the people I tracked before is the same. It seems that all of them have been demonized by the 'Nine Demon Pearls'." Bao Wei's face was also heavy. The person who mastered the magic pearl this time was very powerful. Even with Bao Wei's Jindan stage cultivation, he dared not say that he could deal with it.

Suddenly, Xu Qingfan found that there were many wooden pillar totems standing outside the gate of the mountain village, and each totem was engraved with different ghost images. One of the totems was particularly tall, and the eyes of the ghosts engraved on it even emitted a faint green light, which looked extremely weird. The other totems were not only much shorter than this totem, but the ghost images on the totems were also covered with traces of knife scratches and were completely destroyed. Moreover, these totems were also splashed with blood. The totems originally made of black wood turned dark red under the infiltration of blood.

"It's the barbarians!! They are barbarians!" Xu Qingfan said slowly after seeing these totems.

"These people are barbarians? How did my nephew know?" After hearing Xu Qingfan's words, Bao Wei asked curiously.

"From the wooden pillar totems in front of the village gate." Xu Qingfan said.

Then, Xu Qingfan told everyone about the barbarians.

Compared with the people in Xujiazhai who came to the Southern Wilderness because they could not bear the oppression of the imperial court in the mortal world, the barbarians are native to the Southern Wilderness. The barbarians who grew up in the dangerous environment of the Southern Wilderness are violent, aggressive, cruel and murderous. In fact, the name "barbarian" is just a general term for those native to the Southern Wilderness by the people of the Southern Wilderness. There are actually countless small tribes within the barbarians, and different tribes fight with each other all day long.

Unfortunately, although the individual combat effectiveness of the barbarians is very strong, they are just an uncivilized race, and they fight each other endlessly. As more and more people like Xu Qingfan's ancestors migrated from the Central Plains to the Southern Wilds, they had a fierce battle with the barbarians for the living space on the edge of the Southern Wilds. In the end, the barbarians were defeated and had no choice but to flee to the deeper part of the Southern Wilds where the environment was even worse.

As the traces of the barbarians became less and less, Xu Qingfan thought that the barbarians had disappeared in the depths of the Southern Wilds, but he didn't expect to see so many barbarians here again.

These wooden pillar totems are the symbols of different gods believed by each tribe in the barbarian tribe. When a barbarian tribe destroys another tribe, it will take the totem of the tribe it destroyed back to its own village, scratch the pattern on it, bury it in front of the village gate, and smear it with blood to show its strength. Moreover, the barbarians firmly believe that doing so will increase the power of the gods they believe in. The more totems there are in front of the door, the stronger they are. And there are hundreds of totems in front of the door of this barbarian gathering place. Could it be that this tribe has wiped out all other barbarian tribes in the Southern Wilderness?

When Xu Qingfan finished introducing the barbarian tribe, everyone suddenly realized, and Bao Wei praised: "Nephew is very knowledgeable, even I don't know these things."

"Senior, you are too kind. Not many people in the cultivation world know these things. It is normal for you not to know. And I have learned a little about these things because I have lived in the Southern Wilderness since I was a child." Xu Qingfan said with a faint smile.

Hearing Xu Qingfan's words, everyone on the field was surprised. You know, the impression of people from the Southern Wilds in everyone's mind is that they are barbaric and unintelligent. But looking at Xu Qingfan's elegant and calm temperament, how can he look like someone who grew up in the Southern Wilds?

ps: Today is the second update, 4,000 words. The third update will be before 11 o'clock.

In addition, I recommend a book by a friend, "Bomb Superman in Warcraft". A scientist, one unlucky night, traveled to the Warcraft world, accompanied by adventures, and began to make bombs for the woman he loved. Let's see how he plays with bombs in Warcraft? Let's see how he returns to his beloved woman?

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