The eighth year of Wu Zheng's coma.

On this day, the soul form of 'Zi Yang Zhen Yan' was so weak that it was invisible, as illusory as a wisp of green smoke, struggling to escape, and it seemed to have sensed its fate.

Although the light emitted by the Xuan Huang Pearl was weak, its tough attitude was so strong that even the most bizarre existence in the world could not resist it. At this time, the Xuan Huang Pearl was floating quietly beside Wu Zheng.

Wu Zheng's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened and two rays of divine light burst out, and he roared: "At this moment!"

Wu Zheng's gradually solidified soul suddenly broke through the light shield of the Xuan Huang Pearl, and in a flash, he came to the side of 'Zi Yang Zhen Yan', opened his mouth, and sucked the weak 'Zi Yang Zhen Yan' into his stomach.

The Xuan Huang Pearl also dimmed at the moment Wu Zheng rushed out, and disappeared in Wu Zheng's sea of ​​consciousness. No matter how Wu Zheng looked for it, there was no trace, but Wu Zheng knew clearly that the Xuan Huang Pearl was still in his sea of ​​consciousness.

There was no obstacle in the refining of the ‘Purple Sun True Flame’. At the moment when Wu Zheng was refining the ‘Purple Sun True Flame’, in the Dantian, above the fire attribute cyclone, a palm-sized flame was burning quietly, as if it existed here.

The sea of ​​consciousness completely belonged to Wu Zheng. Wu Zheng’s soul entered his body and instantly controlled his body. Wu Zheng checked his body and saw that the light on his body was flowing, like a beautiful jade. Wu Zheng was surprised. He had never exercised his body and had been sleeping in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He thought his body had withered! Unexpectedly, it was several times stronger than before. Wu Zheng understood what was going on. It was probably because of the Xuanhuang Pearl.

Wu Zheng took a look and found that the storage ring was still there. The light on it was intact. Obviously, this storage ring could be passed down in the Lingtian Secret Realm until now. It was definitely not an ordinary storage ring.

What Wu Zheng didn't know was that a general storage ring was only several times larger than a storage bag, but his storage ring had completely surpassed the general storage ring, with a space of several miles.

Unfortunately, the storage bag had completely disappeared. Wu Zheng took out a top-grade magic weapon from the storage ring, and when he looked at his body, the magic weapon sword broke with a sound. Wu Zheng then took out a spiritual weapon sword, and the spiritual sword only knocked a white mark on his body. As the light flowed on his body, even the white mark disappeared. Wu Zheng was overjoyed.

He quickly put all the fire attribute spiritual materials on the ground into the storage ring, and even put the storage ring on his finger. Now Wu Zheng has absolute strength to protect the storage ring. The ice and fire attribute cyclones are completely condensed. His combat power is close to that of a cultivator in the late Jindan period. Although his cultivation is still in the great perfection of the foundation building period, his strength is incomparable.

His figure flashed and disappeared as a stream of light. The next moment, he appeared on the shore of the magma. Xiaohua and other spiritual pets had already returned and were practicing on the shore. When they saw Wu Zheng, they were stunned and speechless.

"Big brother."

Nine seven or eight-year-old boys shouted in unison: "Boss."

Wu Zheng was moved. After several years, these spiritual pets could still wait like this. A conversation was a piece of cake. The nine golden giant pythons were now at the peak of the fourth stage, and Xiaohua was also at the middle stage of the fourth stage.

When Wu Zheng saw the way everyone was looking at him, he lowered his head and felt embarrassed. He actually ran out naked. Fortunately, there was a set of clothes in the storage space. He took it out and put on a green shirt. He was really a handsome young man.

Wu Zheng summoned the Hun Tian Ding. A boy of seven or eight years old sat on the Hun Tian Ding and greeted Xiao Hua and the others. Wu Zheng briefly introduced them to each other. Xiao Hua and the others were all strange beings in the world and had their own way of talking. At that moment, all the spirit pets had a good chat.

Wu Zheng took Xiao Hua and the others into the storage space of the Hun Tian Ding. There were several miles in radius. According to Xiao Tian, ​​the storage space in the Ding would increase as Wu Zheng's cultivation increased.

"Xiao Hua, you will live here in the future. Next, we will rush to Dingzhou. I haven't been back for many years!" Wu Zheng sighed.

"Boss, we will listen to you. It just so happens that we have a few secret techniques to practice. Now that the boss is back, we can take this time to practice well." The third brother said.

Xiao Hua and the others have lost the need to go out for training. There are very few fourth-level monsters in the Fengyun Mountains. Basically, they practice in the cave. It is quite difficult to find one. It is better to practice well here.

"Yes! You must call us when there is a fight." Since Lao Ba cultivated the fire attribute, his temper has become more and more irritable, and he is simply a fighting maniac.

"Well, okay, the boss still needs you to support me!" Wu Zheng said with a smile.

For some reason, Wu Zheng was eager to go back, and he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, as if something was about to happen.

But at this moment they were still in the territory of Qingzhou, and there were still hundreds of thousands of miles away from Dingzhou, so there was no rush.

But before leaving, there was one more thing to do. The 'Purple Sun True Flame' had been in Wu Zheng's sea of ​​consciousness for several years, and his vitality had already consumed 70% to 80%. With such a good geographical location, Wu Zheng had no reason to give up.

Summon the 'Purple Sun True Flame', put it on the magma, and tell him to practice on his own.

"Lao Ba, go find a monster beast, and we will have a good meal here first." Wu Zheng said to Lao Ba.

"Okay, wait a minute, boss. I'll be back soon." With a turn, the man disappeared, which was enough to show that he had made extraordinary progress in the past few years.

In less than an incense stick of time, Lao Ba came back with a huge 'fire tiger'!

Wu Zheng cleaned the 'fire tiger' and put all the monster materials into the storage ring. With a shake of his hand, the 'fire tiger', which was still raw just now, became fragrant in the blink of an eye!

Wu Zheng sprinkled seasoning on the several-meter-long 'fire tiger', and the sword energy in his hand was crisscrossed. The 'fire tiger' was divided into several parts and flew directly into the hands of the impatient spirit pets.

Although Wu Zheng's finger sword has not yet broken through the prototype of sword intent, it can still be used to simply cut animal meat.

Wu Zheng shook his hand, and several jars of spirit wine appeared in front of everyone, 'Hundred Flowers Brew', 'Immortal Drunk', and 'Hanbing Lie' brewed by Wu Zheng himself.

"The boss's cooking is still delicious, the meat roasted by the eighth is too unpalatable!" The sixth said in a baby voice.

The eighth smiled awkwardly: "Then you also eat very delicious!"

"Hehe, it will be better in the future! The boss roasts meat for us every day." The ninth said in a muffled voice while eating and drinking.

"Yes! The boss's cooking is still delicious, I will eat it every day in the future." The second said.

When Wu Zheng heard the conversation of the spirit pets, his face immediately turned black. This is the rhythm of using me as a coolie!

The group of people ate for half a day, and the third wiped his mouth, looking unsatisfied.

Wu Zheng only ate ten kilograms of the thousands of kilograms of 'fire tiger' meat, and the rest was eaten by the few of them. They were not full. I really don't know how their thin bodies can hold so many things.

Wu Zheng has forgotten the nature of their monsters.

After eating and drinking, Wu Zheng gave up practicing and fell asleep. For eight years, his consciousness was in operation for a long time. It would be a lie to say that he was not tired.

Xiaohua and others seemed to be influenced by Wu Zheng and gave up practicing collectively. If Wu Zheng was tired, Xiaohua and others were no worse than Wu Zheng. They worried about him for a long time after Wu Zheng disappeared.

At this time, when he saw Wu Zheng's return, his whole body and mind were relaxed. This kind of relaxation was a feeling he had never had in the past few years. It was a kind of spiritual relaxation.

This sleep lasted for a day and a night. All aspects of Wu Zheng's body returned to the best condition, and the pressure on his mind was swept away.

Three days later, the 'Purple Sun True Flame' recovered all its vitality, and the huge heat flow in the magma was weakened a lot.

"Xiaotian, can magma be stored in the Hun Tian Ding?" Wu Zheng looked at the magma and thought that such a good thing should not be wasted.

"Of course! But boss, what do you want the magma for?" Xiaotian also imitated Xiaohua and others to call Wu Zheng boss.

"Well, the mountain man has his own ingenious plan." Wu Zheng smiled mysteriously.

Wu Zheng took out the Hun Tian Ding and made a large pool of ten square meters in it. He pinched the spell with his hand, and a rolling torrent followed Wu Zheng's spell into the Hun Tian Ding.

It took a whole stick of incense to fill the pool made by Wu Zheng. Wu Zheng nodded with satisfaction. He wanted to make the Hun Tian Ding into a small world and put in all kinds of strange things between heaven and earth.

"Brothers, it's time to leave!" Wu Zheng looked at the place where he had stayed for nearly ten years and said with emotion.

Xiaohua and other pets naturally had no objection to Wu Zheng's words. At that time, Wu Zheng took Xiaohua and others into the Hun Tian Ding to practice, and set off alone.

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