Seize Genes

Chapter 141 The 6-Winged Seraph Arrives! !

A loud voice came from outside the window: "Listen to the masked man in the xx hotel, you are already surrounded, it is useless to resist, you are limited to three minutes, quickly release the hostages, and put down your weapons, hands Hold your head, come out and surrender, and strive for leniency..."

Zhanfei smiled lightly, and said to the system: "Wenxi, I still drive the system guidance, right? Do me a favor later."

The system didn't make a sound, and Zhanfei said: "You control the storage space of my left index finger. If there are bullets or other deadly objects shot at me, please help put them into the storage space."

With the terrifying reaction speed of the system, before the space energy is exhausted, Zhanfei is almost invincible, almost immortal.

The cold voice of the system came from his mind: "Sorry, the rules endowed by the bottom layer of the system hardware have regulations... This system cannot control the host's body to carry out any activities. The storage space of your left index finger belongs to a special organ. The system cannot manipulate it."

Zhanfei was surprised: "You can't control my body to do any activities?"

"Yes, otherwise this system has taken you away."

Lying down! !

"Moreover, this system can't create a brand new life individual to take over, it can only live in the host body. Otherwise, this system is already the most powerful biochemical person in the entire galaxy."

Well, the underlying rules of the broken system are indeed very powerful.

Zhan Fei said: "But, didn't you control the blood cells in my body to create many nano-robots? And when you were promoted to a higher level, didn't you also modify my body, control some organs in my body to speed up metabolism and All kinds of activities? Even, three new organs (skill bar, spare skill bar, storage space) were created on my body."

The voice of the system said: "That was authorized by the host. And it did not cause harm to the host's body outside the scope of mission punishment."

Zhan Fei nodded: "In other words. As long as you get my authorization, you can control my body and part of it?"

"Yes, but at the same time, contribution points must be consumed."

"Okay, for the next three minutes, I allow you to control the storage space in my left hand to protect me. If I get seriously injured, you can immediately repair my body. Is that okay?"

"Thirty contribution points."

"It's dark,

Buckle it. "

Zhanfei said these words, although he felt a little heartbroken to contribute points, but he felt a sense of peace of mind.

The integrity of the system is strong, and it has never been self-defeating. This is the biggest advantage of machine products - keep your word.

"Start to take over the host's storage space. In the next three minutes, the host will not be able to use the storage space." The voice of the system said.

At this moment, there was another roaring voice coming from the loudspeaker outside: "Listen, masked man in xx hotel, you still have half a minute..."

Before the words fell, there was a loud bang. There was a terrible sound from the door of this room. The door lock was blown open by a professional tool of directional blasting, and it was useless to lock it back.

Then with a bang, the door was kicked open, and several special police officers with firearms rushed in: "Don't move!!"

However, when the door was kicked open, Zhan Fei had already rushed out in one step, and jumped out of the window.

The besieged police outside were dumbfounded. He watched helplessly as the figure descended from the sky, jumping down from a height of 17 or 18 meters on the fifth floor.

so tall. If you fall, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured, right?

The armed police and the crowd below were all in a daze, and the commander forgot to give the order to shoot anesthesia bombs for a moment.

Then, watching Zhan Fei's feet fall firmly to the ground, his body sank slightly, and he stood up straight.

There was a sound of gasping around.

In an instant. There was a sound of click, click, and all the policemen's weapons were aimed in this direction. The face of the armed police commander with the trumpet changed. Wearing bulletproof vest with bulletproof helmet and bulletproof glass, standing behind the door of a car. Loudly said: "Don't move, raise your hands up!!"

Zhan Fei spread his hands and smiled softly: "Don't worry, I don't have a weapon in my hand."

However, even without weapons, the people around were tense. You know, I jumped from the fifth floor before, and nothing happened. And I also heard that beforehand, he jumped to the fifth floor above with a large living person who carried a hundred kilograms on his back. This is not a normal person at all.

"Raise your hands, squat down with your head covered, don't move!!" the armed police commander shouted.

At this time, on the window sill of the fifth floor above, there was also a small team of anti-riot special police, holding shields and weapons, lying on the window, all pointing their weapons at Zhanfei.

Zhan Fei's voice turned cold: "Mortal, how dare you point your weapon at me? Do you know the true identity of me?"

The corner of the armed police commander's mouth twitched slightly, thinking: "Isn't it possible to meet a psychotic lunatic? Or come out of some cult? That would be dangerous."

With a wave of his right hand, a negotiator next to him quickly stepped forward and said, "Young man, don't be impulsive...speak well if you have something to say."

Zhan Fei glanced around, and found that there were armed police, and there were many civilians in the distance. Although they were dispersed, there were tall buildings around. How could it be possible to completely seal off all places in a short period of time?

There are still people who are not afraid of death who are shooting this way with their mobile phones or high-definition dv in the distance. The police are going to persuade them to leave or confiscate them. And the commander of the armed police, the reason why he sent negotiators, was to stabilize Zhanfei first, let the people around him evacuate, and then fire an anesthesia bomb to stun him.

With his flying skills, he saw the tip of the iceberg. He knew that some powerful martial arts masters could predict and avoid bullets. Although the success rate of avoiding snipers is not high, what if the "masked master" cannot be hit? In case this seemingly "crazy" "masked master" is alarmed by the gunshots and breaks into the crowd in a frenzy, as long as innocent people get into trouble, or the police suffer heavy casualties, then his position will be lost.

Under such circumstances, everything should be on the safe side, and the commander of the armed police must not be like ordinary passionate youths, shoot before saying anything... unless the "masked bandit" is an ordinary person.

At this time, he secretly ordered the sniper, and gestured to issue good orders to his subordinates around him. Once Zhanfei made a fuss, he would first use anesthesia bombs to capture this particularly dangerous person. The special department of the country has special needs for this person. Once the sniping fails, they will definitely shoot randomly at the first time.

At the same time, when all kinds of preparations are made, let negotiators go to negotiate and recruit.

"Look around and find that you are surrounded. It's useless to resist. If you don't act rashly, we won't take drastic actions for the time being. If you dare to act rashly, we will have to take drastic actions. Young man , you are still young, even if you surrender, as long as you admit your mistakes with a good attitude, you may not have a chance of getting leniency..."

The negotiator is still babbling, looking unprofessional.

Zhan Fei said coldly: " don't seem to take what I said to you? Huh, this time I came to the mortal world to punish rape and eliminate evil, and to wipe out the evil spirits that cause harm to the world. ...Forget it, since you don't believe what I say, then I will let you see the true face of me!!"

As soon as Zhan Fei finished speaking, he grabbed his head with his left hand and pulled off the mask of Salted Egg Superman.

Showing a golden long hair, golden eyebrows, eyes exuding a faint golden light, a stern and handsome to the extreme white face, thin lips, he is unimaginably handsome, handsome and handsome in a mess, He is several times more handsome than any famous male star in the world after putting on make-up and on camera, enough to make countless nympho scream and shatter glass windows at the sight of him.

At the same time, with his right hand, he grabbed the white robe and accessories on his body, pulled hard, and with a sound of swiping, the white robe, mask and white coat were all put into the storage space with the help of the system, and disappeared out of thin air. not see.

Then, everyone took a look and gasped at the same time.

"I fork... this, this is not true?!!"

Countless people stared wide-eyed, whether it was the criminal police, armed police, special police, or ordinary civilians who were watching the situation from a distance, or hidden reporters, whether it was a commander or a sniper, etc. All the high-definition ground reconnaissance satellites that have passed have captured this scene.

The leaders who were secretly staring at the surveillance cameras to observe the situation here all had their eyes widened and their mouths opened slightly.

Three pairs of glowing wings.

Six wings blooming with soft white light slowly extended from Zhanfei's back. Each wing was 1.56 meters long, pure, white, and shining with light. Countless white fluorescent lights spilled into the air and slowly disappeared.

With the slight movement of the wings, a piece of angel feather fell down, and when it reached the ground, it shattered into countless fine particles of light, which also dissipated in the air.

Zhan Fei's long golden hair was shining, his whole body was glowing with a faint light, and a golden halo appeared above his head.

" an angel!!!"

"Six...six, seraphim?!!"

"This... how is this possible?!"

The tongues of the people around were all big, and the sound of gasping for air was accompanied by bursts of voiceless exclamations. (to be continued)

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