Seized by the System

Chapter 335: The rise and fall of the world, salted fish is responsible

Cang Gongzi took the dragon carp to take office. His demon body had no physical advantage, and he could not carry the fish tank like a black dog.

The chic look is the same.

After Fang Ning said goodbye to his son, there were no accidents for several days.

He was very happy about it, so he salted the fish for a few more days and played the game happily in the system space.

The uncle of the system continues all kinds of daily life, sometimes catching thieves, and sometimes under the remote positioning of the yellow dog, exterminating some strange ghosts.

From time to time, I also deliberately detour to the sea, read the game book, and show the caring heart of the system's father.

The game book went back and forth, apparently making the twelve-clawed octopus soaring and full of energy every day.

It is now full of self-confidence, with a humanoid lie detector Xie Dong, running around indifferently above the ocean.

While mediating the conflicts between different settlements of marine life, he endeavored to promote Xie Dong's concept of "the world rises and falls, salted fish is responsible" ...

It is ready to gather forces and try to fight the moon crisis next year with humans.

That's right, the fish in the sea is saltwater fish, and "salty" also means "all". This slogan is very appropriate.

For mankind, it is the rise and fall of the world. Everyone has a responsibility. For the Hai people, it has to be changed.

That's how Xie Dong explained it. It closed in full without question.

After presenting this improved slogan, Xie Dong relaxed.

He rides on two dolphins in turns every day, swims in the mountains and plays with water, and occasionally comes out to help the twelve claws determine whether the other party is talking or not, and goes to the sea banquet held by some sea monsters.

After all, the twelve claws are considered to be a powerful evil monster, and there are artifacts in the book, still quite valued, after the reputation comes out, often there are big monsters to associate with it.

The twelve claws are very conscious, even if they go to the banquet, they are also persuading the sea monsters to join their own rescue team.

But there are very few responders, and most sea monsters are more enthusiastic about it.

As soon as it talked about it, it calmed down.

Either look like "it's nothing to do, hang high", or say "the sky is falling and there is a human being on it", or "the humanity is finally going to be retaliated, which is really good news".

The twelve claws are puzzled.

So the big moon falls, the unlucky creature must be the intelligent creature in the sea first?

After all, the sea is so much larger than the 6 places.

At this time, shouldn't Hai people be more anxious than humans?

Xie Dong then explained it to him, he said that these big monsters are telling lies.

Disasters will certainly affect them, but they are all selfish and cold.

They are confident and powerful, and can easily survive after the moon falls. As for other weak sea clan, they will not control each other's life and death, they will be reborn.

In this case, it is impossible to expect them to consume their cultivation time, or even to waste their cultivation practices, to help resolve the crisis. So they will make up various reasons to refute.

Divine horses have nothing to do with themselves. It is enough for Divine horses to have humans ... all lies and lies.

The truth has hurt the twelve claws. For the first time, it realized how difficult it is to build an honest marine world.

It honestly asked Xie Dong what to do.

Xie Dong said confidently, "True great power will always exist in the ordinary" fish "."

Well, actually quite a few marine creatures are really not fish.

But the powerful have the power to set standards. According to human habits, such as whales and squids are not fish, they are also called fish.

Twelve claws immediately changed their strategy and turned to contact those little fish and shrimp, and the effect immediately changed.

These intelligent fishes and shrimps with certain thinking ability listened to this matter, combined with their own perception, and immediately knew that the other party was basically telling the truth.

After all, the changes in the sea water, they see it in their eyes every day, feel the same, suddenly panicked, one after another as the savior.

How can sea monsters of this level care about their lives?

Now there is such a thick elephant leg, it must be firmly held, and there are still twelve, everyone has a share ...

Xie Dong was very pleased to see this, and then returned to Ren Ruofeng for a periodic report.

In the report, he emphasized that under his hard work around the clock, he finally guided this destiny octopus to the line of uniting the bottom flat fish.

The next step for the opponent is to move the bottom-up Hai nationality to a great cause, move closer to us, learn our system, etc., just around the corner.

Ren Ruofeng replied two words: "Fake."

Xie Dong was shocked by the news, and immediately felt the IQ crush.

It is no wonder that the ancients would say "in the midst of planning, winning a thousand miles away", Ren Ruofeng, the truth is the first wise man, it really is amazing ...

He had to admit his mistakes honestly and went back to the new report.

The new report says that the octopus is very simple. He believes what he says. There is no difficulty. The other party is surprisingly obedient.

The opponent's force value is not bad, and there is a godsend to protect the body.

The book not only taught it from time to time, but also helped to fight, ruled out most crises, and escorted them, so he never encountered any danger.

Therefore, his daily work is to sit on two dolphins on a yacht, travel to the sea with peace of mind, see the beauty of each ocean, follow each other to visit different sea people, attend banquets in the sea, and taste various seafood.

Having lived with nothing, I greatly relaxed my self-reform and made a serious review of it.


Shenzhou Truth Office Headquarters Base.

Ren Ruofeng looked at Xie Donglai's new report with great jealousy. This little boy could actually turn a hard and dangerous assignment he had expected into a tour, and he really caught him, knowing that he should go out in person ... …

If it hadn't been a good acquaintance with His Holiness before, when I chatted online, I asked the other party for the exact news, and I really wanted to be the little boy's dog ...

Ren Ruofeng is jealous and jealous, but he is a rational person. Since the other party's task is completed, there is nothing to blame. It can only be said that he is lucky. He has a octopus that is really destined to live. Body, can solve worries and difficulties.

He continued to look at the details of the report from the other party, carefully made instructions, and guiding the Hai nationality was a big project, and he needed to do his work carefully and solidly.

Only by guiding well in advance can we establish a stable and long-term cooperative relationship with the other party in the future, so as not to be taken advantage of by others, leading to conflicts between people and people, that will inevitably be a catastrophe.

Now Ren Ruofeng's vision has been put into the world, and he has unconsciously begun to set up Shenzhou on the position of the head of the ball to demand himself.

While busy, a highly confidential phone call from a special office in one place suddenly came.

He answered the phone, and after hearing a few words, he stood up immediately and saw the importance of the news.

"What, there is a magical stele available? Will this be the next means of heaven?"

He suddenly thought of many things, and now began to make arrangements, dial the director's telephone line.


Somewhere in the Kunlun Mountains in the northwest of Shenzhou. Although Shenzhou is summer, this place is still snowy.

Somewhere in the snow-covered valley, there is a huge mess of snow and mud.

There is a peculiar black stone monument in the pit. The stone monument is about ten meters high. Neither the body of the monument nor the base that is hidden from the ground are engraved with any text patterns, and the shape is simple.

Black Dog Barrett, with a pair of sharp dog teeth, stared fiercely at the competitor in front of him, a young man with long sleeves and long sleeves.

"Boy, this big stele came from your grandfather Baili! Don't touch it!"

Gu didn't see it, and smiled faintly: "Oh, this brother Baili, this stone comes from Kunlun, Shenzhou, and it doesn't belong to me, of course, nor to you."

Barrett was very angry.

"Damn, why doesn't it belong to me? The dragon carp said that there should be Qizhen. I sniffed and smelled for half a month, and it took a lot of effort to plan it out from the ice and snow. This will be carried back Dedicated to the master, don't you want to stop me. "

Gu Buwei shook his head and said: "You can't carry it away, its birth is God's will, the sky is not allowed to move, no one can make it move."

Barrett shook the huge black dog head, expressing unbelief.

It turned a few times along the ten-meter-high stone monument, and felt that some of its heads were large, the monument was too large, and the space bracelet could not fit.

"It would be nice if Lao Huang was here," thought about it. He pulled out a domestic mobile phone from his space bracelet, and then dialed the phone of Huang Ba Xue Ba.

It also has a bit of arrogance, and can feel the power of the man in front of him. At this time, it is not easy to trouble the owner. First, call the big brother Huang, while carrying the stone tablet, he can also help him support it.

It dialed out, and within a minute, a yellow-haired dog came out of the snow.

The yellow dog shook the snow on his body, and when he saw the stone tablet, he immediately shined in his eyes.

"Hey, this stone tablet is destined to the owner. Our villa is missing a stone tablet to indicate the place."

The yellow dog claims ownership when it comes up.

Gu Buwei just looked at them lightly, without any restraining taste.

The yellow dog ignored the man at all. His body suddenly rose to a height of one hundred feet. Then he stretched out his front dog paw and went to mention this 10-meter-long stone tablet.

Compared with its current shape, this stone tablet is about the length of a chopstick.

However, when it was mentioned hard, it was almost dragged to the heel, but the stele was still.

You know, the strength of this claw must at least lift thousands of tons of heavy objects.

This stele is really extraordinary.

It took a deep breath, and suddenly a whirlwind started in the valley, and the snow and ice around them all fell like the snow in June.

Then it gripped the stele firmly with its claws, and its two strong hind limbs firmly grasped the ground, pushing upward again.

The black dog squatted down to cheer, "Yellow Brother, hard, cheer, I'm optimistic about you!"

However, the stone tablet is still intact!

The black dog looked dumbfounded, and Gu Bufan just smiled.

Huang Gou frowned, then retracted himself, and took out a mobile phone from the space bracelet on a dog's leg.

Gu Bufan saw this place, his smile disappeared, just shook his head.

Why did he shake his head? Because those two space bracelets are clearly Qimei's ...

It ’s okay to reward a dog. Now there is one dog. It ’s a real trick, and you ca n’t be too arrogant, or you ’re not as good as a dog.

But the local special agent who had heard the news long ago was lurking on the surrounding hills and looking down.

Upon seeing this, they all took a deep breath, this yellow fairy dog ​​is one of the two dragons of the Dragon Dragon Sovereign, and its high strength has reached the lake level!

And it, now turned into the original body of a hundred feet, just like Tengu's incarnation, even helpless to this stele? !

This must be a godsend!

They have passed the news to the Truth Office to know, and all they have to do now is to keep a close eye on the movement of the gods.

It doesn't matter if the stone tablet falls into the hands of the yellow fairy dog. The hero will definitely not take it for himself.

As long as both parties coordinate well, things will not run.

But if it fell into the hands of the Tianqingshan Guwei, he was taken back to the Tianqingshan, this matter would be troublesome.

It is conceivable that such a god-like thing should be like the innate magic weapons of mythology, each with great power and the existence of strategic weapons.

Not long after, the strong parties from all parties who got the news came one after another.

Many people have seen the true form of the yellow fairy for the second time, and they are still in awe. The first time was at the festival of heaven.

And such a powerful lake-level demon can't help but this simple black monument, it can be seen that there is absolutely something strange.

Many people think of this, and greed is rampant, but they know that it is basically impossible to fall into their own hands, so there is much discussion.

Someone secretly said at the moment: "It may be that this yellow fairy dog ​​is incapable of strength. After all, the dogs are not strong, and if the bear spirit of Raksha is estimated, it can be raised."

As soon as the man's voice fell, someone saw a giant bear running thousands of meters in the sky and exclaimed.

Xiong Ling Mishan touched his head and showed a simple and friendly smile to the people around him.

"Don't panic, I came here this time with your approval ~ ~ I didn't enter without permission."

After finishing speaking, it landed from the air, and then fell to the yellow dog.

"Yellow Gouzi, your host told me to let me come to help, you will take a break."

Huang Quan nodded, and it informed the owner just now that he could not pull the stone tablet.

It was the master's order that this bear spirit would come, and the master's majesty was visible.

Then everyone's eyes were all on this bear spirit.

The bear, famous for its strength, is also the Raksha Totem. Can it pull up this god-given stele?

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