Seized by the System

Chapter 343: Knock the fish thousands of times, its meaning is self-evident

Fang Ning had just left, Anderson said another thing, it was related to that Wang Lei.

He briefly mentioned the opponent's abilities, as well as the report he was doing.

After listening to it, Fang Ning was very happy and finally heard some good news.

With pleasure, he casually promised that as long as the test was successful, he would promote the other party to become deputy warden.

Anderson was ecstatic when he heard this, and this fart was right.

After the third floor of Long Mystery was put into use, he became a problem with the current power source.

Relying on gasoline power, although it is convenient, the warden doesn't care about the money, but it pollutes the air and affects the quality of life. After all, the secret area is not big. It seems that the warden is the person who pursues the quality of life.

After receiving the promise, Anderson thought to himself, hum, Lei Tian, ​​waiting to see.

Fang Ning walked out of the prison excitedly. After Anderson ’s experiment was completed, he did n’t have to worry about the uncle ’s power being cut off and successfully solved a handle. He would of course be excited.

The next one is how to solve the problem of losing the network, or a large local area network?

There are a lot of people in the Dragon Prison now, with more than 6,000 people. It is actually good to be a content producer during those leisure time.

The Dragon Prison is not enough, and two other places can be added in the future.

After the transformation of the Yin and Qi secret realm, it can live for hundreds of millions of people, but it is 100,000 square kilometers of land. If it is a yin and yang reconciliation, it must be extremely livable. .

In this way, haven't you solved all your worries?

Never worry about panic, no one will open a novel game for yourself.

Do n’t worry about your uncle breaking the internet ... No, you have to worry about it.

Fang Ning was confused, and soon thought of a strange place.

He immediately asked the uncle of the system: "You just said that Wang Lei was killed and gave you 60 million experience?"

System: "Yes? What do you want?"

Fang Ning wondered: "But Anderson just asked about his soul in the office. I remember you emphasized before that as long as the spirit enters the system cell, there is no experience. The last time Lei Tian was killed and killed by you Heaven resurrected, and entered the Dragon Prison only after taking the oath.

"Wang Leike has never had any oath. I can see clearly that he was directly killed by you."

Uncle System: "That's right, so I said it was a birthday gift from Heavenly Dad. My extra joy, I guess it will be gone today. Don't talk to me, I will pay attention to it."

I leaned on it, Fang Ning suddenly said nothing, "I don't believe it, there must be some reason that I don't know. There should be some similarities between Wang Lei and Lei Tian before this happens. Is it true Wang Lei? Already dead, now this is actually a combination of magic energy? "

Fang Ning opened his brain at random, and the system didn't care about him.

It is a pity that until the early hours of the next day, the uncle of the system never encountered such a good thing.

The rules of the system have not changed, and they are still the same. The soul captured in the system cell has no experience, and the two cannot be both.

The uncle of the system then returned to the farm villa in anguish.


The next day, three shots a day. The sun has flooded the courtyard of the villa, and the parthenocissus has opened the courtyard.

Fang Ning, who was still sleeping on the bed in the system lounge, was suddenly awakened by the sound of "bang bang" wooden fish.

"Uncle, when did you open the monastery building? I started knocking on the wooden fish early in the morning, which made people sleepless?"

"You have made two mistakes. First, I didn't open a monastery; second, it's not early in the morning, it's already 1 o'clock in the morning. I'm showing that you have been lazy again recently, is it that I don't care about you, and you forget to work overtime ? "

The voice of "Bangbang" kept on, forcing Fang Ning to get up quickly and he was very speechless.

He quickly said to the uncle: "You go out and have a look."

"What are you looking at? It won't affect me." The uncle of the system said.

Fang Ning said: "It will not affect you, it will affect me. You help me keep the sound out of the system space."

The system's uncle Zhen Zhen said: "Why do you want to stop? There is a free to help me wake you up, this wooden fish sound straight into the heart, just as the alarm clock."

Fang Ning vomited blood, but the uncle really calculated.

He said helplessly: "Now that I am awake and want to go to work, you let the knocking fish rush away and affect my work efficiency."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of Muyu disappeared from the system space.

Fang Ning was speechless, okay, Grandpa was so real that he wouldn't rush people. This was to be used for the next day.

Fang Ning could n’t, so he had to put out his ultimate weapon: "Hundreds of thousands of years of practice, borrowing the body for two hours, I have to see what is sacred?"

"It's all done if you said no earlier? Look at you, so polite."

System prompt: (The system suspends hosting status.)

Fang Ning was about to pass his body. He walked out of the bedroom aggressively, and followed the voice to find him.

He wanted to see, who is the guy who didn't open his eyes, and he dared to disturb Fang's uncle in the early morning!

Soon he found the other party.

It turned out that the other party was blocked at the gate of his own farm villa, but the gate was nearly a kilometer away from the bedroom of the villa.

I saw a middle-aged man in a black robe and long cloak, with his eyes closed, sitting cross-legged in the air, knocking on a golden wooden fish.

Fang Ning looked at it carefully, and the other party revealed a temperament that was difficult to tell, but he hadn't seen him before.

So Fang Tranquilly stood for a while without speaking immediately.

After a while, the sound of Muyu stopped automatically, and the middle-aged man opened his eyes and looked down at Ning.

Then he said with a smile: "Don Fang, don't come unharmed?"

Fang Ning nodded: "Hello Xiongtai greeting ... Wait, what do you call this seat?"

Fang Ning was appalled, but fortunately his uncle was able to control his expression in time, so he didn't show surprise.

No one has ever revealed his true identity, and the closest is only Anderson, but he still does not know the connection between himself and his true identity.

"Hehe," the middle-aged man smiled again, "Xia Kejia, whose surname is Fang, was awarded in the 30th day of the year, and he was awarded by the sky.

Fang Ning quickly retracted the system space and said to the uncle: "The big thing is not good, I got help, and I was found out ..."

The uncle of the system doesn't care: "Don't wear it, don't be afraid of a hammer? Do you think you wear it too few times? Not everyone else is afraid of me, so don't you wear them one by one?"

After listening to Fang Ning, his heart was certain.

After last night, he can be sure that the uncle of the system will not run, so he is still worried about a hammer?

Now that I have been bred, the high-ranking people in the ordinary people still have a substitute. I used to have a few fake identities. What is unreasonable?

Fang Ning calmed down, and he said, "Oh, it was Brother Zhi Nan ... Hey, are you the Master of Zhi Nan? Heard that he has nine wisdom avatars, don't you know which one you are?"

"Oh," the middle-aged man in black robe smiled again. "Every one is mentally difficult, and every one is not intellectually difficult."

Fang Ning had a headache, nnd, so annoying to fight with these guys, still playing games to save his brain ...

He said to the uncle: "This guy is the real gift from Heavenly Dad to you! Brush him, it is estimated that there can be 7-8 billion experience ..."

"Do not brush."

Fang Ning was surprised, and then hurriedly looked at the system map, but he couldn't find the guy on the map.

The map of Qicheng, but the favorability of "worship", can't even see a yellow dot.

"What's going on? Is he actually able to leave the system map?"

"You should answer this question." The system's uncle Zhen Zhen said in a word.

Halo, Fang Ning did not speak with Erbi, and once again talked to this wise master.

"The Devil Lord came to visit, but it made the cold house untethered ...... This place is the place where all the people are gathered, where all evils do not invade. It is really not suitable for the visit of the devil. , Let you go. "

Fang Ning said with awe.

"Oh," Zhi Nan shook his head and folded his hands together. "This saint is here to come to the donor to achieve a positive result. I have three volumes of the mantra, and I want to share it with the Venerable."

In the trough, Fang Ning heard the words, and three little birds flew overhead.

"Share" your uncle, the grandfather of Fang's family is not married yet, and does not want to be a monk.

Fang Ning shook his head and said: "This seat has its own way of cultivation. Throughout the sky, the three volumes of the Devil Lord's mantras should be taken by themselves."

"My three volumes of mantras can make everyone like a dragon, can make the world worry-free, and can cross all creatures out of the sea of ​​suffering. Doesn't Venerable want to hear it?"

The man in black robe looked at himself.

"Don't want to listen." Fang Ning shook his head directly.

Uh? A hint of surprise finally appeared on Zhi Nan's face.

He smiled a little later: "Then the San Sheng put it another way, learn these three volumes of mantras, no need to eat, no sleep, life is endless, as long as the world is happy, at your fingertips."

Fang Ning's face was suspicious, "Are you fooling yourself? If there are so many benefits, there are so many cultivation methods in the upper realm, all you have to learn is."

"Oh," Zhi Nan is a smile again, "Orange is Huai'an for oranges, and Huaibei is for oranges; the upper realm is only intellectually respected, and the realm is more interesting to life. Everbright, and His Holiness is suitable to be the successor of this classic. "

Fang Ning suddenly had a hint of curiosity and said, "You can show the three volumes of scriptures to this seat."

Zhi Nan didn't answer, but just pushed the golden wooden fish to Fang Ning, and then flew away.

"Knock the fish for thousands of times, and its meaning is self-evident."

Lying trough ...

Fang Ning grabbed the golden wooden fish floating in the air and stared weakly at the other person's back.

"Why can't this stupid bird brush?" Fang Ning

"I said, you answer."

Fang Ning went back with Muyu, and he met Zheng Dao, who was patrolling the formation.

Fang Ning moved, and asked, "Zheng Guanjia, did you hear any muyu just now?"

Zheng Dao looked puzzled: "I didn't hear it. Sovereign, aren't you holding Muyu? Could it be given to you by Bodhisattva?"

"It's not much difference. Well, you are busy. Recently, things are a little complicated. If you are too busy, you can recruit two or three men, and you should spend your own expenses as soon as possible." Fang Ning thought about it and asked.

"Thanks for caring." Zheng Dao retreated.

Fang Ning returned to the bedroom and then returned to the system space with the golden wooden fish.

Knocked ten thousand times, you must be sore.

Fang Ning figured it out, "Master Uncle, hasn't the two hours I bought just arrived yet?"

"No, only 2 minutes have passed. You want to continue using it with your body." The uncle of the system said fairly.

"Knock me for the wooden fish, can you knock 10,000 times in an hour and 4o minutes?"

"Yes, it's very easy." The uncle of the system swaggered, and then Muyu started to bang.

"Wait, let me put this Laozizi in the iron shop to knock on." Fang Ning said with his head covered.


A middle-aged man in black robe, after leaving the villain of Xia Kejia, then appeared in the garden of a southern city.

The flowers bloom here ~ ~ The stream is gurgling, and the bamboo forest was originally a good place for viewing. At this time, it is sparsely populated, and occasionally there are one or two. It is also mostly elderly people, and there are nostalgic eyes in their eyes.

"Oh, everyone in the world suffers, their skins ..."

He shook his head and smiled, and then walked to an old man in the evening, and said, "Old gentleman, I have three volumes of mantras, and I can save people from suffering. Would you like to hear it?"

The old man lost his eyes and nodded.

Zhi Nan smiled slightly, and he dictated while looking north.

Ha ha, Fang Shizhu, when you knock on the truth to appear, you must not extricate yourself ...

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