Seized by the System

Chapter 369: Lost again

In the Office of the General Counsel of the Truth Office, Ren Ruofeng and Xia Kejia looked at each other for a long time.

The other party has not spoken, which makes Ren Ruofeng a little strange, and he can't figure out what the other party is thinking.

Is His Holiness disappointed with his panic performance just now, so he doesn't want to speak?

He sighed uncontrollably, and the cultivation of this "eight winds still" needs to be improved.

At this point, I really have to look up to the venerable, so that others really do "Taishan collapsed and stayed the same".

Whether in the video or on-site observation, in countless dangerous situations, the other party has never panicked.

Shocked, shocked, shocked and disappointed, all kinds of emotions have never been insulated from each other.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before he finally heard Chivalrous A say: "Since Senior Ren has presided over the construction of the China Sky Network, it must be experienced. There must be some way to teach me, and I hope he can give me some advice."

Ren Ruofeng hurriedly said: "Sovereigns don't want to be like this, they are really guilty of daring not to be loyal. They are also willing to ask for their ears."

After speaking, he secretly felt helpless: His Holiness is good, this is the way of speaking.

It ’s an old saying, not all; it ’s a modern saying, the gap is quite big.

That is to say, he is very knowledgeable, Bogutong today, today is not the same as before ... in order to keep up with this dialogue style.

"In this case, let's not delay the time, let's start now."

Ren Ruofeng said right now: "Feng is willing to go to the great cause with His Holiness, and he will definitely give it to him."

He did not tell the other party that this Skynet's erection technology is one of the absolute secrets of China.

It ’s so much trust and risk that I can teach the other party so lightly.

He just knows that the existence of the other party has actually been united with China, and the two sides do not distinguish between each other. If they teach each other, they add another layer of solid protection to China ...


After nine days and nine nights, Ren Ruofeng was holding two big dark circles with a stubble on his face, and his eyes stared dumbly as Xia Kejia walked away from the window.

When the other person's back could no longer be seen, he stumbled under his feet and fell to the sofa behind him.

If you knew it already, you should n’t say that Shenma "give it away" ...

I knew that the Venerable had always saved the most time. He must have finished it all at once, and had no time to run back and forth to listen to his class.

Alas, a wise man will lose a lot if he is anxious. I have to think about more things.

Thinking of this, he sighed repeatedly, leaning his head against the sofa, his breath suddenly faint.

At this time, Officer Liu pushed the door in.

He is holding a cup of freshly made red robe, ready to refresh the consultant, former director and old boss.

After entering the door, he saw that the old superior was lying on the sofa in a very wrong state. He immediately leaned over to investigate the situation of the other party and immediately understood the situation.

"My God, Director Ren has been working for nine days in a row, but he is still exhausted in his post ... Alas, this year's truth will be selected by advanced workers. I will not accept anyone except Director.

He opened the door and yelled at the office area.

A crowd immediately came to watch, they all knew it.

Director Ren is not a hard-working master. Every time he works overtime, he is forced ... Who is forcing him to work overtime for nine days?

"Shouting, what kind of system, go back to work."

At this moment, a handsome young man came over.

He is Hong Yunqiao who has been in office for two months, and is reprimanding against the boiling office area.

Officer Liu shrunk his head and pointed inside, "Is the consultant fainted ..."

"He's pretending to be me again. His Changchun Gong can best improve his energy. Just nine days of overtime, what can he get tired?" Hong Yunqiao said disdainfully.

But no one noticed it, but there was a trace of nervousness in his eyes.

Everyone saw that he walked into the consultant's office as if nothing had happened, and then the door closed.

Hong Yunqiao walked quickly to Ren Ruofeng, frowning.

The old thing is just like two people nine days ago. This sloppy beard looks really unpleasant.

"Strange, he is also a pond-level strongman anyway, and his mind has been consumed to such an extent? This old thing has not been out of the office for nine days and nine nights. What the **** are he doing?"

He mumbled to himself, then reached out and held his chest, a greenish breath, and uploaded from his hand.

"Humph, old lady, I knew you were a man dressed as a woman, not an upside down. Because I taught you the Changchun Gong, men are useless."

Ren Ruofeng did not know when he was awake, he said lightly.

"Damn old guy, don't forget to count at this time. I shouldn't be soft-hearted and let you be exhausted here." After hearing this, Hong Yunjiao immediately guessed the whole story and hurriedly pushed away.

"Oh, I'm almost there now." After Ren Ruofeng finished speaking, he really fainted.

It's just this time that nobody cares about him ...


Qicheng Xiakejia Farm Villa, system space.

"Get up, don't sleep lazy, start learning." The uncle of the system yelled a guy who was in bed.

In the past nine days and nine nights, Ren Ruofeng worked hard, and the uncle just recorded the video.

The guy who really has to worry about whether the wish can be fulfilled, but under great pressure, chooses to paralyze himself for nine days with a novel ...

Fang Ning struggled to get up from the lounge, opened his computer video sleepily and watched it.

These precious video materials were taught by Ren Ruofeng in nine days and nights.

It's all about how to build Skynet. It can be said that it is one of the top secrets of China. Fang Ning knows the importance. Unlike the uncle of the system, this relationship is very important.

While studying, he asked some two strokes with anticipation: "You said there was a way to help me fulfill my wish ten days ago, what is the way? Hurry and tell me, I am very worried now."

"I don't see that you are worried, let's say this is not already being taught to you? Overtime study, just learn these video materials." The uncle of the system does not care.

Fang Ning was very puzzled and said: "You're giving me a calf again? How can I learn this, and how can Grandpa Galactica? The big body of tens of thousands of light-years. If I learn this video, can I put Skynet on others? "

"How about the big one? In hundreds of years of effort, I can be promoted to the sacred level. Every galaxy is in the palm of your hand. When the time comes to let you fulfill your wish, it's just a matter of hand." The uncle of the system is proud.

The proud grandfather of the system did not know that it was counterproductive.

"Lying trough ..." Fang Ning only felt that there were three crows flying above his head, and he was really pitted by these two strokes before closing himself.

Does it actually learn to scare itself with expression changes? What a scheming system.

It turned out that it was just a matter of heart.

Think about it, in a year, these two strokes can be promoted to the lake level, and can also pit a Demon King.

Whether it is intellectual difficulty or Ren Ruofeng, it actually far underestimates the real potential of the system uncle.

In my own panic, I didn't expect anything at all.

It has no bottlenecks in spiritual cultivation, and its realm is limited!

As long as there is enough experience and time to retreat, it will be infinitely powerful.

The only thing that may limit it is that the system rules may have so-called level caps.

But for this, in the future, there are ways to drill holes.

It seems that this new celestial heaven is really amazing, even knowing the upper limit of the ability of the uncle of the system, this will admit his own big wish.

I really haven't guessed my mistakes. Heavenly Dad looks at people, and it's not that anyone who makes a big wish can be recognized by it.

For myself, covering the Galaxy Skynet is a cowhide, but for the uncle of the system, it is only a very high level goal.

Although it is far-reaching, as long as there is time and experience, it is destined to be completed.

This is Heavenly Dad, Ken willingly gave the root of 30,000 merits ......

Everyone is willing to invest in a project destined to have high returns.

Fang Ning suddenly knew what was going on, and he was completely relieved.

He was so relieved that the nature of salted fish attacked immediately.

"It turns out that the hundreds of millions of my game book baby's experience is just a way for you. I can figure it out and teach you. I don't want to give it now ..." Fang Ning took it for granted, "Anyway, I Not a hero, you do n’t need a lot of money. "

"How can I be like a man?" The uncle of the system suddenly broke down angrily. "Obviously, I will help you to solve this big wish. You give me the experience, and you have to regret it? Can there be a little trust between people and the system?"

"No. Your method is too tiring. I might as well live freely for a thousand years. Anyway, before I could live at 80 years old, it was enough." Fang Ning said improperly.

Since he knew that he could live many "one thousand years", how could he be willing to live only one thousand years?

But the uncle of the system had scared him hard for a while, and he had to retaliate back ...

So Fang Ning was all over now, all revealed a rogue breath of "I'm salted fish what can you do" ...

"Uh ..." This time the uncle of the system was speechless.

Based on its knowledge of this guy, he is likely to do it.

Before, this guy said he wanted to practice the "Dream Skills" of Shenma. At that time, he was full of enthusiasm and stayed up all night.

After more than one month passed, there was no sound, no more text, it seems that never happened ...

It's really incredible.

Change to any other serious practitioner who can do this?

The uncle of the system had no choice but to say: "So what do you want? I have to tell you that the set of Skynet is very mysterious. You really need your soul to do it. What the heavenly heart is my heart, the heavenly heart is my people's will, and the heavenly people sense that It ’s a difficult one for me to learn, and it ’s cost-effective. Otherwise, why would I want you to learn it? ”

"Oh ~ ~ Then I will understand. I will learn what I should learn. I will give you the experience, but do n’t let me work overtime every day. I think that for hundreds of years, how can I learn to arrange it. Skynet, just take it slowly. "Fang Ning suddenly relieved after suppressing the uncle's arrogance.

He knew the importance, after all, he still had to rely on the uncle to eat.

"Well, you're right. It's easy to wait until your strength is high. I'm just seeing you expand a little recently, so I want to put some pressure on you." The uncle of the system finally admitted that it scared Fang Ning's real motivation.

"Look at you, that's how good it is. We two symbiosis, no one can leave, don't mind every day, I scared you a few days ago ... so this baby's experience can only give you half "" Fang Ning said seriously.

"Half is half. You call back the game book baby, it only listens to you now." The uncle of the system honestly said.

It's very puzzled, obviously it is reasonable, why does it seem to lose to this guy ...

It's inexplicable.

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