Seized by the System

Chapter 376: Age of myth

With just such a simple requirement, you can exchange three space equipments, as well as a large number of treasures that may exist in it. How could the uncle of the system refuse?

So, when the dragon stretched out its claws, the big bubble drifted slowly towards the man in the ancient robe lying on the ground, and then enveloped it in its entirety and lifted it from the bottom of the sea. .

After entering the bubble, the ancient robe man slowly stood up, first looked up at Qinglong.

Fang Ning immediately looked through the system perspective. Under the strong light, a lot of darkness was still dispersed in the gray trench.

I saw a kind face in this life, a round face, and the corners of the mouth rose upwards.

The cheeks are slightly red, making people feel infinitely warm.

The eyes are clear and the eyebrows are light, so that people can relax and relax at the first sight.

After Fang Ning saw this expression, an expression pack was automatically born in his mind. This expression pack is the famous funny brother ...

This guy, relying on this face alone, will become popular on the Internet in the future.

At this moment, after this funny brother straightened up, he closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath and then revealed a relaxed expression all over his body.

Then he smiled and said: "It feels good to be able to breathe freely. Thank you, the noble girl of the Celestial Clan, and this Mr. Real Dragon Supreme ..."

"Huh, what does this guy call us?" Fang Ning grasped the abnormality sensitively.

The system proudly said: "True Dragon Sovereign, haven't you heard? That should be the king of the real dragon. Do you think I should let the dragons of the three dragons pay tribute to me? Can't ask for their baby, but the lamp oil Ambergris, just their specialty, should pay tribute every year. "

"I think it's okay." Fang Ning agreed with him very much. He was waiting for the magic lamp ...

So the two guys settled the honorable true dragon destiny.

At this time, Daqingworm knew nothing about Daqinglong's proud abacus. It just asked: "Mr. Heshen, you have breathed a few more breaths, can you always let the fat fish return things to me?"

"This is of course." The man in the ancient robe nodded, then pointed at the lantern fish, "Dakang, return the jade ring to this noble girl of the Celestial Clan."

Lantern Fish dangled his chandelier and said, "Your benevolent God of the River God, are you talking about this golden jade ring, or this silver jade ring, or this bronze jade ring?"

"Uh ..." Tianhe Heshen was blocked back, one dragon and one worm, while looking at him strangely.

That vision has only one meaning, and your words are not good ...

He Shen said helplessly, "The three jade rings, all the jade rings, are returned to others."

"No, no, you can only ask for one." Lanternfish said uncharacteristically.

Well, it seems that the river **** fell into the pit he dug earlier ...

Lan Yuyu Dakang said before that it was the River God who taught him to speak this way, he could gain strength, and now the other party obviously has to persevere ...

Fang Ning lamented at this.

Tianhehe God had to persuade, "Dakang, do you have a greedy heart? I told you to be an honest fish, you always listen to me the most, and quickly return the jade ring to others."

Lantern Fish dangled the chandelier above his head and said, "Sorry, Lord Heshen, I originally planned to listen to you, but there was a voice that reminded me suddenly. If I listen to you, I will send it back directly to the three jade rings. to make……"

"Uh ..." He Shen immediately gave a big smile to the big green worm, "Well, I probably understand what happened now."

"What the **** is going on? It seems that your way of speaking is very strange, as if it was a human cartoon that I have seen." The big green worm shook its head, wondering.

"Oh, it's not like it was originally ..." He Shen's eyes squinted slightly to the right, revealing a really "funny" smile.

"Ah?" Fang Ning was very puzzled to hear that this guy was crushed in this trench. How did he communicate with the outside world and learn these things?

He quickly asked the uncle of the system to ask this question.

So Qinglong asked: "Mr. He Shen, please tell me the whole story carefully."

"Well, you don't ask, I would have said it too." He Shen lifted his robe in the bubble house and sat in the air, chatting.

"Seven years ago, the upper reaches of the Tianhe River disappeared, and I found the entrance to the world in the last dry water. After entering, I did n’t expect to fall into this place. Most of the mana loss was lost. Fortunately, I was also prepared to use only Remaining mana, activate the body shield to resist the external water pressure. After all, I am not a creature here, I am a golden carp in the upper realm, under the great damage of mana, it is definitely not possible to directly enter the deep water. "

"In the seven years I've been here, I slowly recovered my strength while making friends with this lantern fish. I taught it to start spiritual wisdom, name it Dakang, and cultivate the way of the river god. It was awakened last year. A talent, free to enter and leave the deep sea and shallow sea, regardless of changes in pressure. "

"So I let it learn the human knowledge of this world, its Morse light signal, the behavior of the river god, and my appearance, I learned from humans. Because I found a phenomenon, in In this world, as long as it can be red, there is power. "

Hearing this, Fang Ning couldn't help but have a deep doubt.

It seems this is not the first time.

He said to the uncle of the system: "Do you have a sense of familiarity?"

"Yes, he looks really ridiculous ..." The uncle answered the question.

"Your thoughts are so wonderful ... I mean what he said, do you think they are very similar to the three gods of Tianzhu? The latter is also attached to the earth myth, posing as gods of the Tianzhu people, and then gaining strength.

"Coincidentally, he is doing the same. They all get their strength through the myths and legends that accompany our human beings. I always feel that there is a big conspiracy." Fang Ning thought thoughtfully.

"Conspiracy? How can there be any conspiracy? I think they are too lazy to come up with new identities and want to take shortcuts. They don't say that about Black Dogs?" The uncle of the system disdain.

Fang Ning said silently: "Oh, one or two can say so. Now many of the upper powers choose to do this, which shows that there must be some reason why they have to do this."

"This is simple, you need to spend a little merit value and ask Heavenly Dad, it must know."

"Forget it, the value of Tian Dao merit is not easy to come by. Obviously, the value of Tian Dao merit cannot be brushed on this river god." Fang Ning refused.

"Why?" The uncle of the system is very strange, "Although he is a good person, but he hasn't said anything about it, Tian Dao does not distinguish between good and evil and right and evil, that is to say, the good people can get the merits of Tian Dao ..."

"I depend, I think you are going to be demonic. For good deeds, should good people brush them? The reason why we are a hero system is to strengthen the position of people, not the stand of heaven, otherwise, your system rules will be To collapse. "Fang Ningyi said seriously.

No way, the uncle is only a one-year-old child, so he must be able to let go of its ...

"Oh, I didn't want to brush him, you are misunderstanding me again, rich man," the uncle of the system insisted. "Since I don't understand, let's do the right thing and bring the three jade rings of Daqing back, you ask. Yes, it ’s a waste of time to talk nonsense. "

"Forget it, then follow the standard process."

"Standard process, what process?" The uncle of the system wondered.

Fang Ning said: "Let me come."

So Fang Ning controlled Qinglong and spoke to the big green insect god.

The big caterpillar nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then everything went according to the process ...

When the lantern fish Dakang reread the lines, the big green worm said very stiffly: "I dropped a bronze jade ring."

After listening to the lantern fish Dakang, he was very happy and said: "Well, you are really an honest bug ... that this golden one, and this silver one, will be given to you."

"Thank you." The big green worm watched the three jade rings pushed into the bubble by the fat fish, and rushed past.

I saw three jade rings as if they met their masters. They suddenly changed to a very small size, and easily fit on the legs of the big insects.

"Okay, an honest bug. I'm gone, goodbye."

After finishing talking, Dakang Yu swam away swiftly ...

It seems that the three jade rings of great value are not as useful as fishing two small fish and shrimp.

When Tianhe River God saw it, he was very embarrassed ...

"I'm so sorry, I guess Dakang has already understood the way of the river gods in this world. We can only do this before it can send things back. Fortunately, its nature is not greedy, so it can be solved so successfully. The legendary character can see through the key point at a glance. "He concealed his embarrassment.

"It's that simple?" Uncle System was still surprised.

"How complex do you think it can be? The legend of the river **** they play is in the legend, but that's a character of kindness." Fang Ning looked right.

"No wonder you said you have to follow the process. Why didn't you say it earlier? It's so troublesome to toss back and forth."

"For guys who don't understand the big picture, the three treasures are far less important to us than discovering the truth." Fang Ning thought thoughtfully.

"You fooled me again, baby is the most important thing, the truth can't be eaten or drunk. It's enough for them to discover if there is any rumor." The uncle of the system disdain.

Fang Ning ignored these two strokes, but continued to control Qinglong's body and asked, "Dare to ask this Mr. Heshen, why do you always call this true dragon supreme?"

"Oh, the true dragon patriarch 'Long Wu', often came to Tianhe to bathe and fish. He often blows me ... No, he often mentions the existence of the true dragon supreme. I sensed the strange dragon breath that you are not familiar with, and others I have seen. All true dragons are different, extremely authentic and pure, and their future potential is unmeasurable. Apart from the true dragon supreme that Long Wu said, can there be other dragons? "He Shen said confidently.

Fang Ning understood this completely.

Yes, this is the **** of the upper realm Tianhe, and it seems very familiar with the dragon clan.

After all, for Zhenlong, his Tianhe River God ~ ~ is actually a bathhouse.

The two sides met quite frankly ... He naturally knew the details of the true dragon best.

However, the true dragon clan leader "Dragon Wu", the real dragon supreme mentioned, does it really exist, or is it simply bragging?

Fang Ning sensitively found that there is much to do in it. A new era of mythology seems to be kicking off.

Only before things were decided, he decided not to say anything.

Now that things have arrived, let's get things done first.

"Master Uncle, come out to explore the surrounding space. There are just two traversers here to explain on site. Let's make a good understanding of their traversal process. This will be targeted and help Dao Dao to build Skynet in the future."

"Well, you are right, the rich man." The uncle of the system will naturally not refuse to deal with the matter, and he will be busy now.

I saw a long green dragon, dragged a big bubble, and a big light bulb, and began to explore in this deep and dark trench.

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