Seized by the System

Chapter 796: Fortune-telling

Fang Ning moves quickly this time, because it is related to whether he can play with peace of mind in the future ...

He soon thought that the uncle had grabbed a doorman in Tianqingshan, the name was, what was it called?

He seriously thought about it, and finally found that he really forgot.

"Huh, right, doesn't it mean that everyone can remember after cultivation? Is it a fake cultivation?" Fang Ning was very depressed.

"Uh, you finally have a sense of self-knowledge, you just eat it by taking medicine, of course, there is no such ability." Uncle gloated.

"It's nonsense, this is obviously the use of advancement and retreat. Just because I don't need to remember, so I did not cultivate this ability." Fang Ningqiang argued.

"Yeah, you never need to remember, ask me if you forget, and never give money." Uncle sorrowfully said.

"Don't be so stingy, tell me, A bucket, what is the name of the Tianqingshanmen you grabbed before?" Fang Ning appeased.

"Chen Tianxiao, all the work on the construction site is done, and now it is locked in the dragon prison to be moldy. Now the situation is turbulent, not many people are interested in playing games, the good things of gold brushing are gone, but the robot competition is still going on, the truth The funding of the office has been maintained, and the combat talents have been trained from it. "The uncle really explained the details one by one.

"It turned out to be him. I remembered that this kid was brutal and very bully and hard. You also made him a gold hoop. He would not dare to wear it. He wanted something that can be locked on the soul of the god. Then let him out, To help us inquire about the news, it is best to have a function of sharing vision. "Fang Ning said one after another.

"You think beautifully, I'm just a martial arts system, not so powerful, it is good to be able to bind the system, and want to share vision?" Uncle despised.

"You are really weak, then forget about it, let him come out regularly to report." Fang Ning retreated.

"I'm sorry, I'm actually very weak. You have to give me more money and give me more experience to become stronger ..." The uncle said sorrowfully.


Soon after, Fang Ning, accompanied by Anderson, met Chen Tianxiao in the Dragon Prison office.

After the uncle reminded, Fang Ning had recalled this guy.

In the past, he was a disciple of high-spirited, overbearing Tianqing Mountain, who reached the pond level at a young age, and was also a hero of the moment.

But like those guys who just had power and acted nonsensically, he was killed by the uncle ...

Thanks to his high qualifications, there is still some use. Instead of being destroyed by the soul, he was suppressed into the Dragon Prison and accepted the education of love and justice.

"Sin has seen the warden lord." Chen Tianxiao acted very honestly.

He is a fair-looking young man with a golden hoop on his head, which is very characteristic.

After spending more than two years in the Longwei Prison, he saw with his own eyes that countless powers could be imprisoned, but no one ever escaped.

Only the lucky sister, Mei Mei, was redeemed by relationship.

Other than that, he never saw anyone else going out.

There are demons, ghosts, monsters, immortals, gods, and practising morale ...

Everyone must be honest, and everyone must be obedient. Otherwise, they will have to be re-educated. It is really "ghost crying", and he does not know what torture tool Anderson used.

"Today, this seat gives you a chance to atone for your sins." Fang Ning said in an official tone.

"Please clarify that your sins are willing to work hard." Chen Tianxiao said quickly.

"Well, the task is very simple. This seat will let you go back to the teacher's gate. Your purpose is to find out why the Shangqing Mountain is so arrogant, even the gods and Buddhas of the upper realm are not in the eyes." Fang Ning ordered.

"Small to keep in mind, I will help you complete this task and find out the secret." Chen Tianxiao answered at the moment.

Even if the other party asked him to assassinate his ancestors, he would agree at this time.

This dark dragon prison, he didn't want to stay for a minute.

He was bored all day long, and at the thought of other brothers and sisters bravely advancing, one step a day, he was even more jealous.

He only regretted not being a good person before ...

Hypocrisy is still useful, at least not to be watched by these nosy guys.

He waited for a while, a sound of natural sound finally sounded.

"It's so good, you can go out now, by the way, remember to hide the gold hoop for you, don't let people find out, and the Tianqingshan Mountain Gate moved, moved to the moon land above the head, the highest above That mountain is. "Fang Ning finally ordered a few words, let the uncle released him.

He was not worried that this guy would leak the details of the system space. The cell area and other areas were completely isolated, and the core secret party had no chance to see it.


Chen Tian laughed and came out slowly. When he saw the sun outside, his eyes burst into tears.

He was not touched, but stimulated when he had not seen the sun for a long time.

Only then did he realize that his soul was tenacious, and he thought for a moment, suddenly realizing that he had not squatted for two years in prison.

All kinds of whiplash education, combined with the occasional performance of good medicine, at least let the spirit of the soul go a step further.

If we can find a suitable physical body, I believe there is still a chance to catch up with those brothers and sisters, and even come up later.

By the way, which flesh does Qi Mei use?

Thinking of this, he was jealous. I am afraid that the family would have arranged for her to have a good body ...

With a long sigh, he flew towards the land above his head.

In less time, he came to the land.

From a distance, it was desolate.

However, in the desolation, a hint of green appeared on the distant horizon, and it was vaguely visible that it was an extremely high mountain.

Since this is a flat continent, as long as it is condescending and its eyesight is strong, it will naturally be clear.

Chen Tianxiao thought for a while, this should be the highest peak in the mouth of the warden, the new mountain gate.

Then he flew towards the green mountain.

Just halfway through, I saw an acquaintance head on.

"Sister Chen, you are finally back. It's really gratifying." Gu Buwei said lightly, with no expression of He Xi on his face.

"Oh ~ ~ Brother Xie greeted him from afar. His brother was ashamed and failed to complete the important task of the division. Instead, he was deeply behind bars for many years, and he had to get out of it today."

"It's okay, Master Zu had expected it. Today is the time when you get out, so let me welcome you, so that you won't be taken advantage of by the enemy." Gu Bu said indifferently.

"Thank you Master for thinking about it." Chen Tianxiao suppressed the surprise in his heart. He had just been released and Shang Qingshan could count.

It seems that in the past two years, the other party's innate gods have been cultivated into a state of fascination, and it seems that they really cannot deceive the other party.

His heart was awe-inspiring, and he knew very well that the warden was a soft-hearted guy. Even if he couldn't finish the task, he would just ask for at least a few words, as long as he didn't do bad things.

On the contrary, the ancestor is not good. If anyone dares to betray him, the misery of the end cannot be imagined at all.

So he immediately said: "Ah, I also asked my brother to lead me to kneel to see my ancestor.

"Oh, okay." Gu Buwei didn't ask him where he was guilty, and led the way ahead.

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