Seized by the System

Chapter 799: Plague

It's very simple, because it has already become a **** iron body.

Of course, it can use spells to maintain buoyancy, but this will expose the true situation of its body, and let the young ladies of the Linghu family discover that it has not been a normal dog for a long time.

Because dogs naturally swim, who can use spells?

This situation is the same as the **** does not want to be found that he is not a man.

I don't know how long it has passed, and suddenly the lake water has turned black, even darker than it.

The range starts near the three young red foxes playing in the water.

what's going on?

The black dog, Zhang Er, the monk can't touch his head. It has always been a stupid dog. After turning into a reinforced iron bone, he felt his head became weaker and weaker.

If Lao Huang is here, I'm afraid I can immediately spot the problem.

And it will only run past in a panic, "slam" into the water, and at the same time apply a spell around the body.

"Well, no good, sisters, come back soon, this is the plague **** coming!" Snow White Fox suddenly anxiously shouted on the shore.

"What's going on? How can the Plague God find our trouble?" The spirit foxes were very puzzled.

At this time, countless dead fish have been flooded in the lake water. They are large and large, and more than half a meter are everywhere.

The fat and white fish body was originally a good ingredient, but now it is dark and inky, very smelly.

The three little red foxes, already rescued by the black iron dog, fled the lake in time and were in shock.

Before they came down, their strength had been greatly reduced, and they couldn't even maintain their human form, so that they could pass that space level.

According to the evaluation of the black dog, these young ladies and sisters of the Linghu tribe are only a little stronger than it and the yellow dog when they came down, that is, some bucket level, even the pond.

Therefore, it came to the point of eagerly suggesting to be a tour guide, but it was bad intentions, and wanted to rely on the hero to save the fox and win the heart, but did not expect that the strength of the family was gone, and the vision was still there.

Now that the hero saves the fox has finally succeeded, he didn't wait until he was secretly happy to hear the words that made it collapse.

"It's better to be the brother-in-law, arrange this strong black dog to follow us in advance, otherwise this time it will be troublesome." A red fox said with a lingering fear.

"Yeah, the brother-in-law is not only handsome, but also so gentle. It is really the protagonist in those fox fairy novels."

The black dog on the side was lying on the ground unhappy, anyway, no matter how hard I tried, it was the icing on the cake for the owner.

No, how can there be such a thought?

this is not right!

The black dog shook his head and expelled the idea.

At this time, the lake water continues to change.

Soon the vast and vast lake was completely darkened. Numerous creatures in the lake died, including several huge crocodiles, which were obviously mutated.

Obviously that online formula is effective, away from the water.

"What happened?" A familiar voice rang.

"Brother-in-law is here!" A group of foxes cried cheerfully.

Barrett quickly shook his tail and ran to the side of the knight, inviting credit: "Master, I rescued three little foxes."

"This is the case. The **** of plague has come. I suspect that it came to your world with the help of our sister's media." The white fox ran along and said his guess.

Xia Ke Jia looked at the lake in front of him, frowning.

No, this is the kind of **** who will retaliate innocently, or evil **** or evil god.

Fang Ning thought.

"Why don't you speak?" Uncle said strangely.

I said it long ago, so I hang and talk.

Fang Ning continued to think.

"Uh, you humans are careful." Uncle disdain.

Xia Ke Jia directed at the fox and the black goblin, stretched out his hand, and in the next moment, they all disappeared.

Dragon mystery.

"Huh, where is this?" A group of foxes suddenly looked at each other when they suddenly appeared on another grass, and they were surprised.

"This is the master's hand-held cave. He certainly didn't want the next war to threaten you before he brought you in." Black Dog quickly showed his knowledge.


The black dog immediately fell down.

At this time, there was a figure shrouded in shady scene above the lake outside.

"Xia Kejia? It's you, suppressing the distraction of Jinshen?" The black figure said coldly.

"How is it?" Chivalrous said disdainfully.

"You are very good, Jinshen is very strong. Although you only defeat him by one distraction, you are also proud, but you can only stop here." The black silhouette suddenly sneered.

"Is it? You suddenly appeared and killed a lake of souls. It seems that you have been warning the Moon God before this seat. You don't seem to have listened to it." Xia Kejia coldly said.

"Oh? Do you mean that we should obey your mortal rules? It's ridiculous. Doesn't mortals respect gods? Isn't this a matter of righteousness? Peeping at gods will bring about the scourge of killing. Isn't it wrong?" The black man is cold Cold road.

"It may be the case on your side, but our world is a civilized rule, a civilized world, not a place of ignorance, or a god, or a mortal, and the same rules must be observed on the earth, not to innocent People cannot rob others. "Xia Kejia said seriously.

"You are a wonderful flower, a strange flower that betrayed the strong man's position, you have a very high qualification, although Golden God's distraction is not strong, and is limited to your world, but if you can defeat him, it proves that you are also a god. Qualifications and qualifications, why do you help those mortals to speak? What is the benefit of helping them? Is it the way of punishment for you to do this? "Shady shadow said lightly.

There is no benefit in helping them, but so you can hunt you in a fair and honest manner, but it can bring great benefits.

Fang Ning vomited in his heart.

"You really don't plan to speak?" Uncle said depressedly ~ It just doesn't say who he loves.

Chivalrous A then said: "The way of heaven's punishment? What do you know? This seat is commanded by the heavens to protect the world, of course you will not understand, because you are selfish enough."

"It's ridiculous that God is selfish. Only in this way can eternity be achieved. The saints are the biggest thieves. They can be sanctified. There is only one selfless guy. That is the world that is plundered." The black figure sneered.

"The way is different, there is no match. Today you don't want to kill. You'd better leave this world. Otherwise, you will let your souls die, and you understand that in this world, someone will control you." Xia Kejia Righteousness is strict.

"It ’s ridiculous, it ’s really ridiculous. The way you choose to practice is destined to make you fall, and no one will remember you, because we will let mortals remember that you are an evil god, an involuntary, challenging the gods. Guy. "The black figure came here, and disappeared at once.

The whole lake became calm again, and the black faded away, just countless dead fish, signifying that a special event had just happened here. ?

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