Seized by the System

Chapter 801: God-Man Contract

"This universe is big enough, even far beyond the upper realm, and is still expanding indefinitely. Do the saints think about how to divide?" The woman in white suddenly asked.

"I'm just a little inferior god, a dirty **** that no one wants to see. Only dirty work is my turn. How could it be possible to know such a big thing?" The black figure said with a deep grievance.

The woman in white is dumb. Many mortals may think that the gods are relentless and ruthless. In fact, it is true except for a few gods. Most of them are more emotional than mortals. The difference is that they can be controlled at will according to the situation, except those evil gods. The gods never admit them.

Monsters, demons, evil spirits ... are their special names.

A few women in white said: "At least you have already done this, and after the final decision, you can rule at least one galaxy. A galaxy here is much larger than the millions of countries in the world."

"It's much bigger, but there is no creature, and even the smallest cell creature does not exist. It is extremely barren, but this is the treatment of those who were exiled." The black figure shook his head disdainfully.

"But you can create souls yourself." The woman in white persuaded.

Plague God is also very useful in the future, especially after she understands the essence of this world, microorganisms will be the object of the other party's rule.

She believes in each other and will soon find a foothold in this world.

Never underestimate any god. Any one of them has a brilliant legend in the past, and has the most savvy wisdom in the present, making the most suitable judgment for himself.

In short, it will definitely not be as stupid and arrogant as in the human myth of this world. The existence in those myths is only a symbol of their own superiors.

Jin Shen was defeated by that knight, but that was just a distraction from the other party. The next time, the other party ’s method would no longer work.

Another feature of the gods is that the life-saving ability is far more than mortal imagination.

A long life can make them do their best in this regard.

Unless there is no ray of life in the whole world, they will always be caught.

The black figure nodded and said: "Oh, you are not bad. The difference between here and the upper realm, I already know a little bit. Each galaxy is relatively independent and self-contained. Unlike the upper realm, it is divided into three realms. . If you are in charge of a galaxy, you can at least feel at ease, and you wo n’t have to be driven by those saints like before. "

"That's why, the humans here are really lucky, at least within our detection range, without their opponents. Unfortunately, they ushered in a revival of vitality, mythological era. Otherwise, they will certainly be able to promote the Protoss in the future. Exclaimed the woman in white.

"They will never have this opportunity again, ha ha ha, they can only rely on the protection of a few strong men, and the compassion of some good gods, live a decent life, but they will never be as infinite as before. Opportunities and possibilities for development. "The black figure shook his head.

"There are still variables. The saint, the Buddha, and the deity are too closely related to the Upper Realm Avenue. It is too difficult to cut. If it is not good, it may die with the world. Their biggest opponent is not others, it is themselves. The woman in white said lightly.

"The same is true, not to mention, the guy with the title of knightly knight is really powerful. Intuition tells me that even if the body comes, it is not his opponent under many restrictions. Fortunately, he is too stupid. His hands and feet were **** by a group of humans. Didn't he know that as long as he occupied this world and how many people he wanted, it would only be a matter of thought in the future. "The black silhouette lingered.

"I have carefully checked his origins. He should have come from the real dragon **** of the upper realm, attached to the mortals, and combined with the newly born heaven and earth, and concentrated on the power of heaven and earth, so it would be so powerful." The woman in white analyzed.

"It turns out that it's no wonder that you have to start from this heavenly way. This is a bottom draw." The black silhouette definitely said.

"In fact, this heavenly path has been arranged clearly for a long time, only the variable of knightly armor has emerged, giving it a chance to struggle, but it is only limited to this. As long as the chess piece is in place, everything will settle." Women's self-channel.

"His, that's the case, then you should pay attention to the robbery. You have destroyed the real dragon family's plans, they will retaliate in the future. I understand!" The black figure suddenly said suddenly.

"Please plague God clearly." The woman in white changed her face slightly.

"I once heard a mystery that the true dragon family has a legendary existence, the true dragon supreme. It is rumored that it will be reincarnated as a saint and will become the first saint after the reopening of heaven and earth. Could it fall on this person? ? "The black figure panicked.

"It turns out that. No wonder he never really failed. Even now, there is a **** who wants to reap his life, which is almost impossible. This is the so-called sage luck. The calculation of the true dragon family is really brilliant. They calculate. What turned out to be this new world, not the old world. "The woman in white said lightly.

"Damn, it's no wonder they sent me down, and it was dirty work. At this time, they offended the future saints. In the future, we will have a robbery." The black figure was very annoyed.

"It's just speculation from you and me. It's not integrated into this avenue of the world. It's unpredictable. It's not true." The woman in white said lightly.

"The same is true. At least he wants to be a saint. He has to ask the competitors first. If he does n’t make it, he will always be a saint in the future until the world is gone. There are also a few people like us in the upper realm. , A future Buddha King, has been waiting for heaven and earth to re-open and become a holy ancestor. The result is good. Heaven and earth will perish directly and there is no possibility of re-opening. "Miserable." The black figure gloated in misfortune.

"I will not mention this matter for the time being. I still have a small matter. Please help me one or two." The woman in white pleaded.

"Luna, but it doesn't matter."

"There is a master of mystery here ~ ~ It's very domineering. Benxian wanted to borrow this land to make a palace, but he was rejected by him." The women in white came one by one.

"That's easy to say, I let him suffer a plague, I believe he will understand the power of the gods." The black figure said from himself.

"It's so good. In this case, Ben Xian will have enough sincerity next time I go." The woman in white said with satisfaction.

"You don't have to be polite, put your hands up. If you can really rule a galaxy in the future, you will have to rely on the moon **** to turn a new moon and act as the lunar star." The black silhouette waved his hand.

"It will work for you." The woman in white nodded.

"Okay, look at the time. It's time to go to that place, and make a covenant with the defected demon-bodhisattva, and a few others," the black silhouette reminded.

"Go together."

In a few moments, the two **** avatars disappeared in the circular valley.

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